INTRODUCTION THE WHO, WHAT, WHY, AND HOW OF PERSONAL TRAINING TOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNIT Personal Training Who Wants Personal Training? What is a Personal Trainer? Why is Personal Training Necessary? What Should a Personal Trainer Know? ISSA Code of Ethics and Standards Principles and Purpose Academic Standards Professional Standards U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt PERSONAL TRAINING Today’s fitness industry is a multibillion-dollar business. Personal training is its evergrowing offspring. The roots of personal training are difficult to pinpoint. Some credit its origin to be in the 1950s (when personal trainers were first actively certified), although one could contend that personal training dates back to the beginning of recorded history. While the profession and terminology associated with personal training were not yet in existence, the concept of optimal health (which is the motivation behind the profession) was already being touted by ancient philosophers. Around 400 BC, Hippocrates wrote this: “Eating alone will not keep a man well; he must also take exercise. For food and exercise, while possessing opposite qualities, yet work together to produce health … and it is necessary, as it appears, to discern the power of various exercises, both natural exercises and artificial, to know which of them tends to increase flesh and which to lessen it; and not only this, but also to proportion exercise to bulk of food, to the constitution of the patient, to the age of the individual.” Of all of the leaders of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt was one of the strongest presidents, both physically and mentally. However, he did not start that way. As a child, Roosevelt was small for his age and quite sickly. He had debilitating asthma, had poor eyesight, and was extremely thin. When he was 12 years old, his father told him, “You have the mind, but you have not the body, and without the help of the body, the mind cannot go as far as it should. You must make the body.”(Morris, 1979). Roosevelt began spending every day building his body as well as his mind. He worked out with weights, hiked, hunted, rowed, and boxed. History can attest: Theodore Roosevelt’s strength in mind and body contributed to his strength as the leader of his nation. Another great leader was U.S. President John Kennedy. Like Roosevelt, Kennedy acknowledged the benefits of physical activity for optimal health. He once said, “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” WHO WANTS PERSONAL TRAINING? According to the International Health, Racquet & Sports Club Association and American Sports Data (IHRSA/ ASD) Health Club Trend Report, since 1998, the number of Americans belonging to health clubs has grown 45 percent (about 14 million members). Health club memberships among children under 18 years of age have jumped by 187 percent since 1987. The number of clients considering personal training services continues to grow. According to IHRSA’s Annual Health Club Consumer Study (2014), 52.9 million Americans aged 6 years and older are members of health clubs. Over 12 percent of these members pay for the services of a personal trainer and over 6 million health club members alone paid for a personal trainer this past year. In-home sessions, park boot camp sessions, and other non traditional training sessions were not included in gym data. Here are some statistics from the report: Three out of five clients are women. Clients report an average of 18 sessions with a trainer. Trainers charge between $15 and $100 per hour—an average of $50 per hour. Average sessions used in 12 months are as follows: Sessions Percentage 1–6 47% 7–11 12% 12–24 11% 25–49 8% 50 + 11% Not Reported 11% Number of sessions clients used by age are as follows: Age Range Sessions 6–11 22 12–17 26 18–34 15 35–54 14 55 + 24 These statistics support the growing trend and need for personal training services. While those 4 million people who purchased personal training services are sold on the need for personal training, let’s explore what exactly is a personal trainer? WHAT IS A PERSONAL TRAINER? The profession of personal training is a relatively new field that continues to expand its boundaries and redefine itself. Prior to the early 1980s, no minimal requirements existed to qualify or identify a person as a personal trainer. Those engaged in training were still an esoteric group. Many learned about training solely through personal experiences in the gym. Recognizing the need for standardization and credibility, Dr. Sal Arria and Dr. Fred Hatfield pioneered a program of personal fitness training that merged gym experience with practical and applied sciences. Today, a personal fitness trainer can be defined as a person who educates and trains clients in the performance of safe and appropriate exercises in order to effectively lead them to optimal health. Personal trainers can be self-employed or work in health clubs, physicians’ offices, physical therapy clinics, wellness centers, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, and private studios. WHY IS PERSONAL TRAINING NECESSARY? The U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health supports the role of physical activity for good health and disease prevention. The National Institutes of Health released a consensus statement on the importance of physical activity for cardiovascular health (US Department of Health and Human Services,). In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched the Healthy People Initiative, which lists physical activity, fitness, and nutrition at the top of twenty-two priority areas. Finally, the American Heart Association included physical inactivity and low fitness levels as primary risk factors, along with smoking, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Unfortunately, although the resounding benefits of physical activity and fitness are touted and reported, the United States is currently undergoing an obesity epidemic. In the United States, 25 to 35 percent of people remain sedentary. To make matters worse, federal resources and funds for physical activity have lagged far behind other aspects of health. Health and physical education in schools are low priorities, and when districts are looking to trim their budgets, health and physical education programs are often the first to be cut. Consider the following: Each year in the United States, people spend $2.5 trillion on health care. This meteoric figure translates into an expenditure of almost $7,000 for each member of the U.S. population. Regrettably, this financial commitment has neither shown signs of abating nor has it produced satisfactory results with regard to treating a wide variety of chronic health problems. Attempts to identify the factors that have been major contributions to this virtual epidemic of medical problems have produced a litany of probable reasons why such a large number of individuals are so apparently unhealthy, including poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and poor health habits (e.g., smoking). At the same time, a number of studies have been undertaken to identify what, if anything, can be done to diminish either the number or the severity of medical problems affecting the public. These studies have provided considerable evidence that exercise has substantial medicinal benefits for people of all ages. Two of the most widely publicized efforts to investigate the possible relationship between exercise and disease were longitudinal studies, each of which involved more than 10,000 subjects. In a renowned study of 17,000 Harvard graduates, Ralph Paffenbarger, MD, found that men who expended approximately 300 calories a day (the equivalent of walking briskly for 45 minutes) reduced their death rates from all causes by an extraordinary 28 percent and lived an average of more than 2 years longer than their sedentary classmates. Another study conducted by Steven Blair, PED, of the Institute of Aerobics Research in Dallas documented the fact that a relatively modest amount of exercise has a significant effect on the mortality rate of both men and women. The higher the fitness level, the lower the death rate (after the data were adjusted for age differences between subjects in this 8year investigation of 13,344 individuals). An analysis of the extensive data yielded by both studies suggests one inescapable conclusion: Exercise is medicine! Accepting the premise that regular exercise can play a key role in reducing your risk of medical problems and in decreasing your ultimate costs for health care is critical. Despite the vast number of individuals who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the need for and the value of exercising on a regular basis is an irrefutable fact of life (and death). For example, after a detailed review of the results of his long-term investigation, Dr. Paffenbarger concluded that not exercising had the equivalent impact on a