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Rest as little as possible, don’t exceed 60s. - DB thumbs up Incline Bench Press 3x 12 DB Shoulder “L†Raises 3x 10-12 Diamond Cutter Push Ups 3x failure Chin Ups (underhand grip) 3x failure DB “no money†Curls*** 3x 12 *** elbows tucked into your sides, curl up, rotate your hands behind you at the top (“V†or “W†) Day 2 LOWER BODY Supersets, no rest between exercises, 60s rest after each superset. 1a - Forward Step Up 4x 10 1b - DB/KB Swings 4x 15 2a - Hip Bucks 3x 10 2b - Hip Buck Marches 3x 12 3a - Shuffle Shuffle Pickup Squats 3x 8 3b - Sprinter Lunge Leaps 3x 8 Day 3 “Bumps, Jumps & Jacks" - Burpees x10 - Box Jumps x12 - Jumping Jacks x40 Start the next exercise each minute, rest for the balance of the minute, perform 7 circuits (21min total). Day 4 TOTAL BODY - DB Hang Cleans 3x 10 Spiderman Crawl Pushups 3x 10 DB Curl & Press 3x 10 DB Bulgarian Split Woodchoppers 3x 12 Cable/Tubing Squat to Stand Rows 3x 12 Tubing reverse “X†Flys (rotator cuff exercise) 3x 15 Day 5 THE XT-400 CHALLENGE 100x 100x 100x 100x Cross Knee Plank Pushups DB Renegade Rows Box Jumps Opposite Elbow to Knee Planks You may do the exercises in any order and for any amount at a time. It is recommended that you only advance to weeks 2+ if you perform all 400 reps in under 25 minutes. DB Renegade Rows (20 lbs dumbbells or 25% of your bodyweight / combined). Left + right counts as one rep. Opposite Elbow to Knee Planks, left + right counts as one rep. CW Northrop 09-06-19 10:58 AM - Post#887387 No big surprises this week. The "Bumps, Jumps & Jacks" went by without too much hassle, much better than expected. Still, it's no cake walk, though. Luckily I had already passed the XT-400 challenge during a test run one week ago, no need to repeat it. Total Posts: 123 CW Northrop Total Posts: 123 AX-2 X-TREME 09-06-19 10:59 AM - Post#887388 ========================= X-2: Retro-X Training Phase ========================= Week 2 of AX-2 aims at maximising time under tension by starting and finishing all reps from a position of constant tension. E.g., you start side lateral raises at the top of the movement, you drop one arm, bring it back up, then the other arm while one arm is always up in the air. Likewise biceps curls. With push ups, you hover an inch above the ground (1-2 seconds) before you push yourself up, come down and hold again for 1-2s. Rest 45s after each straight set. Day 1 UPPER BODY / PUSH Straight sets, perform all 3 sets before you move on to the next exercise. Rest as little as possible, don’t exceed 60s. - alternate incline DB Bench Press 3x 12 (each arm) - Hover Plyo Push Ups 3x failure Cable/Tubing “X†Hi/Lo Crossovers 3x 12 (each arm)*** Lying DB Triceps X-Tensions 4x 10 Physioball DB Kickbacks 3x 10 *** kind of like a chest fly with different angles, 6x arms slightly below nipple line, 6x arms at shoulder height, one arm at a time with the other arm holding the tubing under tension Day 2 UPPER BODY / PULL - alternating DB Rows 3x 12 Cable/Tubing Pulldowns 3x 12 (both arms act individually) alternating Iron Cross Flys 3x 15 (cable/tubing rear delt flys) alternating DB 1+1/2 Curls 4x 10 reverse Lip Busters 3x 12 (cable/tubing curls towards your lips) Remember, do all exercises (except plyo pushups) with one arm at a time, alternating, while the other arm maintains constant tension. Day 3 REST Day 4 LEGS - DB Creeping Lunges 3x 10 (2 steps forward, 2 steps backward per rep) Step Up / Lunge Combo 3x 10 Lateral 2 foot Skier Hop & Squat 3x 45s Physioball Bench Glute / Ham Raise 4x 10 Slick Floor Bridge Curls 3x 12 Day 5 SHOULDERS / Rotator Cuffs - DB alternating Shoulder Press 3x 12 DB alternating Side Lateral Drops 3x 8 DB/Plate sideways laying “8†(keep your arms out straight) 3x 8 DB alternating “W†Raises 3x 8 RC tubing Step Outs (isometric hold) 3x 15 Day 6 The “King TuT†Challenge I won’t go into much detail b/c I am only doing the weekly training part of AX-2 plus the occasional conditioning workout. That means I’m going to skip most of the challenges during my first run through AX-2 in order to avoid overtraining. 4 minute circuit, each exercise 30s, no rest. The idea is, that you perform a 30s isometric hold, followed by 30s dynamic exercise. 