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InfoPath Integration Guide: InfoImage Form Conversion

Workflow Solutions
InfoPath Integration Reference Guide
© 2007 Unisys Corporation.
All rights reserved.
June 2007
Printed in USA
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Section 1.
Getting Started
Purpose ............................................................................................................. 1–1
Audience ........................................................................................................... 1–1
Prerequisites .................................................................................................... 1–1
Scope ................................................................................................................. 1–1
Introduction to InfoPath.................................................................................1–2
InfoPath Integration in InfoImage ................................................................1–2
Section 2.
Importing an InfoImage Form.......................................................................2–1
Using Sample Forms...................................................................................... 2–5
Deploying Forms ............................................................................................ 2–5
Form Files......................................................................................................... 2–5
InfoImage Form Files ................................................................. 2–5
InfoPath Form Files..................................................................... 2–6
Section 3.
Form Conversion
Conversion of InfoPath Form (XSN) to InfoImage Form (FRM) .............3–1
Conversion of InfoImage Form (FRM) to InfoPath Form (XSN) ............ 3–3
InfoImage and InfoPath Form Controls ..................................................... 3–4
Mapping of Supported Field Properties ................................ 3–4
Mapping of Supported Field Attributes ................................. 3–5
Mapping of Supported Data Types ........................................ 3–6
Unsupported Data Types ............................................................................. 3–6
Supported InfoImage Form Functions ................................... 3–7
Unsupported InfoImage Form Functions .............................. 3–7
Supported InfoPath Form Functions....................................... 3–8
Limitations .................................................................................... 3–8
InfoPath to InfoImage Form Format........................................................... 3–8
InfoImage to InfoPath Conversion............................................................ 3–10
Unsupported Controls of InfoPath Form .............................. 3–11
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..................................................................................................... 1
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Section 1
Getting Started
This section provides the following information:
A brief description of this document’s purpose, audience, prerequisites and scope.
An introduction to InfoPath and its capabilities.
The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions and supporting information for the
conversion of forms between InfoPath and InfoImage formats.
This guide is intended for InfoImage system administrators and others who create,
configure, and manage forms using InfoPath and InfoImage Forms Creator.
The InfoPath developer should be familiar with the concepts and operation of the
InfoImage Forms Creator. Refer to the Technical Overview Guide for a high-level
overview of InfoImage Workflow Domain Subsystem processes and InfoImage
Following are the required components:
Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003/2007 Service Pack 1
InfoImage Forms Creator
This guide is not intended to provide instructions for the Microsoft Office InfoPath
2003/2007. For information on this product, see the appropriate user guides or online
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Getting Started
Introduction to InfoPath
InfoPath 2003/2007, part of Microsoft Office 2003, enables you to build and deploy
solutions to address the needs of your Enterprise. It is a rich-client application for
enabling people to efficiently gather structured information as part of their business
InfoPath provides a dynamic forms-based environment that allows business data to be
collected and managed in XML. InfoPath allows reuse and repurpose of information
collected across business processes. The information captured in InfoPath forms can
be shared with any process that makes use of an XML (Extensible Markup Language)
schema. By building Web services with Visual Studio .NET and deploying on the
Windows Server System, InfoPath can be integrated into your business processes.
InfoPath Integration in InfoImage
InfoPath Integration offers a business solution that enables you to convert the forms
created in InfoPath to InfoImage forms format, which can then be introduced to
Workflow for processing. This component also enables the conversion of InfoImage
forms to InfoPath forms. Using this component, users can create and save forms
interchangeably with a limited set of controls supported on InfoPath forms. This
allows the users to use the rich and user-friendly interface provided by Microsoft
InfoPath to design the forms.
Using InfoImage Forms Creator, you can,
Import InfoPath forms (XSN)
Export InfoImage forms (FRM) to InfoPath
Using InfoPath, you can,
Import InfoImage forms (FRM)
For InfoPath Integration installation information, refer to the Installation and
Configuration Guide. For the InfoPath Integration registry settings, refer to the
Registry Reference Manual.