person’s health as smoking one and a half packs of cigarettes a day. Fortunately, with few exceptions, most people are too sensible to ever consider ravaging their health by smoking excessively. Unfortunately, many of these same people fail to recognize the extraordinary benefits of exercise in the prevention of medical problems. Any listing of the medical problems and health-related conditions that can be at least partially treated and controlled by exercise would be extensive. Among the most significant of these health concerns and the manner in which exercise is thought to help alleviate each condition are the following: Allergies. Exercise is one of the body’s most efficient ways to control nasal congestion (and the accompanying discomfort of restricted nasal blood flow). Angina. Regular aerobic exercise dilates vessels, increasing blood flow — thereby improving the body’s ability to extract oxygen from the bloodstream. Anxiety. Exercise triggers the release of mood-altering chemicals in the brain. Arthritis. By forcing a skeletal joint to move, exercise induces the manufacture of synovial fluid, helps to distribute it over the cartilage, and forces it to circulate throughout the joint space. Back pain. Exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles,the lower back extensor muscles, and the hamstring muscles. Bursitis and tendinitis. Exercise can strengthen the tendons — enabling them to handle greater loads without being injured. Cancer. Exercise helps maintain ideal bodyweight and helps keep body fat to a minimum. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Exercise helps build up the muscles in the wrists and forearms, thereby reducing the stress on arms, elbows, and hands. Cholesterol. Exercise helps to raise HDL (high-density lipoprotein—the “good” cholesterol) levels in the blood and lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein—the undesirable cholesterol) levels. Constipation. Exercise helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, thereby making it easier to pass a stool. Depression. Exercise helps speed metabolism and deliver more oxygen to the brain; the improved level of circulation in the brain tends to enhance mood. Diabetes. Exercise helps lower blood sugar levels, strengthen the skeletal muscles and heart, improve circulation, and reduce stress. Fatigue. Exercise can help alleviate the fatigue-causing effects of stress, poor circulation and blood oxygenation, bad posture, and poor breathing habits. Glaucoma. Exercise helps relieve intraocular hypertension (the pressure buildup on the eyeball that heralds the onset of glaucoma). Headaches. Exercise helps force the brain to secrete more of the body’s opiate-like, paindampening chemicals (e.g., endorphins and enkephalins). Heart disease. Exercise helps promote many changes that collectively lower the risk of heart disease—a decrease in body fat, a decrease in LDL cholesterol, an increase in the efficiency of the heart and lungs, a decrease in blood pressure, and a lowered heart rate. High blood pressure. Exercise reduces the level of stress-related chemicals in the bloodstream that constrict arteries and veins, increases the release of endorphins, raises the level of HDL in the bloodstream, lowers resting heart rate (over time), improves the responsiveness of blood vessels (over time), and helps reduce blood pressure through maintenance of body weight. Insomnia. Exercise helps reduce muscular tension and stress. Intermittent claudication. Claudication is pain caused by too little blood flow to the extremities. Exercise helps improve peripheral circulation and increases pain tolerance. Knee problems. Exercise helps strengthen the structures attendant to the knee (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) thereby facilitating the ability of the knee to withstand stress. Lung disease. Exercise helps strengthen the muscles associated with breathing and helps boost the oxygen level in the blood. Memory problems. Exercise helps to improve cognitive ability by increasing the blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Menstrual problems and PMS. Exercise helps to control the hormonal imbalances often associated with PMS by increasing the release of beta-endorphins. Osteoporosis. Exercise promotes bone density, thereby lowering an individual’s risk of experiencing a bone fracture. Overweight problems. Exercise is an appetite suppressant. It also increases metabolic rate, burns fat, increases lean muscle mass, and improves self-esteem—all factors that contribute to healthy weight. Varicose veins. Exercise can help control the level of discomfort caused by existing varicose veins and help prevent additional varicose veins. Are the positive effects that result from exercising regularly worth the required effort? Absolutely. Should you make exercise an integral part of your daily regimen? Of course, you should. In countless ways, your life may depend on it. The meteoric rise of health care and health problems makes your success as a personal trainer predictable. Implications for Certified Fitness Trainer Professionals The need for personal training services continues to grow. As future ISSA fitness professionals, it is imperative that we keep up with the evolving recommendations for health and physical fitness that have a direct application for fitness programs and exercise recommendations. With the emergence of the latest technologies, information regarding health and fitness is easily accessible. However, because of the nature of the media’s use of vague and brief headlines in conjunction with radio and television sound bites that provide only limited, confusing, and often conflicting recommendations, it is important that we can help our clients, friends, and family members put each new study or report in proper perspective. Personal trainers today are committed to a long-term career in health and fitness and are increasing their knowledge through additional courses in postrehabilitation, corporate wellness, youth fitness, senior fitness, and pre- and postnatal specializations to better serve their clients in achieving and living the fitness lifestyle. As you can see, we as personal trainers have an inherent responsibility to positively influence the health and fitness attitudes of those around us. Individually and collectively, we can bring health and fitness to the masses and make the dream of optimal health a reality for all. WHAT SHOULD A PERSONAL TRAINER KNOW? As the industry continues to expand its boundaries and the realm of scientific knowledge concerning the human response and adaptation to exercise continues to grow, it is essential that personal fitness trainers be competent in the following: Exercise programming Exercise physiology Functional anatomy and biomechanics Assessments and fitness testing Nutrition and weight management Basic emergency procedures and safety Program administration Human behavior and motivation Our ability as fitness professionals to educate and effectively draw our clients into the fitness lifestyle and optimal health comes from a plan that is based in the aforementioned areas as well as the knowledge of muscular, cardiopulmonary, and metabolic adaptations. These adaptations are known as the training effect. The training effect is the body’s adaptation to the learned and expected stress imposed by physical activity. When the body experiences the training effect, it begins to change at the cellular level, allowing more energy to be released with less oxygen. The heart and capillaries become stronger and more dispersed in order to allow a more efficient flow of oxygen and nutrients. The muscles, tendons, and bones involved with this activity also strengthen to become more proficient. In time, the body releases unnecessary fat from its frame, and stride and gait become more efficient. Additionally, resting heat rate and blood pressure drop. These adaptations can be achieved through an educated trainer who can develop an appropriate fitness and health plan. The fitness and health plan must account for the basic principles of fitness training: overload, specificity, individual differences, reversibility, periodization, rest, overtraining, and stimulus variability. The plan requires a thorough understanding of the major muscles of the body and how they work, as well as an understanding of metabolism—how the body converts food energy into other forms of energy it can use at rest and during exercise. In addition, trainers must learn about the function and regulation of the lungs, heart, blood vessels, hormones, brain, and nerves, as well as the weight control and temperature regulation systems at rest and during exercise. Once you have the knowledge and support to develop comprehensive, individualized, and periodized plans that effectively produce the training effect, then you will be able to effectively draw your friends, family members, and future clients into the fitness lifestyle and optimal health. Over a quarter