Colegio Santa Familia Coquimbo Nombre Docente: Tamara Ledezma/ Jesenia López EVALUACIÓN SUMATIVA Inglés Nombre: Puntaje total: 20 puntos Curso: 4to medio C Puntaje de corte al 60%: Puntaje obtenido: Fecha:08/06/23 Nota final OBJETIVO DE APRENDIZAJE(OA) OA4: Producir y comprender con fluidez textos orales y escritos claros en situaciones comunicativas que involucren otras visiones de mundo y la propia, con el fin de interactuar y tomar conciencia de su propia identidad. Aim: Students will be able to answer questions related to the unit 1 orally. INSTRUCTIONS: Individually, students pick some questions related to the unit 1 (contents from written texts and oral texts) and they answer them orally. CATEGORY EXCELLENT (4) GOOD Pronunciation Pronunciation is clear and distinct all the time and does not interfere with meaning Fluency (3) ACEPTABLE (2) INSUFFICIENT (1) Most words are pronouns clearly and the students can be clearly understood Pronunciation is not at all clear and student is difficult to understand Student is unintelligible. Nothing can be understood Student always speaks fluently with few hesitations. Student mostly speaks fluently with hesitation. Student speaks and haltingly with long pauses. Student is unable to speak through the presentation. Vocabulary and grammar Student answers the questions using the vocabulary accurately and the grammar structures he/she uses are correct. Student answers the questions using most of the vocabulary accurately and the grammar structures he/she uses are correct. Student answers the questions but he/she doesn’t use the vocabulary accurately or the grammar structures he/she uses are not correct. Content Student doesn’t have problems understanding the questions and he/she answers all the questions (3) accurately. Student doesn’t have major problems understanding the questions but he/she have problems answering some of them. Respect Student shows respect, doesn’t talk loudly or stand up while the others are being evaluated. Student shows respect, doesn’t stand up but he/she talk in high volume while the others are being evaluated. Student answers the questions using the vocabulary but with imprecisions and the grammar structures he/she uses are not totally correct. Student have some problems understanding the questions and he/she doesn’t show sufficient knowledge to answer them. Student shows little respect, he/she stands up and talk in high volume while the others are being evaluated. Student have problems understanding the questions and he/she doesn’t show knowledge about the unit at all. Student doesn’t show respect at all, he/she stands up, makes disturbing noises and talks loudly while the others are being evaluated. Colegio Santa Familia Coquimbo Nombre Docente: Tamara Ledezma/ Jesenia López EVALUACIÓN SUMATIVA Inglés Nombre: Puntaje total: 20 puntos Curso: 4to medio A Puntaje de corte al 60%: Puntaje obtenido: Fecha:14/06/23 Nota final OBJETIVO DE APRENDIZAJE(OA) OA4: Producir y comprender con fluidez textos orales y escritos claros en situaciones comunicativas que involucren otras visiones de mundo y la propia, con el fin de interactuar y tomar conciencia de su propia identidad. Aim: Students will be able to answer questions related to the unit 1 orally. INSTRUCTIONS: Individually, students pick some questions related to the unit 1 (contents from written texts and oral texts) and they answer them orally. CATEGORY EXCELLENT (4) GOOD Pronunciation Pronunciation is clear and distinct all the time and does not interfere with meaning Fluency (3) ACEPTABLE (2) INSUFFICIENT (1) Most words are pronouns clearly and the students can be clearly understood Pronunciation is not at all clear and student is difficult to understand Student is unintelligible. Nothing can be understood Student always speaks fluently with few hesitations. Student mostly speaks fluently with hesitation. Student speaks and haltingly with long pauses. Student is unable to speak through the presentation. Vocabulary and grammar Student answers the questions using the vocabulary accurately and the grammar structures he/she uses are correct. Student answers the questions using most of the vocabulary accurately and the grammar structures he/she uses are correct. Student answers the questions but he/she doesn’t use the vocabulary accurately or the grammar structures he/she uses are not correct. Content Student doesn’t have problems understanding the questions and he/she answers all the questions (3) accurately. Student doesn’t have major problems understanding the questions but he/she have problems answering some of them. Respect Student shows respect, doesn’t talk loudly or stand up while the others are being evaluated. Student shows respect, doesn’t stand up but he/she talk in high volume while the others are being evaluated. Student answers the questions using the vocabulary but with imprecisions and the grammar structures he/she uses are not totally correct. Student have some problems understanding the questions and he/she doesn’t show sufficient knowledge to answer them. Student shows little respect, he/she stands up and talk in high volume while the others are being evaluated. Student have problems understanding the questions and he/she doesn’t show knowledge about the unit at all. Student doesn’t show respect at all, he/she stands up, makes disturbing noises and talks loudly while the others are being evaluated. Colegio Santa Familia Coquimbo Nombre Docente: Tamara Ledezma/ Jesenia López EVALUACIÓN SUMATIVA Inglés Nombre: Puntaje total: 20 puntos Curso: 4to medio B Puntaje de corte al 60%: Puntaje obtenido: Fecha:13/06/23 Nota final OBJETIVO DE APRENDIZAJE(OA) OA4: Producir y comprender con fluidez textos orales y escritos claros en situaciones comunicativas que involucren otras visiones de mundo y la propia, con el fin de interactuar y tomar conciencia de su propia identidad. Aim: Students will be able to answer questions related to the unit 1 orally. INSTRUCTIONS: Individually, students pick some questions related to the unit 1 (contents from written texts and oral texts) and they answer them orally. CATEGORY EXCELLENT (4) GOOD Pronunciation Pronunciation is clear and distinct all the time and does not interfere with meaning Fluency (3) ACEPTABLE (2) INSUFFICIENT (1) Most words are pronouns clearly and the students can be clearly understood Pronunciation is not at all clear and student is difficult to understand Student is unintelligible. Nothing can be understood Student always speaks fluently with few hesitations. Student mostly speaks fluently with hesitation. Student speaks and haltingly with long pauses. Student is unable to speak through the presentation. Vocabulary and grammar Student answers the questions using the vocabulary accurately and the grammar structures he/she uses are correct. Student answers the questions using most of the vocabulary accurately and the grammar structures he/she uses are correct. Student answers the questions but he/she doesn’t use the vocabulary accurately or the grammar structures he/she uses are not correct. Content Student doesn’t have problems understanding the questions and he/she answers all the questions (3) accurately. Student doesn’t have major problems understanding the questions but he/she have problems answering some of them. Respect Student shows respect, doesn’t talk loudly or stand up while the others are being evaluated. Student shows respect, doesn’t stand up but he/she talk in high volume while the others are being evaluated. Student answers the questions using the vocabulary but with imprecisions and the grammar structures he/she uses are not totally correct. Student have some problems understanding the questions and he/she doesn’t show sufficient knowledge to answer them. Student shows little respect, he/she stands up and talk in high volume while the others are being evaluated. Student have problems understanding the questions and he/she doesn’t show knowledge about the unit at all. Student doesn’t show respect at all, he/she stands up, makes disturbing noises and talks loudly while the others are being evaluated.