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Anatomy Lecture Notes: Nervous System & Spinal Cord

Price: 2
Subject: Anatomy
Faculty: Physical therapy
second year
.‫ فوق ماركت سنابل اخلري‬4 ‫ عمارة‬،‫شارع الري‬
Composition of nervous system
1. Central nervous system
• Brain
• Spinal cord
2. Perepheral nervous system
‫ اجزاء‬٣ ‫ وبتكون من‬brain stim ‫ اسمها ال‬spinal cord ‫ وال‬brain ‫فيه منطقة بين ال‬
1. Med brain
2. Pons
3. M. O (medulla oblongata)
Development of the central nervous system:
❖The nervous system is developed
from the neural tube which is
ectodermal in origin.
❖It appears as thickened area of the
ectoderm above the notochord
during the third
week is called neural plate
Neural plate begins to fold forming neural groove the
margin of the Groove fuse to form the neural tube with
central cavity.
‫ وبعديها اطراف ال‬neural groove ‫ بدأ يعمل تجويف مكونا ال‬neural plate ‫ال‬
neural tube ‫ قربت ولزقت فبعض وكونت ال‬groove
N. B :- cranial = superior
:- cardinal =inferior
Don’t wait for opportunity, create it
‫ هيبدأ‬flat ‫ مش هيفضل‬neural plate ‫ال‬
٣ ‫عددهم‬primary vesicles ‫يظهر فيه‬
1. Forebrain
2. Mid brain
3. Hind brain.
‫بعد كدا الحويصالت دي بتتقسم تاني وتبقي‬
secondary vesicles
Telencephalon and Diencephalon ‫االولي هتنقسم التنين‬
Mesencephalon ‫التانية هتفضل زي ماهي واسمها هيتغير وهتبقي‬
Metencephalon and Myelencephalon ‫التالتة هتنقسم التنين‬
Secondary brain vesicles
Adult brain structures
Cerebrum: Cerebral
hemispheres (cortex, white
matter, basal nuclei)
Diencephalon (thalamus,
hypothalamus, epithalamus)
Brain stem: midbrain
Brain stem: pons
Brain stem: medulla
Don’t wait for opportunity, create it
❖ Three Basic Functions
1. Sensory Functions: Sensory receptors detect both
Internal and external stimuli
- Functional unit: Sensory or Afferent Neurons
2. Integrativ Functions: CNS integrates sensory Input and
makes decisions regarding appropriate responses.
- Functional Unit: Association Neurons of the Brain and
Spinal cord
3. Motor Functions: Response to integration decisions.
- Functional Unit: Motor or Efferent Neurons
brain and Spinal ‫وتوصلها لل‬sensation ‫ هتستقبل ال‬sensory neurons ‫• ال‬
Motor neurons ‫وتنقلها لل‬Association Neurons ‫• هيتم معالجتها عن طريق‬
muscles ‫هينقل المعلومات لل‬motor ‫ال‬
Structure of a Neurons ‫دي سهلة مش محتاجة شرح‬
Dendrites: Carry nerve Impulses toward cell body.
Receive stimuli from synapses or sensory receptors.
Cell Body: Contains nucleus mitochondria, a form of rough
endoplasmic reticulum.
Axon: Carry nerve Impulses away from the cell bodies.
Axons interact with muscle, glands, or other neurons
Internal structure of CNS
• Grey matter : formed of collections of Cell bodies of neurons
‫لونها رمادي عشان بتتكون من أجسام الخاليا‬
Don’t wait for opportunity, create it
• White matter: formed of collections of The axons of
neurons.. ‫بيضة عشان بتتكون من محاور عصبية كتير وهي لونها ابيض‬
Peripheral nervous system
• It includes all the parts of the nervous system Outside of the
brain and spinal cord.
These nerves may be Cranial : 12 pairs arise from the brain
Spinal : 31 pairs arise from the spinal cord.
Central Nervous System
Include : 1. Brain :
A.Cerebral hemisphere
B. Cerebellum
C. Brain stem
2.Spinal cord
Beginning: Extends from foramen magnum ‫دي نقطة مهمة جددا‬
Diameter Cavity
Location of spinal cord
1. Intrauterine life:The cord fills the whole length
of the vertebral canal ‫وهو لسا جنين بيكون موجود بطول العمود الفقري‬
2. At birth:The cord ends at the level of the 3rd lumbar
‫اما بيتولد بيبقي لحد الفقرة القطنية التالتة‬
Don’t wait for opportunity, create it
3. In the
adult: ends at the level of the lower border of
1st lumbar vertebra.
