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Amr Ahmed Saad Ahmed Resume

Amr Ahmed Saad Ahmed
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Giza 12613, Egypt
Mobile: (+20) 127-117-4377
Email: amr.a.saad@outlook.com
Data Converters - Wireless Transceivers - IoT - Biomedical Applications - MEMS Interface - Wireline
transceivers - PLLs - mmWaves
MSc: Cairo University, Egypt
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications
Thesis: Design of Sigma-Delta ADC Using Ring-Amplifiers (one paper submitted)
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Curriculum Emphasis: Data Converters - Solid State Electronics - Analog Integrated Circuits Wireline Transceiver Systems (selected topic I) - Digital Integrated Circuits - VLSI System Design.
BSc, Distinction with Highest Honors: Cairo University, Egypt
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications
Cumulative rate: 94.53 %
Rank: 1st /320
Elective Courses: RF Circuit Design - Analog VLSI.
Graduation Project: ASIC Interface for Comb-driven, Differential Sensing and Actuation
Capacitance Single-Axis MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope. The Project was sponsored by Si-Ware
Systems (SWS) Final Grade: Excellent
International General Certificate Of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
Manarat Secondary School, Jeddah, KSA
Grade: 7 A*, 3 A
Honor: 1st of the region in Physics AS.
Sep 14 – present
Cairo University, Egypt
Teaching Assistant at the Electronics and Electrical Communications Department.
ˆ Teach to ∼50 students per section in the following courses:
- Opamp Applications and Digital Logic Fall 2014
- Frequency Response of Amplifiers, Negative Fall 2016
feedback, and Oscillators (ELC201A)
- Opamp Stability, PLLs, and Memory Inter- Fall 2016 - Fall 2017
face (ELC401A)
- Current Mirrors, Differential Amplifiers, and Spring 2017
IC Technology (ELC201B)
- Single Stage Amplifiers, Frequency Re- Spring 2017
sponse, and Current Mirrors (ELCN201)
ˆ Supervise several undergraduate lab experiments.
Amr S. Ahmed
Dec 14 – May 15
Communications Circuits and Systems Laboratory (CCSL), Cairo University
Research Assistant
Project: ”Fully-integrated Frequency-hopping Manpack Transceiver” (FAHD).
Research Responsibility:
ˆ Investigate different complex filter architecture.
ˆ Matlab simulations of the filter’s equation to determine the best hopping technique
and different parameters values.
ˆ Implementation of a Gm-C complex filter with a controllable Gm values to hop to
different frequencies.
ˆ The filter is able to hop in the frequency range 31 MHz to 89 MHz with hop size of
2MHz. The gain and BW is constant for all hops with values 0 dB and 3 MHz respectively
while achieving a 1-dB compression point of -12 dBm.
Sept 13 – June
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Graduation Project
Project: ”ASIC Interface for Comb-driven, Differential Sensing and Actuation Capacitance Single-Axis MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope”.
ˆ Investigate different AGC loops to be used in the drive path of the ASIC interface.
ˆ Design, simulation and layout of a switched capacitor P-controller used in the drive
loop to maintain constant amplitude of oscillation. The total gain provided is 16. A
CDS technique is implemented to reduce the effect of offset and flicker noise. The total
integrated output rms noise is 380 µV is the in the frequency range 1 Hz to 100 Hz while
consuming 12.5 µA of current.
ˆ Design and simulation of a bandgab circuit for reference voltage and current generation.
The achieved DC PSR is better than 75 dB across process corners, temperature (from
-40o C to 85o C ) and supply (from 1.8 to 3.3 V). Chopping technique was implemented
to reduce offset and flicker noise. The total integrated rms noise is 4 µV in the BW of
interest (22 kHz ±100 Hz) while consuming 46 µA of current.
Aug – Sept 12
Intel Egypt With EECE Department, Cairo University, Egypt
Summer Training
ˆ Design and Simulation of LDO Regulators.
1. Ahmed Sawaby, Amr S. Ahmed, Mohamed O. Abozeid, Hassan Ali, and Mohamed M. Aboudina.
”Mixed-mode self-calibrated amplitude control scheme for MEMS vibratory gyroscopes.” In New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2016 14th IEEE International, pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2016.
2. Accepted: Amr S. Ahmed, Mohamed M. Aboudina, Faisal A. Hussien, Ahmed N. Mohieldin. ”A Ring
Amplifier Architecture for Continuous-Time Applications.” In International Symposium on Circuits
and Systems (ISCAS), 2018.
ˆ TOEFL: 102/120 (Reading: 28, Listening: 28, Speaking: 24, Writing: 22).
ˆ GRE: Quantitative reasoning: 168/170, Verbal reasoning: 147/170, Analytical writing: 3/6
Amr S. Ahmed
1. Full tuition graduate Teaching Assistantship at Cairo University, Egypt. [2014-present]
2. 2nd place in IbTIECar 2014 Graduation Projects Competition - IC Design Track, a National Wide
3. Award of Excellence from the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt. [2009-2014]
ˆ Tools: Cadence Virtuoso, Pyxis, Calibre, Matlab, Simulink, Quartus II.
ˆ Languages: VHDL, Verilog-A, LATEX.
ˆ For the period from May 2015 to June 2016 was having the compulsory military service.
ˆ Dr. Ahmed N. Mohieldin, Ph.D, the University of Texas A&M, College Station. (MSc thesis supervisor)
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt.
Email: anader@eng.cu.edu.eg
ˆ Dr. Mohamed M. Aboudina, Ph.D, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). (MSc thesis
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt.
Email: maboudina@eng.cu.edu.eg
ˆ Dr. Faisal A. Hussien, Ph.D, the University of Texas A&M, College Station. (MSc thesis supervisor)
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt.
Email: faisal@eng.cu.edu.eg