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Misscarriejune's 8 Week Shredding Plan

The information presented is not intended for the treatment or
prevention of disease, nor is it a substitute for medical treatment,
nor as an alternative to medical advice.
This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase
the public knowledge of developments in the field of strength and
conditioning. The program outlined herein should not be adopted
without a consultation with your health professional.
Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of
the reader. You must get your physician’s approval before
beginning this or any other exercise or nutrition program or taking
any new supplements. This information is not a prescription.
Consult your doctor, nutritionist or dietician for further information.
The Diet Plans offered are based on my own experience as an
example of what I would eat based on the goals of the different
programs. I am not a registered dietician.
Hello and welcome to my 8 Week Shredding Plan! I want to first
off sincerely thank you for joining my program and trusting me to
provide you with the path to accomplish your fitness goals. I hope
that you enjoy this program and find it beneficial and informative!
I’ve put in countless hours to ensure that you have an educated
approach to your fitness journey. You now have all of the tools to
help you achieve your goals along with the knowledge to help you
succeed even after the plan is done! Now before we get started,
let’s go over some basic guidelines.
You’ve heard it a million times, “abs are made in the kitchen,” and although abs are
physically made in the gym, progress comes from your diet! Diet can make or break
progress and can be accounted for at least 80% of your results! However, there are so
many questions on how to eat, what to eat, and what can get you to where you want to
be. That’s what this challenge is here for! Let’s go over some eating do’s and dont’s that
will help you succeed as you meal prep for the next 8 weeks.
Always prepare in advance! Nothing will destroy your routine and impact your results
more than not being prepared. I recommend meal prepping food every 3 days to ensure
freshness, and to help you keep your sanity. Tupperware, snack bags, and a lunch box
will be a huge help in your prepping! If you’re not big on meal prepping or find you don’t
have the time, check out Bite Meals. You can customize/order your meals from this site!
They have plenty of variety and macro/calorie friendly snack options. I order my meals
every Wednesday! Bit.ly/2LXKgL2
One of the biggest mistakes people make when preparing meals is cooking with oils or
butters. While healthy, most oils are very high calorie and can increase your daily
caloric intake by 600+ calories, without you even knowing it! We suggest only cooking
with 0 calorie cooking sprays or water. “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Spray” is also
allowed, and very delicious! If you HAVE to use oil, make sure you replace your fat
option for the meal with oil and measure the serving size out.
All green vegetables are a free food! These are the only vegetables that you can eat as
much as you please. Some other vegetables including but not limited to: peppers,
onions, carrots, cauliflower, and mushrooms are great as well. Starchy vegetables such
as corn, beans, and peas are allowed, but in very small amounts.
Otherwise known as “Cheat meals” or “Cheat days.” I suggest limiting these if you can
for optimal results, but having one a week if/when you need to! After a leg day would be
ideal for effectiveness. Just keep in mind, this is a treat MEAL, not a treat DAY. A full
day or extensive amount in a meal could drastically ruin your previous week’s progress.
This is why it’s good to be a little flexible in your approach to dieting and not feel
extremely restrictive all the time. It’s much better to eat a healthy diet with the
occasional bite of something deemed “bad.” Rather than only eating chicken and
vegetables all week then absolutely binging on the weekend and throwing away all of
your hard work. If this sounds like you, I guarantee this is what has been stalling your
progress thus far!
I suggest a gallon of water a day! All 0 calorie beverages are fine such as unsweetened
teas or diet sodas in moderation, but please try to keep a majority of your daily intake as
water. I also suggest low calorie (less than 30 calories) drinks for those cravings, or add
Mio/Kool-Aid drops for your water. Keep your milk selection to 8oz unsweetened
Almond or Cashew milk 1-2x a day! For the coffee drinkers, please use these milk
options instead of your typical creamer, you can also feel free to add in cinnamon and
stevia to flavor it! As far as alcohol goes *21 and over please* try to keep it to a
minimum, (ideally none at all) but of course we’re all human! These are drinks I suggest
that are low calorie: Vodka & Soda Water. Vodka/Tequila & Water with Mio. Dark liquors
with Diet Coke. Absolutely NO beer, wine or sugary drinks!
I use these recipes weekly so that I don’t get bored of a bland meal plan, this definitely
helps me stay on track! You can swap out any of your meal options with these, as long
as you portion it to match similar calories/macros. I hope you find these useful!
INGREDIENTS: Chicken Breasts, Fat-free Italian Dressing, Mixed Veggies.
