Bird: Psychology


Bird: Psychology


Chapter 1: Quiz

Directions: In the space to the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1.__________He is considered the father of psychology

A: Wilhelm Wundt

C: Galileo Galilei

B: Sigmund Freud

D: B.F. Skinner

2. __________He penned a famous book in 1890 that helped to define psychology as a separate social science, the book was called Principles of Psychology.

A: John B. Watson

B: Wilhelm Wundt

C: William James

D: Ivan Pavlov

3. __________Psychologists’ goals include

A: Describing and explaining behavior

C: Controlling behavior

B: Predicting behavior

D: A, B, & C

4. __________The scientific study of behavior and mental processes which can involve both animal and human behaviors is known as

A: Scientific method B: Psychology

C: Psychiatry D: Response & Stimulus

5. __________Patient said everything that came to mind, no matter how absurd or irrelevant,

without attempting to produce logical or meaningful statements

A: Free association

C: Behaviorism

B: Introspection

D: Dream Analysis

6. __________ Psychologist associated with the ID, Ego, and Superego

A: Ivan Pavlov B: William James

C: Sir Francis Galton D: Sigmund Freud

7. __________ Associated with behaviorism, he studied observable behavior through conditioning,

rewarding, and punishments by those who display behavior that is considered


A: Alfred Adler B: Carl Rogers

C: B.F. Skinner D: Abraham Maslow

8. __________ Humanism can be described as

A: That humans think, feel, learn, and remember to serve one

function; survive as a species

B: Extension of free association, which the patient applied the

same techniques to dreams

C: Concept that the mind and body are separate and distinct

D: Human nature as active and creative rather than passively

reacting to external stimuli

9. __________A method of self-observation in which subjects report on their thoughts

and feelings

A: Behaviorism B: Free association

C: Introspection D: Hypothesis

10. __________ He studied how heredity influences a person’s abilities, character, and


behavior, leading to the Nature vs. Nurture debate in Psychology.

A: Ivan Pavlov

C: William James

B: Sir Francis Galton

D: Sigmund Freud

Directions: Fill in the blanks, use the word bank to assist you.

Applied Physical Experimental

Psychiatry Psychologists*



*used more than once

11. Harry Harlow’s work led to the idea that the attachment of children to their caregivers is made stronger by ___________________ contact.

12. _________________________ play a key role in designing and assessing tools for learning in a variety of media: for example, their understanding of the principles of learning contributed to the development of the PBS series “Sesame Street”.

13. After a student of ___________________ completes medical school, he or she continues training in medicine and learns to treat people with disturbed behaviors and can write prescriptions to patients.

14. ___________________ are people who have been trained to observe and analyze behavior patterns, to develop theories on behavior, and to apply what they know to influence behavior.

15. Although he was trained in _________________, the study of how the body works, Wundt’s real interest was the study of the human mind.

16. The APA, American Psychological Association, is a scientific and professional society of

____________________ and educators founded in 1892.

17. ____________________ psychologists use a variety of scientific methods to study the psychological processes. _________________ psychologists put knowledge of psychology to work solving human problems.


Directions: Match the key term to the key person

18. Wilhelm Wundt a. self-actualizing people fully utilize their potential & talent

19. Carl Rogers

20. Sigmund Freud

21. Albert Bandura b. American, sometime referred to as cofounder of Psychology c. reinforce positive behavior to achieve utopian societies d. 1 st Psych Lab

22. B.F. Skinner

23. Carl Jung

24. Ivan Pavlov

25. Abraham Maslow

26. William James

PART 4 e. children’s behavior is guided by observing adult models f. collective unconscious and disagreed with Freud g. conditioning h. free association i. they are “clients” not “patients”

Directions: Match the theory to the correct idea explained

27. I am a man, you are a woman - this makes us view the world differently.

28. Reinforcement and punishment drive behavior

29. There are no accidents; we may actually be doing it due to unconscious issues

30. Self-actualization and our drive to grow push us to excel

31. We are all subject to stimulus response connection to the world that determines behavior

32. Humans actively seek, evaluate, combine, transform, and transmit information.

33. Behaviors and thoughts can be taken back to the brain chemicals and hormones.

Your options for answers 27 to 33 include:

Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychoanalytic, Behaviorism,

Humanism, Cognitive, Biological, Socio-Cultural


Directions: Complete the short answer questions with complete sentences (2pts possible = expectation is a minimum of a 2 sentence response)

A young girl always rode the elevator down from her family’s apartment on the 37 th floor on her way to school. Every evening when she returned home, however, she rode to the 31 st floor and then walked the rest of the way. Explain why did she always walk the last six floors? As explained in chapter 19, please connect your answer to Psychology and its role in the workplace and everyday living.