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Section 2
This section explains the various options available to convert forms in InfoPath and
InfoImage Forms Creator. In addition, it also provides information on sample files,
deploying form and form files. InfoPath Integration supports any 5.x InfoImage forms
for conversion.
Importing an InfoImage Form
You can import an InfoImage form using InfoPath. The InfoImage form (FRM) is
converted to an InfoPath form (XSN) format.
To import an InfoImage form,
In InfoPath 2003/2007, open the Design a Form task pane in design mode on the
File menu.
Click Import Form.
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3. In the Import Wizard, select "Unisys InfoImage Importer v7.0" in the list box and
click Next.
4. In the "Select the file to import" box, type the InfoImage form name or click
Browse to locate the InfoImage form to import.
5. Click Finish.
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6. When the form is imported successfully, click Close on the dialog box.
The InfoImage form (*.frm) is converted into an InfoPath form file (*.xsn) and is
displayed in the InfoPath design mode.
Click Save As to save the form with the required file name and location.
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Note: While converting, if any unsupported controls are detected in the form, an
error/warning message will be displayed.
Example: Information Message
This message is displayed when an InfoPath form is imported in InfoImage Forms
Creator. Press "Yes" to continue with the conversion. A similar message is
displayed when you import an InfoImage form in InfoPath.
Example: Warning Message
Press "Yes" to proceed with the conversion or "No" to exit the conversion.
Example: Error Message
For more information on error messages, refer to section Form Conversion in the
Troubleshooting Guide. You can import the form again after correcting it for the
unsupported controls.
Refer to the Conversion of InfoImage Form (FRM) to InfoPath Form (XSN) for more
For information on exporting to InfoImage forms, refer to the Forms Creator Help.
Using InfoImage Forms Creator, you can import an InfoPath form.
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Using Sample Forms
InfoImage product installation automatically creates the InfoPath Integration directory
structure and copies sample forms into the UeWI\SAMPLES\InfoPathIntegration
directory. Working samples are provided, that you may customize to meet your
Note: While performing a custom installation, you can choose to install sample
Sample Files
InfoPath to InfoImage Conversion
InfoImage to InfoPath Conversion
VB script file for forms containing user exits
Deploying Forms
To install the new form, refer to the Central Administration Console Online Help for
detailed instructions.
Form Files
InfoImage Form Files
The following table summarizes the various InfoImage form files and their
InfoImage Form
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Applies to all query and non-query forms (index) of
InfoImage. It provides the structure for the data in the
This is the one and only input file for conversion to
In case of User Exit, VB script file is also required
as an input file.
InfoPath Form Files
The following table summarizes the various InfoPath form files and their
Form Definition
A manifest file in XML format that contains information
about all of the other files and components, including
XML Schemas, business logic used in an InfoPath form.
Form Template
A compressed file format that defines the data
structure, appearance, and behavior of a form.
Extensible Style sheet Language (XSL) is an XML
vocabulary that defines the format of the data in the
resulting document. It is used to transform XML data
by means of a style sheet that defines presentation
An acronym for Extensible Markup Language that is
used by designers to create customized tags that
enable the definition, transmission, validation, and
interpretation of data between applications and
between organizations.
The output format that stores the field values.
XML Schema
An XML schema is a specification that defines the
structure of an XML document, including element
names and data types, the form definition and means
of data validation in a form.
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Section 3
Form Conversion
This section provides information on form conversion process and mapping of
Note: InfoPath Integration supports 5.2.1 or higher InfoImage forms for conversion.
Conversion of InfoPath Form (XSN) to InfoImage
Form (FRM)
On import of InfoPath form (in InfoImage Forms Creator), the IIFConverter is invoked
for conversion of InfoPath form (XSN). The IIFConverter reads the input form (*.xsn)
and converts into the output form (*.frm).
The following steps are involved in conversion process:
Extracts the InfoPath form (*.xsn) file
Reads the default view (*.xsl) from the XSF file
Reads the XSL file for the controls in the View
Checks for the controls, and displays error message for any unsupported controls
Creates the InfoImage form (*.frm) file
During the conversion process, the following files are extracted from *.xsn cabinet
File Type
XML manifest that describes the files that make up the solution.
