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Theories of Personality Exam/Quiz

BSPsychology 2(Pampanga)
(Theories of personality)
1. Characteristic Patterns Of Behaving, Thinking, And Feeling?
A. Personality
B. Behavior
C. Character
D. Traits
2. Theories That Explain Behavior And Personality In Terms Of Unconscious Energy
Dynamics Within The Individual
A. Psychodynamic Theories
B. Personaliy Teories
C. Psychoanalytic Theories
D. Psychosocial Theories
3. Therapy That Focuses On Unconscious Processes And How They Influence
A. Psychodynamic Theories
B. Personality Theories
C. Psychoanalytic Theories
D. Psychosocial Theories
4. What We Are Are Of At Any Given Moment; Thoughts, Feelings, Sensations, Or
A. Conscious
B. Unconscious
C. Precocious
D. None
5. Memories We Are Not Aware Of But Can Easily Bring To Mind
A. Conscious
B. Unconscious
C. Precocious
D. None
6. Repressed Memories, Insticnts, Wishes, Desires; Have Never Been Conscious
A. Conscious
B. Unconscious
C. Precocious
D. None
7. Contains Life (Sex) And Death (Aggressive) Instincts; Operates According To The
Pleasure Principle
A. Id
B. Edo
C. Superego
D. None
8. Logical, Rational Part Of Personality; Operates According To The Reality Principle
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
D. None
9. Moral System Of The Personality, Consists Of Conscience And Ego Ideal
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
D. None
10. used by ego to defend against anxiety created by conflict between the id and
superego; everyone uses them
a. Defense mechanism
b. Mechanism
c. Defense
d. prevention
11. What can overuse of Defense Mechanisms lead to?
a. Psychological problems
b. Depression
c. Anxiety
d. rivalry
12. Most commonly used Defense Mechanism
a. Repression
b. Narcissist
c. Fixation
d. regression
13. portion of the libido (psychic energy) remains invested at that stage
a. Fixation
b. Regression
c. Repression
d. sublimation
14. takes place from birth to 1 year; conflict: weaning; fixation can lead to dependency
and passitivity or sarcasm and hostility
a. Genital stage
b. Phallic stage
c. Anal stage
d. Oral stage
15. takes place 1 to 3 years; conflict: toilet training; fixation can lead to excessive
cleanliness and stinginess or messiness and rebelliousness
a. Genital stage
b. Phallic stage
c. Anal stage
d. Oral stage
16. anatomy is destiny; takes place 3 to 5 years; conflict: oedipus complex; fixation can
lead to flirtatiousness and promicuity or excessive pride and chasity
A. Genital stage
B. Phallic stage
C. Anal stage
D. Oral stage
17. lasts 5/6 years to puberty; period of sexual calm
a. Anal stage
b. Phallic stage
c. Genital stage
d. Latency stage
18. puberty and beyond, revival of sexual interests
a. Anal stage
b. Phallic stage
c. Genital stage
d. Latency stage
19. sexual instinct is not the main factor in personality; felt that personality was not
almost completely formed in early childhoof; archetypes
a. Carl Jung
b. Karen Horney
c. Alfred Adled
d. Sigmund Freud
20. predominant force of personality is not sexual in nature; emphasized unity of
personality; drive to overcome feelings of inferiority motivates human behavior;
individual psychology
a. Carl Jung
b. Karen Horney
c. Alfred Adler
d. Sigmund Freud
21. work centered on 2 themes: The neurotic personality and feminine psychology;
rejected Freud's psychosexual stages, the oedipus complex and the penis envy
a. Carl Jung
b. Karen Horney
c. Alfred Adled
d. Sigmund Freud
22. inherited tendencies to respond to universal human situations
a. Archetypes
b. Architect
c. Oedipus complex
d. Electra complex
23. people's expectations of the future.
a. Fictionalism
b. Objectivism
c. Subjectivism
d. universalism
24.which stimulate subjective feelings of inferiority and move people toward perfection or
a. Organ inferiorities
b. Tissue inferiorities
c. Cell inferiorities
d. Organelles inferiorities
25. People often use a physical disorder to express their style of life
a. Organ dialect
b. Tissue dialect
c. Language dialect
d. Cell dialect
26. Human behavior has value to the extent that it is motivated by social interest, that is, a
feeling of oneness with all of humanity.
a. Social interest
b. Community interest
c. County interest
d. State interest
27. The manner of a person's striving
a. Life style
b. Style of life
c. Free style
d. stylistic
28. Style of life is partially a product of heredity and environment-the building blocks of
personality-but ultimately style of life is shaped by people's creative power, that is, by their
ability to freely choose a course of action.
