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Benzocaine Synthesis: Lab Protocol for BTS 2 Students

TP Synthèse de la menthone
L’assistant ingénieur a commencé à rassembler un corpus documentaire. Les informations
fournies sont susceptibles de vous permettre de gérer vos démarches.
Votre travail consiste à adapter le protocole au cahier des charges ci-après :
Etat (25 °C, 1 atm)
Sans odeur
Contraintes économiques
Masse théorique attendue
> 70 %
> 90 %
Prix, 250 g
(en ne considérant que les prix
des matières premières
principales : acide
paraminobenzoÏque et éthanol)
< 70 €
Avant de commencer toute démarche expérimentale, les listes de matières premières
et matériel doivent être rédigées.
En outre, la matière d’œuvre (quantité d’espèces chimiques utilisées) permettant la
synthèse, le traitement du milieu réactionnel, la purification et les éventuelles analyses)
doit être explicitée au professeur encadrant l’équipe.
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TP Synthèse de la menthone
Document 1
To a 100-mL round bottom flask fitted with a stir bar, add 2.50 g of p-aminobenzoic acid and 20 mL of ethyl alcohol.
While stirring, add 2.0 mL of concentrated H2SO4 dropwise. The precipitate that forms upon the addition of sulfuric
acid should dissolve when the solution is heated. Reflux, with stirring, for 1 hour. If you notice that the white
suspension persist, add 1 additional mL of concentrated H 2SO4 dropwise. Cool to room temperature. Neutralize
cautiously with dropwise addition of 10% Na2CO3 until the pH is approximately 8. (Gas evolution will be vigorous.)
Extract with two 10-mL portions of methylene chloride. Wash the combined methylene chloride layers with two 8mL portions of water. Dry the methylene chloride solution over anhydrous sodium sulfate. Gravity filter into a clean
Erlenmeyer flask containing a boiling stone. Evaporate the methylene chloride using the rotary evaporator. Cool
the oil. Recrystallize the whitish residue using as a solvent pair, ethyl alcohol and water 50/50. Suction filter the
product, and let air dry. Weigh the white crystals and take the melting point. Perform IR spectroscopy and compare
the IR of the p-aminobenzoic acid to that of the product (collect 2 IR spectra: 1 of the starting material and 1 of the
Fischer Esterification of p-aminobenzoic acid : Synthesis of Benzocaine adapted from the Revised Procedure:
Expt. 21.1
Multistep Synthesis of Benzocaine Analogs
Document 1
In a 5-mL round bottom flask, add 120 mg of 4-aminobenzoic acid (often called PABA for p-aminobenzoic
acid), 1.5 mL of absolute ethanol (absolute ethanol is completely free of water and can be found on the hooded
shevles), and 3 boiling chips. Heat this mixture on a sand bath until all thesolid dissolves. Cool in ice and then
add 0.25 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid dropwise. (One drop at a time.) A large amount of precipitate will
form when the sulfuric acid is added, but this will dissolve during the reflux that follows. Attach an air condenser
from the microscale kit, and reflux gently for 60-75 min. Check periodically to be sure that the mixture is
refluxing gently, and that the ring of condensation of solvent lies somewhere along the inner surface of the air
condenser; loss of solvent will cause overheating and significant decrease in yield.
Isolation and Purification
Detach the air condenser from the reaction tube and allow the reaction mixture to cool to room temperature.
Take a TLC of the reaction mixture. TLC plates should have three spots (or lanes) on the origin: one for the
main organic starting material that is being transformed (aminobenzoic acid), one for a cospot (starting material
and the reaction mixture), and one for the reaction mixture. Find an appropriate mobile phase; start with 50%
EtOAc in hexanes.
Using a Pasteur pipet, transfer the reaction solution to a 10-mL Erlenmeyer flask and add 3 mL of distilled
water. Dropwise, add saturated sodium bicarbonate (about 3 mL, approximately 10% or 1 M) to neutralize the
excess sulfuric acid and the ammonium sulfate salt form of the amino ester (making it neutral and insoluble in
water). After each addition of the sodium bicarbonate, agitate the solution to mix thoroughly. Extensive CO2
evolution (gas) and frothing will be observed until the mixture is nearly neutralized. As the pH increases, a
white precipitate of benzocaine is produced. When gas no longer evolves as you add a drop of sodium
bicarbonate, check the pH of the solution with "Alkacid" pH paper and, if it is less than 8, add further portions of
saturated sodium bicarbonate solution.
