Uploaded by bane_lichking

Swole Workout Plan: Week 1

Swole is the goal
Week 1
Day 1 Gym
Row-machine 30 min, First, warm up with five to 10 minutes of gentle rowing, which helps
your body get ready for the demands you're going to place on it. Once you're limbered up,
aim for at least 10 minutes of continuous rowing at your ideal workout intensity, and finally,
cool down with another five to 10 minutes of gentle rowing to help your body gradually
transition back to a state of rest.
Alternatively bike with same setup.
Flat DB bench press 3x15 (Head, shoulders, upper back and butt on the bench, feet on the
ground. lower back slightly arched) 2-3 min rest between sets
DB shoulder press, seated or standing. 3x15. Keep a tight core and straight back, no arching.
2-3 min rest between sets.
Walking lunges 3x10(each leg)(2-3 min rest)(alternatively leg extensions 3x15(you should be
just able to squeeze out one final extension) or legpress 3x15 DEEP, depth is more important
than weight on this one)
Bicep curls, light weight many reps over 3 sets.
Day 2 Gym
Row-machine 30 min, First, warm up with five to 10 minutes of gentle rowing, which helps
your body get ready for the demands you're going to place on it. Once you're limbered up,
aim for at least 10 minutes of continuous rowing at your ideal workout intensity, and finally,
cool down with another five to 10 minutes of gentle rowing to help your body gradually
transition back to a state of rest.
Alternatively bike with same setup.
Walking lunges 3x10(each leg)(2-3 min rest)(alternatively leg extensions 3x10(you should be
just able to squeeze out one final extension) or legpress 3x10 DEEP) Slightly heavier than
last time.
Leg Curls 3x10 2-3 min rest
Lat pulldowns 3x15 2-3 min rest
Close-grip no lean dips for triceps 3 sets, you should have 1 or 2 more reps left in the tank
after each set. 2-3 min rest
Three-way shoulder raises (watch guide on youtube) 3x12. Lightweight! This one burns 2-3
min rest
Day 3 Home
Dynamic stretching 15-30 min (Yoga stuff might work)
Body weight squats 3 sets to max 2 reps left in tank 2-3 min rest
Push-ups, same rule here 3 sets to max 2 reps left in tank. 2-3 min rest
Walking lunges 3x10 each leg, 2-3 min rest
Reverse Plank 30 sec 3 set. 2-3 min rest