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1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
1/ Incline bench press
This is probably my favorite upper body exercise. It is great
for your chest, shoulders, and even hits a little triceps. In the
video I am doing it on a low angle. I prefer that but I realize
that many gyms do not give you the ability to set up a lower angle. If you can do these that way do, if not stick to the
regular incline angle. We are going to work up to 3 sets of 8.
3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up - Empty bar x 20 reps
Warm up - 95 lbs. x 15 reps
Feeder set – 135 lbs. x 4 reps
Work sets – 185 lbs. for 3 sets of 8
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
Note: Notice how we did higher reps, but then on to a feeder set to keep from getting fatigued,
then did the work sets. This is the warmup pattern we use for the first exercise.
Exercise Index - Low Incline Press
2/ Slight decline dumbbell press
This is another one of my favorite exercises. You will feel
zero shoulder stress with these. Simply use a 25 lb. plate to
prop up one end of the bench to create the slight decline as
seen in the video. I want 3 sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 45 lb. dumbbells for 4 reps
Work sets – 65 lb. dumbbells for 3 sets of 8
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
Notice how now we only did 1 feeder. You are warmed up so there is no need for the high rep warmups. We just use the feeder set to safely get to your work weight.
Exercise Index - Slight Decline Dumbbell Press
3/ Lat pulldown
I want you to use a slightly wider than shoulder width grip
here. The 21 reasons your back won’t grow video explains
some of the basic form tips for these. I have added it below
as a form refresher. I want you to do 4 sets of 10 here.
4 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 85 lbs. x 20 reps
Warm up - 105 lbs. x 15 reps
Feeder set – 125 lbs. x 4 reps
Work sets – 145 lbs. for 4 sets of 10
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
21 Reasons Why Your Back Isn’t Growing (FIX IT FAST)
4/ Dumbbell side lateral Y raise
I only recently started doing these a couple years ago. Boy
was I missing out. This is a great variation of the standard
side lateral raise for side delts. Watch Eugene and I demo
these in the video. You want your hands coming up to 10 and
2 o’clock position, not straight out in front or straight out to
the side. Think of it as coming up in between. You’ll know
when you nail it. I want you to do 3 sets of 10 here.
3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 5 lb. dumbbells for 15 reps
Feeder set – 10 lb. dumbbells for 4 reps
Work sets – 15 lb. dumbbells for 3 sets of 10
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
With only 1-minute rest breaks here, you may need to slightly decrease the weight after the first set.
That is ok! It’s just fatigue setting in. Shoulders are a delicate joint so make sure you do one of your
higher rep warm up here also.
Exercise Index - Incline Prone Laterals | Less Traps and Wider Shoulders
5/ EZ bar curl
You shouldn’t need much warming up here, as you already
did some back work. I want you to do 4 sets of 10 here. Lower the bar with a 3 second count, pin your elbows against
your sides, and curl strict. 4 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 45 lbs. for 4 reps
Work sets – 65 lbs. for 4 sets of 10
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
With only 1-minute rest breaks here, you may lose some reps on the last set or so. That is ok.
6/ Triceps pushdowns
I call these spongy grip pushdowns. Check out the video below, the first exercise, to see what I mean. I find these to be
extremely good for overall triceps development. I want you
to do 4 sets of 12 here. 4 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 85 lbs. for 4 reps
Work sets – 105 lbs. for 4 sets of 12
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Your elbows should be fairly warm by this point, after all the chest work, so we only need feeder
sets to get you to your working weight.
With only 1-minute rest breaks here, you may lose some reps on the last set or so. That is ok.
My “3” Favorite Supersets For Massive Arms
7/ Leg Press
We are in the home stretch now. Hang in there and finish
strong! Remember to follow the RPE and leave reps in the
tank as specified. Do 4 work sets for 8 reps.
