Respiratory System Upper Respiratory→ Nose, nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, and larynx Lower Respiratory→ Trachea, lungs, bronchial tree. Airway → Nose, nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchial network Pharynx → throat (passage way for food and air) Larynx → voice box Trachea → windpipe Airway is lined with cilia that trap microbes and debris. o Sweep back towards mouth Lungs → house bronchi and bronchia network Bronchi → extend into lungs and terminate in millions of alveoli (air socs). Right lung → has 3 lobes Left lung → has 2 lobes Pleural membrane → reduce friction between surface when breathing. Respiratory muscles → diaphragm and intercostal Function on respiratory system → supply body with oxygen and rid body of carbon dioxide. Exchange of gasses → occur in alveoli. Respiratory system filter air → the air is warm and moistened which filters as it passes through nasl. Air passes through throat move to Larynx → vibrates sound → enters trachea. Homeostasis → maintain body acid base During breathing → Diaphragm/intercostal will contract to expand the lungs. Inspiration / inhalation – diaphragm contacts and moves down. (increase size of chest) Intercoastal muscles contract ribs expand which increase chest cavity. Diaphragm-intercoastal relax → chest decrease. Expiration = force air out Medulla oblongata → control breathing Medulla oblongata → monitor levels of carbon dioxide in blood. Medulla oblongata → signals breathing rate to increase when levels too high of carbon dioxide. During contraction the diaphragm decrease in alveolar pressure. Pleura is a double layered membrane that lines the lungs. Largest to smallest in diameter: Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles Mechanical process of normal breathing during expiration → diaphragm relaxes and moves upward, while intercostal muscles relax and move ribs downward. Gas exchange between blood and alveoli would be enhanced by increased alveolar surface area but impeded by increase membrane thickness. Major gas exchange taxes place in alveoli. Tidal volume → volume of air with normal breathing. Emphysema → exhibit an increase in lung compliance Surfactant → produce by the lungs for the purpose of reducing surface tension. Sequence of air inhaled: nasal cavity → pharynx → larynx → trachea → bronchi → bronchioles Diffusion → exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the alveolar membrane Epiglottis → prevents food from entering the respiratory system Ventilation → movement of air in and out of lungs Voluntarily holding breath will → innate reflex of breathing due to increase carbon dioxide levels. Lungs with low level of compliance → stiff lungs require extra work to accomplish normal breathing. Function of pulmonary surfactant – prevent lungs collapse and reduce surface tension, and increase in lung compliance. Cardio System Circulatory System → responsible for internal transport substance to and from the cells. Circulatory system contains → Blood, Blood Vessels, and Heart Blood → composed of water, solutes, elements in fluid and connective tissue. Blood vessels → tubules of different sizes that transport blood. Heart → muscular pump providing the pressure necessary to keep blood flowing. Capillary Beds → slow movement and smallest tubules Lymph vascular system → cleans up excess fluids and proteins. Returns them to circulatory system. Blood vessels wall layers → tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica adventitia Tunica Media → smooth muscle Elastic Fibers Elastic arteries → stretch when blood is forced out of heart and recoil under low pressure. Muscular arteries → regulate blood flow by vasoconstriction. Arterioles → primary vessels involved in vasoconstriction, control blood flow to capillaries. Venules → empty blood into larger veins. Veins → carry blood back to heart. Blood → carry raw material to cells and remove waste products, stabilize pH, fight infections. Blood has RBC/WBC, platelets and plasma. Plasma → half blood volume and mostly water, serves as solvent Plasma has → proteins, ions, glucose, amino acids, hormones, and dissolved gas. RBC → transport oxygen to cell that forms bone marrow (live 4 months) WBC → defend the body against infection remove waste. Platelets → important function for blood clotting Heart → cardiac muscular tissue Circulatory system → coronary arteries Atrial contraction → fills ventricles Ventricular contraction → empty ventricles Cardiac cycle → diastole & systole Diastole → blood flow through superior and inferior venae cavae. Diastole → HEART IS RELAXED Systolic → heart CONTRACTS, blood pressure rises and blood moves out. Pulmonary Arteries → Blood to lungs Coronary Circulation → Flood of blood to heart tissue. Pulmonary circulation → flow of blood between the heart and lungs. Renal Circulation → flow of blood between heart and kidney. Arterial blood pressure → transport oxygen – poor blood into lungs and oxygen rich blood to body tissue. Arteries → contract and expand based on signals from body. Arterioles → blood to deliver to specific areas based on complex communication. Capillary beds → diffusion exchange between blood and interstitial fluid. Carotid artery → deliver blood to brain Vena cava → blood vessels deliver blood directly into right atrium. Stroke → blood vessels in brain become blocked. Blood is to deliver oxygen rich blood to body’s tissue. Erythrocyte → contain oxygen carry protein called hemoglobin. Veins → have valves arteries don’t. Decrease in amount of hemoglobin in blood would result in decrease oxygen carrying capacity. HEART primary valves in the order which blood passes through → Tricuspid, pulmonary, semiunar valve, biscuspid, aortic Atherosclerosis → can lead to STOKE due to build up and blockage of coronary arteries prevent blood flow to the myocardium. Signal fails to reach PURKINGE FIBER will result in ventricles will not contact. Blood flow back to heart at RV. Aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, vena cava. Pulmonary artery → carry oxygen depleted blood AWAY from heart. Pulmonary vein → carry oxygen rich blood TOWARDS the heart. Anemia → RBC Are poorly function and have reduced ability to carry oxygen. Gonadal artery → responsible of supplying blood to the reproductive system In order blood to deliver to body enough pressure must be developed by the left ventricle to push open aortic semilunar value. During hyperventilation → decrease carbon dioxide levels result in an increase in Ph. 4 chambers o Right Atrium → carries deoxygenated blood from the body via superior and inferior vena cava. o Right Ventricle → carries blood from the right atrium and pumps it into the lungs through the pulmonary artery. o Left atrium → carries oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins. o Left Ventricle → carries oxygenated blood from the left atrium and pumps it into the systemic circuit through the aorta. Layers of heart o Epicardium → outermost layer of heart o Myocardium → middle layer which contracting muscle o Endocardium → inner most lines the inner chambers and valves. Blood flow of heart → From the superior and inferior vena cava, oxygen poor blood goes to the right atrium through the tricuspid valve. → Right ventricle to the pulmonary valve. → To the pulmonary trunk and arteries into the lungs CO2 is lost and 02 is gain in the pulmonary capillaries. → O2 rich blood enters the pulmonary veins to the left atrium. → Blood travels through the bicuspid valve and enters the left ventricle. → Blood moves through the aortic valve and travels through the aorta to the systemic circuit. Lymphatic System Contains spleen, thymus, tonsils, transport fluid, lymph facilitates the filtering of fluids at lymph nodes, filters of fluid at lymph nodes. Lymphatic System → will return excess tissue fluid to the blood stream. Consist of transport vessels and lymphoid organs. Lymph vascular system → Lymph capillaries, Lymph vessels, and Lymph ducts. Function of Lymphatic system → return of excess fluid to blood, return proteins from the capillaries, transport of fats from digestive tract, disposal of debris, and cellular waste. Main function is to filter unwanted material from blood to help fight