1a isometric RIGHT LEG** Step Down Hold 1b RIGHT LEG** Step Up Thrusts 2a 3 Point Hover 2b Mountain Climbers 3a Iso Split Squat DB Side Lateral Hold 3b DB Overhead Split Squat Jumps 4a Cliffhanger Planks 4b Cross Hop Planks ** First circuit RIGHT LEG only, 2nd circuit LEFT LEG, 3rd RIGHT LEG, 4th LEFT LEG. Rest 1min after each 4min circuit, perform 4 circuits total. For each 30s task that you complete, you earn one point. . CW Northrop Total Posts: 123 AX-2 X-TREME 09-15-19 08:00 AM - Post#887713 ========================= X-3: ARX Training Phase ========================= Week 3 of AX-2 deals with manipulating the strength curve, incorporating band resistance into your workouts. It’s a combination of traditional straight sets and compound sets (2 exercises in a row targeting the same muscle group). NOTE: Jeff’s weekly schedule looks like this MO - Chest/Tri (PUSH) TU - Back/Bi (PULL) WE TH - LEGS FR - Shoulders/RC SA - Challenge SU Since his challenges are usually timed bodyweight exercises and PUSH-heavy, there is not enough time to recover before next Monday’s push workout. Therefore, I’d rather do the PULL workout on Monday and the PUSH workout on Tuesday for a more even distribution throughout the week. That’s just me. Feel free to perform the workouts in Jeff’s original order. Day 1 BACK / BICEPS (PULL) - Pull Ups 3x failure - Straight arm Pulldowns 3x 12, compounded with - DB Lat Pullovers 3x 12 - Finisher: 1 arm DB Row with additional Tubing resistance 3x 12 (each arm) - DB Standing Biceps Curls 3x 12 - DB Fielder Curls, 3x 12 compounded with - Tubing Stretch Curls 3x 12 (Tubing resistance comes from low/behind) - Finisher: Tubing/DB Combo Biceps Curls 3x failure Day 2 CHEST / TRICEPS (PUSH) - DB Flat Bench Press 3x 12 - Cable/Tubing Sunrise / Sunset 3x 10 (Chest Fly, both arms are writing a big “O†) - Dips 3x failure - Finisher: Band resisted Push Ups 3x failure - narrow grip/ elbows tucked DB (Triceps) Bench Press 3x 10 - alternating Woodchopper Triceps Pushdowns - Upright Overhead DB Triceps Extensions - Finisher: Tubing/DB Skull Crusher 3x 12 Day 3 REST Day 4 LEGS - DB or Barbell Deadlifts 3x 12 - Band-resisted Retro Farmers Walk 3x 10 - Slingshot Lunges 3x 10 - Finisher: Split Squat Drops 3x 10 - Physioball Hamstring Curls 3x 15 - Physioball Bench Glute / Ham Raise 3x 10 - DB Single Leg RDL’s 3x 12 - Finisher: DB / Band-resisted RDL’s 3x 12 Day 5 SHOULDERS / Rotator Cuffs - rotational DB Shoulder Press 3x 12 - DB Side Lateral Raises 3x 12 - Cable/Tubing Sword Raises 3x 12 (each arm) - Finisher: DB Leaning Tower*** Lateral Raises 3x 12 *** Hold on a rack and lean away, raise the free arm - DB Scaptions 3x 15 - Tubing High Pull + Hands Up 3x 15 - RC Stretch aparts 3x 15 - Finisher: DB/Tubing side lying External Rotation 3x 12 Day 6 The 3-Point Range Challenge (1/2 Pushup + 1 Full Pushup + 1 Plyo Pushup) x33 (in 3min 33s) Rest 60s (1/2 Bodyweight Squat + 1 Full Squat + 1 Jump Squat) x33 (in 3min 33s) Rest 60s (1/2 Inverted Row + 1 Full Inverted Row + 1 Plyo Inverted Row) x33 (in 3min 33s) Rest 60s (1 Heels to the Heavens + 1 Jackknife Left/Right + 1 V-up) x33 (in 3min 33s) . pink.pixie 09-15-19 08:37 AM - Post#887716 Keep it up! Total Posts: 4896 Aut viam inveniam aut faciam. CW Northrop Total Posts: 123 AX-2 X-TREME 09-23-19 08:40 AM - Post#888110 ========================= X-4: Density Training ========================= Week 4 of AX-2 continues with the body parts split, doing 15 sets in 12 minutes! Here is how it works: We get a selection of heavy exercises, mid-range exercises and light finisher exercises. You are supposed to pick one exercise out of each level and perform them circuit style, with virtually no rest in between exercises and as little rest as possible between circuits (in order to complete 5x 3 sets = 15 sets in 12 minutes) per body part. You can do the same 3 exercises for 5 circuits, or you can pick different exercises for each circuit, it’s totally up to you. Just pick one heavy (L1), one medium (L2) and one light (L3) exercise for each circuit. Day 1 CHEST L1 - Plyo “Around-the-Clock†Pushups L1 - Plyo “Spiderman†Pushups L1 - Plyo “X-Men†Pushups // pick one Level 1 exercise, perform to failure L2 - DB Flat Bench Press L2 - DB Incline Bench Press L2 - DB Underhand Bench // pick one Level 2 exercise, perform 10-12 reps L3 - Cable/Tubing Sunrise / Sunsets L3 - Cable/Tubing 1-Arm Crossovers L3 - Cable/Tubing Overhand Crossovers // pick one Level 3 exercise, perform 10-12 reps TRICEPS L1 - Bodyweight Rocking Triceps Extensions (on a bench, table or Smith machine bar) L1, perform to failure L1 - Triceps Dips (upright body) L1 - Lying DB Triceps Extensions L2 - Close-grip Bench Press (elbows tucked) L2 - Bench Dips L2 - Cable/Tubing Woodchopper Pushdowns // pick one // pick one Level 2 exercise, perform 10-12 reps L3 - Diamond Cutter Pushups L3 - Squat + Tubing Overhead Extensions L3 - Physioball DB Kickbacks // pick one Level 3 exercise, perform to failure Day 2 BACK L1 - Pull up + Knee up ::::::::::: to failure L1 - DB Deadlift / Row Combo L1 - “Thumbs up†Pushups // pick one Level 1 exercise, perform 10-12 reps L2 - Bodyweight Inverted Rows L2 - DB alternating Renegade Rows L2 - DB Straight Arm Pullovers // pick one Level 2 exercise, perform 10-12 reps L3 - Cable/Tubing Bent-over Row + Back Extension // pick one Level 3 exercise, perform 10-12 reps L3 - Straight Arm Pushdowns L3 - Tubing Pull aparts (rear delt flyes) NOTE: As a general rule, perform only safe exercises to failure, but not deadlifts / rows !! BICEPS L1 - Biceps Chin ups // pick one Level 1 exercise, perform to failure L1 - DB “Straight bar†Curls L1 - DB “Hammer†Curls L2 - DB “No money†Curls L2 - DB “Shovel†Curls L2 - DB “Fielder†Curls // pick one Level 2 exercise, perform 10-12 reps L3 - Cable/Tubing “Lip Busters†// pick one Level 3 exercise, perform to failure L3 - Tubing Burnout Curls L3 - Biceps Chinup Holds (isometric failure) Day 3 REST Day 4 Burst Training / The Top 20 Meltdown - 60s 20s 60s 20s 60s 20s 60s 60s Drunken Mountain Climbers (Rep target per round: 50/50/47/45) REST Rocket Jumps (Rep target per round: 40/40/37/35) REST Ice Skaters (Rep target per round: 30/30/27/25) REST Shuffle Shuffle Pickups (Rep target per round: 25/25/22/20) REST Day 5 LEGS L1 - Box Jumps L1 - Prisoner Jump Squats L1 - Split Squat Jumps // pick one Level 1 exercise, perform for 30s L2 - DB/KB Swings L2 - DB Bulgarian Split Squats L2 - DB Bench Bottom Pistol Squats // pick one Level 2 exercise, perform 10–12 reps L3 - Marching Long Leg Bridges L3 - Physioball Hamstring Circle Curls L3 - Physioball Feet Flat Marching Bridges // pick one Level 3 exercise, perform 12-15 reps SHOULDERS L1 - DB or Barbell Push Press L1 - DB Hang Clean & Press L1 - DB ext. rotation Rollout & Press // pick one Level 1 exercise, perform 10–12 reps L2 - Plate “Laying 8’s†L2 - DB “L†Raises L2 - DB / Plate Cauldrons // pick one Level 2 exercise, perform 10–12 reps L3 - Cable/Tubing High Pulls L3 - Cable/Tubing Front Raises L3 - Cable/Tubing Pump Laterals*** // pick one Level 3 exercise, perform to failure *** only the top half of the side lateral raise Day 6 The Survive-For-5 Challenge - Pushups 10 / :10 // 5min Perform 10 pushups, rest for 10s, repeat until failure or 5min are over. Rest for 60s after hitting failure and try again until 5min are over. Same principle for the rest of the exercises, they are 5min each. - Biceps Tubing Curls 10 / :10 // 5min - Triceps Tubing Overhead Extensions 10 / :10 // 5min - BW Squats 10 / :10 // 5min - BW Inverted Rows 10 / :10 // 5min - Tubing Shoulder Presses 10 / :10 // 5min . CW Northrop 09-28-19 08:11 AM - Post#888317 ========================= X-5: Complex Training ========================= Total Posts: 123 Compound movements consist of 3-4 regular exercises, but done in one complex repetition. Kind of like all exercises of the day in one movement. Example 1: You grab a pair of dumbbells and lay down on a bench. You begin with a stiff-arm DB pullover, then you go immediately into a DB bench press, followed by a triceps DB extension, and finally you lift your upper body off the bench (arms still up in the air) for some abdominal crunch. Example 2: You start with a DB deadlift, then bent over and perform a DB row, followed by a DB hang clean & press (or push press). This counts as one rep. If a movement is predominantly for one arm or one leg, you are supposed to perform both sides in one repetition. Day 1 FULL BODY COMPLEX [C-1] Cable/Tubing Squat to Row => Squat to straight arm Pushdown => reverse Lunge (each leg) & straight arm Pushdown This is one rep. Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. [C-2] DB Pullover => DB Bench Press => DB Triceps X-tension => DB Pike Crunch Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. [C-3] Forward Lunge (each leg) & DB Press => Side Lunge (facing forward, each leg) & Biceps Curl => Pivot Lunge, come back to center and press DB up. Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. [C-4] “21†Crunch => Heels to the Heavens => V-up => Hands free Tuck Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. Day 2 CONDITIONING = Box Jumps :20s - 20s REST = Box Jumps + Incline Burpees :30s - 20s REST = Box Jumps + Incline Burpees + Jumping Jack Squats :45s - 20s REST = Box Jumps + Incline Burpees + Jumping Jack Squats + Split Squat Jumps (L+R) :60s - 2min REST Perform 3 rounds total. Day 3 REST Day 4 FULL BODY COMPLEX [C-1] DB Deadlift => DB Bent Row => DB Hang Clean & Press (or Push Press) This is one rep. Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. [C-2] DB Step Up & Overhead Press => Step down into Reverse Lunge & DB Pushout => DB Single Leg RDL & DB Curl Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. [C-3] Split Squat Jumps (L+R) => Ice Skaters (L+R) => Drop Step Lunges (L+R) => Jump Squat Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. [C-4] Cross Hop Planks (in-out-left-center-right -center) => Power Plank Up => Twisting “T†Plank (you raise one arm vertically, L+R) Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. Day 5 CONDITIONING “Stairway to Hell†= run up & walk down :60s = walk up 2 steps at a time % walk down :60s - 1min REST = jump 2 steps at a time & walk down :60s = walk up 2 steps at a time % walk down :60s - 1min REST = lunge up (taking as many steps as you can) & walk down :60s = walk up 2 steps at a time % walk down :60s Perform up to 3 rounds, whatever makes you happy. Day 6 Athlean STAX Challenge - Mountain Climbers (L+R) , perform 12 reps in :10s - Mountain Climbers (L+R) + Pushups , perform 12 reps in :30s - Mountain Climbers (L+R) + Pushup + Burpee , perform 12 reps in :60s - Mountain Climbers (L+R) + Pushup + Burpee + Split Squat Jumps (L+R) , perform 12 reps in :2min 3 rounds total . CW Northrop 10-06-19 09:01 AM - Post#888700 Week 5 was an awkward week, probably my least favourite Athlean training phase thus far. Most of the complexes do not flow naturally, or duplicate movements, it just doesn't feel right. I gave up on the outlined program and did my own stuff. Supersets and compound sets, pull-ups + heavy 1-arm shoulder presses + DB rows + dips. Jeff has far better complex movements in his YouTube videos or in other programs, like the "Lean Gains Complex": Total Posts: 123 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7tiLCn8z-8 - DB Overhead Press = no rest - rest DB's on shoulders, perform Front Squats = no rest - lean forward, perform Bent-over Rows = no rest - last movement: DB Deadlifts = 30s rest, no more than 1min 1st round, perform 6 reps each, 2nd round 5 reps, ... , last round 1 rep each (descending ladder) or the "Man Makers" out of the MAX.SHRED / Week2+ / Black Widow Burst workout: grab a pair of dumbbells (be warned, not too heavy) and go down into a pushup bridge - Pushup (still holding the DB's) one arm Renegade Row Pushup other arm Renegade Row feet on the ground, DB's remain on the floor clean the DB's onto your shoulders, catch them in a deep Squat position (like an Oly lifter) come up and press / push press the DB's Repeat. They certainly get your heart rate going. CW Northrop 10-06-19 09:06 AM - Post#888703 ========================= X-6: X-Pansion Training ========================= Total Posts: 123 This is kind of like a deload week. Light weights, higher rep ranges, and a good stretch in between sets. Athlean-X teams up with Frank Zane. We are re-testing the XT-400 Challenge at the end of the week. Day 1 UPPER BODY / PULL - Twisting Pull Ups (3 sets to failure) — Orang Utan hang-stretch in between sets - DB one arm Rows (2 sets of 12-15) — Lat stretch in between sets - DB Lat Pullovers (3 sets of 12-15) — Lat Stretch - Incline DB Curls (3 sets of 12-15) — allow the dumbbells to hang down while resting - Standing Tubing Stretch Curls (Tubing comes from low/behind) (3 sets to failure) — leave the arms behind your back while resting & holding the bands/tubing Day 2 LEGS - alternating Surrender Lunges — Lunge Stretch - Bulgarian Split Squats — Hip Flexor Stretch - alternating High Box Step Ups — alternating Knee to Chest leg hug (dynamic stretch) - 2 DB RDL’s — Hamstring Stretch Day 3 CONDITIONING 5min warm up jog (20s (30s (40s (30s (20s all all all all all out out out out out sprint sprint sprint sprint sprint + + + + + 40s 30s 20s 30s 40s jog)x2 jog)x2 jog)x4 jog)x2 jog)x2 5min cool down jog Day 4 UPPER BODY / PUSH - Wide Slide Pushups (3 sets to failure) — Chest Stretch - 1+1/2 Dips (3 sets to failure) — Pullup Bar Hang Stretch - Cable/Tubing Sword Raises (3 sets of 15 reps) — simply hold the cable/tubing at the bottom stretch position while resting - Cable/Tubing dual stretch Front Raises (3 sets of 15 reps) — simply hold the cable/tubing at the bottom stretch position while resting - Lying DB Triceps X-Tensions (3 sets of 12-15) — Pullover Stretch Day 5 REST Day 6 Athlean XT-400 Challenge 100x 100x 100x 100x Cross Knee Plank Pushups DB Renegade Rows Box Jumps Opposite Elbow to Knee Planks You may do the exercises in any order and for any amount at a time. It is recommended that you only advance to weeks 2+ if you perform all 400 reps in under 25 minutes. DB Renegade Rows (20 lbs dumbbells or 25% of your bodyweight / combined). Left + Right counts as one rep. Opposite Elbow to