Collect the benzocaine by vacuum filtration using a Hirsch funnel. Use three 1-mL portions of cold water to
wash the product crystals from the flask onto the funnel. Make sure the product is rinsed thoroughly with cold
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TP Synthèse de la menthone
water water. After the product has dried thoroughly by leaving it in an open container until the next lab period,
weigh it, calculate the % yield, and determine its melting point. The m.p. of pure benzocaine is 92°C.
Although the product should be fairly pure, it may be recrystallized by the mixed solvent method using
methanol and water. Place the product in a preweighed reaction tube, and while stirring with a boiling stick and
heating in a sand bath, add methanol dropwise until the solid just dissolves. Add 2 to 3 additional drops of
EtOH and then add hot water dropwise until the mixture turns slightly cloudy or a white precipitate forms. Add
methanol again while heating until the cloudiness or solid just disappears. Let cool slowly to room temperature
and then complete the crystallization by cooling in an ice bath. Collect the solid by drawing the solvent off
through a pipet using the pipet filtration technique. After the solid has dried in the open tube until the next lab
period, reweigh the tube to determine the weight of recrystallized material and then take its melting point.
Analyze the product as directed on your experimental assignment sheet. If you are doing an NMR analysis, you
may have to use deutero-DMSO as the NMR solvent as the product may have partial solubility in CDCl 3. Refer
to Chap 11 of the Lab Guide for instructions on sample preparation.
In addition to TLC analysis, you may be instructed to analyze your final product by IR, NMR or MS. Analyze
your sample according to your assignment sheet and prepare it as per the instructions on Sample Preparation
in the Lab Guide.
Document 2 CCM
Pour contrôler la synthèse, une chromatographie sur couche
mince peut être réalisée. Les conditions de la CCM sont les
suivantes :
● phase stationnaire : silice sensible aux UV,
● éluant : cyclohexane/acétate d’éthyle10/10 et deux gouttes d’acide acétique,
● solvant pour la préparation des échantillons : éthanol.
Dissoudre de l’ordre de 50 mg de benzocaïne synthétisée dans 2 mL d’éthe diéthylique puis analyser
cette solution en CPG
The Preparation of the Local Anesthetic, Benzocaine, by an Esterification Reaction
Adapted by R. Minard (Penn State Univ.) from Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A Microscale
Pavia, Lampman, Kriz & Engel, 1989. Revised 06/27/06
Document 3 Données
dans 100 mL
très faible
0,7 g à 25 °C
1,1 g à 90 °C
11,3 g
8,2 g
de sodium
très soluble
très faible
7,5 g
très faible
très faible
20,0 g
14,3 g
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TP Synthèse de la menthone
Espèce chimiques
Données physico-chimiques
M = 165,19 g.mol-1
Tf = 88 à 90°C
Teb = 172 °C
H336 P261
25 € pour 1 L
M = 46,07 g.mol-1
Tf = -114°C
Teb = 79 °C
d20 = 1,83
H225, P210, P305+P351+P338, P370
+P378 et P403+P235
n D = 1,3594
Acide sulfurique
M = 98,08 g/mol
d20 = 0,789
n D = 1,4184
Éther diéthylique
H290, H314, P280, P309, P310, P301
+P330+P331 et P305+P351+P33
M = 74,1 g.mol-1
Tf = -116 °C
Teb = 35 °C
d20 = 0,789
H224, H302, H336, EUH019, EUH066
n D = 1,3506
Sulfate de
magnésium anhydre
37 € pour 250 g
M = 137,14 g.mol-1
Tf = 188,5 °C
Téb = 188,5 °C
M = 84,93 g.mol-1
Tf = -95,1°C
Teb = 40 °C
d20 = 1,33
n D = 1,421
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