infection. Lymphoid organs → Lymph nodes, Spleen, and Thymus Lymph nodes → each node contains lymphocytes and plasma cells. Spleen → filters blood of bacteria and viruses, stores RBC and macrophages. Thymus → secretes hormones and is major site of lymphocyte production, produce thymosin Spleen o Upper left abdomen o Made of lymphoid tissue o Blood vessels are connected to spleen by splenic sinuses. Peritoneal Ligaments support spleen o Gastrolienal ligament o Lienorenal ligament o Mid section phrenicocolic ligament Gastrolienal ligament → connects stomach to spleen Lienorenal ligament → connects kidney to spleen Mid section phrenicocolic ligament → connects left colic to thoriac diaphragm Produces, maintains and distribute lymphocytes ( b and T cells) Gastrointestinal digestive System Digestive system function → movement, secretion, digestion, absorption. Movement → move mixes and passes nutrients through the system and eliminate waste. Secretion → enzymes, hormones, and other substance necessary for digestion are secreted into the digestive tract. Digestion → chemical breakdown of nutrients into smaller units that enter the internal environment. Absorption → passage way of nutrients through plasma membrane into blood or lymph then to body. Esophagus → carry food from pharynx to stomach Esophageal sphincter → prevent reflux of gastric content into the esophagus. Duodenum (small intestine) → contains opening of bile and pancreatic ducts. Large intestine → absorb water and eliminates waste. Enzymes o Saliva → contains amylase to breakdown starch and ease digestion. o Hydrochloric acid → kills bacteria, breaks food down into small particles, facilitates gastric enzyme activation. o Pepsin → coenzyme of gastric juice that breaks down proteins o Gastrin → control gastric acidity o Maltase → produces maltose into monosaccharides glucose. o Lactase → breakdown lactose o Sucrase → break down sucrose into fructose and glucose o Enterokinase → breakdown trypsinogen into trypsin. Important for digestion o Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into smaller components that are more easily absorbed into a bloodstream, o Digestion is a form of catabolism o Catabolism → breakdown of large food molecules to smaller ones. o Digestive steps → ingestion → secretion → mix and propulsion → digestion → absorption → defecation Mouth & Stomach Salivary glands → stimulate and secrete saliva. Saliva has enzymes that breakdown of starch in digestion. Swallowed food → pharynx → esophagus → stomach Stomach → flexible muscular sac. Functions of Stomach → o Mixing and storing food o Dissolving and degrading food via sections o Controlling passage of food into the small intestine Protein digestion begins in stomach. Smooth muscle moves food by peristalsis. Peristalsis → contact and relax to move nutrients o Move the nutrient into small intestine where absorption process begins. Liver Largest organ in body and largest gland Liver has four lobes Secured to the diaphragm and abdominal walls by five ligaments. Liver processes all blood that passes through digestive system Nutrient-rich blood is supplied to the liver via the hepatic portal vein. Hepatic artery → supplies oxygen – rich blood Blood leaves the liver through the hepatic veins. Liver functional unit are lobules. Blood enters lobules through branches to portal vein and hepatic artery. Blood → lobules branches → portal vein → hepatic artery → small channels sinusoids Liver function → produce bile → cholesterol → blood plasma proteins Storage of excess glucose in the form of glycogen. Regulation of amino acids Processing hemoglobin (store iron) Conversion of ammonia to urea Purification of the blood (clear out drugs and toxins) Regulate blood clotting Control infection boost immune system and remove bacteria. Pancreas Head lies near duodenum and tall near spleen Made up of exocrine and endocrine tissue Exocrine tissue → secrete digestive enzymes from series of ducts that collect from main pancreatic ducts Main pancreatic duct → connect to common bile bear duodenum. Endocrine tissue → secrete hormones (insulin) in the blood stream. Pancreas assist digestion of food by secreting enzymes that break down food. FAT AND PROTEIN Zymogens produce group of exocrine cells acini. Convert through chemical reaction in gut, the active enzyme pancreatic lipase and amylase once enter small intestine. Pancreas secretes large amounts of sodium bicarbonate. o This will neutralize the stomach acid that reaches the small intestine. Exocrine function the pancreas are controlled by hormones released by stomach and small intestine when food is present. Exocrine flow into main pancreatic duct are delivered to duodenum through pancreatic duct. Small Intestine Nutrients are absorbed Enzymes from pancreas, liver, stomach are transported to small intestine to aid digestion Enzymes → act on fats, carbs, nucleic acids and proteins Bile is secretion on liver → which breaks down fats Bile is stored in gallbladder between meals. Villi covers small intestine Villi → absorb structures that greatly increase the surface area for interaction of chyme. Epithelial cells surface of villi called microvilli. Microvilli → increase the ability of small intestine to serve as main absorption organ Extra info: Stomach = chemical digestion Large intestine = reabsorption of water Pancreas → endocrine & digestion function Peristalsis → contraction of smooth muscle in digestive system will move food along GI tract Small intestine → Jejunum, duodenum, lleum Large intestine = colon Large intestine → absorption of water and electrolytes Absorption of protein occurs in small intestine Chemical digestion of protein starts in stomach Glucagon is hormone that is released from the pancreas and helps regulate blood sugar. Gastric reflux → occurs as the result of improper closing of lower esophageal sphincter Villi in small intestine → become damaged malnutrition would result due to a decrease in ability to absorb nutrients. Appendix → extension off the large intestine that is often referred to as vestigial organ. Bile → is manufactured by the liver and stored in gallbladder Majority of nutrients absorption occurs in small intestine Liver = bile secretion Pancreas → digestive enzyme and hormones Pyloric sphincter → is to control entry of food into the duodenum. Function of stomach → is to secrete pepsinogen for protein digestion Bile is fat emulsification in the stomach The folds that make up the shape of villi and microvilli facilitate absorption due to an increase surface area. Peristalsis → contact smooth muscle in order to move food down esophagus to stomach Large intestine → contain vitamin produce bacteria Pancreatic juice → neutralize pH of chyme, chemical digest carbs, chemical digest proteins Nervous System Neurons → communicate system Messages are sent across the plasma membrane of neurons through a process action potential. Messages occur when a neuron is stimulated past a necessary threshold. Stimulation occur in a sequence from the stimulation point of one neuron to its contact with another neuron. Chemical synapse → substance is released that stimulates or inhibits the action of the adjoining cell Direction of information flows depend on specific organization of nerve circuits and pathways. Three general Types of neurons: o SENSORY, MOTOR, INTERNEURONS Sensory neurons → transmit signals to CNS from the sensory receptors associated with touch, pain, temp, hearing, sight, smell and taste. Motor neurons → transmit from CNS to the rest of the body, signaling muscles or glands to respond. Interneurons → transmit signals between neurons. Neuron → cell body, axon, dendrites Dendrites → receive impulses from sensory receptors or interneurons and transmit them towards cell body. Cell body (soma) → contain the nucleus of neuron Axon → transmits the impulses away from the cell body. Axon is insulated by oligodendrocytes and myelin sheath with gaps known as NODES OF RANIVER. Axon terminates at the synapse. CNS = Central Nervous System Spinal cord and Brain Spinal cord → bony structure of vertebrae, protects and supports. Major nerve tract ascends and descend from spinal cord to brain. Brain → midbrain integrates sensory signals Forebrain → cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus Cerebral cortex → thin layer gray matter cover cerebrum. Frontal lobe → short term and working memory, information processing, decision making, planning, and judgement Parietal lobe → sensory input and spatial positioning body. Occipital lobe → visual, processing and output Temporal lobe → auditory input Cerebellum → coordinates smooth muscle movement and store memories Brain stem = midbrain, pons, medulla oblongta Brain stem → important of respiratory, digestion, circulatory Info from body is sent to brain through brain stem. ANS =Autonomic Nervous System Maintain homeostasis Controls function of internal organs, blood vessels, smooth muscle, and glands. Hypothalamus → above midbrain Hypothalamus o Controls ABS through brain stem o Helps homeostasis o Regulate heart rate, breathing, body temp, blood Ph. ANS has two divisions: 1. Sympathetic nervous system (Fight or Flight) 2. Parasympathetic nervous system (Rest and Digest) Sympathetic nervous system → control body reaction to extreme stress, and emergency situations (Think Anxiety attack) Increase heart rate, signal adrenal gland to secrete adrenaline, trigger the dilation of pupils, and slow digestion. Parasympathetic nervous system → effect the Sympathetic nervous system. Decrease heart rate, stops adrenaline, constricts pupil, returns digestion process to normal. (Think Margarita feeling) Somatic Nervous System Controls five senses and voluntary movement of skeletal muscles. Neurons connect to sense organs. Effect = motor Affect = sensory Nerves help somatic nervous system to operate the senses and skeletal muscles. Efferent nerves → BRING signal from CNS sensory organs and muscles Afferent nerves → Bring signal FROM SENSORY to CNS. Reflex → simplest act of nervous system, Automatic response with out any conscious. Reflex arc → nerve pathway Think motor out, like you’re leaving out the door. Think sensory going in like you’re waling in the door. Involuntary movement. Extra info: Autonomic division = peripheral nervous system Sensory neurons → carry afferent impulses or stimuli towards the brain and spinal cord Motor neurons → carry efferent info away the brain which cause muscle contraction Muscle contraction → occur stimulation of neurotransmitter released in neuromuscular junction Process requires ATP & involves shortening of sacrcomes by the sliding of actin of myosin past each other. Myelin sheath role insulate axon Cerebellum → responsible for posture, balance, and movement coordination Cerebrum → sensory, motor control, cognitive function Temporal lobe → interpretation of hearing Occipital lobe → visual Sarcomere → basic contractile unit of skeletal muscle Sarcolemma → stores calcium for muscle contraction Acetylcholine → neurotransmitter that stimulates muscle contraction Axon, dendrite, cell body → transmission of info or impulses to and from body Glial cells → perform support function of neurons In case of injury glial cell under go cell division and multiplication in order to occupy the space formerly occupied by dead neuron. Role of acetylcholine → in muscle contraction acetylcholine binds to the membrane receptor in the sarcolemma and facilitate opening of sodium channels When dopamine is released into nerve synapse binding of dopamine to the membrane receptor of the postsynaptic cell Muscles involuntary → cardiac and visceral Voluntary muscles → skeletal Afferent nerves carry sensory impulses towards the CNS Temporal summation → process of nerve stimulation where in the action potential is generated through several stimulations release in rapid succession by single source. Axon sends stimulus to axon terminal Digestion → autonomic nervous system Sympathetic responses are flight or fight response which include blood pressure, dilation of pupils and sweating. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis → disorder caused by the degenerative demyelination of motor neurons resulting in dysfunction of voluntary muscles Somatic and autonomic system → transecting injury to spinal cord will have detrimental effect Myosin → track contractile protein found in saccomere Calcium bind to troponin and initiate actin myosin binding Somatic division → muscle contraction During contraction thin actin filament slide past thing myosin filaments which result to shortening of sarcomere and contact muscle ATP is needed for relation and contraction muscle Sarcomere → contractile unit of muscle made up of fibrous protein filaments shorten in length when actin and myosin slide past each other during contraction Sarcolemma → surround the muscle fiber Demyelination → disrupted propagation of action potential along the axon. Muscular System Function →movement, muscle contact, movement of joints, joint stability, hold bones and joints in place, heat production, muscles contract and cause blood to flow to area of heat Skeletal muscles o Epimysium → connective tissue sheath that surrounds the entire muscle. o Perimysium → connective tissue sheath that surrounds the bundle muscle fiber o Endomysium → connective tissue sheath that surrounds the individual muscle fiber o Tendon → cord like bunch of dense fibrous connective tissue that connects MUSCLE TO BONE Skeletal Muscle fibers o Sarcolemma → cell membrane o Sarcoplasm → cytoplasm fluid inside of cell o Sarcoplasmic reticulum → stores calcium Ligament → similar to tendon. Connects bone to bone. Origin → end of muscle that is attached to a relatively immovable part Neuromuscular junction → junction between a nerve cell and a muscle fiber. Each muscle cell has only one junction. Types of muscle tissue → skeletal, cardiac, smooth Excitability → muscle tissue has an electric gradient which can reverse when stimulated. Contraction → muscle tissue has ability to contact or shorten Elongate → muscle tissue share the capacity to elongate Skeletal muscles are voluntary Muscles have fibers, bound together in parrell bundles. Bundles look like striated muscle Smooth muscle → involuntary Smooth muscle found in walls of internal organs such as stomach, intestine, and blood vessels Smooth muscle tissue or visceral tissue is nonstriated Smooth muscle tissue → short wider than skeletal and found in spinchers or valves that control openings throughout the body. Cardiac muscle → involuntary Muscle fibers → contain myofibers Myofibrils → composed of multiple repeating contractile units called sarcomeres Myofibrils contain two proteins o Thick microfilaments o Thin microfilaments Thick Filament = protein myosin Thin filament = protein actin Skeletal muscle formed when thick and thin over lap (dark bands) Light bands = thin filament Skeletal muscle attract occur when the thin filament slide over thick filament will SHORTEN SACROMERE. Action potential (electrical signal) calcium ions are released. Calcium ions bind to the myosin and actin → which assist binding of myosin heads. Myosin heads (thick) to actin (thin) molecules Adenosine triphosphate → release from glucose promotes energy Extra info: Autonomic division = peripheral nervous system Sensory neurons carry afferent impulses or stimuli TOWARD the brain and spinal cord Motor neurons carry efferent information AWAY from the brain which cause muscle contractions Muscle contraction occur upon stimulation of neurotransmitters released in the neuromuscular junction. Role of myelin sheath → insulate axon Cerebellum → responsible for posture, balance and movement Sarcomere → basic contractile unit of skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle contraction is stimulated by the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. Glial cells → structure divided and multiply in case of injury or disease. Acetylcholine in muscle contraction → acetylcholine binds to the membrane receptor in the sarcolemma and facilitates opening of the sodium channels. When dopamine is released into the nerve synapse → binding of dopamine to the membrane receptor of the postsynaptic cell Involuntary muscle = cardiac and visceral Afferent = carry stimulus toward the central nervous system Temporal summation → process of nerve stimulation where in the action potential is generated through several stimulation released in rapid succession by a single source Axon → sends stimulus to axon terminal Digestion = autonomic Sympathetic response are fight or flight response which include the increase on BP, dilation of pupils and seating. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis → disorder caused by the degenerative demyelination of motor neurons resulting in dysfunction of voluntary muscles Somatic and autonomic system → transecting injuries to the spinal cord will have detrimental effect Myosin → thick contractile protein found in sarcomere Sliding filament theory of muscles calcium will bind to troponin and initiate actin myosin binding. Somatic division → nervous system facilitates muscle contraction During contraction thin actin filaments slide past thick myosin filaments which result to shortening of sarcomere and contraction of muscle. ATP is needed for both relaxation and contraction of muscle. Sarcomere → contractile unit of muscle, made up of fibrous protein filaments, and shortens in length Demyelination → disrupted propagation of action potential along the axon. Reproductive System Males Produce, maintain, transfer sperm, transfer semen into female, produce and secrete male hormones. External structure → penis, scrotum, testes Penis → control urethra Urethra → can fill w/blood and become erect enabling the deposit of semen and sperm into a female. Scrotum → sac of skin and smooth muscle Scrotum house tests Scrotum keeps testes at proper temp for spermatogenesis Testes → male gonads Testes → produce sperm and testosterone. Internal → epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral gland. Epididymis → store sperm as matures Mature sperm moves from the epididymis → through vas deferens to ejaculatory duct. Seminal vesicles → secrete alkaline fluids w/ protein and mucus. Prostate gland → secret milky white fluids with proteins and enzymes as part of semen. Bulbourethral or cowper’s gland → secrete fluid into urethra to neutralize the acidity in urethra. Hormone male reproductive system FSH → stimulate spermatogenesis. LH → stimulate testosterone Testosterone → male sex characteristics Females Function to produce ova (eggs) Transfer ova to fallopian tubes for fertilization Receive sperm from male Provide a protective, nourishing environment for developing Embro. External o Labia major and Labia minor → (enclose and protect vagina) o Barthdin gland → secret a lubricating fluid o Clitoris → erectile tissue and nerve ending for sensual pleasure Internal → ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina Ovaries → female gonad, produce ova, secrete estrogen, progesterone Fallopian tubes → carry the mature egg toward uterus → fertilization Uterus → egg travels where implants in uterine wall protects developing embryo till birth. Vagina → muscular tube extends from cervix to outside body receiving semen and sperm, provides a birth canal. Females Cycle Change in ovaries and uterine lining Follicular phase → FSH stimulates the maturation of follicle → secretes estrogen Estrogen → helps regenerate urine lining that was shed during menstruation Ovulation → release of secondary oocyte from ovary induce surge LH. Luteal phase → begins formation of corpus luteum Corpus luteum → secrete progestogen and estrogen → inhibit FSH & LH Progesterone also maintains the thickness of endometrium Uterine cycle → proliferative → secretory → menstrual Proliferative → regeneration of urine Secretory → endometrium become increasing vascular, nutrients are secreted to prep for implantation. Menstrual → without implantation, endometrium is shed during menstruation. Pregnancy → blastocyst implants in uterine lining release Hcg. HCG → prevents corpus luteum from degrading and cont to produce estrogen and progesterone. Oxytocin & estrogen → stimulate the release of prostaglandins and positive feedback in birth of fetus. Extra info: Male gametes = sperm Sperm has half set of chromosomes Prostate gland → secrete of fluid that contributes to sperm motility and viability LH → stimulates ovulation and produce of testosterone FSH → produce by the anterior pituitary gland FSH → stimulates maturation of sperm and ovum Fallopian tube → transport female gametes Seminiferous tubules → produce sperm Corpus luteum → produce progesterone in prep for pregnancy Ovaries = estrogen Testes → produce male gametes Penis → passaway for semen and urine Scrotum → pouch of skin that enclose and support testes Glands found in F/M→ parathyroid, adrenal, pituitary Cowper gland → in males Meiosis → gametes divide and produce half the # of chromosomes found in somatic cell Uters → the implantation site of fertilized ovum and pathway for sperm to reach the uterine tubes. Male reproductive system → epididymis, urethra, bulbourethral gland Vas deferens → sperm duct to penis Vagina → copulatory organ of female Penis → external sex organ of male Gonads → produce sperm in males and ova in females Testes located in scrotum 46 chromosomes INTEGUMENTARY System Function to protect the body from pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and various chemicals. Sebaceous gland → secrete oil → water proof skin Sweat glands → body homeostatic of thermo regulation Sweat glands serve as excretory organ and help rid of body of metabolic waste Skin function w communication of sensory receptors Sensory receptors → distribute throughout skin → send into to brain → pain, touch, pressure and temp Skin manufactures vitamin D Layers of skin → Epidermis → Dermis → hypodermis Epidermis → most superficial layer → epithelial cells (no blood vessels) Deepest portion of epidermis → stratum basal Stratum basal → single layer of cells continually undergo divison Epidermal cells → are keratinized Keratin → waxy protein → helps waterproof skin Dermis → under epidermis Dermis is connective tissue Dermis has blood vessels, sensory receptors, hair follicles, sebaceous gland, sweat glands Dermis has elastin and collagen fibers Subcutaneous layer → hypodermis → not layer of skin Hypodermis → connective tissue → binds to skin to muscles → fat deposit to help cushion and insulate body. Epidermis cells » Keratinocytes → produce keratin » Melanocytes → produce melanin (pigament) » Langerhans → antigen » Merkel → cutaneous receptor → in stratum basal Cells in dermis » Fibroblast → secrete collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycan » Adipocytes → fat cells » Macrophages → engulf potential pathogens » Mast cell → antigen (release histamine) Skin Temp of skin Thermoregulation → body maintains stable body temp Temp of body controlled by a negative feedback → receptor → control center → effector Receptor → sensory cell located in dermis Control center → hypothalamus (brain) Effector → sweat glands, blood vessels, muscles Evaporation of sweat glands across the surface of skin cools the body to maintain its tolerance Vasodilation → blood vessels near the surface of skin release heat into lower body temps Exocrine gland → secrete substances into gland (through the ducts to surface of skin) Sebaceous gland → are holocrine gland secrete sebum Sebum → oily mixture of lipids and proteins Sebaceous gland are connected to hair follicles and secrete sebum through hair pores Sebum inhibits water loss form skin and protects against bacterial and fungal infection Sweat glands → eccrine gland or apocrine gland Eccrine gland → not connected to hair follicles Eccrine gland → activate by elevated body temp Eccrine gland → found in forehead, neck and back Eccrine gland → secrete electrolytes and water → containing sodium chloride, potassium, bicarbonate, glucose and antimicrobial peptides Apocrine → secrete oily solution → which are fatty acids, triglycerides and proteins → this is secreted when a person has stress or anxiety. Extra info: Deepest layer of skin is hypodermis Epidermis most external layer Ceruminous gland produces cerumen/ear wax Apocrine sweat gland produces odor perspiration Eccrine gland secrete perspiration necessary for evaporative cooling Sebaceous gland secrete oil or sebum Cutaneous vasodilation cools the body by allowing heat to be released through skin Cutaneous vasoconstriction warms the body by restricting blood flow in skin Arrector pilli bundle of smooth muscle responsible for appreance of