Knee Planks, Left + Right counts as one rep. . CW Northrop 10-13-19 12:01 PM - Post#889006 ========================= X-7: X-Tinction Training ========================= Total Posts: 123 Time to get serious. X-Tinction training is all about going to failure - and beyond. Only recommended for advanced lifters, guys who still make noob gains don’t need to train to failure (it takes a toll on your central nervous system). Day 1 PUSH / Chest-Triceps Here is how it works: You set an upper limit of repetitions (say: 12 reps, or to failure) and a minimum number of reps. Perform a set, rest for 30s, perform another set until you can barely do the minimum number of reps, or less. At this point, you are done with this exercise and move on to the next exercise. C1 - X-Men Plyo Push Ups (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps C2 - Incline DB Bench Press (10-12 reps) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps C3 - Pushup Hovers*** (x seconds to failure) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 20s *** isometric Pushups, static hold at the bottom position, minimum duration is 20s C4 - Incline Pushup Plus (to failure) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 10 reps REST 3-5min BETWEEN MUSCLE GROUPS. T1 - Power Plank Ups (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps T2 - Bodyweight Triceps Extensions (on a low bar, or table edge, or bench) (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps T3 - Bench Dips (to failure) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps T4 - alternating Woodchopper Pushdowns (10-12 each side) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 6 reps each side Day 2 PULL / Back-Biceps Ba1 - Knee Up Pullups (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps Ba2 - DB Bent-over Rows (10-12 reps) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps Ba3 - DB Lat Pullovers (10-12 reps) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps Ba4 - Tubing Reverse “X†Flys (to failure) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps REST 3-5min BETWEEN MUSCLE GROUPS. Bi1 - DB Straight Bar Curls (10-12 reps) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps Bi2 - DB “No Money†Curls (10-12 reps) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps Bi3 - Biceps Chinup Holds (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 10s Bi4 - Tubing Burnout Curls (to failure) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps Day 3 REST Day 4 LEGS L1 - Pistol Box Squats (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 5 each leg L2 - Prisoner Jump Squats (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps L3 - alternating Forward Lunges (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 each leg L4 - ISO Squat Holds (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 15s REST 3-5min BETWEEN MUSCLE GROUPS. L5 - Physioball Bench GHR (10-12 reps) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps L6 - Physioball Hamstring Curls (10-12 reps) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps L7 - Hip Bucks (10-12 reps) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps L8 - Physioball High Bridge Holds (10-12 reps) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 20s Day 5 SHOULDERS / Rotator Cuffs S1 - Dive-bomber Pushups (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps S2 - Mule Kicks (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps S3 - Plate “8†s (10-12 reps) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 3 reps S4 - DB ISO Lateral Holds (to failure) -> Rest 30s -> X-Tinction number is 10s REST 3-5min BETWEEN MUSCLE GROUPS. R1 - Flyaway DB Rows (15 reps) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 7 reps R2 - Tubing RC Jumpouts (to failure, each arm) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 5 reps R3 - Tubing External Rotation (to failure, each arm) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 7 reps R4 - Tubing RC Stepouts (to failure, each arm) -> Rest 20s -> X-Tinction number is 7 reps Day 6 The “Last One Standing†Challenge - Chinups (10 reps) ------> if you can’t do 10 chinups consistently, perform Underhand Inverted Rows instead - Split Squats (for 30s) - “Elbow Up†Planks (10 reps) - Lateral Frog Hops (for 30s) - Pendulum Pushups (7 reps) Rest 30s after each circuit, perform at least 6 circuits. . CW Northrop 10-20-19 11:17 AM - Post#889320 The best training phase so far (apart from an ever growing nervousness due to CNS fatigue...)