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Microbial Risk of Potable Water Systems

Chapter 5
Summary of findings
In determining the Microbial Risk of Potable Water Systems in five barangay of San Jose City,
Nueva Ecija namely Abar 2nd, Caanawan, Camanacsacan, Dizol, and lastly Sto Tomas. To determine the
microbial risk, they took a sample of each household that was connected to each phase in five barangays
and tested at Cabanatuan Center water testing. Based on findings from this study water microbiology
analysis is a method of microbiological analysis that uses water samples to quantify the number of
bacteria present. The test techniques used to determine the Heterotropic Plate Count, Total
Coliform, and Thermotolerant for evaluating the quality of drinking water are the pour Plate
Method, Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique, and Thermotolerant. 15 of the 16 samples passed
the water test in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd
Edition, proving that POWAS water is safe to drink and has low levels of E. coli, total coliforms,
and the number of heterotropic plates. Due to the sample's failure despite having a high percentage
of the three conditions satisfied, one of the samples tested negative. After finding the test result of
water testing, they proceed to create a questionnaire and the overall total of respondents is three
hundred thirteen (313) which specifies the respondent’s children aged 1-5, Senior Citizens, and
pregnant. the result of the water quality, water characteristics, and water sources in five barangay
of San Jose City, Nueva Ecija. Most answered agree. Overall it said that the Potable Water systems
are safe to drink as a Secondary Water Supply.
We advised the POWAS manager that every town with POWAS phases should have a
generator because every consumer complains that there is no water when there is no electricity.
This way, even if they lose power, customers won't be inconvenienced. Future researchers might
as well dig deeper into some points of concern regarding the Potable Water System (POWAS):
Determining the Microbial Risk Present in The Potable Water and Its Effect on The Consumers’
Health as a Secondary Water Supply System in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija" by conducting more
studies and reporting findings for verification.
The future researchers might as well dig deeper on some points of concern regarding the Microbial
Risk Present in the Potable Water and its Effect on the Consumers’ Health as a Secondary Water
Supply System, conducting more studies and report findings for verification.