4 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 1 plate per side x 20 reps
Warm up – 2 plates per side x 15 reps
Feeder set – 3 plates per side x 4 reps
Work sets – 4 plates per side for 4 sets of 8
Note: You will need several warmup sets as your lower body is not fully warmed up.
8/ Toe presses
Stay in the leg press. You are simply going to do toe presses
for your calves. If you haven’t done these before, check out
the video below! Do 3 sets of 15 reps. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 1 plate per side x 20 reps
Feeder set – 2 plates per side x 4 reps
Work sets – 3 plates per side for 3 sets of 15
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
With only 1-minute rest breaks here, you may lose some reps on the last set or so. That is ok.
Get Big Calves | Short On Time Calf Workout
1/ Lying leg curl
My favorite exercise to do before squats is leg curls! Your
hips, and knees will feel greased up and ready go, and the
blood in your hams will feel awesome as you squat. I want
you to do 3 sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 45 lbs. x 20 reps
Warm up - 65 lbs. x 15 reps
Feeder set – 105 lbs. x 4 reps
Work sets – 135 lbs. for 3 sets of 10
2/ Squat
Squatting is life! I love squats. I am writing this up as barbell squats, the most basic version. If you have some sort of
injury that prevents you from doing them, a dumbell squat is
usually a good alternative. Here you are going to work up to
a good solid 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 95 lbs. x 20 reps
Warm up - 135 lbs. x 15 reps
Feeder set – 185 lbs. x 4 reps
Work sets – 225 lbs. x 3 sets of 8
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
Here are two versions of squats. In the first video we are using the safety bar, and in the second video a heavy dumbell. There are many different versions and I prefer you do the regular barbell back
squat if possible.
Very Effective Bodybuilding Leg Workout for MASS | Lane Johnson
Exercise Index - Dumbbell Squats
3/ Reverse lunge
You might feel a little fire on these. Take your time
and do these with perfect controlled form as seen
in the video below. Do 3 sets of 10 on each leg. 3
total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 15 lb. dumbbell/kettlebell x 6 reps
Work sets – 25 lb. dumbbell/kettlebell for 3 sets of 10
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Exercise Index - Reverse Lunges
4/ Decline leg raise
Let’s move on to upper body now with some ab work. Do 4 sets here. For reps, just
come shy of failure on each set. That could be 7 reps or 20 reps. These can be tough.
4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Exercise Index - Decline Leg Raises
5/ Low cable row
Watch the video below to make sure you are nailing these
perfectly. Do 4 sets of 8 here. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
YOU ARE Doing the Low Row
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 85 lbs. for 15 reps
Warm up set – 105 lbs. for 15 reps
Feeder set – 135 lbs. for 4 reps
Work sets – 155 lbs. for 4 sets of 8
6/ Hex press
Let’s move into some fast-paced chest work now. I want
you to do 4 sets of 8 here. In the video pay attention to how I
am smashing the dumbbells together. This is the key, in addition to flexing hard. This is an example of an exercise that
really is good for helping develop mind muscle connection.
4 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 25 lb. dumbbells for 15 reps
Feeder set – 35 lb. dumbbells for 4 reps
Work sets – 45 lb. dumbbells for 4 sets of 8
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Exercise Index - Hex Press
7/ Bent over laterals
Today we are going to finish up by training one of my favorite
muscles, rear delts. Check out the video on how to do these
properly! Do 3 sets of 20. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 10 lb. dumbbells x 10 reps
Work sets – 15 lb. dumbbells for 3 sets of 20
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Note: I kept the warmup reps low because you are going to need some energy to do 3
sets of 20 here!
Exercise Index - Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise
1/ Meadows row
This is a very demanding exercise, but they are fantastic for
adding muscle all over your back. There are several different form tips in the video below, so make sure you watch it.