goose bumps Dermis thickest layer of skin Exposure to UV light synthesize vit D Keratin – hair and nails Sweat glands inhibited will result in loss of ability to regulate body temp Stratum lucidum – absent in all parts of body except palm and soles Epidermis – protects underlying tissue from abrasions, heat, microbes, and chemicals Sebaceous gland – produce secretion that when released has an odor with a possible pherome function in humans Dermis – middle vascular layer Subcutaneous – fat stored in hypodermis Ceruminous gland – produce sticky barrier that prevents foreign bodies and insects enter ear Thermoregulation – production of sweat by eccrine glands facilitate cooling body Cutaneous vasoconstriction – reduce heat and warms body via skin Layers of Skin Tissue: o Burns o o o o o 1st degree - only epi 2nd degree – epi and part of dermis 3rd degree – epi and all dermis 4th degree – epi, dermis, underlying bones, muscles and tendons ENDOCRINE System Secretes hormones Hypothalamus and pituitary gland → coordinate to serve neuroendocrine control center Receptors → benefit from hormonal influence Steroid hormones → trigger gene activation and protein synthesis Protein hormones → change the activity of existing enzymes Insulin → (hormone) work quickly when body signals an urgent need. Eight Major Endocrine glands Adrenal Cortex → monitors blood sugar level → helps in lipid and protein metabolism Adrenal medulla → controls cardiac functions → raises blood sugar → controls the size of blood vesseks Thyroid gland → help regulate metabolism → function in growth and development Parathyroid → regulate calcium level in blood Pancreas islet → raise and lower blood sugar → activate in carb metabolism Thymus gland → plays a role in immune response Pineal gland → has influence on daily biorhythms and sex activity Pituitary gland → important role in growth and development Endocrine gland → myriad reaction, function, and secretion that are crucial to well being of body. Hypothalamus Hypothalamus → superior to pituitary → inferior to thalamus Hypothalamus communicate with pituitary by secreting RH releasing hormone and IH inhibiting hormone. Hypothalamus hormones → Oxytocin and ADH Oxytocin → uterus → stimulate contraction → targets mammary gland which secretion of milk ADH – Vasopressin → antidiuretic hormone → Kidney/blood vessels → increase water retention Pituitary = Master gland Pituitary glands Anterior TST → Thyroid stimulating hormone o Thyrotropin o Thyroid o Stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones ACTH → Adrenocorticotropic hormone o Adrenal cortex o Stimulate release of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids GH → Growth hormone o Muscle and bone o Stimulate growth FSH → Follicle stimulating hormone o Gonads o Stimulate the maturation of sperm cell and ovarian follicles LH → Luteinizing hormone o Gonads o Stimulate production of sex hormones o Surge stimulate ovulation in females PRL → Prolactin → stimulates production of milk ADH → Antidiuretic hormone o Produce in hypothalamus o Released by posterior pituitary o Kidney and blood vessels o Increase water retention Pineal gland → situated between two hemisphere of brain where two half’s of thalamus join Pineal gland hormone → melatonin → brain → regulate wake and sleep Thyroid gland Butterfly shape gland point of attachment between two lobes called isthmus. Isthmus → anterior portion of trachea lobes wrap around trachea T3 TRIIODOTHYRONINE → stimulate cellular metabolism T4 Thyroxine → stimulate cellular metabolism Calcitonin → bone/kidney → lower blood calcium Thymus gland Between sternum and heart → Embedded in mediastinum Thymosin → stimulate production T-Cells → Lymphatic tissue Pancreas Posterior of stomach Insulin → liver, muscle, adipose tissue decreases blood glucose Glucagon → liver → increase blood glucose Growth hormone → inhibit the secretion of insulin and glucagon Adrenal Medulla Top Kidney Epinephrine → fight Norepinephrine → flight Increase heart rate and blood sugar Adrenal Cortex Inner gland top of kidney Glucocorticoids and Androgen Glucocorticoids → release in response to long term stressor increase blood glucose and decrease immune response Androgens → regulate Na content in blood GI Tract Gastrin → stomach → response to food stimulate production of gastric juice Secretin → response to acidity in small intestine CCK – CHOLECYSTOKNIN → pancreas and liver → release of digestion enzyme and bile Kidney Erythropoietin → bone morrow & production RBC Calcitriol → intestines → increase reabsorption of Ca 2+ Heart <3 Anp – Atrial natriuretic peptide → kidney and adrenal cortex → increase Na and lower BP Adipose tissue → Leptin → suppress appetite Ovaries o Estrogen → 2nd sex characteristics o Progesterone → prepares uterus to receive fertilized eggs o Inhibin → inhibits release of FSH Placenta = Hcg Testes → Testosterone → regulate sperm 2nd sex character Endocrine Extra info. Hormones → chemical messenger of the endocrine system that are released into the blood. Protein hormones → class of hormones that cannot pass through the cell membrane; less likely to be stored in the body Steroid hormones → class of hormones that can pass through the cell membrane; can be stored in the body Prostaglandins → local hormones that do not enter blood stream Positive feedback → process that amplifies a small change (reinforce change) Negative feed back → a response that opposes the original stimulus Hypersecretion → excessive hormone production by an endocrine gland Hyposecretion → deficient hormone production by an endocrine gland Endocrine system → function is to coordinate body processes through hormones Hyperthyroidism → overproduction of thyroid hormones due to a malfunction of the negative feedback loop. Cushing syndrome → result of excessive production of cortisol. Hypercalcemia → overproduction of parathyroid hormone Luteinizing hormone LH → stimulate hormones are produced by anterior pituitary gland. Parathyroid hormone → responsible for increasing calcium levels in the blood by stimulation bone resorption. Lack of insufficiency of insulin → is produced by the pancreas can lead to diabetes Failure of the pituitary gland → that produce thyroid-stimulating hormone can result in hyperthyroidism. Aldosterone → hormone responsible for regulating sodium levels in the blood. Adrenal glands → primary responsible for producing the hormones cortisol and aldosterone and they are located on top of each kidney. Melatonin → hormone that regulates sleep and wake rhythm. Pineal → responsible for producing melatonin Pancreas → has exocrine function that aids in regulating levels of glucose in the blood. Endocrine gland → produce the hormones insulin and glucagon, this regulates the levels of glucose in the blood. Follicle → stimulating hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. Pituitary = growth hormone Pineal = melatonin Pancreas = insulin Insulin and glucagon → have opposite effects on blood glucose but work together to maintain homestasis. Insulin → decreases the level of the blood glucose during a fed state Glucagon → increase levels of glucose during a fasting state. Slow initiation, prolonged duration of response → the response elicited by signals from endocrine glands Responses stimulated by the endocrine system take a longer time to initiate and last for longer period of time. Responses to stimulation by the nervous system are quicker to initiate and are shorter in duration. Hormones → chemical signals are secreted by endocrine glands and travel via circulation to their target organs. Neurotransmitters → are chemical signals utilized by the nervous system Interleukins and cytokines → are chemical messengers of the immune system Type 1 diabetes → is an endocrine disorder characterized by the absence of insulin Positive feedback → stimulation of stretching of the cervix and uterine contraction by oxytocin Insulin → decrease blood glucose Follicle stimulating hormone → stimulates development of follicles in females and production of sperm in males. Pancreas → produce insulin Hypothalamus → integration center between the endocrine and nervous system Thyroid gland → produce insufficient amount of thyroid hormones (this is