century ago, Dr. Sal Arria and Dr. Fred Hatfield had a vision to pioneer a personal fitness trainer program that would merge in-gym experience with practical and applied sciences in order to share the benefits of the fitness lifestyle with the masses. As the profession continues to grow and expand its boundaries, for the ISSA trainer of today and the ISSA trainer of tomorrow, education and support are vital. It is the hope and vision of the ISSA that through this course text and the support provided by the entire ISSA staff, ISSA-certified trainers will continue to be more educated than in the past; they will be well-rounded and knowledgeable about exercise and how it relates to optimal health and fitness. ISSA CODE OF ETHICS AND STANDARDS Principles and Purposes Upon receipt of the ISSA Certificate, members become, in effect, de facto representatives of the leader in the fitness certification industry, and as such are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest standards of honor, ethics, and professional behavior at all times. These principles are intended to aid ISSA members in their goal to provide the highest quality of service possible to their clients and the community. Academic Standards Requirements for Graduation 1. Certification will not be issued to any student/ member who does not successfully complete or meet all pertinent qualifications or has not achieved passing scores on the relevant ISSA examinations. 2. Certification will not be issued to any student/ member unless they have successfully completed CPR/AED training as evidenced by a current and valid CPR/AED card. 3. Certification will not be issued until all fees are paid in full. Professional Standards ISSA members will do the following: 1. Serve clients with integrity, competence, objectivity, and impartiality, always putting the clients’ needs, interests, and requests ahead of his or her own. Members must always strive for client satisfaction. 2. Recognize the value of continuing education by upgrading and improving their knowledge and skills on an annual or semi-annual basis. Members must keep abreast of relevant changes in all aspects of exercise programming theory and techniques. 3. Not knowingly endanger his or her clients or put his or her clients at risk. Unless they have allied health care licenses, members must stay within the realm of exercise training and lifestyle counseling with clients. Clients with special medical conditions must be referred to proper medical professionals. 4. Never attempt to diagnose an injury or any other medical or health-related condition. 5. Never prescribe or dispense any kind of medication whatsoever (including over-thecounter medications) to anyone. 6. Never attempt to treat any health condition or injury under any circumstance whatsoever (except as standard first aid or CPR procedure may require). 7. Never recommend exercise for anyone with a known medical problem without first obtaining clearance to do so and/or instructions from the attending qualified medical professional. 8. Ensure that CPR certification and knowledge of first aid procedures is current. 9. Work toward the ultimate goal of helping clients become more self-sufficient over time, reducing the number of supervised training sessions. 10.Respect client confidentiality. All client information and records of client cases may not be released without written release from the client. 11. Charge fees that are reasonable, legitimate, and commensurate with services delivered and the responsibility accepted. All additional fees and services must be disclosed to clients in advance. 12. Adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in all dealings with clients, and will not advertise their services in a deceptive manner. 13. Not get intimately involved with their clients. Minimize problems by always maintaining a professional demeanor, not becoming overly friendly with clients, and documenting training sessions, evaluations, and training programs. We cannot overemphasize this point: Be a professional; do not get personally involved with clients! 14. Price cutting (also called low balling) is a sales technique that reduces the retail prices of a service so as to attempt to eliminate competition. It can also potentially eliminate your ability to make a living. Corporate gyms hire trainers with little to no experience and charge members minimally $50 per hour to train with inexperienced trainers. This is a very shortsighted business model that will generally attract the wrong kind of clients. The most effective long-term strategy is to simply charge what you are worth and strive to be the best at what you do. SECTION ONE Anatomy and Physiology Metabolism Basic Anatomy and Physiology Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Physiology UNIT 1 METABOLISM TOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNIT Introduction Homeostasis Understanding Metabolism Metabolic Set Point Food and Metabolism Environment and Metabolism Exercise and Metabolic Responses Energy Metabolism ATP Production Monitoring Metabolism Conclusion Unit Outline I. Introduction II. Homeostasis III. Understanding Metabolism A. Metabolic Set Point B. Food and Metabolism C. Environment and Metabolism D. Exercise and Metabolic Responses 1. Aerobic System Changes 2. Anaerobic System Changes IV. Energy Metabolism A. ATP Production 1. ATP/CP Energy Pathway 2. Glycolytic Pathway 3. Oxidative Pathway 4. How the Systems Interact 5. Glycogen Depletion and Metabolism of Fatigue B. Monitoring Metabolism V. Conclusion Learning Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to do the following: Define key terms. Understand the role of metabolism in the body and how it relates to exercise. Determine the metabolic needs of each of the three energy pathways described, and apply them in the coming units. INTRODUCTION As revealed in the book’s introduction, personal fitness trainers have a tremendous influence on shaping the health and fitness attitudes and practices of those around them. The sphere of influence includes friends, family members, coworkers, and, of course, clients. As a fitness professional, your ability to effectively draw your clients into the fitness lifestyle—including the ability to maintain optimal health—largely depends on your knowledge of the muscular, cardiopulmonary, and metabolic adaptations to exercise. These adaptations are known as the training effect. training effect: An increase in functional capacity of muscles and other bodily tissues as a result of increased stress (overload) placed upon them. The training effect impacts the body in several ways. The body begins to change at the cellular level, allowing more energy to be released with less oxygen. Heart function improves and the capillaries proliferate in order to allow a more efficient flow of oxygen and nutrients. The muscles, connective tissues, and bones involved with a particular physical activity strengthen to accommodate improved proficiency at performing the activity. Over time, the body’s composition changes (e.g., fat mass may increase while muscle mass decreases) and movements become more efficient. In addition, resting heart rate and blood pressure drop. You can help your clients achieve these adaptations by educating yourself and learning how to develop appropriate fitness and health plans for them. homeostasis: The automatic tendency to maintain a relatively constant internal environment. The training effect would not be possible without sufficient energy to bring about the positive muscular, cardiopulmonary, and metabolic adaptations. But where exactly does this energy come from? Where Does Energy Come From? All energy on earth originates from the sun. Plants use the light energy from the sun to form carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Carbohydrates are sugars and starches used by the body as fuel. Fats are compounds that store energy. Proteins are important components of cells and tissues; they are large, complex molecules comprised of amino acids. (Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are discussed in more detail in Section 5 of this text.) Humans and other animals eat plants and other animals to obtain energy required to maintain cellular activities. The body uses carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to provide the necessary energy to maintain cellular activity both at rest and during activity. Because all cells require energy, the body must have a way to convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into a biologically usable form of energy to both fuel physical activity and provide the structural components of the body. The ability to run, jump, and lift weights is contingent upon, and limited by, the body’s ability to transform food into biological energy. These physical abilities are further contingent upon thousands of chemical reactions that occur throughout the body all day long. Collectively, these reactions are known as metabolism. These many