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Have 'safe' glass in houses and
automatic shutters over windows.
Detecting changes in water
pressure and ground deformation.
Build rubber shock absorbers into
the foundations of buildings.
Study historical records of
earthquakes along plate margins
to determine where the next one
might occur.
Use seismographs to measure
foreshocks (smaller earthquakes
that occur before a large
Ensure land that is identified as
being ‘high risk’ does not have
expensive land use e.g. hospitals,
schools, offices.
Count the number of years
between each past earthquake
event to identify patterns.
In Japan, a Disaster Day is
organised on the 1st September
every year.
Produce maps to show the effects
of an earthquake and identify
places of highest risk.
Have flexible pipes to stop
gas/water leaks if an earthquake
Observe unusual animal
Stop building on softer ground to
protect people from the worst of
the shaking.
New buildings have steel frames
that sway during an earthquake.
Practice earthquake drills at work
and at school.
Using hazard maps to identify the
best evacuation routes and sites.
Strengthen already existing
buildings, bridges & roads.
Stock up on supplies like dry foods,
water and toiletries.