! With a few tweaks and w/o the challenge, this is a perfect bulking routine and not as tedious as GVT or similar approaches. Total Posts: 123 My triceps turned out to be "hard to kill". When it came to bench dips, I did like 15 sets of 15 and the damn things didn't let go. My legs started shaking and cramping way before they reached true failure, but at some point it makes no sense to continue. The shoulders are also very deceptive, they scream for mercy and 10 minutes later they are as fresh as ever. CW Northrop 10-20-19 11:21 AM - Post#889322 ========================= X-8: Protraxion Training ========================= Total Posts: 123 Training in SLOW MOTION. Choose a light enough weight in order to perform 2-3 sets a 5-6 reps, with 8 seconds on the concentric part and 8 seconds on the eccentric. Learn to control every inch of the way. Day 1 PUSH / Chest-Triceps - Decline Spiderman Push Ups (feet on a bench) (3 x 5-6 reps) Thumbs Up DB Incline Bench Press (2 x 5) Tubing Overhand “X†Crossovers (2 x 5) Diamond Cutter Push Ups (3 x 5) Upright Triceps Dips (3 x 5) Remember: one rep takes 8s on the way up and 8s on the way down! Day 2 PULL / Back-Biceps - Inverted BW Rows (3 x 5) Incline DB Rows (facing incline bench) (2 x 5) DB “T†s (facing low incline bench, much like rear delt flys) (2 x 5) DB “No Money†Curls (3 x 5) DB “Shovel†Curls (both hands grab one DB and go to the same side up in a “V†) (2 x 6) Day 3 REST Day 4 LEGS - DB Split Squat Drops (3 x 6 each leg) Forward Step Ups (2 x 5) DB/KB Drop Squats (2 x 5) Physioball Bench GHR (3 x 5) DB one leg RDL’s (2 x 5) Day 5 SHOULDERS / Rotator Cuffs - DB Thrusters (deep squat into overhead press in SLO MO) (2 x 5) DB “L†Raises (3 x 5) DB “Y†Presses (3 x 5) Incline Bench DB “W†Raises (facing incline bench, rotator cuff exercise) (2 x 5) Tubing reverse Iron Cross Flys (2 x 5) Day 6 “For Whom The Bell Tolls†Challenge 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down per rep, perform each exercise at a steady pace for 90 seconds - Inverted Underhand Rows Push Ups DB Squats Cross Knee Planks Biceps Curls Bench Dips Rest 60s after the circuit, perform one more round. . CW Northrop 10-27-19 11:13 AM - Post#889617 These last two weeks really stepped up the all important gains. Slow motion training is very tough and I didn't laugh any more at the poor guy Adam who had to demonstrate the workouts. I hit muscle failure on almost all exercises. Total Posts: 123 CW Northrop 10-27-19 11:13 AM - Post#889618 ========================= X-9: Asymetrix Training ========================= Total Posts: 123 Jeff calls this training phase “synching joints†. Basically, you are using two different dumbbells for one exercise, one light, one heavy, and you force your muscles to move the unequal weights at the same speed. In some cases, you pull up your bodyweight asymmetrically to one side, or do archer pushups etc. The program says the heavy DB is around 12 rep max and the other ca. 20% lighter. Always perform an even number of sets in order to switch sides. Day 1 UPPER / PULL - Angled Pull Ups (4 x 10-12) DB Bent-over Rows (4 x 10-12) DB “No Money†Curls (4 x 10-12) DB “Fielder†Curls with side lunge (4 x 10-12) Always use uneven weight. Day 2 Conditioning “The Lean Mile Workout†Sprint 25 sec. -> 12 Divebomber Pushups Sprint 25 sec. -> 30 Cross Knee Planks Sprint 25 sec. -> 12 Mule Kicks Sprint 25 sec. -> 30 Brock Shuffles Sprint 25 sec. -> 12 Diamond Cutter Pushups Sprint 25 sec. -> 30 Twisting Pistons Sprint 25 sec. -> 12 “Elbow Up†Planks Sprint 25 sec. Day 3 UPPER / PUSH - 1 Arm Incline DB Bench Press (4 x 10-12) DB Upper Chest “V†Raises (4 x 10-12)*** DB Hang Clean & Press (4 x 10-12) Lying DB Triceps Extensions (4 x 10-12) *** Arms straight, underhand grip, raise the DB’s in a “V†above your face (maintain tension on chest). Always use uneven weight. Day 4 LEGS - 1 DB DB 1 DB 3 1 DB Single Sided Lunges (4 x 10-12) Arm Swing with Reverse Lunge (4 x 10-12)+++ Way RDL’s (4 x 10-12) Iso Lateral Step Up Thrust (4 x 10-12) +++ Right leg goes back, right arm goes up overhead. Then the right knee goes up and the left arm overhead. Always use uneven weight. Day 5 “The Wizard of X†Challenge - Tubing Single Leg Overhead Palof Press (x10) >>> tubing resistance comes from the off leg side at shoulder height <<< - Unequal Step Ups (x20) - DB 3 Way RDL (Unequal DB’s) (x10) - Alternating 1 Arm Overhead Lunge (x20) - 2 Point 1 Arm Pushups (x10) >>> right arm and left knee on the ground <<< - 1 Leg Side Lateral Raise (x20) - Unequal Renegade Row (x10) - Side Plank 1 Arm Tubing Row (x20) Rest 2min, repeat circuit for the other leg / side. . CW Northrop Total Posts: 123 AX-2 X-TREME 11-12-19 05:01 AM - Post#890200 Week 10 began with an unpleasant surprise. I have a