Account number: 2325812382 ■ January 1, 2015-January 31,2015 a Page 2 of 3 I WELLS I FARGO Ovordraft Protection This account is rot cufrenlly covered by Overdrall Proleclioa. if you would litre more inlormalion rogarding Overdraft Protection and elcgibii'ly reyuirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Welts Pargo store. Transaction history Cnec* Pile ^'urneer Pescrrpfion f/30 Deposits/ WitOifroivals^ Cieois DeChts EMing da;'; bittii'Ke Monthly Service Pee 9.972.00 Ending balance on 1/31 9.972.00 The Ending D,vl/ BeUiiice does not roHecl eny pendtng wrfrtr/rawa/s or holds on deposited tunds that may have boon outstanding on yov account ivnen your Irarisaclions posted, dyou had msuflioeni avei'aoie turds nnena transaction poslod. lues may have been assessed Monthly service fee summary For a complete list ol fees and detailed account informeiion, please see the Wells Fargo Fee and Informalion Schedule and Account Agreomerl applicalile to your account or talk 1o a banker. Go to lo find answers lo common questions aooul the monthly service fee on your account. Fee pence 20:5• 01;31'2Qt5 Slaroaro Standard rnonthiy monthly service fee Sld.OO How to avoid the monthly service toe (eomplele 1 AND 2) Mimmum Minimum required You paid 514.00 This fee perrod 11 Have any ONE ot the fol!o<ving accouri requirements ' Average ledger balance ' Quaiifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services account • Qualifying transaction from a imlked Wells Fargo Merchant Services account ' Total auiomalc transfers lo an eligible Weils Fargo business savings account Linked Direct Pay Service through Wells Fargo Business Online Combmeo balances in Imked accounis. whicn may mdude S7.S0O.00 $9,986.00 E] 1 0O 1 S150.CQ 0□ SO.OO □ 1 0 Q S10.000.CO El 3 □ • Average ledger balances m business checking, savings, and time accounis - Most recent statement balance ol business credit card, Wells Fargo Secured Credit Card. BusinessLine' line ol credit. Secured BusinessLlne' line o! credit. Wells Fargo Enpress Equity line of credit, and Weits Fargo BuslnessLoan term loan - Combined average daily oaiances from tne previous month for Business PnmeLoan'". Wells Fargo Express Equity' loan. Wells Fargo Express Reli loan. Wells Fargo Purchase Advantage ' loan. Wells Fargo Small Business Advantage line ol credil, Equipment Express' loan, and Equipment Express' Single Even I loan 2) Complete the peckage requirements ' Have qualifying linked accounis or services in separate categones' 'Includes Weils Fargo business accounts and services such as debit card, savings accounts, active Ortlme Banking, credit card, loans and lines ol credit. wu IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION Thu following informalion is provided to holp clarify an existing Ice waiver associated with Overdraft fCOS. The benefit has not Changed. At Iho end ol our nightly processing, if both your ending daily account balance and your available balance are overdrawn by SS or loss, any overdrall Fee(s| will be waived. This fco waiver is associated with your total overdrawn balance, not the dollar size ol the lians(iction(s) contributing to the overdrawn balance Gold Business Services Package Account number: 2325812382 ■ April 1, 2015 - April 30. 2015 ■ Page 1 of 3 Questions? ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL GREENWICH CT 06830-5538 Availatio by phono 24 hours a bay. 7 days a week; Telccomriiunicaliuns Relay Services calls armpied 1-800-CALL-WELLS (l-800-225-69351 TTY: 1-800-877-4833 En ospoM: 1-877.337-7454 Online: wellsfargo.convbiz Wntc: VVeilsFargo8ank,N.A.(22l) P.O. Box 6995 Portland. OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans yuu establish today will shape your uusincss(ar into the (utiirc. The hoart of the planning process is your business plan. Take the time now to build a strong foundation. Find out more at'busiress-planning services with your accounlls). Go 10 wet/sfergo.corrvtiiz 0' eel' Hw number bdovo ityou have euesiions on!you tvoukf A check mark in lliu box moicaies you have these convenient like to aM new services. Business Online Banking ^ Online S'.alemenis Business Bill Pay Activity summary ^ Overdrall Protection O Account number; 2325B12382 Beginning balance on 4.'1 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC OeposiisrCredits Cormecticul accouiir lerms end conditions apply vVitndrawais'Debits For Direct Deposit use Ending balance on 4/30 Routing Numbei(RTN) 0211011C8 For Wire Translers use Average ledger balance this penod Routing Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered By Overdrall Protection. If you would tike more information regarding Overdrall Protection and eligibilily requirements please call me number listed on your slatemenl or visit your Welts Fargo store. ^ Business Spending Repon Account number; 2325812382 ■April1.2015-Apftl30.2015 BPageZofS WELLS FARGO Transaction history Cht'CA Date fJumoer Descnpuon 4/30 Deposits' 'Mihora'va.'s.' Credits Debits Monuilv Service Fee Enang daily balance 14,00 60.50 Ending balance on 4/30 60.50 Tnc Bidirg Daily Balnnco does not fetlect any pandmij mlhdrawals orliolds on deposited funds tlial rnuy have been oulstandimj an your nacuiml nhen your Irensaclfons posted, if you had "Mu'toetir avadabte funds tv/isn a hunsaclion posted, loos may have boon assossod. Monthly service fee summary For ,1 complete lisl of lees and detailed account inlormaiion. please see ine Wells Fargo Fee and lnformai>on Schedule and Account Agreement appiicaBle to your account or talk lo a banker. Go to lo find answers lo common questions about the monthly service fee on your account. Feepenod 04;01f20tS • l>t'30/2I}1S Slart^rd monlNy service lee S14.00 You paid 1^4-00 Minimum required This fee period How lo avoid the montltly service lee (eompleto 1 AND 7) 1) Have any ONE of the follo'.ving account requirements ' ' ' ' ' Average ledger balance Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services account Qualifying transaction Irom a linked Wells Fargo Merchant Services account Total aulomaticlianslers to an eligible Wetis Fargo business savings account Linked Direct Pay Service mrough Wells Fargo Business Online Combined balances m linked accounts, whicn may mdude S7.500.00 i 1 S1SO.OO I $10,000.00 $75.00 □ 0 Q OO SO.OO O 0Q 0 - Average ledger b.nlances m business checking, savings, and lime accounts - Most recent statement balance ol business credit card. Wells Fargo Secured Credit Card. BusmessLine' lute ol credit. Secured BusmessLina' line of credit. Wells Fargo Express Equity' line ol credit, and Wells Fargo BusinessLoan' term loan • Combined average daily balances Irom the previous monlli lor Business PnmeLoan". Wells Fargo Express Equity' loan, Wells Fargo Express Refi" loan. Wells Fargo Purchase Advantage " loan, Wells Fargo Small Business Advantage' line of credit. Equipment Express' loan, and Equipment Express' Single Even I loan 2| Complete tlte package requirements Have Quaiilying linked accPunis or services in separate categones' 3 [ 'Induces Weils Fargo dusness accounts and sen/ices sucrt as debit card, savings accounts, adivo Online Banking, credit caro. loans and imes of credit. IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION Elfccljve May 1s(. 20tS, the total amount ol aulomatic transfers each statement cydo front mis account lo a Wells Fargo Business Markul Rale Savings account required to waive this account's monthly service fee is changing from SISO lo S25. You can find additional details aboul now to ijualify for a waiver of the monthly service tee in me 'Monthly service lee summaiy' section uf your siatemenL If you havo questions about this cnange, or would like a complimunlary Imancial review to ensure that yuu have ihc right accounts lo mout your financial goals, pleasQ contact your local banker or call tho phuiiu number listed at the top of your staicmunl. Gold Business Services Package Account number: 2325812382 ■ May 1, 2015 - May 31, 2015 ■ Page1of4 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a boy. 7 beys a week: Telecommunications Relay Services calls accepleO ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL 1.800-CALL-WELLS {1-800-225-5935) GREENWICH 01 06830-5638 TTV;1-800-877-4933 En espahol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: Wiile: Weils Fargo Bank, N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Weils Fargo Account options The plans you establish today will shape your business tar into the future. The heart of the planning process Is your business plan. Take the time row to build a strong foundation. Find out more a; senncos with your accountls). Go to or call the number above if you have questions or if you wouib A check mark in the box indicaies you nave those conveniont like to add new sernces. Business Online Banking Online Slalements Business Bill Pay Business Spending Report Overdraft Protection Account number: 2325812382 Activity summary ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Beginning balance on S/1 Deposits/Credits Withdrawals/Debits 10.320.49 - 10,334.49 Ending balance on S/31 Connecticut accounl lerms and conditions apply For Direcl Deposit use Routing Number(RTN): 021101106 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period S1.703.09 Routing Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Prelection. If you would like more informalloti regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility requirements please call the number listed on your slalemeni or visil your Wels Fargo store. I I Account number: 2325812382 ■ May 1.2016 - May 31, 2015 ■ Page2of4 