,. r e:&t} t' i PRACTICAL ACCOUNTING PROBLEMS 'l:: ll ; II BUS]NEgS COMBINATION DATE OF ACQUISTTTON -: :-=.i... ACOUTSITTON OF NET ASSET5 AND ACOUTSTTTON OJ SOCKS PROBLEM 1. in manufacturirrg cars. On January !, ZOL3, the board of directors of the said company has declded'to acquire'the net assets of NOVA Corporation and RISE Corporation, quality iuppti.o of materlafu they use in production. The merger is expected to result in producing higher cars with lower total cost' STAR Corporation is a company involved the books of The deal was closed on February 29, 2013 and the following information was gathered from the entiLies: NOVA RISE P1,375,00C P390,000 P260,000 3,125,000 2,550;000 P2,940,000 1.700,000 P1.960,000 P210.000 780,200 10e.gqq zgorooo 940,000 P140,000 1,186,800 STAR Current assets Noncurrent assets Total assets P325 748,500 Common stock, P100 Additional Retained earninqs 176,500 I 1.250,00q P4.500,000 Totalequities 113,200 520,000 P1,960,00q common Star will lssue 22,500 of its common stock in,exchange for the net assets of Nova and 11,200 of its addition, .the stock in exchange for..the net asseti of Rise; the fair value of Star's shares is P150. In :, be :. following adjustrients shhuld '"' made: : .-ir r r Current assets cf floria and Rise have a fair rralue of P450,000 and P230,000 respectively' Noncurrent assets have a fair value of P2,150,000 and P1,975,000 for Nova and Rise, respectively' Compute for the following balances of Star Company-on the date ol acquisition: Stockholders'equlty A. 'P6,118,500 B. ,l ll! , l. ;i | i r.' ' '. P7,980,000 c. p:;+gs,soo '!' ' D. P9,615,000 . Assets A.' P10,290,000 c. P9,240,000 P10,500,000 P9,840,000 B. D. : l i ,. : F ?cqr- 2 PROBLEM '. Denim Co. merged into Kraft Corp. on-July 1, 20t3. In exchange. for fhe net assets at fair market value of Denim per Co, amounting lo P696,450 , |qaft issued.68,00fl crurmon shardi at P9 par value with a market price of P12 t, share. Out of pocket costs of the combination were as follows: fees for the contract of {gqitleelgrjEg.Egrelion combination Q[ :!99k issue- Printinq costs of stock certiFicates nccguntant's feg for Other direct cost of -- _.9!,qqq _ _1_4fq9_ pre dit - General and allocated Denim will pay an additionalcash conslderation of P455,000 in the event that Kraft's net'income will be equal or greater tlran P950,000 for the period ended December 31, 2013, At aquisition date, there is a high probability of ieaching the brget het income and the fair value of the additional ctrnslderation was determined to be P195,000. Actual net income for the period ended December 31, 2013 amounted to P1,250,000. The additional cash consideration was paid. What is the amount of goodwill to be recognizal in the statement of financial position as of December 31, 2013? A. P295,450 B. P308,500 c, P314,550 D. P326,550 . What is the amoun[,bf e*pense to be recognized.in the statement of comprehensive income for the year ' ' ended December 31, -. 2Oi3? :' '.. f A, P257,200 B. P517,200, . ' ,ri r :,: :ri" c,. P307,400 D. P412,500 :i. .'',r. PROBLEM 3. l, On October, 2OL3, Winner Corporation acquired all the assets and assumed all the liabilities of Getter Company by issuing 20,000 shares wlth a fair value of P67.5 per share and an obligation to pay a contingent consideration with a fair value of P750,000. followinq acquisltion related costs: In addition.. Winner oaid ,rid the following Other direct cost glgsqgiglig! F Yrnqeb The Statement of Flnanclal Position as of Septer.rber 30, 2013'ot Winner and Getter, together with the fair . market value of the assets and liabilities are presented below: '' Winner Value Fair