THAKUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEEAING &TECHNOLOGY dhAINi Ch rritnANaGntfNaskN) Etd in 2001 IN-SEMESTER EXAMINATION (ISE- ) FEBRUARY, 2023 TE (Semester-Vi) CBCGS-HME 2020 Branch: Mechanical Engineering MetrologEy and Quallty Engineering Date: 01/03/2023 Div: A &B Duration: 60 Minutes Instructions - Timing: 11-3 1:30 to 12:30 Maximum Marks 20 All questions are compulsory. Assume suitable data wherever necess ary and state the assunptions made. Dlagrams /sketches should be given wherever necessary. 1 2 3. Use of logarithmic table, drawing instruments and non programmable calculators is permitted Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4 5. Solve any 5 Sub Questions. Q.1 Marks Ust the functional requirements of d. Learring Levels 02 R What are various types of verniercalliper? 02 U Define metrologY. Explain the significance of metrology. 02 Write a formula for list count of Comparator micrometer. 02 Differentiate between line and end standards. 02 1 AN Draw shaft basis systen and list its 02 2 R 02 2 R 2 C 05 2 AN 05 2 AN limitations. Define and drawa diagrarn for interference fit and mention maximum and ninimum interference. 0.2 co Explain Solex Pnuematic Comparator with ncat sketch OR b. Discuss the characteristics of line and end standards. 05 Delermine the dimensions and tolerunces of shafi and hole of size 5SH6/n7 Where $5 lics in step of 50-80 FD for H is zero FD for n is SD°4 IT6 is e 10; IT 7 is 16i OR Determine the dimensions and tolerances of shan and hole of size 25H67 Where 25 lies in step of 18-30 FD for His zero FD for t is IT 6 is 10/ IT 7is = l6 117+0.63D THAKUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ICTdGmfMh tcet (ISE- 0) MARCH, 2023 IN-SEMESTER EXXAMINATION CBCGS-HME 2020 TE (Semester-Vi) QUALITY ENGINEERING Etd in 2001 METRoLOGY & NAME OF SUBJECT: Date: 28 /03 /2023 Timing: 10:00 ANM to 11:00 Branch: MECH AM Maximum Marks: 20 Div.: A8&B Duration: 60 Minutes Instructlons compulsory. the assumptions made. 1. All questions are wherever necessary and state 4 Assume suitable data wherever necessary. permitted. Diagrams/sketches should be given programmable calculators is non and table, drawing instruments Use of logarithmic S. Figures to the right 2. Indicate full marks Marks Solve any S Sub Questions. Q.1 a. What is How C. roughness direction of lay affects the measurement. waviness. What are the causes of irregularity which classified order? of a surface for e. Calculate the CLA (Ra) value length was 0.8 mm. sampling and below the Above: Below: f. in fourth 02 1 02 1 02 R 1 02 which the 10000 above areas magnification of 100, and the to a The graph was drawn and a horizontal R 2 Threads? effective diameter in Define roughness and Learning Leveis CO vertical magnification of datum line were: 80 170 40 mm 150 60 150 120 mm 80 methods Surface Inspection by List down different Cornparison methods. AN 02 2 R 02 2 R 05 2 AN List down the errors in gears. Q.2. Wire method Derive equation for Two and Best Wire Size. OR Derive equation for measurement of tooth constant chord method. .3 working of Draw and explain the thickness by AN 05 2 Talyor-Hobson-Talysurf surface roughness measurement. OR Surface meter working of Tomlinson Oraw and explain the surface roughness measurement. 05 |2 U ENGINEERING &&TECHNOLOGY tcet JndGmf3kerae CfifAeatus y t e y Gts C (UOfr y mafaTHS A Eted in 2001 IN-SEMESTER EXAMINATION(ISE- IMJAPRIL, 2023 TE (Semester-Vi) CBCGS-HME 2020 MetrologY and Quality Engineering Aranch: MECH Date: 27/04/2023 Div.: TE MECH A &B Duration: 60 Minutes Timing: 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Maximum Marks: 20 Instructions 1 All questions are compulsory. 2 Assume suitable data wherever necessary and state the assumptions made. Dlagrams/sketches should be given wherever necessary. Use of logarithmic table, drawing instrurnents and non programmable calculators ls permitted. 3. 4 5 Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 b Solve any S Questions. Marks Define Quality 02 List down the types of CMM R 02 d What is cost of appraisal in quality cost. e Define produce's risk as per OC curve. 02 02 02 List down 5S. 5 02 Differentiate Ouality assurance and Quality control a. Learnin8 Level Explain any two dimensions of quality Q.2. CC 02 The following data gives the readings for 8 samples of size 6 each in the production ofa certaln product. Find the control limits using 4 R 05 mean chart Also find fi the Process Capabilities for the below mentioned | Sample Mean Range process. AN 4 R00 342 37 351 20 319 620 333 28 30 | 22 OR b. As per the acceptance sampling for the given data find the value of probability of acceptance for 3% fraction defective using binomial distribution. a 05 AN Sample size n =50, c=2 Explain 1SHIKAWA diagram (Cause effect diagram) with example E OR Explain single sampling plan wilh flowchart. 05 E