XSLT style sheet that describes how each of the InfoPath Views should be
XML Schema files for the form and each of the data sources used.
Defines the data format in a form.
Custom Visual Basic script written by the developer.
The InfoPathToInfoImageConversion.log file is produced by the InfoPath-InfoImage
converter. This log file contains all the error messages found during conversion and is
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Form Conversion
located in the path set by TEMP/TMP Environment variable. If the path is not set, it will
be created under user profile Temp path.
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Form Conversion
Conversion of InfoImage Form (FRM) to InfoPath
Form (XSN)
On import of InfoImage form (using InfoPath) or export of InfoImage form (using
InfoImage Forms Creator), the IFPConverter is invoked to convert an InfoImage form
to an InfoPath form. The IFPConverter reads the input form (*.frm) and converts into
the output form (*.xsn).
The following steps are involved in the conversion process:
Reads InfoImage form (*.frm) file
Generates HTML format of the FRM file
Creates InfoPath Framework files
Checks for the controls and displays error message for any unsupported controls
Creates InfoPath form (*.xsn) for the supported controls and attributes
Opens the manifest.xsf in InfoPath (in the design mode)
In addition to the *.xsn file, during the conversion process, the XSF, XSL, XSD, XML,
VBS files are also created.
The InfoImageToInfoPathConversion.log file is produced by the InfoImage-InfoPath
converter. This log file contains all the error messages found during conversion and is
located in the path set by TEMP/TMP Environment variable. If the path is not set, it will
be created under user profile Temp path.
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Form Conversion
InfoImage and InfoPath Form Controls
InfoImage supports:
Standard InfoPath controls: Text Box, Drop-Down List Box, Check Box, Rich Text
InfoPath Data types: Text (string), Whole Number (integer), Decimal (double),
True/False (boolean), and, Date (date)
To avoid conversion errors, use only supported InfoPath controls and attributes when
designing forms in either InfoPath or InfoImage. There may be other limitations that
are not discussed in this guide.
Error messages are displayed if the conversion process detects unsupported controls
and attributes. For more information on error messages, refer to the Troubleshooting
Mapping of Supported Field Properties
The following table lists the supported field properties and mapping of InfoImage
Controls to InfoPath Controls.
Field Definitions of
InfoImage Form
Control Properties of InfoPath Form
Data tab ë Field Name
Size tab ë Width
Display tab • 'Limit text box to <number> characters'
Size tab ë Height
Standard Controls
Data tab ë Default Value ë Value
Data tab ë Rules
Data source attribute ë Default value
Advanced tab ë Screen Tip
Data tab ë Rules
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Form Conversion
Mapping of Supported Field Attributes
The following table provides the mapping of the supported attributes of InfoImage
form fields to InfoPath form attributes.
InfoImage Form
Field Attributes
InfoPath Form Field Attributes
Data tab ë Validation & Rules ë 'Cannot be blank'
Display Only
Display tab ë 'Read-only'
Right Justify
Display tab ë 'Alignment' ë Right
Data tab ë Rules
Data source attribute ë Right-click 'Add' (for Data Type True/False
(Boolean) ë Name and Default value
Group Tab
Advanced tab ë Access Key
Display tab ë Limit text box to
Retain Zeros
Data tab ë Data type (Whole Number (integer)) or Decimal
(double) ë Format ë None
Tools ë Form Options ë Open and Save tab ë Rules
Data source attribute ë Right-click 'Add' (for Data Type True/False
(Boolean) ë Name and Default value
Data source attribute ë Right-click 'Add' (for Data Type True/False
(Boolean) ë Name and Default value
No Echo
Data source attribute ë Right-click 'Add' (for Data Type True/False
(Boolean) ë Name and Default value
Data tab ë Rules
Background Color
Background Color is supported.