INSTRUCTIONS: Cook in fat-free Italian dressing for a savory flavor! Spray the pan with
PAM or another cooking spray, put the whole package of meat (up to 4 breasts) in the
pan, add in about 1/2 the bottle of dressing. Cook thoroughly then pour a little bit of
water in once it's drying out, let it burn a little more then you're done! This tastes
amazing and is the only way me and my fiancé cook it now! Cook mixed veggies
separately then add them to the pan and you can add more dressing if needed, let them
cook with the chicken for another 5-10 minutes. I personally use a huge pack of mixed
veggies that comes with peas, carrots, green beans and corn from Walmart but I'm sure
any grocery store should carry it!
INGREDIENTS: Egg whites, pepper and onions, hash browns or potatoes, turkey
sausage/ground turkey, Parsley/Salt/Pepper and any other seasonings of
choice. INSTRUCTIONS: Cook potatoes and veggies until fully cooked on skillet. Add
in turkey sausage until cooked. Once all is cooked, slowly add in egg whites and
seasonings, and stir up until scrambled.
INGREDIENTS: chicken breasts, cauliflower, egg whites, vegetable broth or lemon,
green beans, coconut oil, liquid aminos. INSTRUCTIONS: Put the chicken in a slow
cooker/crock pot and add any seasonings like salt/pepper and a dash of water, a little
vegetable broth or lemon. Cook on high for 4 hours, or low for 7-8 hours. Cook ½ cup
riced cauliflower with ½ green beans with 1 TBSP of coconut oil. Then cook 2 egg
whites on the stove and add into your vegetables and shredded chicken. Season the
meal with some liquid aminos and you have a delicious low carb meal!
INGREDIENTS: 1 scoop of Isolate protein mixed with 1 egg ,1 cup egg whites 1⁄2
teaspoon of baking soda, 1/3 cup of pumpkin, pinch of salt. Cook on low heat for 5-10
minutes (will vary) makes one big pancake. Top with 1 TBSP of all natural Peanut butter
and sugar free syrup!
INGREDIENTS: 93/7 ground turkey, onions, oatmeal, seasoning of
choice. INSTRUCTIONS: (recipe for bulk cooking) 3lbs turkey meat. Diced onions as
preferred. 1⁄2 cup oatmeal. Goya sazonador total seasoning mixed with reduced sodium
taco seasoning. Bundle up into quarter palm sized balls, or use a quarter cup container
to measure. Cook on covered skillet to insure thorough cook. Should not have any pink
on the inside. Dip in 2tbsp Stubbs BBQ for best taste.
1 turkey meatball = 1oz turkey
INGREDIENTS: 93/7 ground turkey, rice options: Uncle Ben long grain and wild rice;
brown rice of choice; jasmine rice. Tortilla strips. Shredded lettuce. Queso. Hot sauce of
choice. INSTRUCTIONS: Heat up turkey, rice, and queso. Once heated, add lettuce
strips to liking and a small amount of tortilla strips. Add no more than 1tbsp Queso and
as much as sauce as you want. Mix and enjoy!
Other option: Trade the rice for an Xtreme wellness tortilla and make a burrito.
INGREDIENTS: Spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles, 1/6 cup light, heart healthy,
marinara, oregano, 3 turkey meatballs. INSTRUCTIONS: Use a Vegetti for zucchini
noodles. If using spaghetti squash, bake on 400 for 10min. Once soft cut in half and
scrape out all the middle guts. Cook for another 20min or until sides are able to scrape
to easily with a fork into ‘noodles.’ Add ground turkey to sauce!
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Tables 1 and 2 below will give you your exact calorie and macro requirements based on
your weight and body fat percentage. Using Table 1, the column along the left is body
weight in pounds. The row across the top is body fat percentage. For example, using
table 1, someone who is 150 pounds, 28% body fat should consume 1535 calories per
day. Use the pictures below to help decide your body fat %.
Once you’ve found your daily calorie requirement using table 1, table 2 will give you
your recommended macros. For example, using table 2, 1550 calories should come
from 174 grams protein, 136 grams carbs, and 43 grams fat. If you have a good
understanding of nutrition, you are free to eat the foods you want throughout the day
that will equal as close to these macros as possible. I highly recommend doing so with
healthy, whole foods such as the foods in the example diets rather than processed
foods. Protein is set high in order to limit muscle loss while shredding fat in a caloric
If you don’t have an advanced understanding of nutrition and would like to be told
exactly what foods to eat, start with one of the example diets below that is closest to
your calorie requirements found in tables 1-3. From there, make additions, subtractions,
or adjustments to portion sizes to get to your required macros. For example, if you
require 2650 calories, start with example diet 9 and add approximately 250 calories. For
example, in meal 5 option 3, change 1/2 cup beans to 1 cup and 1/2 cup rice to 2/3 cup
rice. Alternatively, you could add 2 scoops of a lean protein shake at any point during
the day!
