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CS577 Computer Networks Assignment #01

Registration No._________________
Name. ___________________________________________
CS577 – Computer Networks
Assignment # 01
19th February 2023
Date of submission: 24th February 2023
Maximum Marks. 15.
Note: Assignment is required to be submitted in handwritten format on this paper. You are required
to take print out of these pages and submit assignment on these pages in handwritten format. If found
Plagiarism, zero out of 12 marks will be given to that student for internals. Write in your own words,
by that I mean your OWN WORDS. Also, after the Due Date No assignments will be accepted.
Q.No.1. Performance is inversely related to delay. Explain. Also, when you use the Internet, which of the
following applications are more sensitive to delay?
a. Sending an e-mail.
b. Copying a file.
c. Surfing the Internet [5]
Registration No._________________
Name. ___________________________________________
Q. No.2. Draw a hybrid topology with a Ring backbone and three Star networks. [5]
Q. No.3. Compare the telephone network and the Internet. What are the similarities? What are the
differences? [5]