result of deficient production of thyrotropin releasing hormone) Oxytocin → hormone stimulates cervical stretching and uterine contraction during child birth. Positive feedback → is the mechanism of glandular secretion in which stimulation results in continuous production of a hormone above normal level. Example of positive feedback → during child birth oxytocin causes uterine contraction which stimulates the posterior pituitary gland to produce more oxytocin Negative feedback → once the normal levels of product is attained production slow down and stops Example of negative feedback → release of glucagon in response to decrease in blood glucose If a person is stressed → mobilization of glucose from the liver into the blood stream URINARY System Function → remove toxins, waste, water from body as wells as maintaining the blood pressure and Ph. Consist of → kidney, bladder, ureter, urethra Kidney → filters blood to remove waste products to maintain fluid balance ▪ Kidney : receives blood from renal artery (extension of aorta) ▪ Kidney reabsorbs needed material ▪ Kidney excrete waste and water via urine ▪ Kidney filters blood Renal cortex → outer layer Nephron → functional unit of kidney, blood filtration, reabsorption Renal arteries → what kidney receive blood from carry blood from heart via abdominal aorta. Glomerulus → capillary in nephron Bowman’s capsule → condenses the glomerulus Renal medulla → middle layer Proximal convoluted tubule → water, glucose, ions, and other organic molecules are absorbed back into blood stream Distal convoluted tubule → urea and drugs are removed from blood pH blood is adjusted with H+ ions. Renal pelvis → inner layer Renal pelvis → material arrive as urine from distal convoluted tubule Afferent arteriole → blood vessels that enter glomerulus Efferent arteriole → blood vessels EXIT glomerulus Renal problems → glucose in pee sign of diabetes, dark urine sign of dehydration, blood urine is sign of hematuria (UTI/Kidney infection) Urinary System Hormones Renin → o decrease BP o activates angiotensin o increase ADH and aldosterone o increase BP Angiotensin → o activates by renin o constricts arteriole vessels o increase reabsorption of Na+ and Cl o stimulates ADH secretion. Antidiuretic ADH o Vasopressin o Decrease blood volume o Increase osmolality of blood o Prevent fluid loss of maintain blood volume by reabsorbing water from renal tubules o Increase BP Aldosterone o Decrease BP and increase K+ o Increase reabsorption of Na+ from renal tubules o Causing more water to be reabsorbed via osmosis o Increase BP KIDNEY Three layers → renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pelvis Renal cortex → composed of nephrons → filters kidneys Nephron → contain a cluster of capillaries call glomerulus Glomerulus → surround by cup shape Bowman’s capsule Unabsorbed material → flow out from collecting tubules located in renal medulla to renal pelvis as urine Urine → is drained from kidney through ureters to urinary bladder Urine is stored → in urinary bladder until expulsion from body through urethra. Extra info. Correct order of transport urine from the collecting ducts to urethra → collecting ducts, minor calyces, major calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra The basic function of the renal system includes filtration, secretion, reabsorption, and excretion Creatinine → is secreted by the nephrons and can be found in the filtrate that is eventually excreted Proteins, such as meat and eggs → foods that provide the most urea that would have to be filtered out of the blood via kidneys Urea → is formed at the end of each series of reaction → which breakdown the amino acids in proteins Urea is a major waste product of protein. Renin → hormone involved in RAAS is produced by the kidney Renin is produced by the kidney in response to change in blood pressure. Angiotensin → is produced upon the cleaving of angiotensinogen Aldosterone is produced by adrenal cortex Salts → the kidney removes from the blood during filtration The kidney filter waste from the blood, including salts. They do not filter gasses out of the blood, nor do they filter out cells. Renal cortex → are where glomeruli and Bowman’s capsule are found Albumin → is not normally found in urine, and its presence may indicate a problem with the kidneys Albumin is a plasma protein that in not normally present in urine. Filtration of blood occurs in the renal corpuscles Vasa recta → is a capillary loop in the renal medulla running parallel to the loop of Henle. Renal corpuscle → glomerulus, bowman’s capsule, and glomerular basement membrane Correct path of blood from abdominal aorta to the inferior vena cava → abdominal aorta → renal arteries → segmental arteries → interlobar arteries→ arcuate arteries → interlobular arteries → afferent arteries → glomerulus → efferent arteries → peritubular capillaries → interlobular veins → arcuate veins → interlobar veins → renal veins → inferior vena cava B Renal pelvis → upper expanded region of the ureter The kidney → is the site of blood filtration in the human body Lungs → primary organ for exchange of gas or know as respiration Small intestine → is responsible for the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food. Pituitary gland → secretes the antidiuretic hormone In the presence of ADH or vasopressin water is mostly reabsorbed in the Proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron. Collecting ducts → reabsorb water in the presence of ADH but it only absorbs around 10% of water in filtration Angiotensin II → vasoconstriction and elevation of BP Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) → activation of angiotensin to angiotensin II Renin → cleavage of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I Blood vessels enter and exit the kidney at the same point as the renal pelvis becomes the ureter which is the renal hilum. Proximal convoluted tubule → segment of nephron that glucose is reabsorbed. Branches of the abdominal aorta that supply the kidneys are called renal arteries. Ureter → is the duct through which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder Renal capsules → are thin membranes that cover outer surface of each kidney Renal columns → extensions of renal cortex between the renal pyramids to help the cortex be better anchored. Glomerulus → gathering of capillaries that filter large plasma proteins and blood cells. Bowman’s capsule → house the glomerulus. Function of the kidneys is like the washing machine of the body. o A : Acid base balance o W: water removal or waste o E: Erythropoiesis o T: Toxin removal o B: blood pressure control o E: electrolyte balance o D: D vitamin activation o (A WETBED) IMMUNE System ★ Function → protect the body against invading pathogens ★ Pathogens → bacteria, viruses, fungi, protist ★ Pathogens are infection agent ★ Lymphatic system → lymph, lymph capillaries, lymph vessels, lymph nodes ★ Skeletal muscle contraction move the lymph one way through the lymph system to lymphatic ducts ★ Dump back into venous supply via lymph nodes ★ RBM → produce blood cells ★ Leukocytes → WBC ★ Lymph nodes → in neck, armpit and groin ★ Lymph nodes → small swelling in lymphatic system where lymph is filtered, and lymphocytes are formed ★ Lymph tissue → tonsils, adenoids, thymus, spleen and peyer’s patch ★ Tonsil are in pharynx ★ Tonsil → protect against pathogens enter via mouth or throat ★ Thymus → maturation chamber of immune T cells from in bone marrow ★ Spleen → cleans blood of dead cells and pathogens ★ Peyer’s patch → located in ileum of small intestine ★ Peyer’s patch → protect GI Tract from pathogens General Immune defense ★ Skin → primary barrier (intact) ★ Ciliated mucous membranes → cilia protect respiratory system ★ Glandular secretion → exocrine → destroy bacteria ★ Gastric secretion → gastric acid → destroy pathogens ★ Normal bacterial populations → complete with pathogens in gut and Vagina ★ Pathogens and inflammation → response mobilize white blood cells and chemical reaction to stop infection ★ Plasma protein act as → the complement system to repel bacteria and pathogens 3 Types of WBC ★ Macrophage, T Lymphocytes, B Lymphocytes ★ Macrophage → phagocytes that alert T-cells to the presence of