chemical reactions occurring in the body must be regulated in order to maintain a balance. The body consists of trillions of cells, which are organized into tissues, organs, and systems. This intricate organized system is covered in more detail in Unit 2. The body’s components work together in a highly organized manner to maintain this balance. Metabolic activities are continually occurring in the trillions of cells in your body and must be carefully regulated to maintain a constant internal environment, or steady state. This steady state must be maintained regardless of your ever-changing external environment. HOMEOSTASIS Homeostasis refers to the body’s automatic tendency to maintain a constant internal body environment through various processes. Walter Bradford Cannon is credited with coining the term in his book The Wisdom of the Body (1932). For homeostasis to work, feedback systems must exist that various physiological functions turn off and on. Imagine a feedback system such as the thermostat in your furnace or air conditioning system. If the temperature increases above the set point determined by the system, then the thermostat shuts off the furnace. In this way, the temperature is kept at the desired steady state. If the temperature decreases below the set point determined by the system, then the thermostat turns on the furnace to maintain the desired steady state (see Figure 1.1). This feedback system revolves around a cycle of events. Information about a change is fed back to the system so that the regulator (in this example, the thermostat) can control the process (in the example of temperature regulation). Figure 1.1 Homeostasis example A good example of homeostasis in the body is the method by which the body maintains a constant temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, if either physical exertion or external heat causes your body temperature to rise, your brain sends a signal to increase the rate of sweating. Heat is carried away in sweat, which evaporates. If body temperature begins to drop due to a cold external environment, shivering begins to generate heat and keep the body temperature at that critical 98.6 degrees F. Other metabolic functions under homeostatic control include the following: Hormone production and concentration level maintenance Maintenance of serum oxygen levels and carbon dioxide levels pH balance in the blood and cells Water content of cells and blood Blood glucose levels and other nutrient levels in the cell Metabolic rate The concept of homeostasis is of special interest to fitness enthusiasts. You are in equilibrium even with environmental stimuli acting upon you. For example, think about how your muscles change in response to different training programs. If you spend most of your time lifting heavy weights, your muscles will grow larger; a shift in your homeostasis takes place. The simple action of weight training causes more protein synthesis in the target muscles. Hormone levels change to accommodate this growth. On the other hand, if you choose to run several miles per day, your muscles will adapt differently. They develop a higher endurance capacity, they stimulate the formation of more fat-burning, slowtwitch muscle fibers, and they develop a higher capacity to use oxygen in energy production. Nutrient intake can also affect your homeostatic balance. Eating too much of the wrong foods or too little of the right foods can cause homeostasis to shift out of balance. Consume too many calories, and your body stores fat; too little protein, and your muscles break down. If you don’t consume enough energy-supplying calories, you will feel tired sooner. For optimum homeostasis and metabolism, eating the right nutrients in the right amounts at the right times is vital. UNDERSTANDING METABOLISM The body sustains itself and adapts to its environment through metabolism. In order for metabolism to occur, the body needs both energy and building blocks for growth and repair. It gets its energy from the breakdown of nutrients such as glucose, ketone bodies, lactic acid, amino acids, and fatty acids. To construct molecules for growth and repair, a delicate interplay must exist between anabolism and catabolism. metabolism: The total of all the chemical and physical processes by which the body builds and maintains itself (anabolism) and by which it breaks down its substances for the production of energy (catabolism). glucose: Principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body. ketone bodies: Bodies produced as intermediate products of fat metabolism. lactic acid: A by-product of glucose and glycogen metabolism in anaerobic muscle energetics. amino acid: The building blocks of protein. There are 24 amino acids, which form countless number of different proteins. fatty acids: Any of a large group of monobasic acids, especially those found in animal and vegetable fats and oils. anabolism: The building up in the body of complex chemical compounds from simpler compounds (e.g., proteins from amino acids). catabolism: The breaking down in the body of complex chemical compounds into simpler ones (e.g., proteins to amino acids). The many biochemical processes that make up the body’s metabolism are categorized into two general phases: anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism and catabolism occur simultaneously—and constantly. However, they differ in magnitude depending on the level of activity or rest and on when the last meal was eaten. When anabolism exceeds catabolism, net growth occurs. When catabolism exceeds anabolism, the body has a net loss of substances and body tissues and may lose weight. Anabolism includes the chemical reactions that combine different biomolecules to create larger, more complex ones. The net result of anabolism is the creation of new cellular material, such as enzymes, proteins, cell membranes, new cells, and growth/ repair of the many tissues. That energy is stored as glycogen and/or fat and in muscle tissue. Anabolism is necessary for growth, maintenance, and repair of tissues. Catabolism includes the chemical reactions that break down complex biomolecules into simpler ones for energy production, for recycling of molecular components, or for their excretion. Catabolism provides the energy needed for transmitting nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Metabolism includes only the chemical changes that occur within tissue cells in the body. It does not include those changes to substances that take place in the digestion of foods in the gastrointestinal system. For optimal function, a healthy metabolism needs many nutrients. A slight deficiency of even one vitamin can slow down metabolism and cause chaos throughout the body. The body builds thousands of enzymes to drive its metabolism in the direction influenced by activity and nutrition. So, when you are training or engaged in vigorous physical activity several hours a day, you must ensure that your diet contains the nutrients your body needs in order to optimize the many metabolic functions taking place. METABOLIC SET POINT Based on the discussion of homeostasis and metabolism, it is evident that the body is a highly regulated collection of many biochemical reactions. Much research over the years has revealed that the body seeks to maintain a certain base rate of metabolism, called the metabolic set point, which results in basal metabolic rate (BMR). This set point is regulated by both genetic and environmental factors. Researchers have demonstrated that you can change your metabolic set point through diet and physical activity. metabolic set point: The base rate of metabolism that the body seeks to maintain; resulting in basal metabolic rate. basal metabolic rate (BMR): The minimum energy required to maintain the body’s life function at rest; usually expressed in calories per hour per square meter of the body surface. The metabolic set point is the average rate at which the metabolism runs, and it will result in a body composition set point. People with a slow metabolism seem to store fat easily, while people with a fast metabolism seem to be able to eat and never gain fat. Your metabolic set point can be influenced by the external environment (climate), nutrition, exercise, and other factors. Studies have demonstrated that when individuals go on a lowcalorie diet, the body’s metabolic set point becomes lower in order to conserve energy. It actually resets itself to burn fewer calories, thereby conserving energy. Exercise tends to increase metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more fat for energy. Calculating Caloric Expenditure You can estimate your total daily caloric expenditure by multiplying the Harris-Benedict equations for basal metabolic rate by an activity level factor that accounts for your daily physical activity levels and the thermic effect of food. thermic effect: The heat liberated from a particular food; it is a measure of its energy content and its tendency to be burned as