Quick Reference Sheet Trial Balance Report Description: The following document describes how produce a Trial Balance report. The Trial Balance report is required when collating an Acquittal Statement. Trial Balance – Summary Report Open the Trial Balance – Summary Report from the Std Reports tab in Finance One (in the role of Finance Manager) or the Standard Reports tab (in the role of Budget Entry) by clicking on the link: In the left hand task pane under the “Processing Options” area, select “Run report on this computer”. Complete the General Criteria area: Destination: Select “Print the report to a window. Ledger name: Relates to the year that is being reported on. For example if the financial year is 2013 then the ledger will be 2013GLAT. From Period: If the report is for the entire year, enter from period 0, otherwise select the period you wish to start the report from. To Period: If the report is for the entire year, enter to period 13, otherwise select the period you wish to end the report at. QRS Finance One Trial Balance Report -1- In the Extended Criteria section select “Add Criteria”: Set the Field Name to “Account Component 6”, put the cost centre into the text field and click OK: In the Actions to Perform task pane select “Start Processing”: QRS Finance One Trial Balance Report -2- The Trail Balance – Summary Report will now display in PDF format: QRS Finance One Trial Balance Report -3-