ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS BY: Maria Luisa Saministrado, PhD. Communication is a two-way process which can be broken down into the following Steps (Bovee and Thill, 5): Bovee and Thill caution us about the complications of real-life communication: Be aware that this is a simplified model; real-life communication is usually more complicated. For instance, both the sender and receiver might be talking at the same time, or the receiver might be trying to talk on the phone with one person while instant messaging with another. (5) ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ Summary of the Communication Process: Step 1. Sender has an idea to share. Step 2. Sender encodes the idea in a form that will carry it to the receiver. Step 3. Sender transmits the message. Step 4. Receiver gets the message. Step 5. Receiver decodes the message. Step 6. Receiver sends feedback. ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ The Communication (Supplementary video 1) Process OBJECTIVES: ● ● ● The basic issues in interpersonal communication Methods of communicating and How technology and the Internet have influenced organizational communications Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to another to create a shared understanding and feeling. NOTE: The word communication actually comes from the latin word, COMMUNICARE, meaning to share or make common. Communication does not mean agreeing, it only means that information is transmitted and received as it was intended. In other words, the communication process is when the sender translates (encodes) information into words, symbols, or pictures and passes it to the receiver through some medium or channel. ➔ SENDER: encoding occurs when the message sender converts a thought idea or fact into a message composed of symbols, pictures, or words. ➔ ENCODED: The message is the encoded information being sent. ➔ CHANNEL: is the medium used to send the message to the receiver including voice, writing, graphs, videos, intranets, internet, television, and body language. ➔ DECODING/ DECODED: ★ Message receiver sees, reads, or hears the message, it gets decoded. ★ Is the interpretation and translation of the message back into something understood by the receiver. NOTE: The decoded information is hopefully the same as the information in the sender intended to communicate but that's not always the case ➔ FEEDBACK: ★ creates two-way communication. ★ Is a check on the success of the communication. Figure 1. Communication Process ★ The message receiver sends a new message back to the original sender and the original sender assesses to see if the receiver understood the original message. ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ ➔ NOISE: Is anything that blocks, distorts, or changes in any way the message the sender intended to communicate. ➔ RETRANSLATES: ★ The receiver then receives the message, retranslates (decode) it into another message that is hopefully the same as what the sender intended. ★ But noise can enter anywhere in the process, making the message received different from the one the sender intended. Barriers can come from the sender, receiver, organization, or noise. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION ➔ According to Mode 1. Verbal Communication a. Through spoken words and the use of speech and language to convey messages. b. When it takes place in person, verbal and non-verbal communication go together. c. Includes language (oral, written), sounds, and tone of voice 2. Non-Verbal Communication a. Body language, facial expressions, eye contact, appearance, sign language. b. Complements verbal communication. c. Includes body language and facial expressions 3. Visual Communication a. Through visual messages like pictures, graphs, objects, and other visual facets. b. Involves signs, symbols, pictures, graphics, and emojis ➔ According to Context 1. Intrapersonal Communication a. Involves one person and is often called “self-talk” b. As we use language to reflect on our own experiences, we talk ourselves through situations (Donna Vocate’s book on intrapersonal communication) c. Any communication that transpires within an individual i. Occurs in our own minds d. Characterized by a lack of feedback from another individual and exists when a person interacts and responds to his or her environment only, with no communication or feedback from another individual e. Examples are thinking, daydreaming, meditating, or even “talking to oneself” when engaging in an internal conversation with no other persons present 2. Interpersonal Communication ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ a. Is the process by which people exchange information through verbal and nonverbal messages. b. It is an unmediated mode of communication that occurs when we interact and attempt to mutually influence each other, simultaneously, in order to manage relationships. c. Although interpersonal communication can encompass oral, written, and non-verbal forms of communication, the term is usually applied to spoken communication that takes place between two or more individuals on a personal or face-to-face level. 3. Extended Communication a. 4. Organizational Communication a. 5. Intercultural Communication a. ➔ According to Purpose and Style 1. Formal Communication a. 2. Informal Communication a. Lesson 2: Communication Models (Supplementary video 2) MODELS OF COMMUNICATION Three models of communication: ★ Linear Model ★ Interactive Model ★ Transactional Model ➔ The Linear Model: One-way communication process The communication process can be categorized into three— linear, interactive, and transactional. 