heat. This process of heat liberation is also commonly referred to as “thermogenesis.” Eq. 1.1 FOOD AND METABOLISM In addition to exercise, the type of food you eat can also influence your metabolism. The food you eat can be burned to liberate energy, it can be converted into body weight, or it can be excreted. All foods release heat when they are burned. This release of heat is measured in kilocalories. A calorie is a unit of heat. Practically speaking, this unit is too small to be useful, therefore, the kilocalorie (1,000 calories) is the preferred unit in metabolism studies. The term Calorie (with a capital “C”) is synonymous with kilocalorie. calorie: A unit of heat; specifically, it is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius at 1 atmosphere. As a unit of metabolism (as in diet and energy expenditure), it is spelled with a capital C; 1 Calorie = 1,000 calories, or 1 kilocalorie (kcal). kilocalorie (kcal): A unit of measurement that equals 1,000 calories, or 1 Calorie. Used in metabolic studies, it is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. The term is used in nutrition to express the fuel (energy) value of food. The heat liberated from food is known as the thermic effect. Increased thermogenesis (heat production) correlates with increased oxygen consumption and an increased metabolic rate. The more heat your body produces, the more oxygen it needs, because heat cannot be liberated in the absence of oxygen. Food efficiency is simply a measure of how efficiently a particular food is converted to body weight. Foods with high food efficiency are prone to be converted to body weight, while foods with low food efficiency are prone to be burned as energy. Understanding how the body will use the consumed calories can help you in setting up your nutritional program. Simply counting calories will not lead to loss of body fat. The heat liberated from a particular food, whether it is fat, protein, or carbohydrate, is determined by its particular molecular structure, and this structure determines its thermic effect. The higher the thermic effect of any particular food, the higher the metabolic rate will be. Know what the body is consuming; and, more importantly, know how the body will use the consumed calories. A method of determining the mix of fuels being utilized in the body is called the respiratory quotient (RQ), which provides a way to measure the relative amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins being burned for energy. respiratory quotient (RQ): A method of determining the “fuel mix” being used, giving us a way to measure the relative amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins being burned for energy. The respiratory quotient (RQ) is the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide expired to the volume of oxygen consumed. Because the amounts of oxygen used up for the combustion of fat, carbohydrate, and protein differ, differences in the RQ indicate which nutrient source is being predominantly used for energy purposes. The formula for calculating RQ is as follows: Eq. 1.2 The RQ for carbohydrate is 1.0, whereas the RQ for fat is 0.7. Fat has a lower RQ value because fatty acids require more oxygen for oxidation than the amount of carbon dioxide produced. The RQ for energy production from protein is about 0.8. The average person at rest will have an RQ of about 0.8; however, this result is from using a mixture of fatty acids and carbohydrates, not the protein itself, for energy production. Remember, proteins (broken down into amino acids) are not usually used for energy. In a normal diet containing carbohydrate, fat, and protein, about 40to 45 percent of the energy is derived from fatty acids, 40 to 45 percent from carbohydrates, and 10 to 15 percent from protein. However, this rate of energy production varies based on diet, physical activity, and level of physical training. oxidation: The chemical act of combining with oxygen or of removing hydrogen. Research indicates that when the diet is high in carbohydrates, the RQ is higher, therefore more energy is being produced from carbohydrates. When the diet is low in carbohydrates and high in fat, more energy is produced from fat. Interestingly, recent studies published in academic journals suggest that more efficient body fat reduction occurs with a high-fat diet than with a high-carbohydrate diet (on a calorie-per-calorie basis). In addition, training intensity affects the energy source during exercise. For example, a training intensity below 60 percent of maximal oxygen uptake ( O2max) results in a RQ of about 0.8, indicating an equal portion of energy derived from fatty acids and carbohydrate. As training intensity increases above 60 percent of O2 max, more carbohydrate is used for energy. Exercise intensity at 100 percent O2 max (which can only be sustained for minutes) yields a RQ of 1. Keep in mind that amino acids, in particular the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs, which aid in recovery), are also being used for energy during exercise and at rest, perhaps as much as 10 percent or more during exercise. maximal oxygen uptake ( O2 max): The highest rate of oxygen consumption which a person is capable. branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): The amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine, which have a particular molecular structure that gives them their name and comprises 35 percent of muscle tissue. The BCAAs, particularly L-leucine, help increase work capacity by stimulating production of insulin, the hormone that opens muscle cells to glucose. BCAAs are burned as fuel during highly intense training and at the end of longdistance events when the body recruits protein for as much as 20 percent of its energy needs. In general, physical conditioning lowers the RQ, which means more energy is being obtained from fatty acids in the trained individual. However, more energy is also being obtained from protein in the trained individual. Carbohydrate is always being used for energy. For example, in a study comparing the RQ of untrained versus trained individuals during exercise, the RQ of the untrained individuals was 0.95 and the RQ of the trained individuals was 0.9. This means that while both groups were using mostly carbohydrate for fuel during exercise, the trained individuals were using a higher amount of fatty acids for energy. At rest, fatty acids are the predominant energy source in most people; as exercise begins, carbohydrate utilization increases. High-intensity exercise uses more carbohydrate, while low- to moderate-intensity exercise uses fatty acids and carbohydrate for energy. Of course, these ratios change when one consumes only fats and proteins and no carbohydrates as fuel. While this discussion of RQ is very brief, you can see that the energy substrate utilization of the body is quite varied, and both composition of the diet and intensity of physical activity determine which energy substrates are used. Therefore, it is easy to see why different sports require different dietary considerations. ENVIRONMENT AND METABOLISM The body’s environment also influences its metabolic rate. When you are exposed to a progressively colder climate, your body will increase its metabolic rate to keep the body temperature constant and to prevent shivering. Shivering is invoked when the core temperature of the body begins to drop from being in the cold. Shivering is actually a series of involuntary muscle contractions that are triggered to create heat in the body, like turning on a furnace. When exposed to higher-than-average cold conditions for a few days, the body actually increases its basal metabolic rate; its goal is to run hotter than average in order to compensate for being in a colder climate. When conditions begin to warm up, even a 60-degree-Fahrenheit (F) day can seem extremely hot, because the body’s metabolic rate is already running fast. After several days of acclimating to the hot climate, the metabolic rate decreases and 80 degrees F feels as hot as the 60 degrees F did a few months earlier. EXERCISE AND METABOLIC RESPONSES Exercise stimulates a series of metabolic responses that affect the body’s anatomy, physiology, and biochemical makeup. Endurance exercise stimulates the following changes: Increased muscle glycogen storage capacity Increased muscle mitochondrial density Increased resting adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content in muscles Increased resting creatine phosphate (CP) content in muscles Increased resting creatine content in muscles Increased aerobic enzymes Increased percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers Decreased percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers Decreased muscle size, when compared to strength training Increased cardiac output Decreased resting heart rate Decreased body fat Increased Krebs cycle enzymes Increased number of capillaries The magnitude of these changes is driven primarily by whether