Uploaded by Mark Andrew Tolentino

Lathe Machine Theory: Operations, Tools, & Safety

Mark Andrew R. Tolentino
Machine Shop Theory
February 24, 2023
1. What is lathe machine?
A lathe is a machining tool primarily used for shaping wood or metal. It operates by having the
workpiece revolve around a cutting tool that is fixed. The primary function is to remove the
material's undesirable portions, leaving behind a nicely shaped workpiece.
2. What is the operation of lathe machine?
Different operations on a lathe are produced by varying tool ends and a kinematic relationship
between the tool and workpiece. Turning, facing, grooving, parting, threading, drilling, boring,
knurling, and tapping are the most popular lathe operations.
3. Parts of Lathe Machine?
Feed shaft
Lead screw
Chips pan
Hand wheel
Speed controller
Bull gear
4. Different types of Lathe cutting tools.
Turning Tool
Boring Bar
Chamfering Tool
Knurling Tool
Parting Tool
Thread Cutting Tool
Facing Tool
Grooving Tool
Forming Tool
5. Safety procedures in lathe machine?
Use a barrier guard when operating the lathe in semi-automatic or automatic mode.
Guard all power transmission parts.
Remove all tools, measuring instruments and other objects from saddle or lathe bed before
starting machine.
Keep all lathe cutting tools sharp.
Ensure that the chip and coolant shields are in place.
Shut off the power supply to the motor before mounting or removing accessories.
Stop lathe before taking measurements of any kind.
Use a vacuum, brush, or rake to remove cuttings only after the lathe has stopped moving.
Keep working surface clean of scraps, tools, and materials.
Keep floor around lathe clean and free of oil and grease.