Uploaded by youssefhd978

Workout Plan: Upper, Lower, Arms

information n tips :
-rest times between sets should be atleast 2 minutes
-don’t follow rep range exactly, if u can get more than 10 reps with a certain exercise then go
for it
-don’t rush your reps, go quick on the contraction and slow on the way down
-watch videos on form for exercises
-make sure to warmup well, my recommendation is 5-10 min of walking on treadmill and
some dynamic stretches
-make sure to breathe well during sets
-on compound movements (bench, squat), if 3 sets are written, those are working sets which
basically means the sets where you actually push yourself. before those do 2 warmup sets
with light weight to make sure your ready to go heavier
-always hydrate yourself throughout the workout and during the whole day in general, it is
very important so you don’t experience cramps or any other injuries
-most important tip: sleep very well
-the only supplements which are worth buying imo are protein, creatine, omega 3 fish oil
tablets (all completely optional and not necessary)
upper day :
bench press 3x10
lat pull-down 3x10
chest flys 2x15
one arm dumbbell row 2x10
barbell shoulder press 3x10
tricep pushdown w rope 2x12
curls 2x10
lower day:
squats 4x10
rdl 3x10
leg extensions 2x15
hamstring curl 2x15
calf raises 3x10
upper :
incline dumbbell bench press 3x10
pull-ups 2x Max
push-ups 2x max
barbell rows 3x10
rear delt flys 2x10
lateral raises 3x15
hammer curl 2x 10
overhead tricep extension 2x 10
lower :
squats 4x10
rdl 3x10
leg extensions 2x15
hamstring curl 2x15
calf raises 3x10
arms :
shrugs 3x10
lateral raises 2x15
incline curls 2x10
preacher curls 2x10
hammer curls 2x10
overhead tricep extensions 2x10
tricep pushdown 3x10
wrist curls 3x15