the exercise is anaerobic or aerobic. The type and duration of exercise dictates the primary energy mix used. Highintensity exercise simulates development of fast-twitch muscle fibers, while low-intensity exercise results in development of slow-twitch muscle fibers. In addition, a series of hormonal changes occur during exercise and non-exercise periods. These changes also are benefited and facilitated with a nutrient profile that matches the type of metabolic fluctuation. Aerobic System Changes Aerobic training greatly increases the body’s functional capacity to transport and use oxygen and to burn fatty acids during exercise. Recent research shows that long, slow distance training is not as efficient as interval training in facilitating this functional capacity. Some of the major changes measured as a result of aerobic exercise (especially interval training) include the following: Increased mitochondrial density in slow-twitch muscle fiber, which results in higher energy production from fatty acids. Maximum oxidative capacity develops in all fiber types Higher aerobic capacity Increase in trained muscle capacity to utilize and mobilize fat, resulting from higher amounts of fat-metabolizing enzymes, and increased blood flow Greater development of slow-twitch muscle fibers, increased myoglobin content (an iron– protein compound in muscle), which acts to store and transport oxygen in the muscles Anaerobic System Changes Anaerobic training greatly increases the body’s functional capacity for development of explosive strength and maximization of short-term energy systems. Some of the major changes measured as a result of anaerobic exercise include the following: Increased size and number of fast-twitch muscle fibers Increased tolerance to higher levels of blood lactate Increases in enzymes involved in the anaerobic phase of glucose breakdown (glycolysis) Increased muscle resting levels of ATP, CP, creatine, and glycogen content Increased levels of growth hormone and testosterone after short bouts (45 to 75 min) of high-intensity weight training adenosine triphosphate (ATP): An organic compound found in muscle which, upon being broken down enzymatically, yields energy for muscle contraction. creatine phosphate (CP): A high-energy phosphate molecule that is stored in cells and can be used to immediately resynthesize ATP. ENERGY METABOLISM Energy metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that result in the breakdown of foodstuffs (carbohydrate, fat, protein) by which energy is produced, used, and given off as heat. Roughly, the body is about 20 percent efficient at trapping energy released. About 80 percent is released as heat, which explains why your body heats up quickly when you exercise. A closer look at muscle anatomy reveals that the mode of energy storage and energy systems used is related to physical activity. Physical activities can be classified into these four basic groups, based on the energy systems that are used to support these activities: Strength/power: Energy coming from immediate ATP stores. Examples include shot put, powerlift, high jump, golf swing, tennis serve, and a throw. Activities last about 0 to 3 seconds of maximal effort. Sustained power: Energy coming from immediate ATP and CP stores. Examples include sprints, fast breaks, football lineman. Activities last about 0 to 10 seconds of near-maximal effort. Anaerobic power/endurance: Energy coming from ATP, CP, and lactic acid. Examples include 200- to 400-meter dash and 100-yard swim. Activities lasting about 1 to 2 minutes. Aerobic endurance: Energy coming from the oxidative pathway. Activities last over 2 minutes. In power events, which last a few seconds or less at maximal effort, the muscles depend on the immediate energy system, namely ATP and CP reserves. In speed events, the immediate and non-oxidative (glycolytic) energy sources are utilized. In endurance events, the immediate and non-oxidative energy sources are used, and the oxidative energy mechanisms become a more important source of energy. ATP and CP are replenished from energy derived from complete breakdown of glucose, fatty acids, and some proteins. ATP PRODUCTION Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecule that stores energy in a form that can be used for muscle contractions. Energy production then revolves around rebuilding ATP molecules after they are broken down for energy utilization. Muscle cells store a limited amount of ATP. During exercise the body requires a constant supply of ATP in order to provide the energy needed for muscular contraction. Therefore, to maintain a constant supply of energy, metabolic pathways must exist in the cell with the ability to produce ATP rapidly. Muscle cells can produce ATP by any one of or a combination of three metabolic pathways: the ATP/CP pathway, the glycolytic pathway, and the oxidative pathway. ATP/CP Energy Pathway Creatine phosphate (CP) is high-energy phosphate molecule that is stored in cells and can be used to immediately re-synthesize ATP. The ATP/CP pathway(see Figure 1.2) is anaerobic, which means it requires no oxygen for energy use. This energy pathway is demonstrated in sports that require ballistic, explosive strength or maximal effort for short periods of time, such as shot putting, pitching, weight lifting, and powerlifting. ATP/CP pathway: ATP and CP provide anaerobic sources of phosphate-bond energy. The energy liberated from hydrolysis (splitting) of CP re-bonds ADP and Pi to form ATP. ATP is the energy source for all human movement. The release of one of its three phosphate molecules provides the energy for human movement. Unfortunately, muscle cells store only a limited supply of ATP that is readily available for use (5 mmol/kg of muscle). In maximal efforts, it is totally gone within 1.26 seconds! However, regardless of their intensity or length, all activities begin with this pathway. With the help of an enzyme called myosin ATPase, ATP loses one phosphate molecule in order to release energy (see Equation 1.3). Eq. 1.3 Figure 1.2 The ATP/CP energy pathway For short-term, high-intensity activities such as shot putting or throwing, this pathway is enough. However, further use in this pathway requires that theadenosine diphosphate (ADP; di = the two phosphate molecules left after one is lost) be resynthesized back to ATP with the help of creatine phosphate (CP) and an enzyme called creatine kinase (see Equation 1.4). adenosine diphosphate (ADP): an organic compound in metabolism that functions in the transfer of energy during the catabolism of glucose, formed by the removal of a phosphate molecule from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and composed of adenine, ribose, and two phosphate groups. Eq. 1.4 Like ATP, CP is stored in small amounts (16 mmols/kg of muscle). As seen in Figure 1.3, CP stores fall rapidly after 10 seconds of maximal activity and are usually completely depleted in under 60 seconds. Whether or not you can increase your resting levels of ATP through training has not widely been studied or understood. Research has suggested that it is possible through both weight training and aerobic training. However, this possibility is mainly because of fiber hypertrophy (increase in size), thus more ATP can be stored in type II than in type I muscle fibers (considering the size and growth potential of type II fibers). type II muscle fibers (fast twitch): Muscle fiber type that contracts quickly and is used mostly in intensive, short-duration exercises. type I muscle fibers (slow twitch): A muscle fiber characterized by its slow speed of contraction and a high capacity for aerobic glycolysis. Perhaps an even bigger question than “how much?” or “can you increase?” is “how quickly can ATP and CP stores be replenished?” Although individual differences exist, research has shown that ATP stores can be fully restored within 3.5 minutes and CP stores can be fully replenished within 8 minutes. Figure 1.3 Pathways of muscular energetics Glycolytic Pathway Like the ATP/CP pathway, the glycolytic pathway is anaerobic. Once it has depleted the readily available ATP/CP stores, the body must break down carbohydrates to produce more ATP. This process uses either glycogen (which is stored in the muscle cells) or glucose (which is found in the blood) to convert ADP back into ATP; the waste product is lactic acid (see Equation 1.5). glycolytic pathway: A metabolic process in which glucose is broken down to produce energy anaerobically. Eq. 1.5 This lactic acid eventually builds more quickly than it can be flushed out of the muscle to the point of the anaerobic threshold, otherwise known as muscular fatigue. At this point, the body must either stop or slow down until the lactic acid is removed. Lactic acid is converted to a less toxic form, called lactate, which is used either as an energy substrate or to produce more glucose (a process called gluconeogenesis). Getting rid of lactic acid is not as important as it is how efficiently