Republic of the Philippines Department of Education SD0-SAN ANTONIO- ANNEX ZACARIAS C. AQUILIZAN HIGH SCHOOL Panabingan, San Antonio, Nueva Ecija PROPOSED ACTION PLAN TO ENRICHED TEACHING PRACTICED BASED ON LAC SESSION COMPONENTS KEY IMPROVEMENTS STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES (LEAST LEARNED ITEMS) Student Determining the Development kind of energy Identifying the powerhouse of the cell that plays an important role in the breakdown of food Comparing altitude and temperature Calculating the average speed Determining non polar covalent bond Identify and target students with minimum growth (slow learners). Set targets for student achievement (by the end of each grading period). Conduct on-thespot tests. Develop personalized intervention programs for slow learners. Allow students to do hands-on TIME FRAME Year round RESOURCES REQUIRED Performance Target Monitoring Chart, practice tests, Least Mastered Skills Activity sheets, laboratory materials, and others Scheduled field trips, consent form, endorsement from Division PERSONS INVOLVE MTs, Science Coordinato r,Science Teachers EXPECTED OUTPUT Report of student’s achievement. Result of student’s test performances Decreased number of students at risk and below minimum performance Increased student’s participatio Republic of the Philippines Department of Education SD0-SAN ANTONIO- ANNEX ZACARIAS C. AQUILIZAN HIGH SCHOOL Panabingan, San Antonio, Nueva Ecija 57 PROPOSED ACTION PLAN TO ENRICHED TEACHING PRACTICED BASED ON LAC SESSION Determining the correct sublevels of an atom Identifying Krebs cycle Determining the patterns in the distribution of electrons Determining the valence electron of metals Finding the pathways of oxygen in respiratory system activities to learn more. Conduct educational field trips in museums, observatories or science exhibits. Engage students in meaningful activities that stimulate learning. Office and School n in science programs Evidences of increased student’s learning outcome