1. LINEAR MODEL a. In this type of communication, the source encodes a message and send it to a receiver through a channel— which can be verbal, non-verbal, or visual. The receiver then decodes the message and that is the end-point of the entire process. The model that can be seen in the screen is the linear model of communicaiton, and this both shows and explains the process of one-way communication. b. According to this model, various things can affect this one-way communication process such as (1) the type of channel used or disruptions in communication or the (2) noise. c. One criticism of this model though, is that it posits ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ communication as a turn-taking process when in real-life, we know that communication can occur simultaneously and is incredibly dynamic. 2. ARISTOTLE’S MODEL (ARISTOTELIAN MODEL) a. The Aristotle or “Aristotelian” model of communication is one of the most accepted and common model of communication. It is also considered as the first [linear] model of communication. b. This model was used to establish propaganda and was largely used for public speaking because during that period, public speaking and rhetoric was extremely popular. We can say that this model emphasizes public speaking rather than interpersonal communication and that it is a speaker-oriented model. i. Aristotle believed that the speaker was incredibly vital in communication as they are the one’s responsible for all communication. In this mode, the audience or receivers take a passive role. c. In this paradigm, the sender communicates with the recipients in an effort to sway their opinions and prompt a given response or action. 3. LASWELL’S COMMUNICATION MODEL a. Due to the rise of the television in 1948, Harold D. Laswell established this communication model, which is regarded as incredibly influential in communication. b. It was developed to study the media propaganda of countries and businesses— or just mass communication in general— at that time. c. This model describes who is saying something, which channel is being used to communicate, who the receivers are or who the message is being aimed at, and what effect the message has. i. To this day, communication sciences and public relations still often use this model, which makes this a classic sender-receiver model. d. This model analyzes communication in terms of five basic questions: Who, Says What, In Which Channel, To Whom, and With What Effect. These questions are the most salient parts of the process of communication. e. This model is about the process of communication and its function to society. ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ Lasswell’s model suggests the message flow in a multicultural society with multiple audiences. The flow of messages is through various channels. And also this communication model is similar to Aristotle’s communication model. COMPONENTS OF THE LASWELL COMMUNICATION MODEL 1. WHO - Control Analysis 2. Says what - Content Analysis 3. In which channel - Media Analysis 4. To whom Audience Analysis 5. With what effect - Effect analysis f. Control analysis helps the sender to have all the power. g. Content analysis is associated with stereotyping and representation of different groups politically. It is also related to the purpose or the ulterior motives of the message. h. Media analysis represents which medium should be used to exercise maximum power against the receivers. i. Audience analysis shows who are the target population to be manipulated or brain-washed. j. Effect analysis is done before the process starts. It is used to predict the effect of a message over the target population to be exploited. 4. BERLO’S MODEL OF COMMUNICATION a. In 1960, David Kenneth Berlo expanded the Shannon-Weaever model of communication; he calls this development the “SMRC” model. b. Looking back on the Aristotle model of communication, the speaker is in a central position and is suggested as the driving force in communication; Berlo’s model however, takes into consideration the emotional aspect of the message— operating on the SMCR model. c. In this model of communication, the elements of communication— the SMCR— contain several factors that affect the flow and success of the communication. Berlo’s model includes a number of factors under each of the elements. 1. Source — the source is situated where the message originates. 2. Message 3. Channel — refers to the five sense organs: hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting 4. Receiver — the receiver needs to think about all the contents and elements of the source, so as to ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ communicate/respond sender effectively. to 5. INTERACTIVE MODEL a. Interactive or Convergence model of Communication is the second category of communication. It upgrades the linear model by making possible the message exchange from the speaker to the receiver and vice versa. It now allows for a feedback element because after a message is encoded and sent to the decoding receiver, the roles then reverse and the receiver encodes and sends a response to the original sender who has now turned receiver. 