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Bullying Essay: Causes, Effects, and Interventions

Bullying essay.
Bullying in schools has always existed but lately the cases of bullying have increased more, many of those
affected sometime do not even seek help because they are afraid of their attackers. They last a long time
until one day they get tired and can reach the point of suicide or sometimes harm other people as in
many cases we have seen than there were shootings in schools.
The boys were more likely to be perpetrators than girls were but were just as likely to be victims. Boys
were no more likely than girls were to feel safe at school, bullying has been defined as behavior that is
“intentional and causes physical and psychological harm to the recipient”, schools can do a great deal to
create climates in which bullying in significantly reduces and where students feel safe and supported.
One definition is that students is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed repeatedly and
over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students.
Social sciences, people carry out negative actions through, physical contact, with words, or in more
indirect ways, such as making mean faces or gestures, spreading rumors, or intentionally excluding
someone from a group. The are many options to deal with bullying but it will always exist and will always
be a problem for different reasons.
Target interventions typically include teaching social skill such as friendship assertiveness and anger
management skills interventions for targets may be done one-on-one or in a support group. Targets
should not be re-victimized by bring the target and perpetrator together to try resolve the situation.