Transaction history Cftec* Number Descnplkm Oepotilsf Withdrawals/ Snding daJ/ Credits DeOilS balance 4,520.49 5,860,50 5,800.00 60.50 14.00 46.50 Ending balanca on 5131 $10,320.49 Totals $10,334.49 The Ending Oariy Balance does nolreHecl any pending wdhdrawals or holds on deposilod lunds Ihol may hove boon oUslanding on your account when your transactions posted. If you had insufllcient available funds when a transaction posted, fees may have been ossassod. Summary of checks wrilien (checks listed are also displayed in Ihe preceding Transaction history) Number Amount 5,600.00 1020 Monthly service tee summary For a complele list o( tees and detailed accouitl Intormaton. please see the Wells Fargo Fee and Information Schedule and Account Agreement applicaDle to your account or talk to a banker. Go to to find answers to common nuestions about the nionihly service lee on your account. Fee period 0510112015 -05/3112015 Standard monthly service fee SI4.00 How to avoid Ihe monthly service lee (complete 1 AND 2) Minimum required You paid S14^_ This fee period 1) Have any ONE of Ihe following account requirements ' Average ledger balance ' Qualifying Iransaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services account • Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Merchant Services account ' Total aulomalic transfers to an eligible Wells Fargo business savings account • Linked Direct Pay Service through Wells Fargo Business Online ' Combined balances in linked accounts, which may indude 57,500.00 I 1 St.703.00 O 0Q OD 525.00 50.00 □ 1 510.000.00 OQ 0 3 O • Average ledger balances In business checkir^g, savings, and lime accounts • Most recent statsmeni balance of business credit card, Wells Fargo Secured Credit Card. BusinessLine' line of credit, Secured BuslnessLlne" line of credil. Wells Fargo Express Equity' line ol credil, and Wells Fargo BuslnessLoan" term loan - Combined average daily balances from the previous month for Business PrimeLoan*", Wells Fargo Express Equity' loan. Wells Fargo Express Refi* loan, Wells Fargo Purchase Advantage" loan. Wells Fargo Small Business Advantage" line ol credil, Equlpmenl Express' loan, and Equipment Express" Single Even I loan 2) Complete Ihe package requirements - Have qualifying linked accaunls or senrices In separate categories' 'Includes Wells Fargo business accaunls an^ewices su^ as debit card, savings accounts, active Online Banking, credit card, loans and lines of credil. C2,C3 Gold Business Services Package Accouni number: 232S812382 ■ June 1, 2015-June 30, 2015 ■ Page 1 of 4 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours o day. 7 days a week." ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Telecomniunicaiions Rc'ey Services calls accepted 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS (i-eoo-225-59351 GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rrv. 1-800-S77-4833 En espahol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: Write: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 1221) P.O. Bo* 6995 Portland, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options Ttiu plans yoj cslabi sn today will sbape yiiur t)iis>ness far into the luture. The heart of tne plannmg orccess cs your Ousmess plan. Take the time now to t)uild a strong (oundation Find out more at wells<argo'works,com/t3usincss-plan-center. A check mnik in the box mdicelos you have these corrjenient seo-.'Cos iwtn you'accoantts) Go Ij .veWsfargo com<6ti or call tne numOer above il you have nueshonsorifyoii nouU like 10 add new services Business Online Banking Online Stalemenls Business Bill Pay [7] Business Spending Report (3 Overdralt Protection Accouni number Activity summary Beginning t^alarrce on 6rt De30silsiCredits 17,585.76 Connecticut accouni leims and wnOilions apply For Direcl Deposit use Withdrawals'Debits Ending tiaianee en 6/30 232S812382 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC $9,089.59 Routing Number(RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period $5,105,24 Routing Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. II you would like more informalion regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility requirements please cat! the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo store. I I Account number: 232S812382 ■ June 1,2015-June 30.2015 ■ Page2of4 Transaction history Chech NumOer Desctiption Online Transfer Ref »tben5Gg9Wn From BusinessLlne Boyd Deposils/ Wiinc/raiva/s/ Credi/s Debits Ending daity belence S.SM.CO 5,546.50 Artesian Well CO Inv JunetO Weil 1 Online Transfer Ref tfiDer2Jish7 From BusinessLlne Wafer Inv 1697 Inv 1581 1021 Check 5.500.00 Bill Pay Cemco Ue on-Lme xxxxxxxuu Xxxenses on 06-16 150.00 Bill Pay Ourtun Water CO,on-Line Xxymenl on 06-16 Bill Pay Ourkin Water CO. on-Line Xxyment on 06-16 Online Transfer From ArCor Hills Water Work Ref WbefiKOqdqt 546.00 1.539.76 -103.50 9.895.50 10.000.00 Business Checkinq Fdl Lie with Escrow Coltecied Via Checkin Bin Pav P. F. Beal & Son cn-Line x17260 on 06-23 Bill Pav Wells Faroo Bank on-Line Xxxxxxxxxxx42747 on 06-23 Bill Pav Wdls Faroo Bank on-Lme Xxxxxxxxxxx42747 on 06-30 Monthly Service Fee I balance on 6130 $17,585.76 $8,542.67 The Ending Daily Balance does not neflect any pending wlbtirawals Of nolds on deposited lunds that may have been outstanding on your account whan your Iransoclions posted, if you had insuiricionl available lunds when a twnsociion posted, fees may nave oaen assessed. Summary of chocks written (checks listed are also displayed in the preceding Transaction history) NwnOer Date Amount 1021 6/15 5,500.00 Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account information, please see tne Wells Fargo Fee and Information Schedule and Account Agreement applicaNe to your account or talk to a banker. Go to wellsfargo.cocntfeefaq to 6nd answers to common questions about the monthly service lee on your account. Fee period 06/01/2015 - 06/30/2015 Standard monthly service fee 514.00 You paid 514.00 Iviinimum required This lee period How to avoid the monthly service fee leomplele 1 AND 2) 1) Have eny ONEof the following account requirements ' Average ledger balance Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services account ■ Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Merchant Services account - Total aulomstic transfers to an eligible Wells Fargo business savings account Linked Direct Pay Service through Wells Fargo Business Online ' Combined balances in linked accounts, which may include S7,SOO.OO 1 1 325.00 S5.t05.CO SS.tOS.CO □ I 1 0□ I S10.000.00 S10.000.00 0 I 0 |□ 0□ I so.oo □ SO.OO I - Average ledger balances in business checking, savings, and time eccounis - lUosl recent statement balance of business credit card, Wells Fargo Secured Credit Card. BusinessLlne* line of credit. Secured BusinessLlne* line ot credit. Wells Fargo Express Equity* line of credit, and Weils Fargo BuslnessLoan* term loan - Combined average dally balances from the previous rrranih for Business PhmeLoan". Wells Fargo Express Equity' loan. Wells Fargo Express Ref* loan. Weds Fargo Purchase Advantage" loan. Weils Fargo Small Business Advantage* line of credit. Equipment Express* loan, and Equipment Express* Single Even I loan 2) Complete lha package requirements ' Have qualifying linked accounts or services in separate categories' 3 I 'Includes Wells Fargo business accounts and services such as debit card, savings accounts, active Online Banking, credit card, loans and lines of credit. Gold Business Services Package Account number: 2325812382 ■ July 1, 2015 - July 31, 2015 ■ Page 1 of 3 Questions? Available by phone 24 ftoi/rs a ctay, 7 days a week: Telecoinmunicalrons Relay Services calls accepted ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS 11-800-225-5935) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rrV;1-800-877-4833 Enespahol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: weilsrargo.conubiz Write: Wells FargoBank, N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 Portland. OR 97228-6995 Account options Your Business and Wells Fargo The plans you establish today will shape your business far into the future. The heart of the planning process is your business plan. Take the lime now to build a strong foundallon. Find out more at A chock mark in iho box tnaicalos you have these convenient services wilhyouraccouniis). Colo or call ine number above il you have questions or it you would like 10 add new services. Business Ortline Bankirtg Online Statements [71 Business Bill Pay [71 Business Spending Report Overdrall Protection Account number: 2325612382 Activity summai^ Beginning balance on 7/1 59.089.59 Connecticut account terms and conditions apply Deposits/Credits Witltdrawsls/OeOits Ending balance on 7/31 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC For Direct Deposit use $9,343.31 Routing Number (RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period 59.199.84 Routing Number (RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Proleclion. If you would like more informalion regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility reQulremenIs please call the numtwr listed on your slatemeni or visit your Weils Fargo store. I i Account number; 2325812382 ■ July 1, 2015 - July 31.2015 ■ Page 2 of 3 WELLS FARGO Transaction history Clec* HumOe/ Oescfiption Deposits' '//ilhiirsvais' Cre<Ws DeOits bolo'ice 326.00 8.763.59 BiB Pay Wells Fargo Bank on-Line X»xicjcuxxx42747 on 07-22 Ending daiiy 1.236.41 225.C0 417.59 !4 00 Ending balance on 7/31 Totals S1.236.41 Tho Ending Daily Balance doos not roWecl any