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Filipino Entrepreneur Traits: Success & Personal Reflection

1. Filipinos are driven by their passion and practical needs in becoming an entrepreneur. Their
hearts are burning with desire to be successful in their chosen field that will also provide the
needs of their families. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy. There are a lot of setbacks that will trample
you every time, and makes you think if it is still worth pursuing. But if one has passion, he can
surpass these all. He will become persistent and use failure as a weapon to achieve what he
desires. Giving up is not in the option for a person who is hungry for success.
I can say that I share the same sentiments as to those successful entrepreneurs. I am passionate
in achieving my degree and goals in life. There are days when I feel so down and no longer have
an energy to study. However, I did not consider that as a reason to give up or shift course.
Instead, I thrive and still do the best I can. And just like those successful entrepreneurs, no
matter how hard and stressful my program is, I never losses sight of why I am striving to get this
and be successful—I am doing this for my family.
2. The proven traits of Filipino entrepreneurs that made them successful are:
 Confident and self-reliant- To be successful in what ever goals someone’ desires, he
must first believe in his self. You must have confidence in what you do. Trust your skills
and abilities. If one has this trait, then he can and will be able to do anything.
 Hardworking and goal-oriented- Being confident and self-reliant isn’t enough. To a
successful, one must persevere and exert efforts. Filipino entrepreneurs are very goal
oriented. When they a goal, they give all their efforts and work harder to attain in even
though it compromised their health and time with their families.
 Leader and an innovator- Filipinos who succeed in this field are very good leaders. They
have the power to lead and make a change. They lead their packs in innovating
something that will yield significance in the society and its people.
 Value-oriented- We Filipinos are naturally value-oriented. We are guided by values
(Filipino values) that we are applying every day. In the same case, Filipino entrepreneurs
have system of values that they use in every entrepreneurial activity. This serves as their
guide in every thing they do and plan to do.
3. As of now, I possess the trait of being hard wording and goal oriented. I always exert a lot of
effort in everything I do. I make sure that I give my best in it so in the end, I won’t have any
regrets. Being a student means being hard working. And all my hard work is a result of my desire
to achieve my goals. At this age, I already know what to achieve. I have locked my eyes on that
target goal of mine. That is why I do my best to be hard working, so I won’t lose track of my
goals. I am also a value-oriented person. A have sets principles in life that is helpful in discerning
what is right and wrong. My journey towards achieving my goals is guided by these values.