(Options • Form
Note: If individual lines in a page have different background
color, the background color for the first line will be applied to
the current page in the converted form.
Font Color
All colors are supported.
(Options • Font)
Field Border Color
If field borders have different colors, the bottom border color will
be applied to all the borders in the converted form.
Label and Text
Regardless of the font provided for Label and Text fields, it will
be replaced with the following font specifications in the
converted InfoPath or InfoImage forms:
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Font: Courier
Style: Regular
Size: 8 (InfoImage form) or 10 (InfoPath form)
Form Conversion
Mapping of Supported Data Types
The following table provides the mapping of supported InfoImage data types to
InfoPath controls and its data types:
Data Type of InfoImage Form
Controls of InfoPath Form
Text Box ë Text (string)
Text Box ë Whole Number (integer)
Text Box ë Whole Number (integer) or
Decimal (double) ë 'Currency' format
10-character, in mm/dd/yyyy format
Text Box ë Date (date)
Text Box ë Whole Number (integer) or
Decimal (double) ë 'Percentage' format
Text Box ë Decimal (double)
Check Box
memo field
Rich Text Box
Value List (Field • Attributes • Values)
Drop-Down List Box
Note: Except for yes/no, checkbox,
signature, memo, percent/currency
dropdown data types
Note: Most Controls on an InfoPath 2003/2007 form are associated with, or bound,
to a data source.
Unsupported Data Types
The following table provides mapping of the unsupported data types of InfoImage
form to InfoPath controls and its data types:
Data Type of InfoImage Form
Controls of InfoPath Form
No equivalent control
No equivalent control
currency dropdown
No equivalent control
percent dropdown
No equivalent control
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Form Conversion
Supported InfoImage Form Functions
The following InfoImage functions are supported in InfoPath form format.
Multi Page
Line break will be added as a separator in a multi-page form.
Supports only the 'less than' and 'greater than' condition value.
(Attribute • Range)
User Exit/Script
Supports the 'Field Exit' type.
(Attribute • User
On conversion, the script file is saved with the same name as of
the form name.
In InfoPath, the script is mapped to Properties ë Data Validation
ë Event ë On After Change
Supports the following message boxes:
Unsupported InfoImage Form Functions
The following InfoImage functions are not supported:
Binding - binds a form field to an image page
Image - associates image pages with a form
Table - defines fields as columns in a table
View - restricts user access to fields on the form, such as Read/Write, Read Only
Tip: Design the forms using the supported controls, attributes, and functions to
avoid errors during conversion.
For InfoImage Forms Creator limitations, refer to the System Internals Guide.
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Form Conversion
Supported InfoPath Form Functions
The following InfoPath functions are supported in InfoImage form format.
Supports only the default view.
Supports only the VB script file (*.vbs).
Visible Rows
On conversion, maximum of 18 rows are visible in a single
page form on a 15-inch monitor.
There are some restrictions for control attributes during form conversion from
InfoPath to InfoImage and vice versa. It is recommended that you read the following
limitations before designing a form in InfoPath or InfoImage to avoid errors during
InfoPath to InfoImage Form Format
Following are some of the restrictions for designing the InfoPath form, which will be
later converted to InfoImage form format.
Drop-Down List Box
The actual value of a Drop-Down List Box is used for InfoPath form conversion and the
display value is ignored.
InfoPath form with any Font characteristics will be converted to 'Courier' font in the
converted InfoImage form.
For successful InfoPath form conversion, the rule (action) in a formula can support up
to five dependent fields.
Group Tab
The different set of groups in an InfoPath form is converted to a single group in the
InfoImage form.
Label Color
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Form Conversion
Label color in an InfoPath form will be converted to Automatic (black) color in an
InfoImage form.
Memo field
Height of a Rich Text Box in an InfoPath form should be a minimum of 84 pixels (4
Page Size
When the converted InfoImage form is viewed on a PC with a 15-inch monitor, it
displays a maximum of 18 rows (in a normal window) or 31 rows (in a maximized
window) per page, although all the rows in the InfoPath form are converted. This is
due to the limitation of InfoImage Forms Creator, wherein the form page size is based
on the hardware (monitor size).
