(Request for Proposal) 1 TITLE PAGE AND CONTENTS **so readers can easily find the information they needed 2 **prepared after the business plan is written 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS 4 5 Consists of the ff: 1.Definition of the market 2.Definition of the market share 3.Positioning strategy 4.Pricing strategy 5.Distribution strategy 6.Promotion strategy Definition of the Market • Objective is to determine which part of the total potential market will be served by the firm • Defined in terms of size, demographics, structure, growth prospects, trends and sales potential Definition of the market share P o s i t i o n i n g S t r a t e g y A positioning strategy aims to establish the defining characteristic of a brand in the consumer's mind to influence customer perception to communicate a brand's competitive advantage effectively. It's all about showing the audience how a brand wants to be perceived in the mind of customers relative to competing brands Pricing Strategy the methods and procedures companies employ to determine the rates they charge for their goods and services. 6 7 Operations and Management Contains the following; 1. 2. 3. 4. Organizational structure Operating expenses Capital requirements Cost of good sold 8 Financial Data 9 Supporting Documents Usually contains the following; 1.Owners resume 2.Contracts with suppliers 3.Contracts with customers or clients 4.Letters of reference 5.Copy of firms lease 6.Letters of intent 7.Copy of copyright or patents acquired, if applicable 8.Tax returns for the past three years