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Questions - Tutorial 1

EC4417 Asset Pricing
1. Suppose that your wealth is $250,000. You buy a $200,000 house and invest the remainder
in a risk-free asset paying an annual interest rate of 6%. There is a probability of .001 that your
house will burn to the ground and its value will be reduced to zero. With a log utility of end-ofyear wealth, how much would you be willing to pay for insurance (at the beginning of the year)?
(Assume that if the house does not burn down, its end-of-year value still will be $200,000.)
2. Assume that you have a logarithmic utility function for wealth 𝑈(𝑊) = 𝑙𝑛(𝑊) and that you
are faced with 50/50 chance of wining or losing $1,000. How much will you pay to avoid risk
if your current level of wealth if $10,000? How much would you pay if your level of wealth was
3. a. Draw the indifference curve in the expected return–standard deviation plane
corresponding to a utility level of .05 for an investor with a risk aversion coefficient of 3.
(Hint: Choose several possible standard deviations, ranging from 0 to .25, and find the
expected rates of return providing a utility level of .05. Then plot the expected return–standard
deviation points so derived).
b. Now draw the indifference curve corresponding to a utility level of .05 for an investor with
risk aversion coefficient A = 4. Comparing your answer to the above result, what do you
c. Draw an indifference curve for a risk-neutral investor providing utility level .05.
d. What must be true about the sign of the risk aversion coefficient, A, for a risk lover? Draw
the indifference curve for a utility level of .05 for a risk lover.
4. Consider the following information about a risky portfolio that you manage and a risk-free
asset: E(rP) = 11%, σP = 15%, rf = 5%.
a. Your client wants to invest a proportion of her total investment budget in your risky fund to
provide an expected rate of return on her overall or complete portfolio equal to 8%. What
proportion should she invest in the risky portfolio, P, and what proportion in the risk-free asset?
b. What will be the standard deviation of the rate of return on her portfolio?
c. Another client wants the highest return possible subject to the constraint that you limit his
standard deviation to be no more than 12%. Which client is more risk averse?
5. Consider these long-term investment data:
The price of a 10-year $100 par value zero-coupon bond is $84.49.
A real-estate property is expected to yield 2% per quarter. The annual risk-free rate is 3.55%.
a. Compute the effective annual rate of return on the real bond.
b. Compute the continuously compounded annual risk premium on the real-estate
investment. Hint: assume compound interest when calculating the annual yield of the
real-estate property.
Use the following scenario analysis for Stocks X and Y to answer Problems 6 and 7 (round
to the nearest percent).
6. What are the expected rates of return for Stocks X and Y?
7. What are the standard deviations of returns on Stocks X and Y?
Assume that of your $10,000 portfolio, you invest $9,000 in Stock X and $1,000 in Stock Y.
What is the expected return on your portfolio?