6. SCHRAMM'S INTERACTIVE MODEL a. In this model of communication, a message can have meanings when permitted by individuals’ experience to understand the message. This means that for a message to be understood similarly by both sender and speaker, there should be a common field— field of experience or a frame of experience— whereby they share the same experience. b. According to Schramm, knowledge, culture, and experience affect the communication process and that messages can be rejected or accepted depending on how these factors can be paralleled from both the sender and the receiver. 7. TRANSACTIONAL MODEL a. The transactional model highlights two-way communication with direct feedback and are the most dynamic communication models. b. The transactional communication models are models where the feedback plays an important role & the sender/receiver can exchange their roles. It's generally used for direct personal communication in which two-way feedback is immediate. c. In this model, the sender and receiver can play the same roles simultaneously as what happens many times in the real world. Messages are sent back and forth simultaneously. d. Transactional models show that we do not just exchange information during our interactions, but create relationships, form cross-cultural bonds, and shape our opinions. In other words, communication helps us establish our realities. These models also introduced the roles of social, relational, and cultural context. Moreover, these models acknowledge that ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ there are barriers to effective communication — noise. e. Dynamic model f. Has feedback, which is a central feature of the model. AMERICAN VS. BRITISH ENGLISH WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ★ These are useful ways to ensure good and effective communication ★ These principles direct the design of the message, its styles, and its significance in order to make it more effective to the target audience. ★ The 7 C’s have two more variations that are often overlooked namely: creativity and credibility. Lesson 3: Communication Principles (Supplementary video 3) 🤔 THINK ABOUT IT : Every day, we are always communicating verbally, non-verbally, electronically, or in writing. Unfortunately because of some barriers, the message does not always come across as intended. The Principles of Communication: The principles of communication that we need to follow in order to become an effective communicator. These are applicable to written, electronic, and verbal communication: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Completeness Concreteness Courtesy Correctness Clarity Consideration Conciseness ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Creativity 9. Credibility ➔ CONCRETENESS: ★ The communication must be particular and convey a clear message rather than it being ambiguous in general ★ Concreteness confidence strengthens Concrete communication has the following features: ➔ COMPLETENESS : ★ The communication must be complete and should convey all facts required by the audience. ★ The sender of the message must take into consideration the receiver's mindset and convey the message accordingly . ★ The “WH” questions must be answered to provide complete information. Complete communication has the following features: ➔ COURTESY: ★ The communication should show the sender's expression as well as respect to the receiver. ★ the center of the message should be sincerely polite, judicious, reflective and enthusiastic. Courteous communication has the following features: ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ ➔ CORRECTNESS: ➔ CONSIDERATION: ★ The communication must have no grammatical errors, inappropriate verb tense, misplaced modifiers, errors in subject-verb agreement, mixing up similar words, etc. in order to avoid misunderstanding the message. Correct communication has the following features: ★ This communication involves stepping into the issues of others and putting yourself in the situation of the audience. ★ Effective communication must take the audience's viewpoints, background, mindset, educational level, etc., into consideration. ★ Make an attempt to envisage or visualize your audience, the requirements, their emotions as well as problems. ★ Ensure that the self-respect of the audience is maintained and their emotions are not at harm. ➔ CLARITY: The communication emphasizes on a specific message or goal at a time rather than trying to achieve too much at once. Clarity in communication has the following features: ★ Modify your words to suit the audience's needs while making your message complete. Consideration in communication has the following features: ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ ➔ CONCISENESS: ★ This communication means keeping the message brief or short. the message in order not to harm the receiver's feelings. Creative communication has the following features: ★ Communicating what you want to say with the least possible words and without the use of unnecessary expressions. ★ Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication Concise communication has the following features: ➔ CREDIBILITY : By creating an atmosphere of trust in a conversation, you add credibility to the message. This can be achieved by a clear and striking tone which indicates that the information you are discussing contains the right details. ➔ CREATIVITY: ★ A text will only be lively when the words and sentences