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Social Media Influencers Reflection Paper

One-Click Power
A Reflection Paper on Social Media Influencers
In fulfillment of the requirements in Creative Nonfiction and
Trends Network and critical thinking in the 21st century
Written by:
Desley Mae C. Montesa of 12 HUMSS B
One-Click Power
A Reflection Paper on Social Media Influencers
“Hi, guys! Welcome to my Blog!”
Click to upload. Posted! In today's generation, the term “influencer” is no longer new on the menu
but a cup of tea that everyone, if not, most people would love to have on their table. Before, the term
only pertained to celebrities and other big names in different industries, until the age of social media
was born. Everyone can be an influencer in just a snap. Social media launches new breeds of
influencers from different platforms. As a matter of fact, you can be a social media star overnight by
just gaining the attention of the netizens. Although, the process and strategy on how to maintain and
boost fame is what makes being an influencer a bit challenging. On the side note, the presence of
social media served as an ignited light in an unknown village. It helps people to connect with the
world, and almost everything that you need is just one click away. People tend to live their life with the
internet and it has already become part of their lifestyle. The internet served as the channel to
showcase these contents to the world. However, have you ever thought about becoming an influencer?
First, let me have my first sip of my tea.
Social media influencers are people who make content for their followers or casual audiences on
different social media platforms. They cater unique contents and usually hop on what is the trend in
the internet community. As per the Global social media statistics research summary 2022, over 58.4% of
the world population (4.62 billion people) use social media and for the past 12 months, 424 million new
users have joined the online community. This data shows that the majority are now submerged on the
internet and tend to maximize its usage, from surfing, communication, as well as business, etc. Most of
the contents usually revolve around lifestyle, business, and entertainment. Research reveals that
people tend to like individuals who they can relate to and have similarities. The influencers can be
identified in many different ways according to the platform they used and the following are the most
common influencers in this era. The Bloggers are the first ever social media influencer that uses the
internet to write about their personal experiences, reviews and recommendations and such, in which
the netizens can relate to. These influencers use the power of literature to spread information as well
as to influence the readers. Next in the line are the Vloggers or also known as the YouTubers. These are
the people who make content by recording themselves and documenting almost everything. This time,
people use the power of mouth and video recording to promote and share information to their virtual
audiences. On the other platform, Instagram influencers use visual presentations such as photos and
videos, in which most celebrities are considered as this kind of influencer. Most influencers are brand
ambassadors and they are to promote the products or services by giving their honest opinion regarding
the product and services. Basically, it is actually about how you project yourself to the naked eye of
the world.
Furthermore, having the power to influence others usually comes with positive and negative
impacts. According to Forbes, influencers can give the spotlight to some important matters, may it be
about social justice, health and such. Some influencers stand with their advocacy and use their
platform to spread awareness and to gather support from the net users. With this, the amount of
support and awareness will help them to resolve or gather help from the officials. A simple gesture can
actually help a thousand people. In terms of product reviews, these people help the audiences whether
to purchase products or skip the hype. However, there are also drawbacks for being an instrument for
public influence. As a public figure, bashing and backlash are inevitable. By sharing honest and
personal insights, these influencers are getting negative feedback from the netizens and this may lead
to the ending of their career. Generation Z named this as the "cancel culture", where people throw hate
comments and foul sentiments towards the statement or act of an individual. Above all, being an
influencer can now be compared to a game of chess. Every move should be calculated because a great
wrong move can change to whom fate befalls.
Innovation can come up with good and/or bad outcomes. I have thought about how social media
controls the lives of individuals, especially the younger generation. We prefer to be aligned with the
trend and try to change ourselves into someone who is obviously not us but someone who we see on
the internet. It seems like there is a magic spell in every content they make. In my perspective, these
influencers can turn you into a copycat.
Truly, social media can either make or break you. Despite all the pros and cons given, it depends on
how you handle things and how far your purpose will take you. The effectiveness and longevity of your
influence will depend on how you will use your platform to influence, to persuade, to introduce and to
build credibility. Fame can be easily gained and also, easy to lose. With all the reflection and
discussion, do you still want to be an influencer in today’s generation? Is it really worth it to become an
Influencer? That’s it, I've finished my cup of tea.