pending withdrawals or holds on deposilml funds lhat may have been outstanding on your account when your iDnsaclions posted. II you had msuHicienl avmlablo lunds when a Ininsaction posted, loos may have been assessed. Monthly service fee summary For a contplele list ol lees and deiailed accouni mlormal.on. please see the Wells Pargo Fee and Inlormation Scnedule and Accojnl Agreement applicable Id your account or talk to a Banket. Go Id lo find answers lo common guesuons about the montniy service fee on your account. Fee period 07/01/2016 - 07/31/2015 Standard monthly service fee S14.00 How to avoid the monthly service fee (complete 1 AND 2) Mrmmum requited Minimum required You jMiO S14.00 Tr^<s fee penod 1) Have any ONE dl ihe loHotvmg account requirements • ' ' - Average ledger balance Qualifying iransaclion from 3 linked Weils Fargo Business Payroll Services accouni Qualifying Iransaclion from a linked Wells Fargo MerchanI Services account Total automatic transfers lo an eligible Wells Fargo business savings account - Linked Direct Pay Service Ihrcugh Wells Fargo Business Online ' Combined balances <n linked accounts, which may include S7.500.00 1 1 $25.00 59,200.00 0 0D 00 SO.OO Q 1 0O $10,000.00 0 - Average ledger balances in business chocking, savi/^s. and lime accounts - Mosi recent statement balance of business credit card. Weils Fargo Secured Credit Card. BuslnessLme' line ol credil. Secured BusiiwissLine' line of credit. Wells Fargo Express Equity'line of credit, and Wells Fargo BusinessLoan'term loan • Combined average daily balances from Ihe previous inonlh for Busihess PrimeLoan". Wells Fargo Express Equity' loan. Wells Fargo Express Refi' loan. Wells Fargo Purchase Advantage"loan. Wells Fargo Small Business AOvaniage' line ol credil. Equipment Express' loan, and Equipment Express' Single Even i loan 2) Complete ihe package requiremenis - Have qualifying linked accounts or servKies m separate caiegones' 3 C 'Induces Wells Fargo business accounts and services such as debit card, savings accounts, active Online Banking, credil card. loans and lines of ciedil. ccci Gold Business Services Package Account number: 232S812382 ■ August 1, 2015 - August 31, 2015 ■ Page1of4 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Telecommunicalions Relay Servlons calls accepted ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS (1-800-22S-5935) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 TT/;1-800-877-4833 En esparlol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: wQllsrarga.comblz Wnla: Wells Fargo Bank, NA t22i) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans you eslaUliSh today will shape your tjusiness far into the future. The heart ol the planning process is your tiusmess plan. Take the time now to build a strong foundalion. Find out more at A ehec* natk m Wi> Oox manntes you have Wsso convenient services vnlh your accoivnusi Go IB wellslargo ccrrvteior callUie number above •! you have ouoshons or il you would like 10 add new services. Business Online Banking Online Statements / Business Bill Pay Business Spending Report ^ ^ Overdraft Protection The Wells Fargo Mobile App is now available In Sparvshf You can securely manage your finances virtually anytime, anywhere In Spanish. Orcti you have dowiituaded the latest version of the Wells Fargo Mobile* App from Google Play or the Tvppie App Store, go to Mobile Soitngs and set your language preference to Spartlsh. Activity summary Beginning balance on 8'I Deposits/Credits Withdrawals/Debits Ending balance on 8131 Account number: 2325812382 S9.343.31 2,742.45 • 10,804,77 S1.280.99 ARBOR KILLS WATER WORKS INC Connechcul account lorms and conditions apply For Direct Deposit use Routing Number (RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance mis period Rouling Number (RTN): 121000248 Account number: 2325812382 ■ August 1.2015-August 31, 2015 ■ Page2of4 Ovgrdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection, if you would like rrwre inlonnation regarding Overdraft Protection and eligit>iiily re<]uiremenis please oaH the number listed on your statement or visit your Wels Fargo store. Transaction history Check iVurnOer Descnplion Oeposils/ Wffhtfrawals' Ending daily Credils OeSi/s balance Bill Pay Durkin Water CO. on-Line Xxyment on 08-t 1 846.00 Bill Pay fJurkIn Water CO,on-l.ine Xxymenl on 08-11 1,539.76 Online Transfer From Arbor Hills Water Work Ref HlbeZRtSYkd 2JA2.A5 7.257.55 10,000.00 Business Checkinq Brinq Bal to S'OG Bill Pay Cemco Ue on-Line xxxxxxxxxx Xxxenses on 08-19 350.00 Bill Pay Cemco Ue on-Line xxxxxxxxxx Xxxenses on 08-19 480.00 Bill Pay Cemco U# on-Line xxxxxxxxxx Xxxenses on 08-19 3,937.50 5,232.50 Bill Pay Cemco Ue on-Line xxxxxxxxxx Xxxenses on 08-20 3.937,51 1.294.99 Monlhly Service Fee 1,280.99 14.00 Ending balance on 8/31 1,280.99 $10,804.77 $2,742.45 The Ending Daily Balance does not reflect eny pending mlhdrawals or holds on deposited funds that may have been oulstandihg on your account when your transactions posted. If you had InsufTicieni available funds when a transaction posted, tees may have been assessed. Monthly service fee summary For a compiele list of fees and detailed account inforrrtaiion, please see the Wells Fargo Fee and Information Schedule and Account Agreement appticable to your account or talk to a banker. Go to to find answers to common questions about the monthly service fee on your account. Fee period 08h01/201S•08/31/2015 Standard monthly service fee SI4.00 How to avoid the monthly service fee (comptete 1 AND 2) 1) Have any ONEof the following account requirements ' Average ledger balance ' Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services account ' ' ' ' Uualiiying transaction Irom a linked Wells Fargo Merchant Services account Total automatic transfers to an eligible Wells Fargo business savings account Linked Direct Pay Service through Wells Fargo Business Online Combined balances in linked accounts, whicn may include Minimum required You paid $14.00 This fee period $7,500.00 S5,645.00 Q t 0Q t $25.00 1 $10,000.00 0Q SO.OO □ 0□ El - Average ledger balances in business checking, savings, and time accounis - Most recent statement balance of business credit card, Wells Fargo Secured Credit Card. BusinessLine' line of credit, Secured BusinessLme' line of credil. Wells Fargo Express Equity' line of credil. and Wells Fargo BusinessLoan" term loan - Combined average daily balances from ihe previous monih (or Business PnmeLoan", Wells Fargo Express Equity' loan. Wells Fargo Express Refi' loan. Wells Fargo Purchase Advantege" loan. Wells Fargo Small Business Advarqage* line of credil, Equipmenl Express'loan, and Equipment Express* Single Even I loan 2) Compiele the package requirements ' Have qualifying linked accounts or services in separate categories' 3 C 'Includes Wens Fargo business accounts arid services such as debit card, savings accounis. active Online Banktrvg. credit card, loans and lines of crediL CJCJ Gold Business Services Package Account number: 2325612382 ■ September 1. 2015 - September 30. 2015 ■ Page1of4 Questions? Available by p/io»io 24 hours a day, 7 days a kveoK; Tolucommiinicaliatis Retay Scivicus calls accepted ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHFRWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS il-800-225-5936) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 TTY: 1-800-877-1833 £ri OSpaAoli 1.877-337.7454 Online: ncHsrargo-combiz Wnto. Wells Fargo Bank. N.A.(221) P.O Box 6995 Portland. OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans you establish loday will shape your Pusiness tar Inio the future. The heart of the process is your ousincss plan. Take the t>mo now to build a san iri s iv<i/i yoiiraecc..:H\si Go to .ye'lslergo combu or strong foundation. Find Out more at wellsfargoworks.comfbusiness-plan-contor. A c/ii-ck rnark in iho bci indicalos you have ihase convenienl call ihv lUiiiibci obovo d you howi quaslions or if you yyouJd like rn auu nviv sarvioas Business Online Banking Online Siatemenls Business Bill Pay |/] Business Spending Report (3 Overdraft Protection The Wolls Fargo Itlobile App is now availablo in SpanishI Vou can securely tnanage your finances virtually anytime, anywhere in Spanish. Once you have downloaded the latest version of the Wells Fargo Ittobile' App from Google Play or iho Applu App Store, go to MoQilc Settings and set your language preference to Spanish. Activity summary Beginniiiij balance on 9f] beposilsfCredils WilhCrawaisiOebits Ending balance on 9/30 Account numOer. 232S612382 Sl.280.99 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 18,719.01 Coniwotioul account lorins and conditions apply - 10.011,00 19,969.00 For Oirect Deposit use Routing Number(RTN). 021101108 For Wire Tr.anslers use Average ledger balance this period S8.6S3.90 Routing Number (RTN): 121000248 I 1 Account number: 2325812382 ■ September 1, 2015 - September 30. 