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Globalization, International Relations, and Global Issues

1. Effects of Globalization.
- It allows in developed countries to have access to goods and services that were produced with very low
labor cost. This has made consumer goods much more affordable than they would have been if
manufactured in a wealthy country.
2. Differentiate Globalization and Globalism.
-Globalization is spreading of products, information, technology, and jobs across nations while Globalism
is an ideology based on the belief that people, information, and goods should be able to cross national
borders unrestricted.
3. What is your stand on global economic integration?
-It measure the impact of globalization on individual economies. People, companies, and economies are
more integrated and interconnected than ever before. This helps facilitate connections, which leads to
specialization, innovation, and economic progress.
4. Differentiate Internationalization and Globalization
-Internationalization is the growing tendency of companies to expand in international trade. And
therefore bringing to other markets the products and services that are established in their place of
origin while the Globalization is the integration between nations concerning different factors such as
economy, culture, and politics. One important feature is to reduce the economic and immigration
barriers between countries.
5. Discuss the historical evolution of international politics.
-The Historical Evolution of the International Political Economy focusses on the role of intersocietal and
interstate relations in the evolution of human societies from hunter-gatherer bands to the
contemporary global system.
6. What are the difference between Liberal and Socialist internationalism? What are their strengths and
-Liberal Socialism is the foreign policy implemented by imperialistic nations such as the USA, and
Western Europe to straighten up countries that don’t comply with their unreasonable demands which
only a vassal state leader would follow while Socialist Internationalism is the principle of the group
Socialist International which aims to spread the idea of Social Democracy around the world. Both
Socialist internationalism and Liberal internationalism can't seem to leave the rest of the world alone,
they both support opposing groups within a troubled nation which does not end well for the people.
Both became a tool for intervention.
7. What are the challenges faced by the United Nations in maintaining global security?
- Threats from poverty, disease, and environmental breakdown (the threats to human security identified
in the Millennium Development Goals) threats from conflict between states. Threats from violence and
massive human rights violations within states.
8. Explain how globalization effects religious practices and beliefs?
-By diminishing the barriers between different cultures, globalization lands religion in a quagmire of
conflicts which reinforce social identities as some do not accept the new realities and turn to religion to
rediscover their own identity. Religion provides a sense of belongingness to a group in the world.
9. What is responsible Media Assumption?
-Media are developed as a tool to communicate with others by sharing personal information, photos,
videos, comments and more. Community sites with user-generated content should be used responsibly.
As is the case with this site, links to websites and other resources operated by third parties are provided
solely as a convenience to the user.
10. Compare and contrast the social impacts of television and social media.
-Differences between television and social media in relation to thier social impacts include: the extent of
their pervasiveness, with social media being able to reach more people because it is handier and it does
not require persons to sit in front of a television to obtain information.
11. Why is economic power the most crucial determinant of a global city?
- Economic power is a crucial determinant of a global city because it attracts not only business but also
individuals from other countries.
12. Discuss the relationship between population and economic welfare.
- The quantity, quality, structure, distribution, and movement of a population can help or hinder the rate
of economic development. A developed country with low population density and a low percentage of
employable people needs an increase in population in order to keep up with economic development.
13. Under what circumstance is rapid population growth beneficial to societies?
- Population growth increase density and, together with rural-urban migration, creates higher urban
agglomeration. And this critical for achieving sustained growth because large urban centers allow for
innovation and increase economies of scale.
14. Discuss the effects of global migration on the economic well-being of states.
- Migration and the resulting remittances lead to increase income and poverty reduction, health and
educational outcomes and promote productivity and access to finance.
15. How can you solve or lesson the problem of human trafficking?
- Volunteer and support anti-trafficking efforts in my community and use my social media platforms to
raise awareness about human trafficking.
16. Discuss the world's leading environmental problems.
-Industrialization. It requires a vast amount of land, therefore, cutting trees and flattening mountains. It
also contributes largely to the emission of harmful gases taht can destroy the ozone layer and increase
global warming.
17. What is the reality of Immigration?
-Immigration is the international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not
natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized
18. What is the importance of Contemporary world in everyday life?
- Contemporary World program is important because its help adult learners become interested in
contemporary world problems and issues that all societies face, develop competencies and construct
knowledge. They become aware of the role they must play in society and of thier responsibilities as
19. Which is better, Regionalism or Internationalism. Explain
- Regionalism because is often closely related to a rising ecological awareness, in which attention is paid
to the implications of human interaction with landscape and nature.
20.What is a Global Filipino?
There are many ways of being Filipino. Simply look at its legal definition –anyone who has Filipino
citizenship – and we immediately see that Filipinos are not justkayumanggi-skinned people, but also
Filipinos of many different ethnicities: Chinese-Filipinos, Indian-Filipinos, Australian-Filipinos, and so
forth. It includes not only thosewhose ancestors have lived on Philippine soil since time immemorial, but
also thosewhose families have only been Filipino for 3 or 4 generations, as well as those whohave been
naturalized in their lifetimes. The distinction among Filipinos in our law isonly between naturalized and
natural-born Filipinos. Our law does not create ahierarchy of Filipino-ness based on language, skin color,
or religion. The word "Filipino"fully includes, therefore, those who are Filipino by accident as well as
those who areFilipino by choice. It fully includes those whose ancestors are part of the nationalnarrative
of Filipino history as well as those who identify with alternative narratives of migration: both
immigration and emigration. More and more of us are global Filipinos.For some of us, it is our family
history that made us "global": Filipinos with non-Filipinoancestry; naturalized Filipinos who were
formerly foreigners; and dual citizens frombirth. For others, it is the choices we have made in our
lifetimes that have made us"global": these are the documented and undocumented OFWs; permanent
residents of another country; former Filipinos who renounced but subsequently reacquired
Filipinocitizenships. As we become more global, we must learn to challenge our own narrowconceptions
of Filipino-ness, and learn to fully embrace each and every Filipino.