foreign substance ★ Macrophage → largest and longest living phagocyte, engulf and destroy pathogens and found in lymph ★ T Lymphocytes → directly attack cells infected by virus and bacteria ★ T lymphocytes → helper T, Killer T, Memory T, and Suppressor T ★ B Lymphocytes → target specific bacteria for destruction ★ Plasma cells → antibodies production ★ Help Body defense → memory cells, suppressor T, helper T Other Immune Cells ★ Helper T cells → activate B cells to make antibodies and other chemicals ★ Suppressor T cells → stop other T cells when the battle is over ★ Memory T cells → remain in blood an alert incase of invader attacks again ★ Killer/ cytotoxic T cell → destroy cell infected with a pathogen virus or tumor ★ Leukocytes → WBC produce in Red marrow ★ Leukocytes → T &B lymphocytes → Natural killer cell ★ Monocyte → macrophage → dendritic cell → present antigen to T Cell ★ Granulocyte → Neutrophil → Basophil → eosinophil ★ Neutrophil → short living phagocyte → quick response to antigen ★ Basophil → alert body invasion ★ Eosinophil → large, long living phagocyte, defend against multicellular invader ★ Antibody mediated response → response to antigen ★ Cellular mediated response → response to an already infected cell ★ Antigen → drug or toxin ★ Antigen → foreign particle that stimulates the immune system o Typically, protein on the surface of bacteria, virus or fungi ★ Antibody → a blood protein that counteracts a specific antigen Steps of Immune System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Macrophage engulf antigen and present fragments of antigen on surface A helper T cell joins the microphage Killer/cytotoxic T cell and B cells are activated Killer/cytotoxic T cell search and destroy cell presenting same antigen B cell differentiate into plasma cell and memory cells ★ Innate immune system → born with it → to protect at birth o Examples → skin, hair, mucus, earwax, secretion, normal flora, phagocytes ★ Adaptive immune system o Responds to specific antigen o Vaccination or previous encounter reaction → cytotoxic cells → kill pathogens o Prevention → B cells produce antibodies o Activated by antigens and helper T cell o Helper T cells activate by antigen presenting cells ★ Natural acquired active immunity o Antibodies are passed from mother to child o Provides protection from infancy to childhood ★ Artificially acquired active immunity → build immunity via vaccination ★ Artificially acquired passive immunity → immunization given during outbreak or emergency → quick short lived protection → antibodies come from another person or animal ★ Immune system → is lymphatic system, red marrow and WBC ★ Tissue fluid enters lymph capillaries → which combine to form lymph vessels ★ Skeletal muscle contact move lymph one way through the lymphatic system to lymphatic ducts ★ Lymphatic ducts → dump back into venous blood supply into lymph nodes ★ Lymph nodes → are situated along the lymph vessels and filter of pathogens ★ Lymph tissue 2304393 tonsils, adenoids, thymus, spleen, peyer’s patch ★ Thymus → maturation chamber for the immature T cells are formed in bone marrow ★ Immune response → can be antibody mediated when response to antigen ★ Cell medicated response → is the already infected cells ★ Leukocytes → are classified as monocytes, granulocytes, T Lymphocytes, B Lymphocytes and killer cells ★ Macrophages → found traveling in lymph or fixed in lymphatic tissue o Are largest long living phagocytes that engulf and destroy pathogens ★ Dendritic cells → present antigens (foreign particles) to T-cell Extra info. ★ Natural killer cells → responsible for destroying various unhealthy host cells, including those infected with a virus or bacteria. ★ Dendritic cells → responsible for initiating immune responses by presenting antigens of T – cell ★ T cell and B cells → are cells of the adaptive immune system that directly attack antigens and produce antibodies ★ Active immunity → newborn babies are given several types of vaccines in order to protect them from acquiring diseases. Active immunity is responsible for the immunity process in newborns. ★ Vaccination → is active immunity which involves exposure to kill or weakened form of the disease in order to trigger production of antibodies. ★ Passive immunity → temporary protection from diseases brought by introduction of antibodies from another person. ★ Innate immune system → is comprised of nonspecific barriers and cellular responses that acts immediately following infection. ★ Autoimmune disease → condition of immune cells function abnormal and attack molecular components of the body’s own organs. ★ Inflammation → nonspecific response to tissue damage characterized by redness, pain, heat, swelling and loss of function in the injured area ★ T- lymphocytes mature and become functional in Thymus. ★ Function of Lymph nodes → filter fluid from intercellular space and remove foreign substance and debris ★ Filtration of blood occurs in spleen ★ Production of blood cells (hemopoiesis) occur in bone morrow ★ Damage to spleen → excessive loss of blood ★ Macrophages → responsible for engulfing bacteria and cellular debris ★ Vaccine → is a biological preparation that improves immunity against a particular disease. ★ Pathogen → agents that cause disease such a bacteria, viruses and parasites ★ Interferons → signaling molecules released to elicit antiviral immune response. ★ Activation of B and T lymphocytes and production of memory lymphocytes are specific cellular which is the internal aspect of the adaptive immune system. ★ Helper T cells → antigen specific immune cells produce cytokines which facilitate various immune reactions ★ Autoimmune disease → abnormal functioning of the immune system where immune cells attack molecular components of the body’s own organs ★ Vibrio cholerae is a bacteria that causes the disease cholera. ★ Disease causing agent such a V. Cholerae is referred as pathogen. ★ Commensal microorganism → normal flora living in a host organism without causing harm or benefit. ★ Innate system → consist of non-specific barriers and cellular responses ★ B – cells → responsible for producing antibodies ★ Cytotoxic cells are immune cells responsible for destroying pathogens ★ Helper – T cells → produce cytokines ★ Histamine → produce mast cells in response to infection or injury ★ Shows relationship between the immune system and another system of the body → destruction of a pathogen by hydrochloric acid in the stomach ★ Main function on hydrochloric acid → is not for immunity but for digestion ★ Innate immune system → responds quick after infection ★ Memory cells → responsible for vary rapid response upon subsequent exposure to the same antigen ★ Macrophage cells → white blood cell that primary engulfs and ingest pathogens ★ Vaccines → stimulate the production of antibodies ★ Passive immunity → is a temporary immunity against specific diseases introduced via placenta, breast milk or serum containing antibodies. ★ Elevated white blood cells → person with infection SKELETAL System 206 bones Axial skeleton → vertebral column, rib cage, sternum, skull and hyoid bone Vertebral column → 33 vertebrae as cervical, thoracic lumbar and sacral vertebrae Sternum → consist of manubrium, corpus sterni, and xiphoid process Skull → cranium and facial bones Ossicle → are bones in the middle ear Axial skeletal → protects vital organs including brain, heart and lungs Appendicular skeletal → pectoral girdle, pelvic and appendages Pectoral girdle → scapulae (shoulder) and clavicle (collar bones) Pelvic girdle → 2 pelvic hip bones which att ach to sacrum Upper appendages → arms include the humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges. Lower appendages → legs, femur, patella, fibula, tibia, tarsals, metastarsals, and phalanges Joints → two or more elements of skeleton connect Synarthrosis → skull or teeth o Immovable movement (cant move) o Fibrous or cartilaginous Amphiarthrosis → discs, distal tibiofibular joint o Slight movement Diarthrosis → free movement and wrist, knee, shoulder Types of Joints Synovial → contain lubricating synovial fluid o Pivot → neck o Ball and socket → hip o Hinge → knee Fibrous → held together by ligaments o Not moveable o Bones in skull