We are going to work up to 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up - Empty bar x 20 reps
Warm up – 2 10 lb. plates x 15 reps
Feeder set – 3 10 lb. plates x 4 reps
Work sets – 4 10 lb. plates for 3 sets of 8
Exercise Index - Meadows Row
2/ Dumbbell row
The slight change in form here places more stress on your
lats. I want 3 sets of 8 here. Notice in the video how I have a
base with my feet on the floor too, rather than one knee on
the bench which is the traditional way of doing these. I feel
my version is safer and more effective. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 45 lb. dumbbells for 4 reps
Work sets – 65 lb. dumbbells for 3 sets of 8
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
Notice how now we only did 1 feeder. You are warmed up so there is no need for the
high rep warmups. We just use the feeder set to safely get to your work weight.
No Low Back Pain Dumbbell Row - Exercise Index
3/ Chest pull
You might be familiar with facepulls, this is a variation that
works the muscles differently. I prefer to use this style. I
want you do 3 sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set - 85 x 6 reps
Work sets - 105 for 3 sets of 10
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minutes
Exercise Index - Chest Pulls
4/ Low cable crossovers
Here is another nice exercise that makes it easy to develop
mind muscle connection. I want you to do 4 sets of 10 here.
4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 15 lbs. for 15 reps
Feeder set – 20 lbs. for 4 reps
Work sets – 25 lbs. for 4 sets of 10
Exercise Index - Low Cable Crossover
5/ Concentration preacher curl
I am pretty sure you are going to love these. It is a unique
variation that really targets your biceps hard. Pay close attention to the form explanation in the video. I want you to do
4 sets of 8 here. 4 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 15 lb. dumbbells for 6 reps
Work sets – 25 lb. dumbbells for 4 sets of 8
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
With only 1-minute rest breaks here, you may lose some reps on the last set or so. That is ok.
Exercise Index - Concentration Preacher Curls
6/ Dumbbell lying extensions
This is another slightly different variation than you normally see. I like this technique for better results. Do 4 sets of 12
here. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 10 lb. dumbbells for 20 reps
Warm up set – 15 lb. dumbbells for 15 reps
Work sets – 25 lb. dumbbells for 4 sets of 12
We did some extra warm up reps to ensure your elbows are good and warmed up. You never
ever want to go right into a heavy triceps extension, as it is very hard on your elbows.
With only 1-minute rest breaks here, you may lose some reps on the last set or so. That is ok.
Exercise Index - Lying Tricep Extensions
7/ Glute bridges
This is an exercise that gets butchered quite a bit. We have a great video to show you
safe and effective form though. You can also do these with one leg if you like. In that
case just place your lead leg on a BOSU ball and drive your hip up through that leg/
glute. Do 4 sets of 10 here. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
You can do these with bodyweight via one leg. You can use a barbell, or even on a machine such as the booty builder. There are many different variations, but most of all I
wanted you to see the range of motion, set up, and execution.
Exercise Index - Hip Thrust “Target the Glutes”
8/ Hyperextensions
Don’t let the video scare you! You don’t need to use a barbell. I just wanted you to see the type of machine I wanted
you to use. This will work your glutes, hams, and low back.
It is an excellent exercise. You can hold a dumbbell to make
it tougher or even a plate such as a 25 lb. plate. Do 3 sets of
12. Do these nice and slow. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – bodyweight x 10 reps
Work sets – hold a 25 lb. plate for 3 sets of 12
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Exercise Index - Barbell Hyperextensions
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
1/ Leg extensions
Time to get a little bit of a fire burning in those quads. Once
warmed up, we are going to do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Exercise Index - Leg Extension
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 55 lbs. x 20 reps
Warm up - 75 lbs. x 15 reps
Feeder set – 95 lbs. x 4 reps
Work sets – 135 lbs. for 3 sets of 10
2/ Lunge
Watch the video below for some different options. I want
you to use kettlebells or dumbbells on these. You can stay
more upright or lean forward depending on what you want
to work more as stated in the video. Do 3 sets of 10 on each
leg. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 10 lb. dumbbells for 6 steps on
each leg
Work sets – 20 lb. dumbbells for 3 sets of 10
on each leg
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
Notice how now we only did 1 feeder. You are warmed up so there is no need for the high rep warmups. We just use the feeder set to get you used to the movement.
