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ASEAN Culture & Communication: Module on Awareness

Communication in the ASEAN Setting is about principles, concepts, and
practices in various communication contexts among ASEAN member
countries to achieve international understanding towards ASEAN
cooperation and integration.
Module No. 3
Awareness of ASEAN Cultures
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 2
MODULE OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................2
CAMBODIA................................................................................................................................... 4
MALAYSIA.................................................................................................................................... 7
MYANMAR.................................................................................................................................... 9
PHILIPPINES.............................................................................................................................. 10
SINGAPORE............................................................................................................................... 11
THAILAND.................................................................................................................................. 13
SUMMARY OF SIMILAR TRAITS.............................................................................................. 15
ACTIVITY 3..................................................................................................................... 17
ACTIVITY DETAILS........................................................................................................ 18
Everyone is aware that there are major differences between Asian and Western cultures.
Even Asian cultures themselves are also quite different. Cultural differences are evident
very deep in the brain, challenging a commonsense notion that culture is skin deep.
People in different cultures make different assumptions about the people around them.
Despite this fact, people from every nation are often frustrated and culturally shocked by
the extent of the differences. But the more you learn and become aware of them, the
better you will be able to cope as you go about your life and work especially, as far as this
module is concerned, when you have to speak with other people from other nations in
ASEAN. In this module the distinctive cultural awareness of ten countries in ASEAN will
be described briefly to show how different they are, and to prepare ourselves for the
differences. However, in some countries the backgrounds of the nations have to be
explained; so we know the reasons behind some of their cultures.
After studying this module, students will be able to:
explain the history of ASEAN;
identify ASEAN structures;
explain job functions;
read by using context clues;
use social English in each given situation;
talk about nationalities, capital cities, and countries;
identify abbreviations related to the ASEAN Community;
Handshakes in greeting tend to be light.
Bruneian men often raise their hands to the
heart after shaking hands. Most Bruneians do
not shake hands with the opposite sex.
Do in Brunei:
The family is the focal point of the social structure. The Bruneian family is the
extended family. Members of the extended family are expected to remain loyal to
each other and the family.
Age matters here. Children are taught to subjugate their own desires for the good
of the entire family and to respect elders without question.
Gender relations are also governed by Islamic principles and etiquette.
Communication style is very indirect.
Don’t in Brunei:
It is considered disrespectful and rude to stare into another person's eyes,
particularly those of a person who is senior to you in age or status.
The role of face, shame and honor is crucial to Bruneians. Do not cause issues or
problems which could jeopardize this.
Most Bruneians are Muslims and as such their lives revolve around the duties
afforded to them by Islam. Alcohol and pork are banned from the country;
however, pork is allowed for non-Muslims.
Shaking hands across genders is rare.
Bruneian Personalities
They are very polite and well-mannered. Punctuality is not strictly adhered to. You
may arrive a little late without causing offense.
Greetings between Cambodians are
dependent on the
relationship/hierarchy/age between the
people. The traditional greeting is a bow
combined with a bringing of the hands
together at chest level. It is known as the
'Sampeah'. Where you join your hands at
the level of your chest, chin, nose, eyebrows or over the head indicates how highly you
respect the person.
Do in Cambodia:
The majority of Cambodians follow Theravada Buddhism. Buddhism also
reinforces a sense of hierarchy within society. Interpersonal communication is
built on the relationship between those involved including communication
depending on your status.
Common hierarchical guidelines are that parents are superior to children,
teachers to students and managers to subordinates.
Monks will even walk in rank order, highest in front and most junior at the rear.
It is polite to remove your shoes before entering someone’s house and obligatory
in a temple.
Don’t in Cambodia:
The concept of face also ties in with this collective outlook. Protecting both one's
own and another's face is extremely important.
Face is lost when someone is criticized, embarrassed or exposed in public. It can
be given by complimenting someone publicly; so don’t do that to them.
It is not considered polite to point your feet at anyone and especially not at a
Buddha statue or a monk.
If entering a temple, ensure that you sit cross-legged to avoid offense.
Cambodian Personalities
Cambodians are an extremely hospitable and friendly people.
