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English SBA Oral Presentation Plan

Plan for Oral Presentation
The oral presentation for the English SBA is a creative response based on your individual topic.
Your presentation should be 3-5 minutes and is presented pre-dominantly in Standard English.
You can use your local dialect but it should not over power the presentation. If you do so, you
will be penalized. Remember that grades are allotted for how well you use Standard English.
The presentation can take the form of any of the following genres:
➢ poetry
➢ prose
➢ drama
✓ Spoken Words
✓ Dub Poem
✓ Ballad
✓ Elegy
✓ Free Verse
✓ Ode
✓ Speech (exposition, persuasive, argumentative, descriptive)
✓ Short Story
✓ Editorials
✓ Articles
✓ Role Play
✓ One Person Skit
✓ Soliloquy
✓ Split Role or
✓ Multi-role
✓ Using Music to Underscore the Drama
fosters creativity
thought provoking
solicits empathy
allows one to use language in creative ways
among other such responses
engaging ( short stories)
among other such features
fosters creativity
memorable (leaves a lasting effect)
can incorporate other genres
allows different forms of expression ( verbal, none- verbal and written)
among other such features
What is the Plan for Oral Presentation?
The oral presentation is an overview of your presentation which gives the following details: Title
of the Presentation, genre, justification of genre, source of inspiration, literary inspiration,
language used and summary of the piece.
TITLE: “Ballad of a Teenage Mother”
GENRE: Poetry
Poetry is a creative way of expressing one’s thoughts and feelings while arresting the attention of
the audience. It also affords me opportunity of conveying a serious message in an engaging
I have seen on line and read in the media where more and more young girls are falling victims of
teenage pregnancy. This especially so with the prevalence young girls meeting men on social
media. There seems to be the tendency of these men tricking the girls into meeting them and then
taking advantage of these teenage girls. I wish to use this poem as a vehicle to warn teenagers of
the dangers of meeting people on line and then agreeing to meet them in person. This
arrangement has led to an increase in teenage pregnancy as indicated by the media. Additionally,
it is also my desire that this poem will inspire teenage girls to hold their heads high and stick to
their goals.
The following articles are a representation of the content that was needed in order to present my
piece in an inspiring, motivational and informative manner.
“A Teenage Pregnancy” - Agustin Antonio
(place the link to the article here)
“WHAT IS TEENAGE PREGNANCY? What does Teenage Pregnancy Mean? Teenage
Pregnancy Definition – Teenage Pregnancy Explanation” Published on: August 25
(place the link to the video here)
“Teenage Pregnancy” Vybz Kartel and Gaza Slim published on August 4, 2009 (place the link to
the video here)
Formal Register
Emotive Language
Rhetorical Questions
Rhyming Words
This ballad seeks to inform teenagers that they should be vigilant especially in a society
pedophiles have easy access to them through social media. Additionally, they should be watchful
of the friends they keep and the places they go. It is a motivational piece that encourages young
girls to be ambitious and hold their heads high.
Title: “The Scammers’ Way”
Genre: Poetry
Justification of Genre: I find poems to be very stimulating. I am therefore confident in its
ability to engage my target audience while effectively communicating my intended message. I
am also of the belief that has the ability to reach a wider audience.
Source of Inspiration: It is my hope that I can use my poem as a means of appealing to
scammers to look at the bigger picture. I am sure many of them have not considered the
consequence of scamming on the economy. Additionally, I wish to use the poem to speak on
behalf of the victims.
Literary Inspiration: The following pieces have been used to inform the content of my poem.
An article entitled, “Lottery Scam Could Lead to Economic Fallout”
An article “Jamaican Reputation for Scamming Urges Serious US Action”
A comic strip published in “The Daily Gleaner”
Language Used:
Critical tone
Rhetorical question
Emotive language
Summary: The poem examines the effects of scamming on the economy and the victims. It also
appeals to scammers to desist from the practice.
The Scammers’ Way
So you think scamming pays
You will soon get your days
You drink and flask
Because you can rob without a mask
You bring in your millions
While you rob your country of billions
From opportunities with overseas investors
Then you think you are mentors
Training the youth to become choppers
And you Mr. law man
Little did we know you are a fan
We thought you were fighting this scamming thing
Little did we know that you too want to bling
This scamming thing has gone so grand
Jamaica on its own cannot stand
So in comes the US police troop
To try to catch Jamaican scammer youth
You claim this is reparation
But have you considered its implication
You rob the victims of their money pride and joy
Now the gun has become your toy
You are now trigger happy boys
The government is at a lost
It has counted the cost
Scamming has become a political football
One party is hoping it will cause the government to fall
Everyone is showing appall
That scamming is thriving
When victims are barely surviving
Have you no conscience my brother?
Do you not have a mother?
All you can think about is money and gain
What about the victims' pain?
Do you know some have taken their eternal rest?
And all you care about is looking your best
You love the money the hype and the gain
One day it will be your mother's belly pain