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CELTA Lesson Plan: Reading & Grammar

CELTA TP Lesson Plan
NAME: Kenzhegul Zhanaliyeva
DATE: June 13
LEVEL: Elementary
TOPIC/THEME: (e.g. Holidays, Weather, Sport, etc.)
Can you understand this text?
AIMS (What do you intend the learners to get out of the lesson?)
TP No.: 3
TUTOR: Slava
LESSON FOCUS: (e.g. Grammar/Speaking, Reading/Vocab, etc.)
Reading / Grammar
Main aim: To develop students’ skills of reading for gist, specific information and detail in the context of an article
about a famous musician.
Subsidiary aims:
 To revise the previous grammar on the topic of prepositions of time and place.
Personal aims:
 To avoid echoing and answering my own questions.
 Not to repeat students’ incorrect answers.
 To manage the time properly.
GROUP PROFILE: (include number of Ss, gender ratio, nationalities, stronger vs. weaker Ss, motivation, interests, class dynamics, etc.)
There are about 10-12 elementary students in the group, 6 boys and 6 girls. Almost all the students were engaged
and active enough at the previous lesson. They are getting used to working in pairs in BORs and following the links
of the tasks. Almost all the students were sitting with their cameras and mics on at the lesson and it positively
influences on the whole procedure of the lesson.
ASSUMPTIONS: (what language do you expect students to know that you are (not) planning to teach? What language items have students
looked at in previous classes that are relevant to your aims? Students' interest/general knowledge in relation to the material/context? etc.)
The students will be familiar with the vocabulary of the topic “Daily routines”.
The students will be familiar with prepositions of time and place (I presented the language at the previous
 The students will be familiar with meaning, form and pronunciation of the present simple (another teacher
have taught this grammar)
SOURCES OF MATERIALS: (What course books, reading/listening materials, texts, web sites, pictures etc. are you going to use? Please
make sure you copy the links to any materials you found on the internet including images. The same sources have to be mentioned on your
electronica handouts as well)
I have used “Can you understand this text?”exercises a and b on page 37 from English File Elementary e-book 4th
edition by Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden, Jerry Lambert and Paul Seligson for Reading for gist, specific
information and detail stages.
Some pictures have been used from the Internet: unusual
https://mediaproxy.salon.com/width/1200/https://media.salon.com/2013/11/angel_haze.jpg; eat out
m; David Guetta https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp9252983.jpg; let’s check image https://cf.pptonline.org/files1/slide/e/e6F3CEJryhOYtVWzk7lxQT4vbHpw1Md8sfjoZiGD2/slide-3.jpg
Note: The boxes above are not designed to be limited. Extend as needed.
TP No.:
Reading for
Reading for
To warm the
students up
To check
understanding of
vocabulary units;
To enable the Ss to
make predictions
before reading
To give Ss an
opportunity to
practise skills of
gist Reading
To improve Ss’
skills of Reading for
through practice
(explain how you are going to set up activities, include
the script of all your instructions here, add ICQs,
elicitation Qs, CCQs etc.)
(mins) (T-Ss, S – S,
Ss – Ss)
I will show my photos in the studio and ask some
eliciting questions:
 Who do you see in the picture?
 Where am I?
 Do you think I like music?
 What types of music do I like?
I will show some types of music on the screen for
the Ss to choose from: jazz, rock, classical music,
rap, pop music, heavy metal, hip-hop
1 I will show the word “usual” on the screen and
- How do we say its negative form? Unusual.
- Does it mean “normal”, “ordinary”? No.
- Does it mean interesting/surprising? Yes.
I will ask Ss to repeat “unusual” after me, then
show the form of the word on the screen and ask
Ss to repeat once more.
2 I will show a picture on the screen and ask:
- Where are they? In a restaurant.
- What are they doing? Eating. /
Having dinner.
- Are they eating out? Yes.
2 I will play David Guetta’s songs for 15 seconds,
Ss listen and try to guess whose songs they are.
Songs: Say my name, Memories, Baby don’t hurt
I will show the Ss David Guetta’s photo
and ask a question to find out if the SS
understand the gist of the text: “What
is unusual about David Guetta’s life?”
- Ss, individually, follow the link, read the text and
answer the question. Then come back to the main
room and answer the question as a class.
Ss will read the text again and answer 5 questions
to find specific information from the text,
individually. Before Ss follow the link and start
reading, I will demonstrate how to do it showing
on the screen and asking some ICQs:
- What will you do now? Read the text again.
