Ask-Bid/Ask → bid rate on USD/JPY is .oo41 and the ask rate is .0043 → .0043.0041/.0043=4.65%.|USD/JPY is how much JPY is needed to purchase $1|if USD/AUS=.73 today and yesterday it was .69 the AUS appreciated|The country with the higher interest rate appreciates|Forward rate F-S/S→if negative it’s a discount ex.british pound forward rate and spot rate $1.60-$1.63/$1.63=-.018 or -1.8%|future contracts are a commitment|ARBITRAGE→covered interest (interest arbitrage is process if capitalizing differences between interest rates between two countries) covered is hedging the position against interest rate risk→The threat of locational arbitrage ensures that quoted exchange rates are similar across banks in different locations.The threat of triangular arbitrage ensures that cross exchange rates are properly set. The threat of covered interest arbitrage ensures that forward exchange rates are properly set. Any discrepancy will trigger arbitrage, which should eliminate the discrepancy|PPP→ rate=represents the Fisher effect→real interest return on investment to savers after accounting for expected inflation. |Forward or Future Hedge on payables allow MNCs to lock in specific exchange rate. Call option provides the right to buy a specified amount of particular exchange rate currency at a specified strike price or exercise price. RECIEVABLES instead of buying it is selling but the same concepts still apply. Put (opposite of call) option is the right to sell at specified price. |Cross rate→ | Indirect quote→euro/usd 1/direct quote (indirect quote is foreign currency to USD) direct quote→usd/euro