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Earthquake Safety Tips: Post-Disaster Guide

Some suggestive after earthquake safety tips:
The earthquake has brought to our families relatives, fellow citizens and foreign guests huge pain and sorrow. For most of
us, let believe and hope that the worst has passed and the life will be normalized soon. Let pray and help to the extent
possible to those who have lost their beloved ones/ relatives, who are injured, who are in desperate need of food and
As all we know, the earthquake has caused many physical and mental damages and also might have left so many risks/
hazards. Thus, let give comfort to our family members and also to all who can be contacted. In order to minimize further
damages to lives and properties, I would like to remind you to consider the following things:
1. After the earthquake has shaken foundations of our houses/ buildings, there is possibility of settlement which may lead
to further cracks or even collapse. Please note that in case of continuous heavy rain, the soil will be fully saturated and the
bearing capacity could be decreased by up to 50% in which case the damaged buildings or even intact buildings may
settle. Therefore, please continuously monitor your house/ buildings/ offices whatever and their surroundings regularly
(daily if possible) from now onwards and during this coming monsoon period.
2. Please remove your flower pots, heavy, unnecessary goods from your roofs, Barandas etc. immediately.
3. Please remove all earth being used for roof gardening (Kaushi Kheti) Immediately.
4. Be sure that rain water depth will not be more than one inch on your roofs even in case of heaviest possible rain fall/
cloud burst.
5. Please do not use more than 1000 litre overhead roof tank. Secured the tank and frame supporting the tank with hilti
bolts and make the tank frame strong for forces/shaking from any directions for which additional bracing should be given.
6. Please minimize number of people staying, moving inside your houses/ offices. Do not allow running or
jumping/dancing to people inside any damaged buildings/ houses.
7. If your house/ building/ office is already damaged please take out unnecessary thinks from the buildings if it is safe to
go inside and do not put additional things until the house is repaired/retrofitted.
8. Please Shut all doors and windows and open them when necessary only for a short time.
9. Water tank or concentrated mass on roof top are very risky and thus try to avoid or minimize such loads.
10. Houses/ building without walls/infills on ground floor or in middle part are more susceptible to structural failure during
shaking and thus better not to use such houses for shelter. If there are brick walls construed on cantilever portion of the
beam-slab such houses are more risky duirng earthquake. If walls and support constructed at such places are already
damaged it would be better to remove such loads starting from the top/ roof if that can be done safely. No demolished
materials (brick, stone, concrete, steel whatever) should be stored inside the building. Thus store/ throw outside the
building in a safe manner. Impact to buildings shall be avoided.
11. All beam columns should be in straight lines (horizontal and vertical) so that all loads from above can be transferred to
foundations safely without causing unnecessary bending moment, shear forces due to eccentricity. If you have houses not
constructed in such ways better to take some retrofitting measures
12. Please take advise from geotechnical and structural experts if your house is not safe and constructed on sand, fine
clay type foundation or filled area.
13. Please drink only boiled or chlorinated (you can use "Pyus") water even if you are using usual tap, well or tanker water
because the ground has been shaken badly and thus there could have been sever contamination to all kind of water
sources. Please make sure that your water tank is not leaking after the earth quake.
14. Always use mask and better to eat with spoon.
15. Take bags always with you and all your family members and put one bottle of water, "Pyus", toilet paper, some dry
food, first aid items, torch and an umbrella.
16. A whistle could be very useful to inform others if you will be in need of help and also warn others from possible
hazards. It is better to use whistle rather than shouting. If you shout you will loose your energy and or voice very quickly.
Please convey the above mentioned tips to your relatives and friends which may be helpful to minimize further ricks to
lives and properties in coming days/ months may also be years.
May God help all of us and our fellow citizens to overcome the difficulties/ sorrow we are facing after the disastrous
Be safe and help others to make them safe.