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opdirector@officegreen.com; hrspecialist@officegreen.com;
Urgent Action Necessary: Additional Delivery drivers needed
I hope this mail finds you well. I am Anthony Offiong; the project manager at Project Plant
Pals. We have achieved immense progress so far primarily due in part to your amazing
support of the project so far.
So far we are on track for a successful launch but we are currently encountering a critical
issue that needs immediate resolution. So far, the drivers have only delivered 80% of the
plants successfully. This has affected customer satisfaction negatively, with a few customers
canceling their subscriptions.
In order to meet our projections and avoid setting back the project timeline we would need to
increase the on-time delivery rate to at least 90% in order not to lose subscriptions, affect
customer satisfaction negatively, and hurt revenue.
During our brainstorming session; the team and I came up with a few suggestions to remedy
the current situation:
1. We propose hiring 2 extra delivery drivers [which would require an addition to the
logistical budget]
2. We would carry out a reassessment of delivery routes to improve efficiency
3. We would send out a complimentary plant to those customers who canceled their
subscriptions [which would require an addition to the production budget]
We will be awaiting your approval to go ahead on the above action points
Anthony Offiong,
Team Lead Project Plant Pals.