There are many cultural influences stemming
back from differences in heritage.
Indonesians are a mix of Chinese, European,
Indian, and Malay. Although Indonesia has
the largest Muslim population in the world it
also has a large number of Christian Protestants, Catholics, Hindus and Buddhists. This
great diversity has needed a great deal of attention from the government to maintain
cohesion. So, the national motto is "Unity in Diversity".
Shake hands and give a slight nod when meeting for the first time. After the first
meeting, a handshake is not necessary; a slight bow or nod of the head is sufficient.
Shake an Indonesian woman's hand only if she initiates the greeting with saying
"Selamat." which means peace. Say it slowly and sincerely.
Do in Indonesia:
The family is still very traditional in structure. Family members have clearly
defined roles and a great sense of interdependence.
Respect is usually shown to those with status, power, position, and age.
Point with your thumb, not your index finger. Never beckon with one finger.
Don’t in Indonesia:
A man does not touch a woman in public except to shake hands. Do not display
affection in public.
The head is considered sacred. Do not touch a person’s head.
Keep both feet on the floor when sitting.
Do not cross your legs, and sit with both feet on the floor.
Do not allow the bottom of your feet to face or point at another person.
Looking someone straight in the eyes is considered staring, which means
challenge and may cause anger.
Women should wear polite skirts and blouses or dresses according to Muslim
Indonesian Personalities
Indonesians value loyalty to family and friends above all else. People are very
careful how they interact and speak.
Warning: The strange thing in Indonesia is that Bahasa Indonesian actually has
12 ways of saying "No." and several other ways of saying "Yes." when the actual
meaning is "No."!
Laotians traditionally greet others by pressing
their palms together in a sort of prayer
gesture known as a nop and say “Sabai dee.”
Do in Laos:
Lao people have a simple life. They are brought up in extended families that
require a high level of harmony, kindness, patience and readiness to help each
It is perfectly normal for relatives or friends to drop by without calling in
Lao people typically socialize as families, and most live in extended families with
three or sometimes more generations sharing one house or compound. The family
cooks and eats together sitting on the floor with sticky rice and dishes shared by
Sometimes when someone pays a visit unexpectedly at meal time they are
automatically invited to join without any hesitation.
Before entering a Lao person’s home, take your shoes off and leave them outside
the house or on stairs.
Don’t in Laos:
Time is also a fairly flexible commodity in Lao culture so don’t expect them to be
on time.
The head is considered high. It is not acceptable to touch Lao people’s heads, so
bear that in mind.
Feet are low. Placing them on furniture or pointing at things or people with your
feet is not acceptable.
Personal cleanliness is valued highly in Laos. Anyone who has strong body odor
tends to get disgusting looks.
Laotian Personalities
Laotians are generous, kind and soft-hearted, tolerant and social people.
Malaysia is a multicultural society. The main
ethnic groups are the native Malays as well as
large populations of Chinese, and Indians.
When visiting the country it is clear that the
ethnicities retain their religions, customs and
way of life. Although children are educated in
the same schools when growing up, and will eventually work in the same offices, few
marry outside their own ethnicity.
Shake hands with men at business meetings and social events. Shake hands again when
leaving. Nod or give a slight bow when greeting a woman or an older person. Introduce
higher ranking people or older people first. Introduce women before men. Western
women should greet Malay men with a nod of their head and a smile.
Do in Malaysia:
The family is considered the center of the social structure. As a result there is a
great emphasis on unity, loyalty and respect for the elderly.
Families tend to socialize within their own ethnic group – all part of retaining
their individual traditions and lifestyles.
Despite the ethnic differences there are commonalities culturally speaking. Face is
a personal concept that embraces qualities such as a good name, good character,
and being held in esteem by one's peers.
Malaysians rely on non-verbal communication (i.e. facial expressions, tone of
voice, body language, etc.)
Remaining calm and courteous; discussing errors or transgressions in private;
speaking about problems without blaming anyone; using non-verbal
communication to say "No."; and allowing the other person to get out of the
situation with their pride intact.