Cartilaginous → two bones meet at connection o Made of cartilage o Partially moveable o Vertebrae in spine Insertion → is the bone that moves as muscle contracts or relaxes. Yellow bone marrow → store fat’ Long bones → support weight of body and facilitate movement o Femur, tibia, fibula, ulna, humerus, and radius Short bones → stability for some movement → wider than they are long o Carpals, tarsals, clavicle Flat bone → protect internal organs o Not hollow but contain morrow o Sternum, scapula, knee, elow Irregular bone → nonsymmetrical shape o Vertebrae, skull, knee, elbow Ligament → articulates bone to bone Tendon → muscle to bone Hyaline cartilage → surface of bones Spongy bone → end of bones o Contain bone marrow o RBC & Lymphocyte production Compact bone → support body o Store calcium o Denser than spongy Osteocytes → bone cells o Regulate osteoblast and osteoclasts Osteoclast → remove and absorb bone tissue during growth and healing o Multinucleate Blast = build Clast = cleave Osteon → cylindrical structure and comprise synthesize and compact bone Harversian canal → provide nutrient to bone cell Volkmann canal → connect harversian canals Periosteum → fibrous sheath that covers bone and contain nerve and blood vessels Collagen → primary structure protein of connective tissue Canaliculi → small channel or duct in ossified bone Cartilage → tough, elastic connective tissue found in ear Lamellae → layers of bone, tissue, cell walls Lining cells → flattened bone cells that come from osteoblast Bone diseases Osteoporosis → brittle, fragile bones lack calcium Osteogenesis imperfecta → brittle bone disease affect collagen Osteoarthritis → degenerative joint disease – loss of cartilage Rheumatoid arthritis → progressive disease that causes joint inflammation and pain Extra info. Osteoblast → causes bone matrix synthesis and calcification Osteoclast → remove the calcified bone matrix during bone growth and remodeling Hydroxyapatite → is the crystal mineral formed during bone calcification to which collagen and proteoglycans will later be embedded. Osteoporosis → is an imbalance in bone remodeling, where bone resorption exceeds bone formation, resulting in porous and fragile bones Spongy bone is lighter than compact bone Osteoarthritis → is an inflammatory conditions of the joints brought on by the gradual wear and tear of cartilage that lines the articular end of bones. Brittle bone disease → is a congenital disorder of defective or deficient collagen synthesis due to genetic mutations. Rheumatoid arthritis → is a chronic inflammation of joints due to autoimmune destruction of articular cartilage Flat bone = scapulae Blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen enter the bone and tissue through the Volkmann canals. Osteons → are the structural unit of compact bone characterized by concentric bone layers surrounding a central canal Lamellae → are concentric rings of hard, calcified extracellular matrix in compact bones Lacunae → are small spaces containing osteocytes found between concentric lamellae. Bone resorption and deposition are in equilibrium. Hypocalcemia → is the result of inhibition of bone resorption and prevention of calcium removal from the bone. Muscle atrophy → is the wasting away of muscle due to poor mobility or other underlying conditions Achondroplastic dwarfism → is abnormal bone development brought by a defect in endochondral ossification Kyphosis → is an abnormal curvature of the vertebral column due to poor stature or weakening of the bone Cartilage → responsible for the growth in length of a bone The yellow marrow containing space found within adult bone diaphysis is called Medullary cavity. Volkmann canals → are channels that transmit arterial blood supply to the bone tissue A chronic inflammation of joints due to autoimmune destruction of articular cartilage is called Rheumatoid arthritis. Patellae → sesamoid bones develop from tendons Osteoclasts → causes bone matrix resorption during bone growth and remodeling When someone is immobile, they may experience loss of bone density due to Demineralization. Brittle bone disease → fragile bones to production of deficient or defective collagen as a result of a genetic defect Tetany → characterized by spastic muscle contraction due to calcium deficiency The site where two or more bones meet is called joint Tendon → is a fibrous tissue that attaches muscle to bone Ligament → connects bones, cartilage and joints Cartilage → tough tissue that supports the bone and facilitates movement Axis → bones is responsible for side to side movement of the head Atlas → bones that move head up and down The mineralization of bone matrix will be haltered → if inhibition of activity or function of osteoblast at epiphyseal plate Hinge joint → allows motion around a single axis and only permits flexion and extension Suture joints → bones of skull Tendons → connect bone and muscle together and serves to move the bone Periosteum → is the tough connective tissue that covers the bone surface Synovium → is the membrane that lines synovial joints Sutures → are thin layers of dense irregular connective tissue that connect bones of skull Hyoid bone → is a component of the axial skeleton that don’t not form a joint with other bones Mandible → facial bone that forms lower jawbone and is connected to the rest of the skull Cell Basic organizational unit of all living things Cell membrane → phospholipids Cytoplasm → fills the cell with fluid Organelles → complex molecule to help cell survive Organisms → plan or animal → fungi, protist or bacteria Organisms → exhibit structural or organization on the cellular and organism level DNA & RNA → synthesize proteins Tissue → grouped together in organs Organism → compete individual Ribosomes → synthesizing proteins from amino acids Ribosomes → embedded in rough endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus → synthesizing material → proteins transport out of cell Vacuoles → sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal Cytoskeleton → have microtubules → help support cell and made of protein Cytosol → liquid material in cell Endoplasmic reticulum o rough = has ribosomes o smooth = no ribosomes Mitochondria = generate ATP (ENERGY) o Contains own DNA o Function → cell energy, cell signaling, cellular differentiation, cell cycle, and growth regulation. “POWER HOUSE” Aerobic respiration → occurs in mitochondria Animal Cell Centrosome → mitosis and cell cycle Centrioles → cellular division Lysosome → digest proteins, lipids, and carbs Cilia → causes cell to move Flagella → tail like → help cell move Nuclear part of Cell Nucleus → regulates DNA → passing genetic traits between generations Chromosome → holds DNA → stores info about plant or animal Nucleolus →protein → protein synthesis, store RNA. Nuclear envelope → made of lipids Cell cycle → reproduce → cell growth → mitosis → meiosis Mitosis → daughter cell Meiosis → daughter cell divided → have different genetic code Gastrulation → embryonic development Mitosis → prophase → metaphase → anaphase → telophase (PMAT) Cytokinesis → splitting of cell occurs in telophase Meiosis → four daughter cells → different set of chromosomes Daughter cells → are haploid. (half genetic) Meiosis = MY-OH-SIS Tissues Epithelial → cells join tightly (skin) Connective → dense, loose, fatty o Bone tissue, cartilage, tendon, ligaments, fat, blood, lymph Blood → transport oxygen to cell and removes waste carries hormones Bone → hard tissue → support and protects bone marrow and produce RBC. Muscle → support and move body Nervous → neurons → response to change Direction Terms Medial → midline (right) o Anatomical → fingers are medial Lateral → Further away from midline – (right) o Thumb is lateral to little finger Proximal → closer to center of body (up) o Hip is proximal to knee Distal → further away from center of body (down) o Knee is distal to hip Anterior → in front Dorsal → back or down Posterior → behind Cephalad/cephalic → towards head Caudad → towards tail Superior → above Inferior → below Sagittal plane → divides left to right Transverse plane → divides body to upper and lower Frontal plane → divides front to back Midline → in the middle PLEASE STILL STUDY CHEMISTRY GENE DNA