My “3” Favorite Types of Lunges
3/ Standing calve raise
We can’t neglect those calves. The video below will show you
how to line up your feet on these. I want you to do 3 sets of
15 here. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 55 lbs. x 20 reps
Feeder set - 85 x 6 reps
Work sets - 105 for 3 sets of 15
Proper Foot Placement To Build Freaky Calves
4/ Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts
The video below is me doing 1 leg at a time, but I want you to
do both legs at once. I just didn’t have the video made with
me doing both at once. I want you to do 3 sets of 10 here. Do
these nice and slow, and use the form as described in the
video. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 20 lb. dumbbells for 15 reps
Feeder set – 30 lb. dumbbells for 4 reps
Work sets – 40 lb. dumbbells for 3 sets of 10
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
One Leg Romanian Style Dumbbell Deadlift for *AMAZING GLUTES*
5/ Incline pushups
Check out the video for the form on these. You don’t need to
use the handles I am using in the video. Basically, just elevate your legs and keep your back straight. For reps, you’ll
be leaving a couple of reps in the tank on these. 4 total
work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – Regular pushups
Work sets – 4 sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
The Perfect 3 Exercise Chest Workout For “Upper Pecs”
6/ Dual rope pushdowns
This is a great version of tricep pushdowns I think you will
enjoy. I want you to do 4 sets of 12 here. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Exercise Index - Dual Rope Tricep Extensions
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 65 lbs. for 20 reps
Feeder set – 85 lbs. for 4 reps
Work sets – 105 lbs. for 4 sets of 12
7/ Chest supported rows
Find a machine that supports your chest to do these rows.
I want you to use a neutral grip if possible, meaning palms
facing each other. Do 4 work sets for 8 reps. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 75 lbs. x 15 reps
Feeder set – 95 lbs. x 4 reps
Work sets – 115 lbs. for 4 sets of 8
Supported Row for a “THICK BACK” Exercise Index
8/ Sit ups
Check out the form I prefer in the video. These are my favorite way to do sit
ups. Do 4 sets where you only leave 1 or 2 reps in the tank. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Exercise Index - How To Do a Proper Sit Up
1/ Flat bench press
I listed the 21 tips for chest video again below, as I talk about
proper set up on the bench press. I want you to do 3 sets of
8 here. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
21 Reasons Why Your Chest Isn’t Growing (FIX IT NOW)
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up – 95 lbs. x 20 reps
Warm up - 135 lbs. x 15 reps
Feeder set - 185 x 4 reps
Work sets - 225 for 3 sets of 8
2/ Pullups
If you have a hard time doing these use a machine that assists you, the ones
where you can stand on a counterbalance or put your knees on it. You could also
use a band to assist as shown in the video. Do 3 sets where you only leave 1 or 2
reps in the tank. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
Exercise Index - Banded Pull Up
3/ Floor press
I really like doing these for both chest and triceps. Do 4 sets
of 8 here. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 135 lbs. x 5 reps
Feeder set - 225 lbs. x 3 reps
Work sets - 255 for 4 sets of 8
Note: You already had 2 chest exercises so you should only need a couple feeder sets.
Exercise Index - Floor Press For Triceps
4/ Incline dumbbell row
In the video of these I use kettlebells and dumbbells. You
can use either. I actually prefer the kettlebell if your gym has
them in weight that is heavy enough. Do 4 sets of 8 here.
4 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 25 lb. dumbbells x 5 reps
Work sets – 45 lb. dumbbells for 4 sets of 8
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
Note: Since you already did pullups your back will be warmed up.