In an InfoPath form, only 'less than' and 'greater than' condition is supported. Condition
value must be an actual value and not a reference to a field's value.
User Exit Scripts
You can write custom VB script for user exit using only the FViewer_Load() and
FViewer_FieldExit() functions, which are called by all controls having User Exit
property in InfoImage. Refer to the Client Work Manager Interface Integration
Guide for details on writing form user exits for data exchange.
Note: Java Script and VBA are not supported by InfoPath.
For compatibility and conversion of scripts, a variable starting with "IFP_" is added
to the script name. These variables are later deleted when the form is converted
back to InfoImage form format.
The InfoPath user,
Should not use these variables for any operations.
Should not add variables starting with "IFP_".
If an InfoPath form has multiple Views, on conversion to InfoImage only the default
View is retained and other Views are ignored.
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Form Conversion
InfoImage to InfoPath Conversion
Following are some of the restrictions for designing the InfoImage form, which will be
later converted to InfoPath form format.
Attribute Name
The attributes names for controls are case-sensitive. The following is the list of the
attributes that are stored as XML attributes:
Attribute Name
Attribute in XML
Attribute Name
Attribute in XML
Note: While designing the form in InfoPath, make sure to use the exact case for
attribute names to avoid loss of data during form conversion.
Checkbox background color in an InfoImage form is not supported during conversion
to InfoPath form. Border color is supported.
Default Values
In addition to the default value for a field, other standard default values such as Date,
Time, and Username are also supported.
For successful InfoImage form to InfoPath form conversion,
Text control with default value for Username, Date and Time are supported.
Date control with default value for Date is supported.
Text combo box with default value for Username is supported. Date and Time is
not supported.
Date combo box with default value for Date is not supported.
Default value for Range From and Range To are not supported.
InfoImage form with any Font characteristics will be converted to 'Courier' font, tenpoint size, in the converted InfoPath form.
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Form Conversion
InfoImage form with copy property set for a memo field is ignored during conversion
to InfoPath form.
Retain Zeros
Retain zeros is not supported for currency while converting an InfoImage form to an
InfoPath form.
Unsupported Controls of InfoPath Form
The following InfoPath controls and properties are not supported in InfoImage:
Standard controls
Date Picker
List Box
Optional Button
Properties of Text Box, Drop-Down Box, and Check Box
Date and Time (dateTime)
Hyperlink (AnyURI)
Time (time)
Repeating and optional controls
File and picture controls
Advanced controls
Custom controls
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A set of structured data associated with a workitem, used to maintain standard
information about that workitem. Forms can be created using InfoImage Forms
Creator or InfoPath.
Forms Creator
An InfoImage software component used to create, design, and manipulate forms and
form views.
Form Definition (.XSF)
A manifest file in XML format that contains information about all of the other files and
components, including XML Schemas, and business logic used in a form.
Form Template (.XSN)
A compressed file format that defines the data structure, appearance, and behavior of
a form.
Form Viewer
An InfoImage program to displays forms. It runs in standalone mode to test new
Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003/2007 is a Microsoft Office System program that allows
users to design and fill out business forms.
Acronym for Unisys e-Workflow & Imaging.
A suite of Unisys products that enables the automation of document processing using
electronic media.
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This is based on the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) that allows transformation
and presentation of structured form data.
A form-specific display setting that can be saved with a form template and applied to
form data when the form is being filled out. Users can switch between views to
choose the amount of data shown in the form.
An acronym for Extensible Markup Language that is used by designers to create
customized tags that enable the definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation
of data between applications and between organizations.
The output format that stores the field values.
XML Schema (.XSD)
An XML schema is a specification that defines the structure of an XML document,
including element names and data types, the form definition and means of data
validation in a form.
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) is an XML vocabulary that defines the format of
the data in the resulting document. It is used to transform XML data by means of a
style sheet that defines presentation rules.
A World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard defining style sheets for (and in) XML.
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