Value Boolt Get ter Book Value Fair Value P640,000 P640,000 360,000 475,000 25,000 2,000,000 800,000 700,000 335,000 390,000 P35,.0!q ____P15.0!9 70,000 54,0!q 78,000 87,000 13,500 5,000 1,550,000 900.000 Cash Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses Land Building Equipment Gcodwill Total assets glqQ0q 723,000 *llr&000 585,000 361,500 300,000 P2,s00,000 360.000 P5,000,000 P5,750.000 312,500 937,500 2,000,000 1,000,000 750,000 312,500 980,000 Accounts payable Notes oavable Qpi!aLq!q4, s! per Adgitrslel pqrd ln capital RetaineC earninos Total equities 2,900.000 P 200,000 700,000 8s0.000 400,000 350,000 P2,500,000 P2,860,000 200,000 765.000 Compute for the balances that will be shown on the October 7, 2013 statement of financial position of the surviving company: Retained earnings / r A. P480,000 ' B. P54o,ooo ' .. , Q,. P526,000 '.;t,,r 1. ,. D. t- 'r . t .: P475,000' I ' t;r, ti / ,l assets i t.ri , , A. P7,015,000 ' , ,, B. P6,980r000 " n\ ' C. ')7,118,000 'n Total D.' t'l' .: l,r l '',,-, P,i,491,000. PROBLEM 4, The Statement of Financial Position of Luster Corporation on June 30, 2013 is presented belowt Current assets P32,s00 Land 4&ool Building Equipnqet TotalAssdts Liabilitles 5 par paid Additional in caoital Retaiqq{ qarnings Total esuities lqpitfgtock, Alt the assets and liabitities It 110,000 87,500 P450,000 87.s00 150,000 137,500 75,000 P450.000 of Luster assumed to approximate their fair values except for land and building. is estimated that the land have a fair value of P350,000 and the fair value of the building increased by P80,000. F t Ymc rl lL Kernel Corporation acqulred 80o/o of Luster's capital stock for P500;000. I I' . ./t , ' /:r' tl / f . | t : Assuming the consideration paid includes control premium of pt+Z,OOb, how much is the goodwill/(gain onacqui5ition)ontheconso|idatdfinancialstatement1. ' A. P6o,ooo B. P48,000 ,C. D. / .,'l ,I ' i l'/,,,'- : | ' P42,000 \.' ' ' i 't' | , )::,,.': 'it'l P50,000 of P23,000 and the fair value of the non goodwill/(gain on acquisition) on the consolidated controlling interest is PL22,750, how much is the Assurning the conslderation pald excludes control premium . financial statement? A. B. P78,250 P73,250 c. P69,500 i D. P74,750 Assuming the consideration paid includes control premium oF P37,000, how much is the goodwill/{gain on acquisition) on the consolidated financial statement? A. B. P43,250 P73,250 3: 533;li3 PROBLEM 5. Better Company has galned control over the operations of Calm Corporation by acquiring B5o/o of its outstanding capital stOck for P2,580,000. This amoutnt includes a control premium of P30,000. Acquisition expenses, direct and indirect, amounted to P83,000 and 42,000 respectively Booii value Calm Book Value Fair Value p3,541,500 Cash'l Accountii receivable 300.000 Inventorids ss0.000 rEll)r Land Buildinq Equlpment Goodwill Total assets Accounts pavable ![qtssp_eyable Capital stock, 50 par Additional paid in capital Retained earninos P128.000 325,C00 360,000 125,000 148,500 2,350,000 1,56o,ooo 300,000 9ze'q9! 558.000 L85q!9 300.000 P9,25!,.0!q 6/5.000 1.,1qq,000 PtgE9PW '- 253.000 730,000 800,000 3,400,000 1.575.000 g9-0,qq9 1,70_0.Qq0 477,040 P8.750.000 __Ba!g_0,q!9_ The following was ascertained on the date of acquisition for Calm . . Corporation: , The value of receivables and equioment has decreased by P25,000 and P14,000 respectively. The fair value of inventories is now P436,000 whereas the value of land and building has increased by P471,000 and P107,000 respectively. r There was an P738,000 unrecorded'accounts payable amounting to P27,000 and the fair vatue ol1 notes is' ) F lagc F Compute for the,following balances the date of business combination: to be presented in the consolidated statement of financial position Total assets A, P9,875,000 B, P10,093,000 c. D. r. P10,112,000 P9,215,000 Total shareholder's equity A. B. c. D, P7,000,000 P7,500,000 P8,200,000 P8,000,000 .l t,, PROBLEM 6. On January 2, ZOI3, the Statement of Financial Position of Pepper and Steak Company prior to the combination are: Co. 450,000 300,000 750,000 Pepper P Cash Inventories Property and equipment (net) Pjtoa.O.