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HRIS Technology Assignment: ABC Meats Analysis

Assignment 1: Human Resources Information System (HRIS) Technology
HRM 0100: Managing the Human Resource Function
October 10, 2022
The Purpose of the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) at ABC Meats
A Human Resource Information System (HRIS) collects, records, stores, analyzes, and retrieves
data concerning an organization's human resources. (Schwind et al., 2022, p.82)
The HRIS will be used in our Human Resources (HR) department to manage employee data and
provide streamlined information in one centralized location removing the need for multiple
spreadsheets, databases, and paperwork overload. (Bischoff, n.d.)
The HRIS Software ABC Meats Needs
When deciding on an appropriate HRIS to match our needs, we must, among other things,
consider the size of the company and what information needs to be captured. (Schwind et al,
2022, p.82)
With 125 staff members, ABC Meats is a medium-sized company that continues to grow. With
the personnel files in a mess, the company needs comprehensive HRIS software — an "end-toend system that encompasses all the other three types of HRIS software with a common
interface" (What Are the Types of HRIS Solutions?, n.d.) that can meet present and future needs.
The HRIS software may cost more than $15 per user per month (Rutkowski, 2021), with a
comprehensive system costing higher than other types. However, it cuts across all HR functions
— Recruitment & Selection; Payroll; HR Administration; Training & Development, Health &
Safety; Performance Management; Strategic HR Planning, e.t.c. (Schwind et al, 2022, p.83).
Role of Privacy and Security When Considering an HRIS
When considering HRIS, privacy and security must be front and center because the employee
information stored in the HRIS software must be tightly protected. (Schwind et al, 2022, p.85).
However, as with computer software, there are risks of internal and external hacking, which, if
successful, may lead to a data breach or leak. This can be detrimental to the employees and the
company (Matchr, n.d.). There is also the risk of data misuse and fraud. (Guenole et al., 2017, p.
The company must take precautions such as: purchasing robust HRIS with the capacity to set up
security profiles and granting access to the HRIS data only on a need-to-know basis (Schwind et
al, 2022, p.85); educating employees on data security protocols, investing in cyber security and
keeping software up-to-date. (Matchr, n.d.)
The Value-Added Services of HRIS as a Justification for Cost
Some of the value-added services (apart from managing HR files and employee data) that can
justify HRIS cost are that: by streamlining information in one centralized location, the HRIS will
help to ensure regulatory compliance, improve management oversight, and ultimately increase
profits (IceHrm, 2020). It will help with the strategic human resource planning needed in a
growing business like ABC Meats. (Rutkowski, 2021). It will save the HR department time and
energy and ultimately increase productivity because of easy access to data for HR analytics &
reporting. (Bischoff, n.d.) It will help managers to manage the application and interview process
and set and monitor new employee training objectives. (IceHrm, 2020)
Conclusion and Recommendations
Considering our current challenges within the HR department, we strongly recommend that the
company invest in a comprehensive HRIS as an essential business partner to solve current
challenges and accommodate future growth. This is because HRIS software will aid:
Faster report generation and organization of employee information digitally (reducing
paper cost) in a centralized location. Streamlined recruitment & onboarding, ensuring
practical benefits administration for all employees (Chron Contributor, 2021) and
extracting data from the HRIS for data analytics geared towards strategic workforce
planning. (Guenole et al., 2017, p. 148)
Employee experience because of their access to the HRIS self-service function to manage
their affairs, like updating simple personal records, entering their timesheet, and
requesting time off. (van Vulpen, n.d.)
Schwind, H., Uggerslev, K., Wagar, T., & Fassina, N. (2022). Canadian Human Resource
Management: A Strategic Approach (13th ed.). McGraw Hill.
Bischoff, B. (n.d.). HRIS Systems: 7 Core Functions You Need To Know About. People
Managing People. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from
What are the types of HRIS Solutions? (n.d.). Freshworks. Retrieved October 8, 2022,
from https://www.freshworks.com/hrms/types-of-hris-systems/
Rutkowski, P. (2021, January 5). What Does An HRIS Cost? An Employer's Guide To
Pricing & Savings. Complete Payroll Solutions. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from
Guenole, N., Ferrar, J., & Feinzig, S. (2017). The Power of People: Learn How
Successful Organizations Use Workforce Analytics to Improve Business Performance
(1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Matchr. (n.d.). Keep Information Secure Through HRIS Implementation. (n.d.). Matchr.
Retrieved October 8, 2022, from https://matchr.com/hris-software/keeping-informationsecure-throughout-hris-implementation/
IceHrm. (2020, January 23). How your HRIS adds value to your business. (2020, January
23). IceHrm. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from https://icehrm.com/blog/how-your-hrisadds-value-to-your-business/
Chron Contributor. (2021, June 3). What Are the Advantages of a Human Resource
Information System? (n.d.). Small Business - Chron.com. Retrieved October 8, 2022,
van Vulpen, E. (n.d.). What is a Human Resources Information System (HRIS)? A Full
Guide. AIHR. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from https://www.aihr.com/blog/humanresources-information-system-hris/