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HRM Exam Questions: Compensation, Performance, Training

HRM 440
1. What do you understand by compensation system? What is the
difference between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards? Give examples?
2. Describe the three main types of reward problems that can negatively
impact organizations?
3. Compare and contrast the three main methods for establishing base
pay and salary range?
4. Evaluate goal sharing and gain sharing plans as employee incentive
5. Examine the major categories of employee benefits and the
circumstances in which each would be most appropriate?
6. Determine the key steps that will define the job process?
7. Integrate the five main methods of job evaluation into the job analysis
HRM 450
1. Examine performance management processes?
2. Explain the impact of performance management on employee
3. Assess training and development program’s ability to address
stakeholder needs?
4. Assess gaps in current employee skill sets?
5. Discuss strategies for assessing the effectiveness of training for its
ability to promote learning and retention as well as enhanced job
6. Briefly discuss Kolb's learning styles and learning cycle into the
creation of a training program?
7. How to develop a training program utilizing Gagne Brigg's nine events
of instruction?
8. Identify the strategies that managers, trainers and trainees can use
before, during and after training to improve the transfer of training?