Don’t in Malaysia:
The main thing about people in Malaysia- Malays, Chinese and Indians, is about
losing face so when we talk about “don’t” in Malaysia culture, we have to think
about this issue and not make them feel ashamed in public or private. The desire
to maintain face makes Malaysians strive for harmonious relationships. Face can
be lost by openly because of following: criticizing, insulting, putting someone on
the spot, doing something that brings shame to the group, challenging someone in
authority (especially if this is done in public), showing anger at another person,
refusing a request, not keeping a promise, and disagreeing with someone publicly.
Therefore, don’t do as stated above to people in Malaysia.
Never touch anyone on the top of the head (home of the soul), especially a child.
Avoid touching any one of the opposite sex. Affection is not shown in public.
Do not move objects with your feet or point at another person with your foot.
It is impolite to beckon adults.
Malaysian Personalities
Malays are proud of their country and their ancestral background.
They are polite as they will give a slight bow when leaving, entering or passing by
people means, "Excuse me."
Warning: Malaysians rely on non-verbal communication (i.e. facial expressions,
tone of voice, body language, etc.) Such a communication style tends to be subtle
and indirect. Malays may hint at a point rather than making a direct statement,
since that might cause the other person to lose face. Rather than say "No.", they
might say, "I will try.", or "I’ll see what I can do."
‘Mingalarbar.’, literally means ‘Hello.’ and can
be used at any part of the day. The originally
western custom of shaking hands when
introduced has become something of a vogue
among urbanized Myanma. But this applies
only to men. If you were introduced to monks,
you would bow or bring your palms together. If you, a man, are introduced to a
Myanmar lady, you should not stretch out your hand to shake hers unless she does so
Do in Myanmar:
Buddhism is at the heart of Myanma culture and it permeates private and public
life. Most young people spend time in monastic education, and monks and nuns
hold a revered place in society; so they should not be touched; they always sit at
the highest place available or the places reserved for them.
For dress code, revealing clothing is sometimes frowned upon, although it is
increasingly common amongst Myanma women. But at religious sites, legs and
shoulders should always be covered.
Shoes and socks should be removed before entering anywhere; pagoda or home.
Don’t in Myanmar:
The head and feet are important in Myanma culture, as the highest and lowest
points of the body. No one, including children, should be touched on the head.
Feet should never be put on tables or used for touching or pointing.
Time is flexible here; so you may have to wait longer to be served and signs of
impatience will not be taken well.
Myanma Personalities
Life in Myanmar exists at a very different pace than it does in most developed
countries; people are usually in much less of a hurry, and are more likely to stop
to help.
The Philippines was first settled by
Melanesians; today, although few in numbers,
they preserve a very traditional way of life
and culture. After them, the Austronesians or
more specifically, Malayo-Polynesians, arrived
on the islands. Today the Austronesian
culture is very evident in the ethnicity, language, food, dance and almost every aspect of
the culture. These Austronesians engaged in trading with China, India, Japan, the Ryukyu
Islands, the Middle East, Borneo, and other places. As a result, those cultures have also
left a mark on Filipino culture. Mexican and Spanish influence can be seen in dance and
religion as well as many other aspects of the culture. After being colonized by Spain, the
Philippines became a U.S. territory for about 40 years. Influence from the United States is
seen in the wide use of the English language, and the modern pop culture.
A handshake is standard greeting between both sexes; however, a man should wait for a
woman to extend her hand before initiating the handshake. However, for informal style
an "Eyebrow flash" or a quick lifting of eyebrows is a Filipino greeting.
Do in Philippines:
The family is the center of the social structure and includes the nuclear family,
aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and honorary relations such as godparents,
sponsors, and close family friends. Filipinos believe they must live up to the
accepted standards of behavior, and if they fail to do so they bring shame not only
upon themselves, but also upon their family.
Time considerations are different: it is best to arrive 15 to 30 minutes later than
invited for a large party, but punctuality is expected for a meeting.
Appointments are required, and should be made 3 to 4 weeks in advance.
Communication is indirect, truth is diplomatically presented, manner is gentle,
and the perception of the recipient is considered in all communications. All
communication should be courteous, regardless of its content. The Filipino
attempts to please may result in many unfinished projects.