‫اما بيكبر شوية بيبقي لحد الفقرة القطنية االولي‬
❖ Provide physical and shock Absorption ‫اغشية بتمتص‬
‫الصدمات وتحمي الحبل الشوكي‬
❖ Three layers Dura mater, Arachnoid, Pia mater ‫وهما تلت طبقات‬
I- Spinal Dura Mater
• Thickest & lines the body canal of vertebral Column
• Begains at foramen magnum
• It ends at the level of 2nd sacral vertebra ‫دي بتبطن القناة الشوكية‬
‫وخد بالك من البداية والنهاية‬
II- Arachnoid mater
• Lines the dura mater Thin, transparent and Vascular layer
‫دي موجودة تحت ال الديورا اللي فوق دي وبتكون شفافة وفيها اوعية دموية‬
• Extend from foramen magnum as a continuation of
cerebral arachnoid mater and end at 2nd sacral vertebra
‫ليها بداية ونهاية‬
III- Pia materThin, vascular membrane
• Firmly adherent to the surface of the spinal cord ‫بتكون‬
‫الزقة بالظبط ف الحبل الشوكي‬
• Continuous above with that of the brain and below it
forms a thread like filament called filum terminale.
.filum terminale ‫اهم حاجة النهايات بتاعتها الزم تعرف انها اسمها‬
Don’t wait for opportunity, create it
Filum terminale:-Thread like filament. Pierce the
lower end of dura and arachnoid mater. Attached to
back of coccyx
‫وهتمسك ف‬dura mater ‫و ال‬Arachnoid mater ‫هتخترق ال‬filum terminale
coccyx ‫عظمة ال‬
❖ There is a space.
1. between vertebral canal and dura mater called epidura
2. Between dura mater and Arachnoid mater called supdura
3. Between Arachnoid mater and pia mater called
‫كدا لو مشينا بالترتيب من برا لجوا هتالقيها كد ا‬
Vertebral canal
Epidura space
Dura mater
Supdura space
Arachnoid mater
Suparachanoid space
Pia mater
Spinal cord
Central canal
Conus medullaris:- Ends of spinal cord
Terminal Ventricle end of central canal:
Cauda equina origin of spinal nerves
Filum terminale end of pia mater
Don’t wait for opportunity, create it
Denticulate ligament
• Folds of pia, traverse arachnoid mater and attached to the
dura mater
Lateral border is serrated ‫طالع منه بروزا ت‬
21 pairs of ligaments
Extend along length of spinal cord
1st pair at foramen magnum
Pass between anterior and posterior root of spinal nerves dura mater
‫وتوصل ال‬arachnoid mater ‫ وهي ماشية بتعدي ال‬pia mater ‫ ال‬Denticulate
ligament ‫وبتكون ال‬
Fixation of spinal cord
Spinal cord is supported by:
1. Fixation of its dura to the foramen magnum
2. Denticulate ligament
3. Filum terminale
4. Spinal nerve roots
Content of vertebral canal below conus medullaris
1. Cauda equina
2. Filum terminale
3. Arachnoid matter
4. Dura matter
Don’t wait for opportunity, create it
‫‪Lumbar puncture‬‬
‫‪• Introducing a needle into subarachnoid space for‬‬
‫‪Injection of drugs into CSF(Cerebrospinal fluid) such as‬‬
‫الشوكي ‪• Obtaining a sample of CSF‬‬
‫السائل الدماغ ّي‬
‫الكالم دا معناه ان احنا اما بنيحي ندخل اي ابرة حقن ف العمود الفقري بتكون في ‪subarachnoid‬‬
‫‪ space‬ودا الغراض زي إدخال االدوية او السائل الدماغ ّي الشوك ّي او الحصول على عينة من‬
‫السائل الدماغ ّي الشوك ّ‬
‫والحقن بيكون بين الفقرة القطنية التالتة والرابعة عشان نبقي ف االمان بعيد عن‬
‫‪Don’t wait for opportunity, create it‬‬