- How many questions will you answer? 5
- Will you do it individually or in pairs? Individually
- How many minutes do you have for this? 3 min
Read the article again and answer the questions:
1 Where does he live?
2 Where does he have dinner?
3 How many hours does he spend in his studio?
4 Where does he work in the evening?
5 How old is he?
After they have answered the questions, Ss will go
to BORs and discuss the answers to the questions
in pairs. In the end we will have a WCFB in the
main room.
(try to make full use of this
- Ss might not remember
the types of music.
- I will show the types of
music on the screen.
- Ss might not now
meaning, form and
pronunciation of preteaching vocabulary.
- I will show the form and
meaning of the words on
the screen and T-Ss drill
their pronunciation.
- Ss might not guess the
- I will show David
Guetta’s photo and elicit
some information about
- Ss might not understand
the question.
- I will remind them
meaning of the word
“unusual” and find one
unusual thing about
David’s life form the text
together with the Ss as a
- Ss might have problems
with third person “s”
while answering the
questions about David
- I will elicit third person
“s”, e.g. He lives, He has,
There might be problems
with joining and leaving
- I will have to check
settings of ZOOM
carefully before sending
Ss to BORs.
Reading for
Focus on
(if time!)
To improve Ss’
skills of Reading for
detail through
To improve Ss’
speaking skills in
the context of the
topic of the lesson
To revise
prepositions of
time and place
Ss will mark the given sentences T (True) or F
(False), individually, without looking back at the
text. Before Ss follow the link of the learningapps
task, I will demonstrate how to do it showing on
the screen and asking some ICQs:
- What will you do now? Write T or F.
- Where will you write? In NB
- Will you say why it is T or F? Yes
- Will you do it individually or in pairs? In pairs
- Will one of you share the screen? Yes
- How many minutes do you have? 3 min
Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False)
1 He gets up in the afternoon.
2 He only eats fruit for breakfast.
3 He does exercise every day.
4 He doesn’t listen to music at home.
5 He eats out in the evening.
After they have done the task, we will have a
WCFB in the main room.
Ss, in pairs, answer the follow-up questions in
- How many questions will you answer? 5
- Will you work in pairs? Yes
- Will you remember your partner’s answers? Yes
- How much time do you have? 2-3 min
Follow-up questios:
1 Do you want to become a DJ? Why/Why not?
2 Do you get up in the afternoon on weekdays?
3 Do you eat fruit for breakfast?
4 Do you do exercise? Where do you do exercise?
5 Do you eat out in the evening?
After they have answered the questions, we will
have a quick WCFB in the main room.
If we still have enough time at the end of the
lesson, I will elicit previous knowledge of
prepositions of time and place from Ss, then they
will read the same text with gaps and fill them in
Complete the article with in, on, at.
I wake up 1…….. about 1.00 p.m., and the first
thing I do is go outside. I live 2 …….. Ibiza and I like
having breakfast in the sun. I usually have fruit
juice, eggs, fruit, and tea. I never drink coffee.
After breakfast, I answer my emails for an hour,
then I go to the gym.
I never listen to music 3 ……. the house, or
even 4 …….. the car, because music is my job.
5 ……. a typical day I spend two or three hours
6 ……… my studio, then another four hours 7 ……..
a nightclub. My work starts 8 ……… the evening. I
usually have dinner 9 …….. a restaurant, and then
I go to the club. I try to have a normal life, but my
job isn’t normal. I arrive at a club like a secret
agent – I go in through the back door and Security
takes me to the stage.
Ss might not know how to
share their screens.
- Teacher Anel will
demonstrate how to
share the screen during
the previous lesson. If I
see that the Ss still have
problems with it, I will
show some screenshots
and demonstrate how to
do it once more. It might
be time-consuming but I
think it’s worth it.
Ss might think that they
are going to answer the
questions about David
- I will demonstrate the
first question with the Ss
to make it clear that they
are going to answer the
questions about
S-S (if
- Ss might not remember
when to use prepositions
of time and place.
- I will elicit some time
and location words +
prepositions, then we can
do 1 and 2 as examples
with the Ss.
I finish work 10……. 4.00 in the morning.
Security takes me out, and then I go home. After
about four hours playing music, I’m very excited.
My manager says, “Go home and sleep”, but
that’s impossible. First, I need to calm down.
When I get home I have a cup of tea, brush my
teeth and say, “Thank you for this wonderful life”.
I am 47 now but I want to do this when I’m 60 or
80. I want to do this forever.
Note: your procedure plan will usually consist of 1 or 2 pages. Please use TAB to add more lines or copy and paste the whole table to add more
pages if needed.