Filipinos find it difficult to say "No.", disagree, reject or be confrontational,
especially when a superior is involved. Expect an ambiguous or indirect answer
— not to deceive, but rather to please and avoid confrontation.
Face-to-face meetings are preferred. Written communications might not be
Don’t in Philippines:
Staring is considered rude, and could be misinterpreted as a challenge, but
Filipinos may stare or even touch foreigners, especially in areas where foreigners
are rarely seen.
Do not stand with your hands on your hips because to Filipinos it means you are
Never curl your index finger back and forth (to beckon). This is an insult.
Try not to communicate with them by mail or telephone since Filipinos think it is
Philippine Personalities
Filipinos are casual, fun loving, sensitive and hospitable people. Personal and
family honor are stressed, as well as dignity and pride.
Singapore is a unique cultural mix of Chinese
(76%), Malay (15%) and Indian (6%); so we
can assume that Singapore is a multicultural
society, but it still maintains certain
conventions that must be abided by out of
respect for others.
Singaporeans shake hands with everyone present at a business meeting or social
occasion, and also when leaving. Singaporeans may bow slightly as they shake
your hand especially with the elders.
Do in Singapore:
Singaporeans always arrive on time for a business meeting and lateness is
regarded as disrespectful. Many people take offense at poor timekeeping skills.
At the beginning and end of the meeting, shake hands with everyone present. It is
also polite to give a small bow or nod of your head at this point, particularly
towards Chinese or older people.
Don’t in Singapore:
Singaporeans tend to avoid small talk at the beginning of meetings, instead
commencing with business talk immediately. The business environment in
Singapore is much more fast-paced than in other cultures; therefore decisions can
be reached quite swiftly in many instances.
Saving ‘face’ in Singaporean culture is critical; so do not cause embarrassment to
other persons in a business
The foot is considered the lowest part of the body, and is thought to be unclean.
The foot should never be used to point at someone, and you should never show
the bottom of your feet.
Never touch a person or child's head. The head is considered sacred.
Singaporean Personalities
Singaporean people are described as peaceful, open-minded, and unified, and are
accepting of many different cultures meeting, either by disagreeing with them or
correcting them.
Thai society is very Hierarchical and Thais
greet each other with a wai rather than a
Do in Thailand:
Thais respect hierarchical relationships. Social relationships are defined as one
person being superior to the other. Parents of course are superior to their
children, teachers to their students, and bosses to their subordinates.
Don’t in Thailand:
The head is considered the most respected part of the body and you should avoid
touching a Thai person on the head.
The feet are considered the lowest and dirtiest part of the body. You should avoid
pointing your feet at a Thai person. Avoid using your feet to point at things or
move things.
Do not step over a Thai person, rather walk around them.
Thai Personalities
Thai people are generally very polite and respectful.
Thai people are very religious, about 95% of Thai people are Buddhists and Thai
people believe that making merit in this life will benefit a future life.
Warning: Thai people are very conscious of “Face”. This cultural trait manifests
itself in many ways. Thai people are non-confrontational and losing one’s temper
is considered a sign of weakness and a loss of face.
The Vietnamese generally shake hands both
when greeting and when saying goodbye.
Shake with both hands, and bow your head
slightly to show respect.
Do in Vietnam:
Vietnamese must consider many things in communication and conversation for
example, children are taught to think deeply before they speak and they have to
have eye contact while communicating.
A smile is appropriate as a response to an expression such as “Thank you.” or “I
am sorry.” and then the recipient will acknowledge it with a smile as well.
Silence is also common in meetings where someone disagrees with another, but
remains quiet so as to not cause loss of face.
As with most group-orientated societies there are also hierarchical structures. In
Vietnam these are very much based upon age and status. An obvious example is
seen in social situations where the oldest person in a group is greeted or served
Don’t in Vietnam:
Disagreeing with an authoritative speaker is considered the same as challenging
the senior person’s social status.
Touching children on the head is done by parents, grandparents only. Don’t do it if
you are not in the family.
