Uploaded by Alleika Wright

Neighborhood Barriers Assessment: Social Determinants of Health

Social Determinants of Health 1002
Minor assignment “C” – 3.5 % - due February 27, 2023 by 11:55pm
Title: Neighborhood Barriers Assessment
This minor assignment, is due by 11:55 pm on February 27, 2023.
The assignment should be submitted on OWL under the assignments tab as a word doc,
pdf, or inline in the space provided. Use font 12 please.
Thoughtful completion of this assignment counts towards your final grade in the course. If you
complete the assignment on time and in full, in a manner that demonstrates that you have read
and reflected on the reading, you can get 3/3.5 marks. Exceptionally unique analyses may get
3.5/3.5. That said, as with other assignments, you will lose 1 mark if you submit late (out of 3.5),
and you may also lose 0.5 marks if you have more than 3 spelling and grammar mistakes.
The assignment:
Identify 3 different types of barriers that a person with a disability could encounter when
accessing health or community services in your community or neighbourhood. Be sure to pick 3
different types of barriers (example, physical, informational, policy) and explain what the barrier
is, how it could impact the individual, and what solutions or strategies you would propose to
remove the barrier. We expect ½ page and this can be answered in bullet points.