Techniques Lab Gel electrophoresIS:SEPARATE · charge cathode o by the and /or size LARGE less movement * I = - cannot move as well - * small:BOTTOM TOP anoder ① Large: Samples in lanes move toward Danode ~ Native-PAGE for · separate by - ~ - - WITHOUT separate by mass · - size (keep structure) SDS-PAGE for Proteins denatures - Proteins Reducing breaks breaking disulfide (only noncovalent) SDS-PAGE for Proteins desulfide COMPLETELY bridges denature "SNOW DROP" Western Blot PROTEINS · = 1. SDS Page conducted 2. Introduce radiolabeled antibodies 3. proteins bound to itshow up Southern/Northern BLOT=DNA, RNA · FOR DNA ~ FOR RNA deave/denature s ~get electrophoresis of single strands polyacrylamide * agarose * get electrophoresis single of strands for <500 base pairs for +500 base pairs · Chromotography: separate the components of moble=nonpolar * muxture stationary polar * Polar Slower) - = -Liquid stationary - - Gas-gas en Inert silica, nonpolar mobile mobile, is a coating is station. (N2, heum) - Polar molecules elute SLOWER longer retention times) Size exclusion - - larger elute FASTER smaller L - SLOWER proteins separated based - affinity for their ligand HIGHER affinity SLOWER on = - ·TLC solution is mobile, the beads are station. get "caught"and elute >Affinity RF - will bind to the beads Silica destance gel stationary = * solvent line and the nonpolar mobile solvent I nonpolar EasterI more Distillation:separate two · or more molecules from solution -> -> C pts. 2 So apart simple-boiling fractional-boiling pts. 22 So apart Durin g Glycogenesis . GLUT 2 Fed State "GIP" ↑ ~ Glucokinage OR Hexokinage ~ the P Mutage · UTP iodgsine) + . ↓ ATP * 6 Phosphorylate 1 Phosphogluco · on the liver 10 &Gloose receptors UDP-gloose auto glucose G 11 Keep adch. ingree glycosylation I I · = oD * driven by release of dephos. from UTP c.- · make : a Branching GLYOOGEN 1,6-glycosides Enzyme SYNTHASE GLYCOGEN GLYCOGENIN ⑧o Balboaahe - During fasting State - - hypoglycera Low blood . & glucose (glucagon, norepi/epi) take 3 Slice -, glucose, - Enzyme Diffuse out cell of the little 1,0 1 GLUCOSE cleave- 1,4 glycosidec with phos. very glucose for the blood · R make Fore Sfr Debranching * make i - 1, 4 and transfer to other, break FORM Glycogenolysis * S &A molecules Phospho gloco mutage ↑ rose ER No Glucose E Phosphatase - 0 x & = v -100 sEs g