Vietnamese Personalities
Vietnamese have a deep sense of national pride, value their independence and
history, and are offended by people who ignore or violate either.
They believe all past hostilities were part of the natural defense of their national
They love their family as families are very strong and help each other in all needs.
To summarize what they have in common, and how they are different, we can make a
table to compare. If it is something they have in common, the letter P will appear, but
what is not related to the cultures in the countries will be shown by the symbol O.
However, some will be left empty as they are not mentioned in this module. You may
like to search to find more information.
1. The head is considered the
most respected part of the
2. The feet are considered the
lowest and dirtiest part of the
3. People typically socialize as
families and family is very
4. They respect hierarchical
5. They take the shoes off and
leave them outside or on stairs.
6. Time is flexible.
7. People are punctual.
8. They bow for greetings.
9. They shake hands for
10. They put the palms together at
chest level or in front of the
11. Opposite sexes cannot touch
each other in public.
Nonverbal communication consists of gesture, touch and eye contact. Sometimes, tone of
voice, body language, eye contact and facial expression can often be more important
than what is actually said. In this module the universal body language will be mainly
focused on the ASEAN region. Although it is called universal body language, there are
some exceptions. The universal body language is as follows:
1. Nod our heads for "Yes." and shake them for "No." However, in Bulgaria, Turkey,
Yugoslavia and Albania for example, the reverse is true and the nodding of the
head indicates "No."
2. Shaking hands is practically a universal greeting around the world.
3. A circle made with the thumb and index finger is considered to signify ‘OK’ in
many western countries.
4. Crossing your arms may mean you're distant, insecure, anxious, defensive, or
5. The “shoulder shrug” means "I don't know” or “whatever” or “it doesn’t matter to
6. Beckoning with an upturned palm and moving the finger(s) means “Come here.”
7. However, the universal body language as stated above can’t be applied to ASEAN.
In the 10 nations in ASEAN, they have similar nonverbal communication, but
some might indicate something different, and some of them may be considered
Universal Body Language
(Western Culture)
ASEAN Body Language
1. Shaking hands is practically a
universal greeting.
Some ASEAN cultures prefer to bow like
Vietnamese and Cambodians, and some
prefer to place their palms together at
chest level or in front of the face like Thais
and Laotians.
2. Touching or patting the head,
especially with children, is seen as a
friendly gesture in western cultures.
Touching the head is inappropriate in
many ASEAN cultures.
3. A circle made with the thumb and
index-finger is considered to signify
‘OK’ in many western countries.
Beckoning with a curled finger is seen as
rude in China, Malaysia and Singapore,
and it can get you arrested in the
4. Hands on the hips can make you
bigger and more noticeable as you use
more space.
If you stand with your hands on your hips,
it will mean you are angry to Filipinos. On
the other hand, Indians standing with
their hands on their hips in Malaysia have
their own unique way to show agreement.
5. Hugging, holding hands while walking,
and touching (with the same sex or the
opposite sex) show their relationships
and they seem to show their love and
care for someone. Therefore, in
western culture men and women can
show affection in public.
In many ASEAN countries, touching
between men and women is not
appropriate in public.
6. If you sit with your legs crossed, ankle
over knee, you're confident and
Sitting with your legs crossed showing the
soles of the feet may also cause offense to
someone who originates from Thailand,
Indonesia and Cambodia.
There are no right or wrong signals, only cultural differences. Lack of cultural
understanding can lead to disharmony among people from different cultures. When we
know what to look for, such encounters with other cultures can actually be very
interesting, fascinating and fun. Moreover, there are some unique body languages which
may have some meanings for only one or two countries. Study the body language below;
1. Crossing your fingers in Vietnam
Many western cultures make this gesture when wishing for good luck. A hand
with the index and middle fingers crossed is even the logo for the UK’s National
Lottery. But in Vietnam, this is an obscene gesture, especially when done while
looking at or addressing another person. The crossed fingers are said to resemble
female genitals.
2. Interesting gestures in Thailand
This ‘thumbs up’ gesture of agreement or approval is an easy reflex when
language barriers are at play. It is also a gesture of hitch-hiking for a lift in Greece.