2015 ■ P3ge2of4 Overdraft Protection Tms accounl is not cutrenll/ covered by Overdraft Protection, it you would like more information regarding Overdraft Proteclion and eligibility rcyinrements please call ine number lisled on your siaiementor visit your Wells Fargo slore. Transaction history Crieck iVumber Descnplion Online Transfer From Arbor Hills Waier Work Ref sibe8L2V'yf4 Oeposifs/ Wftidrawa/s' Credits OeOils 8,719.01 Endfrrg daily balaiK'i 10.000.00 Business Checkinq Relill Ue to 10G SOPercent Customers Paid Bill Pay Wetis Farqo Bank on-Lme Xx»xx>xx>x42747 on 09-02 Sill Pay Govd Aresisn Wei on-Line No Account Number on 09-06 Online Transfer Ref Flben6Flcp3 From BuSinessLine Bnng Bal lo 337.00 9.653.00 3.930.00 5.733.00 10.000.00 SlOG From Bank Loan Online Transfer lo Arbor Hills W.nter Works Ref Mbelyjm4V9 10.003.00 Business Cneckmn Per Wb Relurn S lo Ckg Take From Bankloan Monthly Service Fee 9,989.00 Ending balance on 9/30 9.9B9.00 $10,011.00 $18,719.01 The Ending Daily Balance does nof re/lecf any wrbtlrawals or hokls cn depr^ted funds f/ialrnay neve been autstanOing on yuw aoccunl ivnen your transactions posted. //you lad insufSctenf available funds whan a transaction posted, fees may have teen assessed. Monttily service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account inrom\aiion. please see Itw Wells Fargo Fee and Information Scltedule and Account Agreement applicable to your account or talk to a banker. Go lo wellsfargo.ccm/feetag lo find answers lo common questions about the monthly service lee on your account. Feepenoc 09'01i20l5 • 09130.2015 Standard monihiy service lee StA.oo You paid S14.00 Minimum required This tee fee period How to avoid the monthly service fee (complete 1AND 2) 1) Have any ONEcf Ihefoilovnng account requirements - Average ledger balance ■ - Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services account Qualifying transaction from a linked WeBs Fargo Merchant Services account Total automatic transfers to an eligible Wells Fargo Dusinesssavngs account Enrollment in a linked Direct Pay service through Weils Fargo Business Online Combined balances m linked act^nts. which may include S7.SO0.O0 S7.SO0.O0 1 1 S2S.OO 1 S10.000.00 S10.000.00 SB.6S4.00 E) G 0 0[ □ 0□ C SO.OO O C OC 0□ G ■ Average ledger balances m business checking, savings, and time accounts - Most recent slalemejil balance of Wells Fargo buvness credit cards, Weils Fargo Busirvess Secured Credit Card, BusmessLme' line of credit. Wells Fargo Small Business Advantage' ime of credit. Working Capital Line of Credit. Advancing Term Lme of Credit, and BusmessLoan' term loan - Combined average daily balances from ine previous month for Wells Fargo Business PnmeLoan". Commercial Equity Loan. Commercial Refinance Loan. Commercial Purchase Loan. Commercial Equity Line of Credit. Smal Business Advantage* loan. Equipment Express* loan, and Equipment Enpress' ^gle Event loan 2) Com[4ete the package requirements - Have qualifying linked accounts or services in separate categories' 3 C 'Includes Wells Fargo business accounts and services such osdMit card, savings accounts, active OnBne Banking, credit card, lounsand Imes of credit czo Wells Fargo Simple Business Checking Account number: 2325812382 ■ October 1, 2015 - October 31, 2015 ■ Pago1of4 Questions? Available by phone 2-i hours o day. ? days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Telecomnunicalions Rolay Sorvicos calls accepleo 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS ii-800-225-S935) GREENWICH 01 06830-5638 7TY;1-800-877-4833 Bn espariol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: v/ellsfargo.coni/biz Write: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A (221) P.O. 60x6995 Ponland. OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans yoj eslablisti luuay will snape your business far inio the (uluru. Tho heart of Ihc planning process is your business plan. Take the limo now to build a slicng (oundalion. Find out more at A chock mark in ine box ind.caros you iiavo these convenient services with your accounttsi Go Ic ivctlslQrgO.COnVbii or ca//(he number bDovo iI you hove eiiostions onl you vtoutO tike to add new services Business Online Banking \7 Online Slalemenls [7 Business Bill Pay Business Spending Report [7 [7 Overdraft Protection Account number 2325812382 Activity summary Beginning balance on iO/t S9.989.00 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS IHC - 9,149.04 For Direct Deposit use Conneclicul account terms snd conditions apply Deposils/CredJls Wlthdr8walsiI3ebits Ending balance en 10/31 Routing Number(RTN) 0211Q1108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period Routing Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account IS not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. II you would like more information regarding Overdraft Proleclion and eligibilily raqinremenis please can the number listed on your statement or visit your Weils Fargo store. I Account number: 2325812382 ■ October 1, 2015 - October 31. 2015 ■ Page 2 of 4 WELLS FARGO Transaction history Check Deposilst Number Description CreMs Bill Pay Cemco Ue on-Llne xxxkxhxxw X»»enses on 10-01 Wilharawals/ Debits 2-10.00~ Bill Pay Cemco Ue on-Line xxtxuxiH Xxxenses on 10-01 299.25 Bid Pay Cemco Ue on-Llne ixxxxxxxxx Xxxenses on 10-01 3.314,00 Bid Pay Cemco Ue on-l ine xxxxxxxxxx Xxxenaca on 1O01 4.175.00 Bill Pay R Rafail on-Llne No AccounI Number on 10-02 Bill Pay R Ratal on-Llne No Account Number on 10-02 B:ll Pay Granite Corp. on-Lme No Account Number on 10-02 22S.C0 375.C0 520.79 Ending balance on 10/31 59.149.04 7ne Enpiiig Daiy Batonce does not reflect an/pending Miindravials or holds on deposited funds dial may hove been outstanding on /ow account nnen your tronsiKtions posted. If you had insufficient a/fuloblu funds vttien a Imnsaclion posted, fees may have boon assessed. Monthly servioe fee summary For a complete list of lees and detailed account information, please see the Weils Fargo Fee and information SchedUe .and Account Agreement applicable to your account or talk to a banker. Go lo weilsfargo.convraelag lo Fnd answers to common questions about the niontliiy service lee on your accounL Fee penoc 10.'01.'2015 - 10(31r2015 Standard monthly service tee S10.00 You paid 50.00 You'fee waiver Is about to expire. You wil need lo meet the repunementts) lo avoid the monthly service fee. How lo reduce the monthly service fee by 55.00 Have any ONE Of the following account reguirements Minimum recurred This lee penod - Average ledger balance Monthly service fee dlscounl(s)(appfled when box Is cheeked) Online only siaiemenis(S5.00 discount) El Other Welts Fargo Benefits Spread some joy with customizable Wells Fargo Visa' Gift Cards Order early and have your shipping fees waived for built orders of 25 cards or more Wells Fargo Visa Gift Cards make great holiday gifts for your employees and allow you to. - Customize the cards with a message or your company name. - Choose any denomination between 525 and S500. • Give tviih confidence, knowing the money never expires. Gut slancd un your holiday shopping today! Order your gift cards online at v/ellslargo.coni/glllcard. 2015 through November 20. 2015. IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION Offer valid from October 19. Wells Fargo Simple Business Checking Account number: 2325812382 ■ Novemberl, 2015 • November 30, 2015 ■ Page1of3 Questions? ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL GREENWICH CT06831)-5638 Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: Telecommunications Relay Sorvicos calls accepted 1-800-CALL-WELLS ll-800-225-5935) T7V, 1-800-877-4833 Enespahol: 1-877-337-7454 Online:''bi4 Wnfe; Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 PorUand, OR 97228-699S Your Business and Wells Fargo Cash flow IS one of the must critical components of succoss for a small or mid-sized Dusmess. Achieving a positive cash How doos nol come try chance. Learn more about managing cash flow by visiting Account options A check mark in ine bon mt.'rcare.i yrni have these nnvenioni services y<.in your accountls) Go to ^ycllsletgo convbiz or call Ine number above if you Have cjuesrionjorrfyou would like to add new services. Business Online Banking Online Slalemenis Business Bill Pay [3 Business Spending Report Overdraft Protection Activity summary Beginning balance on t ill Account number: 2325812382 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Deposits/Credils Con/iecHcul account terms and condilvns apply Wiindrawals'Debits For Direct Deposit use Ending balance on 11130 Routing Number(RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance tnis penod Routing Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. II you would like more inlormalion regarding Overdrall Protection and eligibility reguiremenls please call ine number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo store. I I Account number: 2325812332 ■ November 1. 2015-November 30, 2015 ■ Page2of3 Transaction history C/iec* Date Number Descripllort 112 Deposits/ Wiindranois' Ertdmtj OUily Credits Oebils balance 375.00 464.9fi Sill Pay R Ralail on-Lme No Account Number on 11-02 Ending balance on 11/30 Tne fnCi/ig Dan'/Sa.'scire does nol cetecl any penamg vviindrawa/s or holds or\ c/opos'toc//uids that may hane been oulslandng on youi account wtten your Irjnsaclions posiea It you haa msulhcoiil available lunas Miicn a transaction posted, leos may nave been ossussod. Monthly service fee summary For a complete list ol tees and detailed account intormalion. please see the Wells Fargo Fee and Information Schedule and Accouni Agreement appllcaole to your account or talk to a banker. Qo to to find answers to common questions about the nwnlttly service tee on your account. Standard monthly service fee $10.00 Fee period 11/01/2015 - 11/3(}i201S Vou paid 50.00 We waived the fee Oils fee penod to allow you lomeelihe requirements to avok) the monthly service fee. This is the final penod with the lee waived. For the neil lee period, you need to meet the reguiremenits) to avoid the monthly service lee. How to reduce the monthly eorvlee fie by SS.OO Have any ONE ol ihe tollo.ymg account requirements Minimum required S477.00 □ - Average ledger balance Monthly service fee discountfs)(applied when box Is checked) Online only slatements tSS.OC discounl) This fee period 0 Wells Fargo Simple Business Checking Account number: 2325812382 ■ December 1.2015-December 31, 2015 ■ Page 1 of 3 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: Telccommunlcallons Relay Services calls accepted ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS (i-800-22S-593S) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rrY.