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ECG Interpretation in Children: Pediatric Cardiology Guide

Interpretation of ECG in children
Piotr Kędziora
•Department of Pediatric Cardiology and Rheumatology
•Medical University of Lodz
Conduction system of the heart
Determination of cardiac rhythm
Sinus rhythm:
HR is normal and regular
Each QRS complex is preceded by P wave.
P waves are positive (upright) in leads I i II,
and negative (inverted) in aVR.
Normal PR interval
Sinus tachycardia 182 bpm
• Normal P wave precedes each QRS with normal PR interval
• Sinus tachycardia rates vart with ages:<1 year >160-180
bpm, 1-3 y >150 bpm, >3 y >140 bpm, >12 y >100-120 bpm
• Associated with: crying, anxiety, pain, fever, hypovolemia,
exertion, anemia, heart failure
Sinus bradycardia
• Slow sinus rate for age: HR<100bpm age 0-3 years (80 during sleep),
HR<60-80 bpm age 3-9 years, HR<60 bpm age>9 years
• P waves of normal morphology and axis
• Constans, normal PR interval with 1:1 a-v conduction
• Commonly seen in athletes, in anorexia, sinus node dysfunction
• Sinus rhythm with phasic variation in heart rate
• Normal P wave precedes each QRS complex
• Normal PR interval
• Respiratory form of sinus arrhythymia: sinus rate gradually
increases during inspirations, slows down with expiration
• Very common in young children (2-10 years of age)
• Normal variant
Supraventricular (atrial) premature beats/contraction SVPB
Premature atrial complex (PACs)
• Premature P wave differs in axis and morphology from sinus
P waves, PR interval may be prolonged with PAC, premature
QRS is similar to or the same as normal QRS
• P positive (high part of atrium)
• S -premature beat (P in T before QRS)
•  -non-conducted PAC (P wave is buried in T wave of the
preceding beat and PAC is not conducted to the ventricle.
• A –PAC with aberrant conduction
Supraventricular premature beats/contraction
Supraventricular premature beats/contraction SVPB
Premature atrial complex (PACs)
• P negative low part of atrium
• Supraventricular couplets
Wandering atrial pacemaker
• P wave morphology (shape) shifts (changes) gradually as
sinus rate slows down, P wave changes to become negative
(lead II). It is not associated with premature beats or
• (at least 3 morphology of P waves)
Supraventricular (atrial) tachycardia 225 bpm
• Regulary regular tachycardia, relationship between P and
QRS complex (P can be before QRS)
• SVT QRS complexes are smilar to or the same as normal
QRS complexes
• SVT starts and ends rapidly
Nodal tachycardia
premature QRS complex without preceding P wave
QRS morphology differs (is bizarre) from sinus conducted beat and long
in duration (wide QRS)
T waves point at the direction opposite to the QRS complex
full compensatory pause (two normal cycles 2xRR)
Ventricular premature contractions/beats (VPCs/VPB)
• Ventricular couplets (paired PVCs)
• Ventricular complex
Ventricular bigeminy
• Regulary irregular rhythm is present with the
abnormal beat (PVB) coming every other beat
Ventricular active rhythm
HR<120/min and/or similar to sinus rhythm
Ventricular tachycardia 140 bpm
• Ventricular tachycardia 220 bpm
• Regular wide complex tachycardia
• Atrioventricular dissociation
First degree atrioventricular (AV) block
 500ms
• Prolonged PR interval
• <1 year: PR>0,14-0,15sec, 1-5 years: PR>0,16 sec, >5 year: PR>0,18 sec
• when: high vagal tone, acute rheumatic fever, hyper/hypo-kalemia,
hypermagnesema, ASD, AVSD
Second degree atrioventricular (AV) block
I type: Mobitz I (Wenckebach phenomenon)
Progressive PR lenthening prior to block
Normal finding during sleep
Second degree atrioventricular (AV)
II type block (Mobitz II 2:1)
• No change in PR interval before block
• 2:1 a-v block: every other P wave followed by QRS
• Second degree atrioventricular (AV)
II type block (Mobitz II 3:1)
Third degree a-v block
Complete dissociation between P waves and QRS
complexes and atrial rate is faster than ventricular rate
escape rhythm may be junctional or ventricular
• Maternal autoimmune disorder, LQTS,
• structral heart disease (AVSD,HLHS, TGA)
• Myocarditis, Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis)
• Anomalous atrioventricular conduction
• Rapid conduction pathway between atrium and ventricle,
bypassing normal AV node with slower conduction
Short PR interval
• adults PQ < 120 ms
• Children PQ < 90 ms)
Wide QRS
• adults QRS >120 ms
• children QRS > 90 ms)
Delta wave
Wolff-Parkinson-White type
• Short PR interval, less than lower limits of normal
for the patient’s age: <12 months 0,075 sec, 1-3
years 0,08 sec, 3-5 years 0,085 sec, 5-12 years
0,09 sec, 12-16 years 0,095 sec, adults 0,12 sec
• Delta wave (initial slurring of QRS complex)
• Wide QRS duration (beyond the upper limits of
WPW syndrome
• Short PR
• Delta wave
• Wide QRS
Atrio-ventricular reentry tachycardia
Reentry mechanism
Atrio-ventricular reentry tachycardia
AVRT 190bpm
• How to stop supraventricular (atrial, nodal,
atrio-ventricular) tachycardia
• Non-pharmacological methods
• Pharmacological methods
Vagal Maneuvers
• Valsalva maneuver (voluntary forced exhalation
against a closed glottis which is similar to bearing
down as if having a bowel movement)
• Carotid massage
• Deep inspiration with short breath holding
• Thermal shock (drinking icy water or putting bag
with ice cubes on face or chest)
• Provoking vomits
Adenosine (ADP)
I dose of adenosine (Adenocor 0,1mg/kg iv)
after 3 min. II dose of adenosine (Adenocor 0,2mg/kg)
III dose 0,3mg/kg
Amiodaron (non-competitve inhibitor of adrenegic
5mg/kg in 5% glucose iv over 10min
next 5mg/kg iv for 2 hours
after 12 hours the same dose
(I day: 15mg/kg, II day: 10mg/kg, III day 5mg/kg)
Interrupt SVT in (WPW)
adenosine ADP (purine nucleoside) Adenocor(0,1 mg/kg)
HR=600/2 or 3000/10 = 300/min