home gym and more often than not stay at home for workouts. This time it was a bad decision. Day 1 includes explosive chinups. You pull yourself up forcefully, let go of the bar at the top of the movement and catch it immediately thereafter. My setup has supported my body weight even when I was close to 90 kgs (I am now around 76 kgs), but the dynamic exercise proved to be too much and it broke. I fell on my back and almost broke my spine. I don't think I can finish AX2 in any meaningful way. CW Northrop 11-12-19 05:45 AM - Post#890202 ========================= X-10: X-cellerative Training ========================= Total Posts: 123 … or, without the marketing BS, explosive movements. Choose a weight in the 10-12 RM range and perform 6-8 explosive reps (slow negatives). Day 1 UPPER / PULL - DB Dead Rows (3x 6-8) Inverted Plyo Rows (3x F) Tubing “Hands Up” Pulls (3x 6-8) a.k.a. “Jackhammer” Pulls Plyo Chin Ups (3x F) DB “Shovel” Curls (3x 6-8) Day 2 Conditioning - 60 sec Jumping DB / KB Swings 60 sec Lunge Meditations (Lunge, Lunge, Japanese Meditation Seat, Jump Up) 60 sec Ice Skaters 60 sec Box Jump / Burpee combo Plyo Clock Pushups (12 reps around the clock) Rest 2 min, repeat 2 more times. Day 3 UPPER / PUSH - Thumbs Up Incline DB Bench Press (3x 6-8) DB / BB Push Press (3x 6-8) … not too much momentum Plyo Dips (3x F) Triceps Power Plank Ups (3x F) Tubing Rotator Cuff Jump Out (external rotation static hold, 3x 6-8 each side) Day 4 LEGS - Bulgarian Split Squat Hops (3x 6-8 each side) Step Up Thrusts (3x 6-8 each side) DB or band-resisted RDL’s (3x 6-8 each side) Jumping DB / KB Swings (3x 6-8) Day 5 “The Ground Zero” Challenge Each exercise will be performed at a cadence of no more than 1 sec on the positive (up) portion of the lift and 3 sec on the negative (down) movement. The moment you cannot perform an explosive rep within 1 sec of touch down you move on to the next exercise. Dumbbells 10-12 rep max. - DB Flat Bench Press Pushups Pullups DB Push Press Right Forward Stepups Left Forward Stepups DB Biceps Curls Bench Dips . CW Northrop Total Posts: 123 AX-2 X-TREME 11-18-19 02:56 AM - Post#890459 ========================= ==== X-11: Supreme Athlete Training ========================= ==== Circuit training, 3 times through each circuit. Day 1 UPPER / PULL CIRCUIT #1 - Pullups (x failure) - DB Dead Rows (x 10-12) - DB Hang Cleans (x 10-12) - Straight Arm Push Downs (x 12) Rest only for as long as it takes to transition from one exercise to the next. Rest 90 sec after each completed circuit. CIRCUIT #2 - Straight Bar Curls (x 10) - Biceps Chinup Holds (x failure) - DB Fielder Curls (x 10) - Tubing Burnout Curls (x failure) Day 2 LEGS - DB Dead Lifts (x 10-12) Box Jumps (30 sec) Walking Lunges (x 10 each leg) Split Squat Jumps (30 sec) Rest only for as long as it takes to transition from one exercise to the next. Rest 90 sec after each completed circuit. - Physioball Feet Flat Bridges (x 12-15) Physioball Hamstring Curls (x 12) Sprinter Lunge Leaps (30 sec) DB/KB Swings (x 12) Day 3 Conditioning / Jump Rope . . . 2 Foot Hops (x 50) Single Foot Hop R (x 50) Single Foot Hop L (x 50) 2 Foot Side to Side (x 50) Day 4 UPPER / PUSH CIRCUIT #1 - DB Thrusters (x 10-12) - DB / Plate 8’s (x 8) - DB Single Leg Side Laterals (x 12) - DB Boxing Punches (30 sec) Rest only for as long as it takes to transition from one exercise to the next. Rest 90 sec after each completed circuit. CIRCUIT #2 - DB Incline Bench Press (x 10) - Plyo Pushups (x failure) - Tubing 1 Arm Crossover (x 12 each arm) - Shuffle Pushups (x 10) Rest only for as long as it takes to transition from one exercise to the next. Rest 90 sec after each completed circuit. CIRCUIT #3 - Bodyweight Triceps Extensions (x failure) - alternating Woodchopper Pushdowns (x 12 each side) - Stepping Band Push Aways (x failure) Day 5 “The Final Four” Challenge - 30 sec Cone Test 12 inch cone / a stack of books / upright dumbbell, jump over the obstacle as many times as possible in 30 sec (side to side). - 60 sec Side Step Test Place something flat on the ground and hop to left, chop your feet, hop back to the right, chop your feet and continue as many times in 60 seconds. - 2 min Bench Press bodyweight (bar) or ca. 80% BW (dumbbells) - 2 min Plank Test (hold the plank on your elbows w/o breaking form) Rest 30 sec between exercises and 60 sec after each circuit, 4 circuits total. . pink.pixie 11-18-19 03:33 AM - Post#890460 Cool, thanks. But are you sure you can post these WOs on this forum without causing any copyright probs? Total Posts: 4896 Not so cool to read about your chin up jumping accident. Safety