Exercise Index | Incline Dumbbell Rows
5/ Hammer curls
I prefer the 2nd version of these in the video below. Let’s do
4 sets of 10 here. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 15 lb. dumbbells for 6 reps
Work sets – 25 lb. dumbbells for 4 sets of 10
Note: You did 2 back exercises so your biceps should be plenty warm.
3 Types of Hammer Curls to Build *HUGE* Biceps
6/ 6 ways
As I say in the video, these are sneaky! Do 3 sets of 8.
3 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 85 lbs. for 4 reps
Work sets – 105 lbs. for 3 sets of 8
We are going to give the legs a little extra rest today, so they are fresh on Friday!
Exercise Index - 6 Ways for Shoulders
1/ Dumbbell squats
Let’s work these hard. Work up to 3 sets of 8 here.
3 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minutes
Exercise Index - Dumbbell Squats
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 30 lb. dumbbell for 20 reps
Warm up set – 50 lb. dumbbell for 15 reps
Feeder ser – 65 lb. dumbbell for 5 reps
Work sets – 85 lb. dumbbell for 3 sets of 8
2/ Bulgarian split squat
You may have heard about the Bulgarian Drop Set of Death.
Well you aren’t quite there yet! Right now, we learn the exercise, but this video will show you how we add in high intensity techniques for when you reach the advanced stage. For
now, normal straight sets will work! Do 3 sets of 12 on each
leg. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8
| This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 15 lb. dumbbell for 6 reps
Work sets – 35 lb. dumbbell for 3 sets of 12
Rest – 3 minutes
Notice how now we only did 1 feeder. You are warmed up so there is no need for the
high rep warmups. We just use the feeder set to get used to the exercise.
Bulgarian split squats
3/ Pull through
Let’s get a little more hams, glutes, and lower back. Do 3
sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8 | Rest – 3 minute
This is an example of what it could look like:
Feeder set – 85 lbs. x 6 reps
Work sets – 105 lbs. for 3 sets of 10
Exercise Index - Pull Through
4/ Seated calve raises
Do 3 sets of 15 here. 3 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Warm up set – 25 lbs. for 15 reps
Feeder set – 45 lbs. for 5 reps
Work sets – 65 lbs. for 3 sets of 15
5/ Machine flyes
Go to about 11 minutes into the video to see machine flyes. I
want you to do 4 sets of 10 here. 4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Warm up set – 65 lbs. for 15 reps
Feeder set – 85 lbs. for 5 reps
Work sets – 105 lbs. for 4 sets of 10
Basic Heavy Chest Workout For Mass | John Meadows & Seth Shaw
6/ Dumbbell pullover
These will hit your back and chest. Let’s do 4 sets of 10 here.
4 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
Dumbbell Pullovers for a Thick Chest (MUST TRY)
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 20 lb. dumbbell for 15 reps
Feeder set – 30 lb. dumbbell for 5 reps
Work sets – 40 lb. dumbbell for 4 sets of 10
7/ Reverse curl
These are simply using a pronated grip (palms down) when
you curl instead of supinated (palms up). This hits more
forearm along with biceps. Do 4 sets of 10 here.
4 total work sets
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 25 lbs. for 15 reps
Feeder set – 35 lbs. for 5 reps
Work sets – 45 lbs. for 4 sets of 10
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
8/ Tate press
This is a cool triceps variation I think you’ll enjoy. You can
use a dumbbell if you do not have a suitable kettlebell. Do
3 sets of 12 here. 3 total work sets
RPE - 8.5 | Rest – 1 minute
This is an example of what it could look like:
Warm up set – 10 lb. dumbbell for 15 reps
Feeder set – 15 lb. dumbbell for 5 reps
Work sets – 20 lb. dumbbell for 3 sets of 12
Exercise Index - Kettlebell Tate Press For Triceps
Did you make it through?? If so let me
know on Instagram at mountaindog1
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complete workouts!
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Thank you so much for your support!
John Meadows