However, try to avoid it in Thailand in some situations though, as it’s a sign of
condemnation. It is also typically a child’s gesture.
Another one that is perhaps unique to Thailand is sticking out your tongue to
people who have sore eyes; it means you are preventing yourself from getting
sore eyes.
Do not step on a doorstep when entering a temple or a chapel because Thais
believe that some kind of gods reside in the doorstep; stepping there will offend
those gods.
When passing in front of an elderly or more senior person in Thailand, Thais will
lower the upper body slightly.
3. Beckoning in the Philippines
Curling your index finger to say “come here” is a no-no in many ASEAN countries.
In the Philippines, this gesture is only used for dogs. To use it with a person is
considered rude.
4. Two unique gestures of Indians in Malaysia
There are three main races in Malaysia: Malay, Chinese and Indian. Each culture
has its own customs, but the two unique gestures are from the Indians.
a. When a person stands with their hands on their hips Indians in Malaysia
show agreement.
b. Indians moving their head quickly from side to side means “Yes.” but is
often misread as “No.”
5. Indonesian pointing
When pointing at something, Indonesians will point with their thumb extended,
instead of the index finger.
6. Handing with the right hand in Myanmar
The left hand is considered unclean or dirty in Myanmar. Therefore, any time you
hand an item or pass something to someone, you have to use your right hand. If
you want to be more polite, cradle your right elbow with your left hand as you
extend your right arm.
7. Waving the hand in Laos
When Laotians wave their hand at us, it doesn’t mean they want us to go away, it
means they are calling us.
8. Pointing with their right thumb in Brunei
In Brunei people will point with the thumb of their right hand. The other fingers
of that same hand should be folded under the thumb.
9. High context in Cambodia
Cambodians will avoid starting confrontations in public, preferring to subtly refer
to the desired outcome through words and gestures. Cambodia is considered a
very ‘high context’ society.
10. Bubble trouble in Singapore
Chewing gum in Singapore is extremely frowned upon. One too many people
started discarding their gum inappropriately in the subway, cars and on the
streets, and the impeccably clean country just didn’t want to have it. So if you
chew the gum and discard it inappropriately, you might have to pay a fat fine.
Instructions. Read the situation below. Imagine where you are and change the plan to
fit the circumstances.
You just moved into a new country in ASEAN and you’re new in the neighborhood so
you would like to set up a party to break the ice and introduce yourself. You decide to
make a barbeque because your pork ribs recipes are “world famous”. You think you
can enjoy beers with the men in your swimming pool because the ladies can enjoy
swimming in their bikinis.
1. How do you think the given situation would work with your assigned country?
Elaborate how you think this kind of party would be appreciated to your
assigned country.
2. Based on your understanding of your assigned country, what changes do you
think you should do to adapt to their cultures and customs?
The following are the rubrics for grading and scoring guide for the activities found in this
Activity 1 – Total of 30 points, 15 points each item. See rubrics below for guidance on
how each numbers would be graded:
Consistently interprets the
information gathered for tasks in
an accurate and highly insightful
way and provides highly creative
and unique synthesis of that
Demonstrates a thorough
understanding of the important
concepts or generalizations and
provides analysis and new
insights into some aspects of that
Sentence structure and
grammar are excellent;
correct use of
punctuation and citation
style; no errors.
Consistently interprets the
information gathered for tasks
accurately and synthesizes the
information concisely.
Displays a complete and accurate
understanding of the important
concepts of generalizations.
Sentence structure and
grammar are strong with
occasional lapses in
punctuation, citation
style, and spelling.
Rarely, if ever, interprets
information gathered for tasks
accurately or synthesizes the
information concisely.
Demonstrates severe
misconceptions about the
concepts and generalizations.
Rarely uses proper
sentence structure,
grammar, punctuation,
citation style, and
Fails to meet the minimum
Fails to meet the minimum
Fails to meet the
minimum standard.
Simpson, M., MacDonald, M., and Jagger, S. (2018). ASEAN: A Social Science Course for
ASEAN Citizens. Nyapyidaw, Myanmar: Moteoo Education.