-1-8C0-877-1833 En cspahol: 1-877-337-74S4 Online: Write: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.(221) P.O. Box 699S Ponlarv]. OR 97228-6995 Account options Your Business and Wells Fargo Cash flow IS one of the most critical components ol success for a small or mid-sized business. Achieving a positive cash How does not come by chance. Learn more about managing cash flow by visiting Ending balance on 12/31 Business Online Banking \7 Online Statements Business Bill Pay \7 ^ Business Spending Report \7 Overdraft Protection i ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Beg nning balance on 12/1 Withdrawals'Debits call the numbor above il you have Questions or ilyou mould like to ado new services. Account number: 2325812362 Activity summary OeposiU/Credils A cneck mark in the bot InUicates you have ihese convenieni servicos mlh yoiiraccounl(sj. Goto wellslargo.ccnvtiior 23.189.01 • 5.394.50 $18,259.47 Cunneclicul accuuni forms and condilions apply For Direct Oeposiluse Routing Number(RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period S2.414.39 Routing Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Proiection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would tike more information regarding Overdraft Protection and efigibiily recuirements please c^l the number listed on your statement or visil yourWelS Fargo store. Account number 232S812382 ■ December 1, 2015-December 31, 2015 ■ Page2of3 Transaction history Chech Number Descnphon Deposits/ Withdrawals/ Ending Oa/// Credits DeCits balance 393.04 Online Transler From Ar&or Hills Water Work Ref sibeSM^SRr Business CheOurtg to Cover From Bounong Ckg ic Ue Asa OnSne Transfer From Arbor Hills Water Work Ref(flbeSP^nxS Business CheekiriQ Kcco Bounce Above Zero to 250 Mm Onlir^e Transfer Ref fll0elzd3L4H From BusinessLine Boyd Inv None Work on Well 3 on Sept 23 Bill Pay Wells Fargo Barrk Business Direct on-Une Xxxxkxxxvxxx2747 on 12'14 Bill Pay Wells Fargo Bank Business Direct on-Line Xxxxxxxxxxxx2747 on 12-15 Bill Pay Boyd Areslan Welon-Llne No Account Number on 12-15 3.129.50 OverdratI Fee lor a Transaction Posted on 12'1S 53,129.50 Bill 35.00 Pay Boyd Araslan Wei on-Lrne No Account Numoer ort 12-15 Online Translar From Arbor Hills Waler WorkReldlbekbSHbSF Business Checking Sioo Checks Bounon Online Transfer From Artxir Hills Water Work Ref <llcegl7Bb9P 2,635.43 Business Checking Mi Ck to Ah Eu AS Per PSC Order Online Transfer Ref lflber4Hdylj From BusinessLine Loan lo Ue to 15,779.92 Pay Bills and $10000 Balance Online Transfer to Arbor H ils Waler Works Ref siDe2T4x5Lg Business Checking Cover Check (or Ue Interest Charge Paid I balance on 12131 18.259.47 $23,169,01 $5,394.50 The Ending Doily Balance does not rellec! any pending wilhdrowals or holds on deposited funds thai may have been oulslandmg on your accouni when your tiansacHonsposled. If you had insufficiont avoHoOle funds when a iransacliun poslod. luos may hove been assessod. Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed accouni mlormaUon. please see the Wells Fargo Fee and Inlormalion Schedule and Account Agreement applicable lo your account or talk to a banker. Go to wellstargo.conVfeefaq lo find answers to common questions about ine monthly service lee on your account. Standard moniWy servce lee StO.OO Fee period 12A)I(2015 - 12/31/2015 You paid 50.00 We waned the fee tnis lee penod to allow you to meet the requirements lo avoid the monlhly service fee. How to reduce the monthly service fee by $5.00 Minimum required Have any ONE of the following accouni requirements ' Average ledger balance SSOO.OO Monthly service fee discounl(s)(apptted w/ien box Is eheehed) Online only slalemenls(55.00 discount) 0 This fee penod $2,414.00 0 Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ December 20,2014-January 23.2015 ■ Page 1 of 3 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 1-800-CALL-WELLS (1-600-225-5935) 58 SHERWOOD PL GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rrv-1-800-677-4633 En espaflol: 1-677-337-7454 Online: Write: Wells Fargo BanK, NA (221) P.O. Box 6995 Poflland, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options Don't forget 10 notify us of your business travel plans to help avoid Issues when A check mark in Iho box inOicates you have these convenient services mm youreccounilsl. using your Wells Fargo cards while traveling. It's easy to notify us online at through the Wells Fargo mobile app, or by calling the phone number on the back of your card. cell the number above it you heve gueslions or il you would like to add new services Business Online Banking \7 Online Slalemanls (/ Business Bill Pay \7 Business Spending Report [/ Overdraft Protection |~ Other Weils Pargo Benefits Old you know you can deposit cheeks in your business account quickly and easily? - Deposit business checks with your phone or tablet using Wells Fargo Mobile' Deposit - You can also have an employee deposit checks for you with Wells Fargo Business Deposit Card al one of our 12,500 ATM Locations Visit wellsfvgo.comfconvenienideposit or talk to your banker to learn more. Accountnumbeh Activity summary Beginning balance on 12/20 Deposits/Credits Wilhdrawals/Debils Ending balance on 1/23 $76,818.53 0.00 - 0.00 S76,B18.S3 2171279207 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Connectlcul account terms end conditions apply for Direct Deposit use Routing Mumber (RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period S76.81B.53 Routing Kumber (RTN): 121000248 Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ January 24, 2015 - February 23,2015 ■ Page1of3 ! Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Telecommunications Relay Services calls accepted 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS (l-80(}-225-5935) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 7TY-1-800-877-4833 Enespanol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: wellsrargo.convtilz Write: Wells Fargo Sank. N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OR 97223-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans you eslaPlish today will shape your business far Into the future. The heart of the planning process Is your business plan. Take the time now to build a strong foundation. Find out more at'business-plannlng A check mark in !ha box intJicales you have theso convanien! services wilh your accourj(fs). Go la or call Ihe number above ilyou have quoslions or il you would like 10 add new services. Business Online Banking / Online Statements / Business Bill Pay / Overdraft Protecbon 1" Other Wells Fargo Benefits Did you know you can deposit checks In your business account quickly and easily? • Deposit tiusiness checks wilh your phone or tablet using Wells Fargo MiAlle Deposit •You can also have an employee deposit checks lor you wilh Wells Fargo Business Deposit Card at one of our 12,500 ATM Locations Visit or talk to your banker to team more. Accooni number: 2171279207 Activity summary Beginning balance on 1/24 S76,818.53 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC OeposiIs/Credits Conneclicul eccouni terms end conditions apply Wiihdrawais/Oebiis For Direct Deposit use Ending balance on 2/23 $76,818.53 Routing Number(RTNJ. 02tt0110S For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period $76,818.53 [7 Business Spending Repdrt Routing Number(RTN)' 121000348 Business Checking Account number 2171279207 ■ February 24, 2015 - March 20, 2015 ■ PagelofS I Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC T«lecoitirnunicallons Relay Services calls accepted 58 SHERWOOD PL 1.800.CALL-WELLS (i-aoo-22S-5g3Sj GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rrv;1.800-877-4833 Bn ospaM: 1-377.337-7454 Online: Wiile: Wells Fargo Bank. N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 Portland. OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Accouirt options The plans you establish today will shape your business far into the future. Tho A check mark in the box indicates you have these convenient services with youraccounl(s}. Goto viellslargo.convtizor calllne numOor aliove ilyou have questions on!you would fieart of the olanning process is your business plan. Take the time now to build a strong (bundaiion. Find out more at like to add new services. Business Online Banking Online Slatemanls Business Bill Pay Business Spending Resort Overdraft Protectron Other Wells Fargo Benefits Old you know you can deposit checks In your business account quickly and easily? - Deposit business checks with your prtone or taUel using WeUs Fargo Mobile' Deposit • You can also have an employee deposit checks for you with Weils Fargo Business Deposit Card alone of our 12,500 ATM Locations Visit or talk to your banker to learn more. Account number: 2171279207 Activity summary Beginning balance on 2/24 S76.81B.S3 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Deposits/Credits Connecticut account terms and conditions apply WilhdrawaIs/Debits For Direct Deposit use Ending balance on 3/30 $76,810.53 Routing Number (RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this penod S76.818-53 Routing Number(RTN)- 121000248 / / (7 [7 Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ March 21, 2015 - April 21, 2015 ■ PagelofS Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Teleco/rmjnicalions Relay Services calls accepted 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS (1-800-22S-S93S) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 7TY;1-fi00-877-4a33 En espanol: 1-877-337-74M Online: weiisrargo.conVbiz Write: WellsFaf9oeank,N,A,(22il P.O. Box 6995 PorUand, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans you establish today will shape your business far into the future. The A check mark in (he box indicates you have these convenient services with your eccouniis). Go to v/ollslarcio cotn/biz or ca//(he number above ilyou have questions or if you would heart of the planning process is your business plan. Take the lime now to build a strong foundation. Find out more at Ilka to addnewserv/ces. ^ 3 3 Business Spending Report ^ Overdraft Protection I I Account number: 2171279207 Activity summary Beginning balance on 3'21 Business Online Banking Online Statements Business Bill Pay S76.018.53 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Deposils/Credits Conneclicul account terms and conditions epply Withdrawals/Debits For Direct Deposit use Ending balance on 4/21 $76,818.53 Routing Number(RTN); 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this penod S76.818.53 Routing Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Proleclion and etigibilily requirements please cad the number listed on your sialemeni or visit your Weils Fargo store. Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account information, please see (he Weils Fargo Fee and Information Schedule and Account Agreement applicable to your account or talk to a banker. Go to to find answers to common questions about the monthly senrice fee on your accounL Fee perioa 03(21/2015-04/21/2015 Standard monthly service fee SI2.00 You paid $0.00 Business Checking Accouni number: 2171279207 ■ April 22, 2015• May 21, 2015 ■ Page1of3 Questions? Available by phone 2A hours a day, 7 days a week: Telecommunicalions Relay Services calls accepted ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS {1-600-22S-S935) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 7TY.'1-800-877-4833 En esparto/. 1-877-337-7454 OnAne.''n/biz Wnle: Weils Fargo Bank. N.A.(221) P.O. 00*6995 Poniand, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans you establish today will shape your business far into the future. The A check mark in the box indicates you have these convenient heart of the planning process js your ousmess plan. Tane the time now to build a services vrlh your accountis) Go to or strong foundation. Find out more at call the number atjove if you nave oues(<ons or/fyou would I'lre to add new services. Business Online Banking Online Staiements 0 Business Bill Pay Business Spending Report Overdralt Protection Activity summary Beginning balance on 4/22 I I Account number: 2171279207 S76.Bt8.53 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Oeposils/Credits Connecticut aceooni terms and conditions apply Wilhdrawals/Deblls For Direct Deposit use Routing Number(RTN). 021101108 Ending balance on S/21 $76,818.53 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period S76.St8.53 Routing Number (RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdralt Protection. If you would like more Information regarding Oveidiall Proleclon and eligioilily requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Weils Fargo store Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account infonnalion, please see Ihe Wells Fargo Fee and Information Schedule and Account Agreement applicable to your accouni or talk to a banker. Co to to find answers to common questions aixtut the monthly service fee on your account. Fee period (M/22'20tS- 05/21/2015 Standard monlhly service fee St 2.00 You paid $0.00 Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ May 22, 2015 - June 19, 2015 ■ Page 1 of 3 I Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC TelQcommunicaiions Relay Services calls accepted 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS (1-600-225-5935) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rry-1-800-877-4833 Enespanol: 1-S77-337-7454 Online: weilsfargo.comrbiz Wnte: Wells Fargo Bank. N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 Portland. OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Weils Fargo Account options tire plans you eslaulisn today will slape your Ujsiness far into ine future. Tfie A check mark in the box indicates you have these convenient heart of the planning process is your business plan. Take the time row to build a services with youraccounlfsj. Go to Vfelistargo.conilijis or strong foundation. Find out more at call the numher eliove if you have tiuesfions or if you ivoutd tike to add new services. Business Online Banking Activity summary Beginning balance on 5/22 Online Statements 0 Business Bill Pay 0 Business Spensirg Report [✓] Overdraft Protection I I Account number: 2171279207 S76.816.S3 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Oeposils/Credits Connecticut account terms and conditions apply Witndrawals/Debits For Direct Deposit use Ending balance on 6J19 S76.81B.S3 Routing Number(RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period S76.eia.53 Routing Number (RTN): 12100C248 Overdraft Protection Tms account is not currently covered by Overdralt Proleclion. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility reouirerrtents please call tne number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo Store. Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of lees and detailed account information, please see the Wells Fargo Fee and Inlemiaiion Schedule and Account Agreement applicatile to youraccountor talk tea banker. Go to wellsfargo.convfeefaq to find answers to common questions about the monthly service fee on your accounL Fee period 05/22/2015 ■ 06/19/2015 Standard monthly service fee S12.00 You paid SO.OO Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ June 20, 2015 - July 21,2015 ■ Page1of3 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC TelecommunlcaiJOns Relay Services calls accepted 58 SHERWOOD PL i-SOO-CALL-WELLS (1-800-225-5935) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 TrK-1-800-877-4833 En espahol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: Write: Walls Fargo Bank, N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 Por1land.CR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans you establish loday will shape your business far into Ihe future. The heart of the planning process is your business plan. Take the lime now to build a strong foundalion. Find out more at A check mark in the box /nflrcafes you have these convenient services wllh your accaunt(sl. Go to wellsfargo.ccnVbiz or call Ihe number above if you have oueslionsorifyou would like to add new services. Business Online Banking Online Statements ^ Business Spending Report [/ Overdraft Protection f Accoufilnumbar: 2171279207 Activity summary Beginning balance on 6/20 [/ Business Bill Pay S76.818.53 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Deposits/Credits Connecticut accounr terms and conditions apply Withdrawals/Debits For Direct Deposit use Ending balance on 7/21 $76,816.53 Routing Number(RTN): 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period 876,818.53 Routing Number (RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo store. Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account information, please see Ihe Wells Fargo Fee and Information Schedule and Account Agreement applicable to your account or talk to a banker. Go to to fnd answers to common questons about the monthly service fee on your account. Fee period 06/20/2018 - 07/21/2015 Standard monthly service fee S12.00 You paid 80.00 Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ July 22, 2015-August 21.2015 ■PagelofS Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Telecommunications Relay Services calls accepted 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800-CALL-WELLS (1-800-225-5935) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rry. 1-800-877-J833 En esparto/.