ผู้นำและกำรปรับตัว ขององคกร ์ ในประชำคมอำเซียน โดย รศ.ดร.กองกิ ต ิ พูสวัสดิ ์ ้ Source: www. http://www.knightfrank.co.th/en/news/20-09-2012/realising-the-aseaneconomic-community-aec-in-2015 Essential Obligations: 1. Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations 2. The right of every State to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion 3. Non-interference in internal affairs 4. Settlement of differences or disputes in a peaceful manner 5. Renunciation of the threat or use of force 6. Effective regional cooperation 3 Communities: 1. ASEAN Political-Security Community 2. ASEAN Economic Community 3. ASEAN Social-Cultural Community Population: 600 millions Source: www. cogitasia.com/2010 ASEAN and Thailand: Need to understand the future context 1. Economical trends: purchasing power, wealth, specific industrial growth, etc. 2. Social trends: urbanization, life styles, language, etc. 3. Demographical trends: aging population, declining population, etc. 4. Political trends: cultural diversity, migration, public demands, customer protection, etc. Opportunities and Threats 1. Education 2. Healthcare 3. Tourism 4. Banking 5. Manufacturing: aviation (Boeing, etc.), automotive (Global sourcing), etc. 6. Public services: utility (electricity, telecommunication, etc.), emergency (natural and industrial disasters, etc.) 8 10 11 Case Discussion: Government 2.0 Government 1.0 to 2.0 for Globalization (www.horizons.gc.ca) 20 Case Discussion: Low cost airlines and impacts on national carriers (Thai Airways International) Thai low-cost carriers to see growth of 15-18% to 23-24 million passengers in 2013. By 2015, people travelling on budget airlines may account for about 35% of all airline passengers (Bangkok Post) Thai Smile ended up launching with a higher cost than Thai Airways Group executives initially envisioned, as many costs were simply passed on from Thai Airways to the new unit. But Thai Smile is still a lower cost operator than Thai Airways, just as SilkAir is a lower cost operator than SIA. Impacts from ASEAN: Growth in Tourism Industry 1. Service quality (e.g., availability, cleanliness, recognition, etc.) 2. Consumption VS conservation 3. Knowledge (e.g., research and publication) 4. Trust As of the third quarter of 2012, there were a total of 30,815 hotel rooms in downtown Bangkok and a further 8,664 rooms in the pipeline to be completed by 2014, representing a 28% increase in existing supply. (http://thailandbusiness-news.com/real-estate/36122-hotel-oversupply-in-bangkok-shows-no-signof-slowing-down)