Substitutions are allowed but try to do so with foods that are healthy, whole foods and
similar calorie and macro wise. For example, replace chicken with another lean protein
source like turkey or egg whites. Replace rice with another carb like couscous, black
beans, or whole wheat pasta. Replace olive oil on a garden salad with another fat like
almond butter or avocado.
Green Veggies are very low in calories and can be added to any meal as a free food!
If you are making substitutions or building your own diet based on your given macros,
keep in mind that American food labels usually show total carbs instead of net carbs.
For dieting purposes, we are only concerned about net carbs (total carbs-fiber).
All meats and carbs should be measured cooked besides oats.
All meats should be lean, meaning 90% or higher
Table 1: Calories
Table 2: Macros
Example Diet 1: 1200 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 2: 1300 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 3: 1400 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 4: 1500 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 5: 1600 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 6: 1800 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 7: 2050 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 8: 2200 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 9: 2400 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 10: 2800 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
Example Diet 11: 3200 Calories
*All calories and macros are approximations*
*Lifts should be done with as heavy a weight as you can to complete the given amount
of reps.
**If you need any explanation on the workouts below please feel free to ask me or look
up the name of the exercise and there will be instructional pictures and videos that will
come up on Google/YouTube. Please don't hesitate if you need my guidance, you can
email me at CJ@theminibeast.com if needed!
Forms of cardio:
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Low Intensity Steady State (LISS)
HIIT. The HIIT workouts should always be 30 minutes total. 5 minute warm up and 3
minute cool down. The rest of the time in between will be intervals of going max effort
for 20-30 seconds, then down to just walking for 45 seconds to a minute depending on
your fitness level. The total time of 35 minutes includes both warm up and cool down.
These are intended to be very intense sessions so make the most out of them while
also making sure you’re paying attention to your body and not risking an injury. Go at
your own pace and fitness level!
LISS. The LISS cardio should be 45 minutes. You should be going at a steady pace
throughout the duration of the program, where you’re breaking a good sweat, but also
able to hold a light conversation! Keep in mind, LISS cardio does tend to get a little
boring-so bring a buddy with you or watch some videos/movies on your phone! I
suggest downloading the Netflix app if you have that or even watching YouTube videos,
it will make it go by so much faster.
*NOTE* You can use any cardio equipment for both forms of cardio including but not
limited to: Treadmill, Elliptical, Bike, Stair Master, Row Machine, etc; my personal
favorite is the Stairmaster with a resistance band a little above your knees. The end
result is a ton of sweat and burning legs/glutes!
Cardio will be most effective either post workout or ideally, fasted in the morning
on an empty stomach. This is best for burning fat and losing weight! If you can’t
do it at either of those times- just be sure to get it in! It can also be done on a rest
day. DO NOT do cardio directly before lifting.
I suggest 1 session of HIIT(in addition to the at home plyos) and 2 sessions of 45
minutes of LISS.
Shredding Plan: Weeks 1-4
Shredding Plan: Weeks 5-8
Everyone wants abs, but I don’t focus on them too much! Why you ask? Because we
already engage our abs in almost every exercise we do! Everyone has abs, if you don’t
see yours currently it’s just because there may be a layer of fat over them. You see, in
order to have visible abs, you need to be at a very low body fat. How do you achieve
this? Through diet and cardio mainly with a small focus on direct ab training! With that
being said, I do have an Ab Routine for you to follow and do after your lifting sessions 23x a week MAX to help shape your muscles. Keep in mind, none of the exercises below
are weighted, you’ll want to use your body weight for ab exercises in order to keep your
waist small and ensure it doesn’t get distended! Our goal is to tone and shape our
stomach, not grow it like other muscles!
Abs/Core Workout:
(For these make sure you're focusing on your core muscles. Mind-muscle connection is
the #1 and only way to activate your muscles! Also pay close attention to your breathing
and exhaling on each rep.)
Set #1:
• Hanging Leg Raises. 4 sets of 10-15 reps.
• Front planks. Hold for 25secs.
• Right/Left Side planks. Hold for 25 sec each.
Repeat this cycle 4x.
Set #2:
• Regular crunches. 30 reps. 30 sec rest.
• Bicycle crunches. 30 reps.
• Mountain Climbers. 20 reps per leg. 1 min rest. Repeat 4x.
Set #3:
• Lying Leg Raises - 25 reps. 15sec rest.
