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Financial Position Statement & Business Ethics

BU127 – Sep 18th 2023
Statement of financial position
Its purpose is to report the financial position (amount of assets, liabilities, and sharehoolders
equity) of an accounting entity at a particular point in time.
Assests = Liabilities + Shareholders equity
Assets – Economic resources (cash, inventory, buildings)
Liabilities – Financing from creditors (amounts owed to suppliers, employees, banks)
Shareholders equity – Financing from shareholders (Contributed capital, Retained earnings)
Annual report breakdown/Statement of Earnings
intangible asset Goodwill – recorded assets that are not physical, but give the business value
Purchase price – assets = Goodwill
Market cap
Ethics conduct
Ethics are standards of conduct for judging right from wrong, honest from dishonest behavior,
and fair from unfair practices
International misreporting of financial statements is both unethical and illegal
Many situations are less clear-cut and require that individuals weigh one moreal principle (eg.
Honesty) against another (e.g. loyalty to a friend)