first. The impact of almost 80 kg in motion is enormous. Speed factor in car crashes is a dynamic element with direct influence on the result. I hope you are on the mend. Take a good care. Aut viam inveniam aut faciam. CW Northrop 11-18-19 05:40 AM - Post#890464 Well, I actually purchased the program and have access to it on athleanx.com. There is a bootlegged pdf out in the wilds for ages, so it's not exactly high treason to write about my own experiences (and I don't tell everything that is outlined in the program). Total Posts: 123 AX 2 is a multi-layered source of training ideas and it's principles can help to revitalise almost any other training program. The only downside is, that I didn't feel more athletic during AX2 than after completing AX1. I kinda missed the agility workouts and the core work is also minimal on AX2. Muscle growth has increased significantly during AX2, though. I had to abort the program anyway, my back can't handle too much stress at this point and I have decided to do the Ultimate Arms program for the remainder of the year. CW Northrop 11-24-19 01:17 PM - Post#890734 ========================= X-12: Burst Training Blitz ========================= Total Posts: 123 Circuit training, 3 times through each circuit. Day 1 - Shadow Boxing Combo (30 sec) alternating Step Through Pushups (30 sec) Roll into Sit Up Elbow Thrusts (30 sec) alternating Step Through Pushups (30 sec) Roll into Sit Up Punches (30 sec) Band Shoot Lunges (30 sec) Band Knee Thrust Scrambles (30 sec) Rest only for as long as it takes to transition from one exercise to the next. Rest 60 sec after each completed circuit. Repeat 2 more times (3 circuits total). Day 2 - Push Ups (x 40) - Pull Ups (x 12) - Planks (60 sec) 5 circuits, no rest times specified other than rest as little as possible for the cumulative effect. Day 3 Olympic Bar Workout - Thrusters (x 8) Landmines (x 8 each side) Jump Twist Thrusts (x 8 each side) 1 Arm Snatch Split Squat Jumps (x 8 each side) 3 circuits, rest only for as long as it takes to catch your breath. Day 4 REST Day 5 “The Matrix” Challenge 1 Minute Lateral Burpees -> 10 1-Arm Inverted Rows (each arm) -> 10 Chinups All 30 reps need to be completed in 60 sec 1 Minute Lateral Burpees -> 20 Box Jumps -> 20 Pushups All 30 reps need to be completed in 60 sec 1 Minute Lateral Burpees -> 15 Single Leg Bulgarian -> Split Squat Jumps (each leg) -> 15 Mule Kicks All 45 reps need to be completed in 60 sec 1 Minute Lateral Burpees -> 25 Jump Rope Double Unders -> 25 Plyo Inverted Rows All 50 reps need to be completed in 60 sec If you fail in one circuit, rest for 60 sec and repeat the circuit. . CW Northrop AX-2 X-TREME 11-24-19 01:24 PM - Post#890735 Total Posts: 123 Different topic, but Ultimate Arms is brutal ! I did the first 1-1/2 rep workout and was extremely sore for the rest of the week. I couldn't straighten my arms until Saturday... This time I won't rush through the program, but repeat each week until I am satisfied with my progress. Looks promising. blkjss 11-29-19 07:29 PM - Post#890865 Wow Total Posts: 2258 My training log pink.pixie 12-01-19 08:03 PM - Post#890927 CW Northrop Said: Total Posts: 4896 I had to abort the program anyway, my back can't handle too much stress at this point and I have decided to do the Ultimate Arms program for the remainder of the year. It was interesting to read, thanks. Maybe you own the version that is for life and can return to it whenever you like. Aut viam inveniam aut faciam. CW Northrop 12-03-19 11:44 AM - Post#890978 Yes, thank you! Total Posts: 123 I "own" quite a few of Jeff's programs w/ lifetime access and I am convinced that he is the real deal only his marketing is a bit flashy and annoying, but then, what isn't? Just got his latest program, Monster Maker. It will have to collect dust until next year, because I'm busy elsewhere. It's been a month since my back injury and I've tried an Athlean burst workout today: Bumps, Jumps and Jacks. AX2 week 1 (I think...), basically a three minute circuit, repeated for a total of seven rounds (21min). :60s - 12 Box Jumps (rest for the balance of the minute) :60s - 10 Pushup Burpees (...) :60s - 40 Jumping Jacks (...) x7 It went better than I thought it would, I had to take an extra minute rest after 15min b/c I was gassed but all in all, not too bad. I could probably not do the 11-11-11-Challenge right now, and burst workouts don't seem to help with arm gains (rather the opposite, see Vince Gironda & running), but it's good to know that my back is improving. A Merry Christmas time to all of you! 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