structures are used creatively ★ Creativity is about using one's imagination to come up with original ideas. ★ It is about thinking out of the box EXAMPLE 📝: There are some communication situations where you need to be creative in telling Credible communication has the following features: ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ REMEMBER 💡 ➔ Communication is inevitable : : Putting these principles or rules into practice will make you a good and effective communicator. QUOTATION BY BRIAN TRACY 🧑: “Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.” Lesson 4: Communication Communication video 4) Principles of and Ethical (Supplementary ❓ WHY STUDY ABOUT PRINCIPLES AND ETHICS : The different Principles and Ethics of communication serves as a guide to continuous improvement of your communication skills. PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION: ★ Communication happens even if we want it to or not. It takes place whether it is verbal, non-verbal, or both. ★ For example, if you turn away from me to avoid direct communication, you are still sending a message. You may be communicating avoidance, disapproval, or you might simply be ignoring me – but you are sending a message! ➔ Communication is goal-oriented ★ When communicating, you must have a goal in mind. You do not just say or write for no reason at all. ★ It can either be to persuade, to entertain, to inform, or to express one's feelings, ideas or emotions. ★ It can also be to build and maintain relationships or to influence others. ➔ Communication is transactional : ★ We communicate to develop a sense of self and to understand others, as well. ★ It is a two-way process which involves an exchange. ➔ Communication levels ★ Hence, when a message is sent to you, you must reply or reciprocate it. ★ Give and take nature has various There are various levels of communication, we have: ★ Interpersonal - involves two persons who interact with each other usually ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ based on common communication goals. ★ Intrapersonal - refers to the communication that occurs when you do self-talk. ★ Small group - refers to interactions among three or more people who are connected through a common purpose, mutual influence, and a shared identity. ★ Public or Mass - involves more than 20 people. In the case of a public official, it can be delivering a speech to an audience. ➔ Communication is complex: ★ Communication is a complex process that takes different forms or disguises (i.e., oral, written, kinetic), and it is well embedded in everything we do as individuals or as part of a social structure. ★ Communication is so complex that it entails a lot of processes so it can occur simultaneously or successively. ★ The focus is not just on the message but also on the kind of relationship the communicators have including their personal, religious, cultural, educational and socio-economic backgrounds. ➔ Communication can be learned ★ Despite the complexity of Communication, it is a skill which can be learned. ★ You can improve your communication skills gradually. ➔ Communication is relational ★ Relationship of both communicators in personal relationships such as romantic relationships, family relationships, and friendships. ★ It is crucial to maintaining social bonds and interpersonal relationships. ➔ Communication culture is guided by ★ Culture may be defined as a system of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people. It includes shared beliefs, values, symbols, and behaviors. ★ Messages are created and processed in order to foster understanding and are greatly influenced by the cultural background of the communicators. ★ When one communicates with others whose cultural background is different from his or her own, they must be sensitive with their words and actions. ENGL 5 XA - PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________________ ETHICAL COMMUNICATION: Ethics deals with one's judgment and is a set of moral principles guiding the society to maintain social order. An ethical communicator is: ➔ Ethical communicators are honest ★ You have to be truthful in communicating your thoughts, ideas, or feelings. ★ Good communicators never lie and deceive others. ★ When we say respect, it means showing regard or consideration for others and their ideas even if you do not agree with them. ★ You have to respect others by listening to their points of view and genuinely trying to understand them. You may still disagree with other people without sounding rude or offensive. ★ If you can do this, it is an indication that you demonstrate respect amidst differences. ★ Thoughts, ideas, and feelings should be expressed with the best intention. ➔ Ethical communicators are well aware ★ Ethical communicators know the consequences of their thoughts and actions. ★ The way you communicate can build or ruin your reputation, thus, you need to take accountability for what you are doing and what you are saying. ★ You need to be very cautious with your choice of words and be responsible. ➔ Ethical communicators value diversity and respect others opinion ➔ Ethical communicators are just and fair Communicators objective must be impartial and They do not hastily make decisions based on hearsays, gossip, and personal biases. To conclude, an ethical communicator exerts every effort to gather relevant facts or pertinent information related to a situation before making a decision.