• Knee-ins. 35 reps. 1 minute rest. Repeat 4x.
This workout plan is for those who can’t make it to the gym occasionally due to a busy schedule
or for those who just don’t have a gym membership! Keep in mind, there’s only so much you
can do with the limited equipment at-home. This at home workout program only requires 2
pieces of equipment! 1 pair of Dumbbells, and 1 set of resistance bands that you can purchase
easily off of Amazon for only around $7. For your cardio routine, please refer to the guidelines
above. If you don’t have any equipment, take your cardio outside! It’s just as effective. Only so
much progress can be made without a full array of equipment, so I recommend getting a gym
membership ASAP!
At Home Routine 1:
Do this routine 3 times though then move to At Home Routine 2!
Day 1: Band exercises for Glutes! *most of these are done laying on your back or
One legged band Glute Bridge. 15-20 reps.
o Superset with Glute Lift (regular Bridge) with DB on your hips. 20 reps,
squeezing at the top.
o ^5 rounds of this. 1 minute rest between sets.
Jump Squats. 5 sets, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off.
Glute/Hamstring "walk out" laying on your back (45 seconds work, 1 minute rest
then repeat) complete 5 rounds of this!
Flutter kicks (laying on stomach) can do on the ground or at an elevation (like a
bench) where your legs can be hanging off. Either will work, just focus on the
squeeze! 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest. 5 rounds.
Day 2: Shoulders
• DB side raises (4 sets, 15 reps per arm, no rest in between each arm.)
• Seated DB Shoulder Press (5 sets x 10-15 reps)
• DB Lateral Raises (3 sets x 15 reps) Superset with Forward DB Raises (3 sets x
15 reps)
• Upright Rows with DBs (4 sets x 10-15 reps)
• Rear Delt DB Flys (3 sets x 15 reps)
• Rear Delts with Band. Hold band out in front of you and pull each side for reps,
focusing on engaging your rear delts. (4 sets x 30 seconds each)
Day 3 Abs: (for these make sure you're focusing on your Core muscles. Mind-muscle
connection is the #1 and only way to activate muscles!!)
• Front planks - hold for 25secs then switch to
• Right/Left Side plants- hold for 25 sec each.
o Repeat cycle 4x.
• Regular crunches-30 reps 30 sec rest. Superset with
• Bicycle crunches- 30 reps
o 1 minute rest than repeat 4x.
• Lying Leg Raises - 25 reps 15sec rest. Superset with
• Knee-ins - 35 reps
o 1 minute rest than repeat 4x!
Day 4: Back/Biceps
• Rows with resistance band- 3 sets of 25 reps (30 sec rest in between sets for this
• Underhand DB rows- 4 sets of 10-15 reps. Superset with
• Resistance Bands - Underhand resistance band pulldown to stiff arm pulldown,
15 reps per. repeat 3 times! 1 min rest in between superset, no rest in between
each exercise.
• DB Bicep Curls (4 sets, 25 reps per arm-no rest in between arms)
• Dumbbell Hammer Curls (3 sets x 15 reps)
• Seated alternating "Preacher" Curls with Dumbbells *try to find furniture to put
your arm on (3 sets x 15 reps)
Day 5: LEGS
• Standing hip extensions with bands around ankles (20 reps each leg). Superset
• 25 jump squats (no bands)
o ^5 rounds of this. 1 minute rest between sets.
• "Kick backs" with bands around ankles. 15-20 reps per leg, 1 minute rest
between sets, repeat 5x.
• 20lb DB Alternating Step Ups with kickback 15 reps per leg. 30 seconds rest in
between sets, 4 rounds.
• Hip thrusts with 1 DB. (4 sets x 30 reps) 1 minute rest in between sets!
• Stiff Leg Deadlifts with DB. (5 sets x 10 reps)
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Full Body Plyo (HIIT)
Complete 5 rounds of the workout below (5 rounds is 35 min of total work, rest 3-5
minutes in between rounds depending on your fitness level, take your time with this
Cardio Warm Up – 30 Seconds jogging in place
• 1 minute Jumping Rope or Jumping Jacks
• 1 minute Up/downs (Burpees)
• 1 minute Mountain Climbers
• 1 minute Alternating Step Ups
• 1 minute Jumping Jacks
• 1 minute Squat Jumps
• 1 minute Alternating Jump Lunges
Day 8: Legs/Glutes Workout
• Alternating Pulse Lunges (30 seconds each leg, 1 minute rest between sets, 5
• Side Lunges (15 reps per leg, 1 minute rest between sets, 5 rounds)
• Jump Squats (30 seconds work, 45 seconds rest, 5 rounds) squeeze the booty
when you jump up!