a. Creativity
b. Power
c. Creative power
d. Power of creativity
29. Both normal and neurotic people create symptoms as a means of protecting their fragile
a. Safe guarding tendencies
b. Guarding tendencies
c. Masculine protest
d. Masculine enhancement
30.Both men and women sometimes overemphasize the desirability of being manly, a
condition Adler called?
a. Safe guarding tendencies
b. Guarding tendencies
c. Masculine protest
d. Masculine enhancement
31. Adler believed that people's perception of how they fit into their family is related to their
style of life. He claimed that firstborns are likely to have strong feelings of power and
superiority, to be overprotective, and to have more than their share of anxiety.
a. Family constellation
b. Early relocation
c. Dreams
d. Psychotherapy
32. A more reliable method of determining the style of life is to ask people for their earliest
a. Family constellation
b. Early relocation
c. Dreams
d. Psychotherapy
33. Adler believed that it can provide clues to solving future problems.
a. Family constellation
b. Early relocation
c. Dreams
d. Psychotherapy
34. The goal of Adlerian therapy is to create a relationship between therapist and patient
that fosters social interest.
a. Family constellation
b. Early relocation
c. Dreams
d. Psychotherapy
35.Although family constellation and birth order have been widely researched, a topic more
pertinent to Adlerian theory is early recollections
a. Family constellation
b. Concept of humanity
c. Related research
d. Critique of adler
36. Individual psychology rates high on its ability to generate research, organize data, and
guide the practitioner. It receives a moderate rating on parsimony, but because it lacks
operational definitions, it rates low on internal consistency.
a. Family constellation
b. Concept of humanity
c. Related research
d. Critique of adler
37. Adler saw people as forward-moving, social animals who are motivated by goals they
set (both consciously and unconsciously) for the future. People are ultimately responsible
for their own unique style of life.
a. Family constellation
b. Concept of humanity
c. Related research
d. Critique of adler
38. It is a theory of mind that emphasizes the importance of wholeness for each individual.
a. Analytical psychology
b. Inferential psychology
c. Experimental psychology
d. Cognitive psychology
39. Jung saw the human psyche as being divided into a conscious and an unconscious
level, with the latter further subdivided into a personal and a collective unconscious.
a. Level os psyche
b. Psyche level
c. Human psyche
d. Personality psyche
40. The unconscious refers to those psychic images not sensed by the ego. Some
unconscious processes flow from our personal experiences, but others stem from our
ancestors' experiences with universal themes.
a. Personal unconscious
b. Collective unconscious
c. Character unconscious
d. Personality unconscious
41. This are images are not inherited ideas, but rather they refer to our innate tendency to
react in a particular way whenever our personal experiences stimulate an inherited
predisposition toward action. Contents of the collective unconscious are called archetypes.
a. Personal unconscious
b. Collective unconscious
c. Character unconscious
d. Personality unconscious
42. This are are predispositions to act or react in a characteristic manner.
a. Attributes
b. Character
c. Personality
d. traits
43. It involves a psychological rebirth and an integration of various parts of the psyche into a
unified or whole individual.
a. Self centeredness
b. Self improvement
c. Self realization
d. Self growth
44.Jung used the used this test early in his career to uncover complexes embedded in the
personal unconscious.
a. Word association test
b. Dream analysis
c. Active imagination
d. Psychotherapy
45. Jung believed that dreams may have both a cause and a purpose and thus can be
useful in explaining past events and in making decisions about the future.
a. Word association test
b. Dream analysis
c. Active imagination
d. Psychotherapy
46. This technique requires the patient to concentrate on a single image until that image
begins to appear in a different form. Eventually, the patient should see figures that represent
archetypes and other collective unconscious images.
a. Word association test
b. Dream analysis
c. Active imagination
d. Psychotherapy
47. Neurotics are frequently trapped in a vicious circle in which their compulsive need to
reduce basic anxiety leads to a variety of self-defeating behaviors; these behaviors then
produce more basic anxiety, and the cycle continues.
a. Compulsive drives
b. Neurotic needs
c. Neurotic trends
d. Compulsive trends
48. Horney identified 10 categories of ___________that mark neurotics in their attempt to
reduce basic anxiety.
a. Compulsive drives
b. Neurotic needs
c. Neurotic trends
d. Compulsive trends
49. Horney grouped these 10 neurotic needs into three basic___________, which apply to
both normal and neurotic individuals in their attempt to solve the basic conflict.
a. Compulsive drives
b. Neurotic needs
c. Neurotic trends
d. Compulsive trends
50. Personality is derived from what?
a. Latin persona
b. Latin mask
c. Ancient roman actors
d. Theatrical mask