- 1-877-337-7454 Onllno: Whle: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (221) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Weils Fargo Account options Tbe plans you establish today will shape your business far into the future. The heart of the plarnmg process is your business plan. Take the time now to build a strong foundation. Find out more at A check mark in iho bo* indicates you have these convenient services flh your accounlls). Go to or call the number above if/ou/iave questions or iTyou itould like to add now services. Business Online Banking Online Statements Business BUI Pay ^ Business Spending Report Overdraft Protection The Wells Fargo Mobile App is now available in Spanish! You can securely ntanago your finances virtually anytime, anywhere in Spanish. Once you have downloaded the ialesl version of the Welts Fargo Mobile' App from Google Play or the Apple App Store, go to Mobile Settings and set your language preference to Spanish. Activity summary Beginning balance on 7/22 Account number: $76,818.53 2171279207 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Deposits/Credits Coimcclicul accounl terms end conditions apply Withdrawaisi'Debils For Direct Deposit use Routing NumPerfRTN): 021101108 Ending balance on 6/21 $76,818.53 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period $76,818.53 Routing Number (RTN): 121000248 I I Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ August 22.2015• September 22, 2015 ■ Page1of3 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: Tcloconimunicslions Relay Services calls accepted ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL 1-800'CALL-WELLS (i-800-22S-Sg3S) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rrv. 1-300-877-4833 EnespaM: 1-877-337-7454 Onlino:'biz Wnla: Wells Rargo Bank. N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 Portland. OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options The plans you establish loday will shape your business far into Ihe future. The A check mark in lh& box indicalos you hove these convenient soivices w'th youraccounltsi Go la ive/Mfa^ or heart of the plarn ng process is your business plan. Take tliu lime r>ow to build a strong foundation. Find out more al'Ouslncss-plan-cenler. ciiH the number above ilyou have guesfions or rf you ttouKI liko 10 adu new services. Business Online Banking Online Statements Business Bill Pay [3 Business Spending Report Overdraft Protection The Wells Fargo Mobile App is now available in Spanish' Vou cah securely manage your finances virtually anytime, anywhere in Spanish. Once you have downloaded the latest version of the Wells Fargo Mobile' App from Qoogle Play or the Apple App Store, go to Mubilu Sellings and set your language preference lo Spanish, Activity summary Beginning balance on 6i22 Account number: 2171279207 S76.818.S3 AKBOK HILLS WATER WORKS IRC DeposlIsiCredils Connecticut accounr terms and conditions apply Withdrawals.Debits For Oirecl Oeposit use Ending balance on 9/22 $76,818-53 Routing Number(RTN) 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period S76.81S.53 Roiiliiig Number 1RTN): 121000246 I 1 Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ September 23, 2015 - October 22.2015 ■ Page1of4 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Telecommunications Relay Services calls accepted 58 SHERWOOD PL i-SOO-CALL-WELLS (1-S00-225-593S) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 TTY. 1-800-877-4833 En espaM: 1-877-337-7454 Online: wellslargo.ccm/biz Write: Wells Fargo Bank. N.A. {221| P.O. Box699S Portland. OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options Tire plans yuu establisn today will shape your business far into the future. Ttic heart of the planning process is your business plan. Take the timo now to build a strong foundation. Find out more at A check mark in ihe box inclicalos you have ihoso conmm'ent services nilh your accounts). Go to w9«i/ or call Ihe number above if you havo questions or if you would like 10 add now services Business Online Banking \7] Online Statements Business Bill Pay Business Spending Report Overdraft Protection Account number 2171279207 Activity summary Beginning balance on 9/23 Deposits/Credits Wiindrawais/Debiis Ending balance on 10/22 S76.61S.S3 1,170.00 - 1,170,00 S76.818.S3 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Conneclicut accounf terms end condilions apply For Direct Deposit use Routing Number (RTN): 021101106 For Wire Transfers use Avetage ledger balance this period 377,013.53 Routing Number (RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Prolecllon This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more Infcrmallon regarding Overdraft Proleclion and eligibiJily requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Weils Fargo store. I t Account number; 2171279207 ■ September 23, 2015-October 22.2015 «Page2of4 Transaction history CKtct criock i, Deposils/ Number Descnplion Snding dail/ Wilhdrawels/ Credits 10/13 Debits balance 1,170.00 76.818.53 76.Sie.S3 $1,170.00 $1,170.00 Ttie Ending Daily Bolonce does not rellect any pending withdrawals or holds On deposited funds thai may have been outstanding on your account when your transactions posted. If you had insufficient available funds when a Iranseclion posted, lees may have been assessed. Monthly service fee summary For a complete list or lees and detailed account informaiion. please see the Wells Faigo Fee and Inrormalion Schedule and Account Agreement applical>le to your account or talk to a banker. Go to to find answers to common questions about the monthly service fee on your account. Feepenod 09,'23/2015- 10/22/2015 Standard monihly service fee $12.00 How to avoid the monthly service fee Have any ONE of tlie following account regjirements Minimum reguired ■ Minimum daily balance S3.0DO.OO - Average ledger balance 36.000.00 ' Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Sendees accouni 1 You paid $0.00 This fee period S76.8I8.53 0 577.014.00 0 0□ Account transaction fees summary Service charge descnplion Units Service charge per Tola! service Units used included excess units IS) charge IS) 2 ISO Transactions 0.00 Other Wells Fargo Benefits Spread some joy with customizable Wells Fargo Visa* Gift Cards Order early and have your shipping fees waived (or bulk orders of 25 cards or more Wetis Fargo Visa Gift Cards make great holiday gifts for your employees and allow you to: • Customize the cards with a message or your company name. • Choose any denominallon between S25 and 3500. • Give with confidence, knowing the money never expires. Get started on your holiday shopping today! Order your gift cards online at 2015 through November 20.2015. Offer valid from October 19, Business Checking Account number: 2171279207 ■ October 23, 2015 - November 23, 2015 ■ Page1of3 I Questions? ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Available by phone 2A hours a day. 7 days a weak: 58 SHERWOOD PL Ttileccmmunications Relay Services calls accepted 1-800-CALL-WELLS (1-800-22S-S935) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rrY;1.800-877-4833 En espahol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: wellsfargo-convblz Write: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.(221) P.O. Box 6995 PorUand, OR 97229-5995 Your Business and Welis Fargo Account options Cash flow is one of Ihe mosi crilical compcnenls of success for a small or A check mark in the box Indicates you have these convertieni mid-sized ouslness. Achieving a positive cash itow does not come by chanco. services nith your accourUis). Go to or caillho number above ilyou have questions or ityou would Learn more aboul managing cash flow by visiting like to add new services. Busiress Online Banking Online Statements Business Bill Pay f71 Business Soendlrg Report Overdrali Protection Activity summary Beginning balance on 10/23 Account number: 2171279207 $76,818.53 Connec//cu/ account terms and conditions apply Deposits/Credits Withdrawals/Debits Ending balance on 11/23 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC - 1,170.00 $75,648.53 For Direct Oeposil use Routing Number(RTN) 021101108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period $76,306.65 Routing Number (RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currenliy covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eltgibilily requiremenU please call ine number listed ofl your statement or visit your Wells Fargo store. j j Accognl number: 2171279207 ■ October 23.2015 - November 23, 2015 ■ Page2of3 WELLS FARGO Transaction history Chock Dale Number Qescriplion 11/10 Deposits/ Wilhdrauials/ Credits Debits balance 1.170.00 75,648.53 Online Transfer to Arbor Hills Water Works Ref »lben6Xp92S Ending daily Business Checkmq Pavmt to IRS Put IN Ci NOW to Oka lor IRS Ending balance on 11/23 75,648.53 Touts $0.00 $1,170.00 The Ending Daily Balance does nolieflecl an/pendrngnnthdraaials or holds on aeposiled lunds lhal may have been oulslanding on youraccoonl lyhen your liansBcllons posted. II you had insufficent available hinds when a liansaeiion posted, lees may have been assessed. Monthly service fee summary For a compleie list of fees and detailed account information, ptaase see itie Wells Fargo Fee and Inforinalion Schedule and Account Agreement applica&le to your account or lalli to a Banker. Go to to find answers to common questions at>oul the monthly service fee on your account Fee period 10/23*2015- 11/23/2016 Slanda^ monthly service fee St2.(M You paid SQ.OQ Minimum required This fee period How to avoid the monthly service lee Have any ONE of the following account tequirements ■ Minimum dafy balance $3,000.00 ■ Average ledger balance - Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services account 56,000.00 ViiSMS 1 $75,648.53 0 S76.307.00 0 0□ Business Checking Account njrriber: 2171279207 ■ November 24, 2015 - December 21, 2015 ■ Page1of3 Questions? ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Available by phone 24 hours a day. 7 days a week: 58 SHERWOOD PL Tetecommunicailons Relay Services calls accepted 1-800-CALL-WELLS (1-800-22S-593S) GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 TTV;1-800-877-4833 £n espahol: 1-877-337-7454 Online: weSsfargo.conVbiz Write: Wells Fargo Bank, NA (221) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options Cash flow is one of the most critical componenis of success for a small or A check mark in Iho Box indicotos you hovo Ihcso convenient mid-sized Dusiness. Achieving a posilivo cash flow docs not come by chance. Learn more about managing cash flow by visiting services wi/ft youraecoun((sJ. Go to or ceil the number above Hyou have guesUons or II you would like Id add new services. Business Online Banking / Online Statements / Business Bill Pay / Business Spending Report \7 Overdrall Protection Activity summary Beginning balance on 11/24 Deposils/Credils Witndrawais/Debits Ending balance on 12/21 Account number 575.648.53 0.00 - 3.00 575,645.53 2171279207 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Connecticut account lems and conditions apply Far Direct Deposit use Routing Number(RTN): 021t01108 For Wire Transfers use Average ledger balance this period 575.647.03 Routing Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. It you would like more jnformalion regarding Overdraft Protection and eJigibilily reguirements please call the number listed on your stalemeni or visit your Wells Fargo store. Account number: 2171279207 ■ November 24, 2015-December 21, 2015 ■Page2of3 WELLS FARGO Transaction history Deposits/ Dale number Descnplion 12^6 Ending daHy Wilhdrgtvals/ Credits Debits Online Pep Oetaa & Images balance 3!oo" Ending balance on 12/21 73,645.53 75,645.53 Tne Ending Daily Balance does not reHecl any pending withdrawals or holds on deposited funds lhal may have been outstanding on yow accountwhenyour transactions posted. IIyou had insulEcienl evailable funds when a Iransoclion posted, fees may have been assessed. Monthly service fee summary For 8 complele list of (ees and detailed account Information, please see the Wells Fargo Fee and Informalion Schedule and Account Agreement applicable to your account or talk to a banker. Go to wellsfargo-trnn/feefao to find answers to common questions aOoul the monthly service fee on your account Fee penod 1112412015- 12/21/2015 Standard monthly service fee $12.00 You paid_$0;00 Minimum required This fee period How to avoid the monthly service fee Have any ONE of ihe following account requirements ' IVinimum daily balance ' Average ledger balance - Qualifying Iransaclion from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services account $3,000.00 $6,000.00 1 $75,645.53 0 S75.647.00 0 0□ Business Checking Accounl number: 2171279207 ■ December22, 2015• January 25, 2016 ■ Page1of4 Questions? Available by pbone 24 hours a bay. 7 bays a week: Telacomri'iunicaiians Relay Services calls acceplM ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC 58 SHERWOOD PL 1.800-CALL-WELLS (i-800-225-593S> GREENWICH CT 06830-5638 rry-1-800-877-4833 EnespaM: 1 •877.337-7454 Online: wcllsfargo-com'ljlz Wnle: Wells Fargo Bank. N.A,(221| P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OR 97228-6995 Your Business and Wells Fargo Account options Casn flow is one of ihe mosi cnticaf components of success for a small or A check mark m ihe tot /na.cares yoo hnje these convenient mid-sized ousmoss. Achieving a positive cash flow does rot come Dy chance. Learn more about managing cash flow by visiling ssrv.'Ces iv/n your accounifsi Go to ivef's'argo.convSiz or call the nuntocr above il}0j nave questions onlyou tvoula like ro aaa new services Business Online Banking Online Slatemenls Business Bill Pay Business Spending Report Overdraft Protection Account number: 2171279207 Activity summary Beginning balance on 12/22 $75,645.53 ARBOR HILLS WATER WORKS INC Deposits/Credits Connecticut accounl terms and conditions aopty Wiinorawals.DeDlts For OirccI Deposit use Ending balance on 1/25 $75,642.53 Routing Number(RTN) 021101t08 For Wife Transfers use Average ledger balance this period S75.644.24 Rouling Number(RTN): 121000248 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered Oy Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and efigibitity requiremenls clease call the number listed on your statement or visit your vrells Fargo store I| Accoufil number 2171279207 ■ December 22, 2015 - January 25,2016 ■ Page2of4 Transaction history Check Daw NumUcr Doscnplion 1/11 Depos'ts/ WiWdranals/ Cretiils Debils toloncc loo 75.54215 Online Deo Detail & Imanes Ending balance on 1/25 tnoing aaily 75.642.53 The Bnd:r„j Oa:l/ Balana dees not reltect anypending Miindrawals c notas on deposWcd hwds ffial may/ioro been otdsianamg an /our accoon/ivnen your Iransaclions posioO. 1/you had msufticienl ovailadio funds nlwn a imnsachon posWd. fees may hove been assessed Monthly service fee summary For a compleie list ol fees and detailed account information, please see tne Wells Fargo Fee and Infoiniaiion Schedule and Account Agreement applicable lo your account or talk to a banker. Go to to find answers to common questions about lt<e monthly service fee on your account. Fee penod 12/22i201S - 01/25/2016 Standard montMy service fee 512.00 How to avoid the monthly service fee Minimum required Have any ONE of the folto.ving account requirements - Minimum daily balance ' Average ledger balance ' Oualifyirvg transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Susmess Pa/roll Services account S3.000.00 S6.000.00 1 wswe IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION Effective Apnl 11. 2015. your account will be cunveried to a Wuiis Fargo Business Choice Checking account. With this change, your account will be subject to the lolltiwing monthly service fee and youTI receive the boncfils described below. The monthly service fee for the Wells Fargo Business Choice Chocking accuuni Is Sf4. You can avoid this fee if your account moots one of the following criteria during the fee period. -10 or more business debit card purchases and/or payments from this checking account • Maintain a S7.500 average ledger balance - StO.OOO in combined balances' - Linked to a Direct Pay service through Wells Fargo Business Online' - Ouatilying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Merchant Services accounl' - Qualifying transaction from a linked Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services accuuni' You need to meet the criteria listed above for Ihe fee period boginning on April 1. 2016 In order to uvuitJ llie SI 4 monthly service lee. If you do not meet thecritena above. Ihe monthly service fee will appear on your statement beginning on or after April 11, 2016. You can review your account and how to avoid the monthly service leo by reviewing the 'Monthly service foe summary' section on your statement. /Mso. effective Apnl 11. 2016. we are pleased lo Inform you of llio following Penufils you'll receive in your Wells Fargo Business Choice Checking accounl: - First 200 transactions per lee period at no charge. The fee for transactions over 200 per munth will remain unchanged ai SO.50 each. - First S7.500 of cash deposited per fee period at no charge. The foe for cash deposited over S7.S0C per month will remain unchanged at S0.30 per S100 deposited. • Fee waivers end rale discounts on select business lines of credit and loans (subject to crudil qualification) Vou paid SO^ This fee period 575.642-53 0 S75.644.0O 0 0□ Arbor Hills Waterworks Inc p. O. BOX 1283 ' Portchester, NY 10573 Dale invoice # 1/13/2015 20150053 EVENINGS ^^NDS Fax# 914-939-6636 5-878-9711 Bill To Service Site 'Thomas Alfredo Thomas Alfredo - LOT # 54 111 Cornel Dr. 11 Cornel Dr iGoldens Bridge, NY 10526 Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 Description USAGE RATE 18,000 QUARTERLY WATER USAGE 0.0055 QUARTERLY SERVICE CHARGE SURCHARGE: EMERGENCY REPAIR AND WATER Amount 99.00 201.00 201.00 150.00 150.00 TESTING CURRENT READING: 2,773,000 PREVIOUS READING; 2,755,000 4TH QUARTER 2014 Make Check Payable To: ARBOR HILLS WATERWORKS INC. Tota $450.00 Paiments/Credits BILLS NOT PAID WITHIN 23 DAYS OF MAILING ARE CONSIDERED DELINQUENT THE COMPANY MAY DISCONNECT SERVICE AFTER 18 DAYS OF MAILING A SHUT OFF NOTICE BALANCE DUE $450.00 Arbor Hills Water Works Inc p. O. BOX 1283 ' nvoice tt Portchester, NY 10573 Phone# 4/22/2015 20150069 914-937-1810 914-939-6636 Bill To Service Site Thomas Alfredo Thomas Alfredo - LOT # 54 11 Cornel Dr. 11 Cornel Dr Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 Oescfiption Wil USAGE RATE QUARTERLY WATER USAGE QUARTERLY SERVICE CHARGE SURCHARGE: EMERGENCY REPAIR AND WATER TESTING CURRENT READING: 0.0055 66. 201.00 201. 65.00 2,785,000 PREVIOUS READING; 2,773,000 1 ST QUARTER 2015 Make Check Payable To: ARBOR HILLS WATERWORKS INC. Total Paiments/Credits BILLS NOT PAID WITHIN 23 DAYS OF MAILING ARE CONSIDERED DELINQUENT THE COMPANY MAY DISCONNECT SERVICE AFTER 18 DAYS OF MAILING A SHUT OFF NOTICE Amount BALANCE DUE 65.00 Arbor Hills Water Works Inc p. O. BOX 1283 Portchester, NY 10573 Phone# 914-433-1835 Fax# 914-935-0582 Dale Invoice # 7/6/2015 20150136 EMERGENCY 846-878-9711 Service Site Thomas Alfredo 11 Cornel Dr. Thomas Alfredo - LOT # 54 Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 Goldens Bridge. NY 10526 11 Cornel Or Description USAGE RATE ,000 QUARTERLYWATER USAGE 0.0055 QUARTERLY SERVICE CHARGE SURCHARGE: EMERGENCY REPAIR AND WATER TESTING CURRENT READING: PREVIOUS READING: 201.00 15 2,827,000 2,785,000 2ND QUARTER 2015 Make Check Payable To: ARBOR HILLS WATERWORKS INC. Total Payments/Credits BILLS NOT PAID WITHIN 23 DAYS OF MAILING ARE CONSIDERED DELINQUENT THE COMPANY MAY DISCONNECT SERVICE AFTER 18 DAYS OF MAILING A SHUT OFF NOTICE Amounl BALANCE DUE 150.00 Arbor Hills Water Works Inc p. O. BOX 1283 ' Invoice 0 Portchester, NY 10573 Phone# 10/1/2015 914-720-1822 20150234 EMERGENCY 845-888-5755 # 9 4-935-0582 Service Site I Thomas Alfredo Thomas Alfredo - LOT # 54 II Cornel Dr. 11 Cornel Dr Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 Oescfiptlon USAGE RATE QUARTERLY WATER USAGE QUARTERLY SERVICE CHARGE SURCHARGE: EMERGENCY REPAIR AND WATER 0.0055 225.5 201.00 201.0 15 150.00 TESTING CURRENT READING: 2,868,000 PREVIOUS READING: 2,827,000 3RD QUARTER 2015 Make Check Payable To: ARBOR HILLS WATERWORKS INC. Total Payments/Credits BILLS NOT PAID WITHIN 23 DAYS OF MAILING ARE CONSIDERED DELINQUENT THE COMPANY MAY DISCONNECT SERVICE AFTER 18 DAYS OF MAILING A SHUT OFF NOTICE BALANCE DUE i