Uploaded by danielalves13122001

Teenage Pregnancy: Community Survey Analysis

Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female under the age
of 20. But in our community 24% of 100 people think that teenage pregnancy is under the age of
18. Teenage pregnancy is a problem because most of pregnant girls and adolescents also face
other health risks and complications due to their immature bodies. Teenage mothers have higher
risks of living with lower incomes, lower educational achievements and difficulties with housing
and family conflicts when compared to their peers. Relating to our survey 54% of people in our
community answer that teenage pregnancy is a problem and rest of 56% of them don’t think it is
a problem. Only 47% of people got sex education in their high school and I can say that it would
be just sharing of NOGs and other volunteer group about sex education because we don’t have
specific lessons about sex education in our schools.