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OJT Narrative Report: College Computer Studies

Narrative Report
On-the-Job training or OJT is one way that gives us students
a chance to put the theories and calculations they have
learnt in school into practice. By acting in a real-world
workplace context, it also aids students in acquiring pertinent
knowledge and abilities. As part of the curriculum, colleges
and universities mandate that students go through this
training within a set amount of time.
For us students at the College of Computer Studies, OJT is
defined as giving students the chance to experience a
particular job firsthand while using real tools, equipment, and
paperwork. In essence, the workplace serves as a training
ground for us students' trainees, providing us with the
chance to put what we have learned in our OJT into practice
while learning more about our chosen fields of study or
On-the-Job Training or in the other hand, is beneficial and
helpful for the company where practicum is performed
because we contributed manpower and left the employers
with a considerable cost as an addition to their normal labor.
The trainees should take use of this opportunity to perform to
the best of their abilities in order to increase their chances of
being hired by the agency following their practicum.
And for my Learning Experience in my OJT Days
1.Observes the use of proper office attire (prescribed office
uniform)/ clothing for work.
2. Is well-groomed and reflects an aura of confidence
3. Observes office hours; comes to work regularly on time,
incurs minimal absences at work and completes assigned
4. Has a devoted attention to the job given and performs
5. Is a team worker, pleasant and cooperative, enthusiastic and
interested in the work assigned.
6. Does not complain of the task/work assigned
7. Accepts suggestions, not defensive, critical or uncooperative
8. Complies with office rules and regulations
9. Committed to quality of work
10. Respect the privacy of others
11. Willing to exert extra effort or to make personal sacrifices
when needed
12. Shows alertness and intelligence/learns job requirements
13. Highly motivated to improve job performance