[a P 9o,0oo 150,000 45o,ooo Total Assets Current Liabilities Common Stock, P100 par Additional Paid in'Capital Retained Earnings Total Liabilities and Stockholder's 810,000 Equity . ruJ@*AgA , The fair value of Steakipompany's equiprnent Steak Co' P 15,000 30,000 105.000 PJ50000 P 15,000 15,000 3o,ooo 90.000 PJSg*AAA ls" FJ.53,Q.00, :i; 1.'Assuming Pepper,Conipany acquired:70o/o of the outstanding'common stock of Steak Company for P105,000 and Non-cohtrolling. interest. is measured at fair value of P61,000, how much is the goddwill (Oafn o.1 ,acquisitionf. ,. " rC. P(17,0001 P17,000 P23,100 D. P(23,100) ,4. "d. ]', I f, Assuming Pepper Company acquired B0o/o of the outstanding common stock of Steak Company for P136,800 and Non-controlling inierest is measured at Non-controlling interest's proportionate share of Steak Company's ldentifiable net assets, how much is the consolidated stockholder's equity on the date of acquisltion? A. P1,410,000 B. P1,419,600 c, D. ? PL,446,600 P1,456,200 Assumlng Pepper Company acquired 90o/o of the outstbnding common stock of Steak Company for P243,000 and Non-controlling interest is measured at fair value, how much is the total acquisition? r, consolidated assets on the date of A.P1,542,000 B, P1,785,000 c. Pt,737,000 D. P1,494,000 ! I ".'''' ?age I PROBLEM 7. Acquirer Company acquires 25o/o of Acqulred Company's comrfion stock for P190,00O cash and carries the investment using the cost method. After three fnonths, Parent purchases another 600/o of Subsidiary's cornmon stock for P540,000. On this date, acquired company reports identifiable net assets with carrying value of P720,000 and fair value of P920,000. The liabilities of the acquired company has a book value and a fair value of P280,000. The fair value of the 15o/o non-controlling interest is P125,000. How much is the goodwill or (gain on acquisition) .A P(17,000) B, P250,000 C; P(30.000) D. P263,00d PROBLEM 8. Condensed statements of financial position of Care Corp; and Charm Corp. as as foflows: ,) Care Current assets Noncurrent assets Total assets Liabilities Common stocks, P20 par Additional Paid-in capital P P225,000 P 122,500 P P 16.2s0 137,500 750 Retained s00 ,, Charm 16,250 106,250 P 43,750 181,250 of Decernber 31, 2012 are 8,750 75,000 6,250 32,500 l!, On January 1, 2013, Care Corp. lssued 8,750 stocks with a market value of PZ5/share for the assets and liabilities df Charm Corp. The book value reflects the fair value of the assets and liabilities, except that the .noncurrent assets of Charm has a temporary appraisal of P157,500 and the noncurrent ass€t-i; of Care are overstate(.. by P7,500. Contingent consideration, which is p8,500 and other determinable, ts eqLal to p3,750. Care also Wj-io, th,e stock isiuance costs worth acquisition costs arhb{nting to P4,750, '/ On March 1, 2013 thd"tontingent consideration hijs a determihable amount of P5,000. On :urlC / 2013, the provisional fair value of the noncurrent assets of Charm increased by P2,250. How much is the combined total assets at the end of 2013? ts, P435,500 P443,000 c. P442,000 ? P4442s0 A, tt ./ -end of handouts'I t 'i a I ,I t,