THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY 1879 Wilhelm Wundt Wundt Wilhelm the first University at 1879. the techniques to in for teaching of Harvard, psych William was the author of Principles of Psychology 1890. of mind/ consciousness. course James in Wundt study WILLIAM JAMES a the laboratory 1890 Aside in Leipzig of Germany in the up laboratory psychology utilized set in 1896 sigmund freud Sigmund Freud developed "Psychoanalysis" labeled what with as therapy a form discovering significant of that information and derive from he called "free free uninterrupted and hypnosis could he 1896, in after experimenting he what association," or the stream of consciousness. This fostered a deep investigation into what Freud to referred "unconscious," examination well as how of as the as an childhood interactions influenced adult behavior 1901 EDWARD TITCHENER 1901, Year applied order the Edward Titchener ideas of Wundt's in to initiate the Structuralism in United States of America. The main focus of was on the processes function 2010). this contents of mental rather (Pickren & than their Rutherford, 1906 ivan pavlov Ivan Pavlov was physiologist because process well-known and discovered he of Russian a conditioning classical and issued his findings in works focuses learning in which are obtained with the via 1906. His approach of new behaviors repeated pairings unconditioned stimuli responses. 1920 JOHN WATSON Watson, John graduate together student experiment with his conducted an through conditioning to show classical the fears and how it can be conditioned. As you just have just noticed, it is exactly the same considering animal human. is in Ivan Pavlov's that the just like the the work behavior behavior of of and 1938 burrhus frederic skinner B.R. Skinner "Behavior book His was the was book Conditioning. that by actions the of and best the really He its at the behavior. CARL ROGERS Rogers humanistic humans was theory. naturally affection, and approach enables the a contributor He assumed value positive of that attention, regard. humans to His see importance of genuineness and empathy growth. in upbringing believed causes in 1954 Carl Operant consequences approach understand the the Organisms". about all looking author of individual order of is to