• Squats with bands around your ankles (20 reps, 30 seconds rest in between
sets, 5 rounds)
• "Curtsey Lunges" with Dumbells (20 reps per leg, 30 seconds in between sets, 5
Day 9: Chest/Tris
• Chest Press with Dumbbells (4 sets x 10-12 reps)
• Laying down DB Flys (3 sets x 10-12 reps)
• Pushups *can be modified push-ups until you work your way up to regular ones! *
4 sets to failure
• Resistance band Tricep Pushdowns (3 sets x 10-12 reps)
• Overhead Tricep Press with One DB (3 sets x 10-15 reps)
Skull Crushers with Dumbbells (3 sets x 10-12 reps)
Tricep Kickbacks with DB. (4 sets x 15 reps per arm)
Day 10: Rest
At Home Routine 2:
Do this routine 3 times though!
Day 1: Back/Hams
• Single Arm DB Rows 4*12 each
• Straight Leg DB Deadlifts 4*12
• Lying on Bench Barbell Rows 3*15
• Resistance Band Hamstring curls 3*12 each
• Alternating Side Lunges with Barbell 5*10
• Seated Resistance Band Lat Pull Downs 5*10
• Alternating Step Ups to Kick Backs with Dumbellsl 5*10 each leg
Day 2: Shoulders
• DB Arnold Press 4*10
• Dumbell Front Raises 4*15
• Lateral Raises 4*15
• DB Rear Delt Flys 5*10
• Upright Rows 5*10
• Alternating DB Press 5*10 each arm
Day 3: Plyometric Workout: 3-4 Rounds
Push-ups 30 sec
Jumping Jacks 30 sec
High Knees 30 sec
Jump Squats 30 sec
10 Burpees
Mountain Climbers 30 sec
Bicycle Crunch 30 sec
Plank: 30 sec
Rest, Complete round, then start over! Do this 3-4 times depending on your fitness level.
Day 4: Quads/Calves
• Dumbell Front Squats 5*10
• Step Ups with DBs 4*15 each leg
• Curtsey Lunges with dumbell 5*10 each leg
• Weighted Hip Thrusts with DB 5*20
• Jump Squats for 30 seconds Superset with Alternating Jump Lunges for 30
seconds. 3-5 minute rest depending on your fitness level. Repeat for 5 rounds!
• Calf Raises on platform or stairs with dumbbells, 5*20
• Calf Raises on platform or stairs (one leg at a time) 5*15 each
Day 5: Rest Day or Cardio
Day 6: Arms Bis/Tris
DB curls 5*10 each arm
Tricep Extension with DB 5*10
Isolated Alternating Bicep Curls with DB 5*15 each arm
Skull Crushers with Dumbells 5*15
Standing Dumbell Curls 5*10
Alternating Kick Backs with DB 5*10 each arm
Spider Curls with Dumbells, Facing Bench 5*15
Bodyweight Dips on Bench or stairs 3 sets till failure
Day 7: HIIT Abs
Sit Ups
Leg Raises
Lying Leg Raise and Crunch
Toe Touchers
Reverse Crunches
*Perform each exercise above for 25 seconds each with no rest in between exercises.
Rest for 5 minutes or longer depending on your fitness level, repeat 5x!
Day 8: Glutes and Hams
Walking DB Lunges 4*12 each (long steps)
Resistance Band crab walk 4*45 secs
Dumbell “Good mornings” 4*12
DB Plie Squats 4*12
Straight Leg DB Deadlifts 4*12
Dumbell Sumo Squats
Day 9: Rest Day
While supplements aren’t necessary by any means in reaching your goals, they do have
their place in speeding up the process! I personally take them for the best results
possible. Use the dosages prescribed on the back of the bottles.
Minibeast Edge: Intense Pre-Workout with maximum lasting energy, extreme pumps,
and enhanced blood flow!
Minibeast Shreds: Innovative fat burner combining appetite suppression, thermogenics,
and a one of a kind stored fat metabolizer.
Minibeast Full Amino Acids (FAAs): Contains all 21 amino acids necessary for lean
muscle growth and prevention of muscle degradation while in a caloric deficit.
Minibeast IsoDelight: 25 grams of pure Whey Isolate. Amazing taste with very low
carb/fat content!
Discount code: minibeastclient
Lastly, I encourage you to work hard, stay consistent, and give it your all. Feel free to
email me your 8-week transformation once completed! I’d absolutely love to see your
progress and hear your feedback on the program!! CJ@theminibeast.com.
<3 Sincerely, Carriejune.