the body can use it. If you produce lactic acid faster than you can use it, therein lies the problem. Stored sugars are rarely ever depleted (and are never depleted in the glycolytic pathway). However, this is not the limiting factor; the limiting factor is the accumulation of lactic acid. Generally, the glycolytic pathway ends under maximal conditions at around 80 seconds before the oxidative pathway (and lower levels of activity) takes over. gluconeogenesis: Chemical process that converts lactate and pyruvate back into glucose. When glycogen (sugar stored in muscles) stores are low, glucose for emergency energy is synthesized from protein and the glycerol portion of fat molecules. This is one important reason that ATP/CP athletes and glycolytic athletes are warned to stay away from undue aerobic exercise: It’s muscle-wasting. How well muscles function in the glycolytic pathway is determined by three related factors: How quickly the body can utilize the lactic acid How well the body can tolerate the pain caused by the accumulation of lactic acid How far the body can go before it becomes vital to clear the lactic acid in order for work to continue. This is called the anaerobic threshold. Blood lactate levels usually return to normal within an hour after activity. Research shows that training can increase the rate in which lactic acid is utilized or removed as well as push back the anaerobic threshold. As for the ability to tolerate the pain, it comes with personal experience. anaerobic threshold: The point where increasing energy demands of exercise cannot be met by the use of oxygen, and an oxygen debt begins to be incurred. Oxidative Pathway The oxidative pathway is a system that is aerobic, which means it uses oxygen to produce ATP by way of the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain. Ultimately, more ATP is produced through this pathway than through the other two; however, it takes much longer. Pyruvate, which is produced through glycolysis, undergoes a long trip through the Krebs cycle to convert several coenzymes that have lost an electron back into their original state. It is in the electron transport chain where these coenzymes undergo oxidation to convert ADP back into ATP. In the end, up to 38 molecules of ATP can be produced through the oxidative pathway. oxidative pathway: A metabolic process in which oxygen combines with lactic acid, resynthesizing glycogen to produce energy aerobically. Krebs cycle: Citric acid cycle; a set of 8 reactions, arranged in a cycle, in which free energy is recovered in the form of ATP. electron transport chain: The passing of electrons over a membrane, aiding in a reaction to recover free energy for the synthesis of ATP. pyruvate: A byproduct of glycolysis. It is only in this pathway that fat can be used for energy. Breaking down fat for energy is also a long process (called beta oxidation), which does not directly produce ATP. beta oxidation: A series of reactions in which fatty acids are broken down. Rather, it provides the coenzymes needed for the Krebs cycle. Scientists have estimated that while at rest (and in the oxidative pathway), 70 percent of energy comes from fat, not carbohydrates or protein. However, as exercise intensity increases, more and more carbohydrates are used instead of fat (beta oxidation can’t keep up). In fact, at the upper limits of the aerobic pathway, 100 percent of the energy is coming from carbohydrates— not fat! If at these levels carbohydrates aren’t available, the body will indeed catabolize the very muscle it’s using for energy. How the Systems Interact To better understand how each of these energy systems relate to each other, you need to take a look at what happens when muscles contract. First, consider the immediate energy systems. The brain sends a signal along the nerves, triggering a release of calcium ions in the muscles, which stimulates the muscles to contract and, in the process, the high-energy molecule ATP releases energy and is reduced to ADP plus one phosphate Figure 1.4 Pathway interactions atom. In this way, the immediately available ATP stores are depleted very rapidly, in the first few seconds of a maximal muscle contraction. The second immediate source of cellular energy is creatine phosphate (CP). The cell contains several more times CP molecules than ATP molecules. Creatine phosphate serves to instantaneously regenerate ATP molecules. Therefore, the ATP that is broken down to ADP during muscle contraction is restored to the high-energy ATP by CP. The third immediate energy system enables the cell to regenerate ATP from two ADP molecules, resulting in one ATP and one adenosine monophosphate (AMP) molecule. This immediate energy source is depleted in a matter of seconds under conditions of all-out effort (maximal muscle contractions). The storage capacity of ATP and CP in a cell is quickly reached for a particular muscle size. In order to increase the amount of ATP and CP on hand, the muscle fibers must increase in size. This is why power athletes get big muscles. The workload demands that more ATP and CP be available. To meet this demand, the muscle fibers increase in size, causing the entire muscle to get big. When you train, different energy systems are conditioned to work best at the particular workload imposed on the muscles. As the immediate energy supply is quickly depleted through high-intensity physical activity, the non-oxidative energy source kicks in. The non-oxidative system is a major contributor of energy during 4 to 50 seconds of effort. Non-oxidative metabolism (glycolysis) involves the breakdown of glucose to regenerate ADP into ATP. Muscle tissue is densely packed with non-oxidative enzyme systems. What happens chemically is that the glucose molecule is split in half and energy is released. This energy is enough to regenerate 2 ATP molecules and leave two pyruvate molecules. In general, these pyruvate molecules are immediately converted to lactic acid molecules. The amount of free glucose is generally low in the cells, so glucose is derived from the breakdown of glycogen. Fast-twitch muscle fibers (those associated with strength and size) are also referred to as fast glycolytic muscle fibers, because they house the metabolic machinery to get quick energy through fast glycolysis pathways. The fast-twitch fibers have a low capacity for oxidative metabolism and are instead set up to run glucose through their fast glycolysis pathways. Lactic acid then builds up because it is being produced too rapidly to enter into the oxidative pathways. Lactic acid is then cleared from the muscle, fed into the bloodstream, taken to the liver, and there made into glucose and glycogen. Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell. For physical activities lasting more than 2 minutes, the oxidative metabolic pathways produce the majority of energy to maintain muscle contractions. Potential oxidative energy sources include glucose, glycogen, fats, and amino acids. Oxidative energy production takes place in the mitochondria of the cells. Far more energy is produced when glucose is completely broken down in the mitochondria. Glucose is still first split in half by glycolysis. The pyruvate molecules then enter into the mitochondria, where they are completely broken down. The oxidative pathways are the Krebs cycle and electron transport. Fatty acids, which come from fat, are a major energy source during endurance events. The processes of fat utilization are activated more slowly than carbohydrate metabolism and proceed at a lower rate. Fatty acids are activated and combined with the molecule carnitine, which enables them to then be transported into the mitochondria. Glycogen Depletion and Metabolism of Fatigue Glycogen is essential to performance for both anaerobic and aerobic activities. Muscles being strenuously exercised will rely on glycogen to power these strength-generating muscle contractions. In endurance exercise, while the primary fuel is fatty acids, glycogen is also utilized. In fact, fat catabolism works better when carbohydrates are being metabolized. Studies on long-term exercise and work performance all indicate the onset of fatigue when glycogen is depleted. This again underscores the importance of adequate carbohydrate intake and glycogen replenishment. Glycogen depletion is just one factor that contributes to the onset of fatigue. Several other fatigue-causing factors facing athletes include the following: ATP and CP depletion Lactic acid accumulation Calcium ion buildup in muscles Oxygen depletion Blood pH decrease MONITORING METABOLISM Until recently, there were no affordable and easy-to-use home testing methods that were designed for athletes to measure key metabolic parameters. Measuring the state of nitrogen metabolism allows you to determine whether protein intake is sufficient and also whether certain supplements are being ingested in amounts that are sufficient for improving nitrogen balance. Currently on the horizon is a newly developed testing device that combines nitrogen balance testing with fat metabolism status. These tests measure the output of metabolic waste products in urine. They are easy to use and offer a means to finely tune your training and nutrition programs. A product developed by B. Fritz and Dr. Fahey is a testing method that was probably the best-kept secret of Russian athletes. This test provides an economical way to determine testosterone and cortisol levels in the body by analysis of saliva. When the body is over trained, cortisol levels increase. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that stimulates the breakdown of muscle tissue. High amounts in the blood ultimately lead to tissue wasting and negative nitrogen balance. So, when the testosterone/cortisol ratio is high, anabolism is prevailing. However, when cortisol levels are high and the ratio is lowered, it is an indication of overtraining. Testing testosterone/cortisol ratio helps you determine whether the body is in a state of overtraining or not. In this way, you can determine how hard to train, whether to take a few days off, or if training intensity should increase. In addition, in the medical field and in many fitness centers, handheld portable indirect calorimeters are used that measure oxygen consumption ( O2) and determine resting metabolic rate (RMR). As discussed earlier in this unit, the rate of oxidation or the burning of the calories is different for fat, carbohydrate, and protein. The food you eat can either be burned to liberate energy, converted into body weight, or be excreted. If you light a candle and then place a dome over the candle, cutting off the fire’s source of oxygen, the fire will go out. In the same way the body’s ability to undergo oxidation is contingent on oxygen. If the body is getting more oxygen, it should be burning more calories. resting metabolic rate (RMR): The amount of energy (calories) required to efficiently perform vital bodily functions such as respiration, organ function and heart rate while the body is awake, but at rest. Nutrition monitoring plays a vital role in the care of patients with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity, as well as conditions that place patients at risk for malnutrition, such as cancer, burns, trauma, infection, obstructive lung disease, and HIV. Indirect calorimeters can be used in acute care, long-term care, home care, and clinic- based care settings such as physician offices, rehabilitation centers, ambulatory surgery centers, and fitness-based facilities. CONCLUSION In order to maintain its many chemical and physical activities, the body needs energy. Earth’s energy originates from the sun. Plants use solar energy to perform chemical reactions to form carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Humans, like other animals, consume plants and other animals to obtain the energy required to maintain cellular activities. These cellular activities, known as metabolism, are maintained under homeostatic controls. The many chemical reactions occurring in the body must be regulated in order to maintain a balance between the trillions of cells in the body. These cells maintain balance through an intricate organization system. We will now discuss this intricate organized system known as the body. Received Key Terms adenosine diphosphate (ADP) adenosine triphosphate (ATP) amino acid anabolism anaerobic threshold ATP/CP pathway basal metabolic rate (BMR) beta oxidation branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) calorie catabolism creatine phosphate (CP) electron transport chain fatty acids gluconeogenesis glucose glycolytic pathway homeostasis ketone bodies kilocalorie (kcal) Krebs cycle lactic acid maximal oxygen uptake ( O2 max) metabolic set point metabolism oxidation oxidative pathway pyruvate respiratory quotient (RQ) resting metabolic rate (RMR) thermic effect training effect type I muscle fibers (slow twitch) type II muscle fibers (fast twitch) Unit Summary In order to maintain its many chemical and physical activities, the body needs energy. All Earth’s energy comes from the sun. Plants use solar energy to perform chemical reactions to form carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Humans like animals consume plants and other animals to obtain the energy required to maintain cellular activities. The body’s systems work together in a highly organized manner to maintain a balance, which is known as homeostasis. A. Metabolism can be defined as all of the chemical processes that occur in the body. Metabolism is categorized into two general phases; anabolism (building phase) and catabolism (breaking down phase). B. The food you eat can either be burned to liberate energy, converted into body weight, or excreted. C. The calories coming from protein are used for maintenance, repair, and growth of new tissues and organs. Calories from carbohydrates are used for energy. Calories from conventional sources of a fat are prone to be stored as fat since it already has the same molecular structure as body fat. D. Energy metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that result in the breakdown of foodstuffs (carbohydrate, fat, protein) by which energy is produced, used, and given off as heat. E. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecule that stores energy in a form that can be used for muscle contractions. F. Muscle cells can produce ATP by any one or a combination of three metabolic pathways: the ATP/CP pathway, glycolytic pathway, and oxidative pathway. G. The formation of ATP without oxygen is known as anaerobic metabolism. This includes the ATP/CP and the anaerobic glycolytic pathway. Short-term activities at higher intensities utilize ATP production from anaerobic energy pathways. H. In the ATP/CP system, the phosphate (P) is separated from the creatine (C) and combines with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to reform ATP. One molecule of CP results in the reformation of 1 molecule of ATP. This system is sufficient for 3 to 15 seconds of ATP production. I. In non-oxidative glycolysis, glucose or glycogen is converted to lactic acid. One molecule of glucose results in 2 molecules of ATP and 1 molecule of glycogen results in 3 molecules of ATP. This system is reliable for 1 to 2 minutes of maximal effort. J. The formation of ATP with oxygen is known as aerobic metabolism. This includes the aerobic glycolytic pathway and the oxidative pathway. Long-term activities with a low to moderate intensity utilize ATP production from aerobic sources. K. The aerobic metabolism of 1 molecule of glucose results in the production of 38 molecules of ATP and 1 molecule of glycogen results in the production of 39 ATP. L. Glycogen is essential for both anaerobic and aerobic activities. Muscles being strenuously exercised rely on glycogen to power strength-generating muscle contractions. In endurance exercise, while the primary fuel is fatty acids, glycogen is also utilized. M. Monitoring metabolism is possible through nitrogen test sticks or handheld, portable, indirect calorimeters. UNIT 2 BASIC ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY TOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNIT Levels of Organization in the Human Body Cells Tissues Systems of the Body Conclusion Unit Outline I. Levels of Organization in the Human Body A. Cells 1. Plasma Membrane 2. Nucleus 3. Ribosomes 4. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) 5. Golgi Apparatus 6. Lysosomes 7. Mitochondria B. Tissues 1. Epithelial Tissue 2. Connective Tissue 3. Muscle Tissue 4. Nervous Tissue C. Systems of the Body 1. Respiratory System 2. Circulatory System a. Anatomy of Blood b. How Respiratory and Circulatory Interaction Works c. Heart i. Heart Tissue ii. Heart Rate iii. Stroke Volume 3. Digestive System a. Physical Components i. Mouth ii. Esophagus iii. Stomach iv. Small Intestine v. Large Intestine and Rectum vi. Pancreas vii. Liver and Gallbladder b. Factors Affecting Digestion 4. Nervous System a. Organization of the Nervous System b. Neural Adaptations: The Mind–Body Link 5. Endocrine System a. Importance of Hormones b. Types and Functions of Hormones c. Hormones and Blood Sugar Regulation i. Insulin ii. Glucagon d. Muscle Growth and Hormonal Regulation i. Growth Hormone ii. Thyroid Hormones iii. Adrenal Hormones II. Conclusion Learning Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to do the following: Define and describe key terms. Know the elemental structure and function of each system of the body. Describe the effects that training has on each system of the body. Understand the importance of the mind–body link. LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION IN THE HUMAN BODY The principal systems of the human body interact with each other to create what is known as the training effect. These principal systems are part of an intricate, multi–level organizational structure. The simplest level is the chemical level. The smallest amount of a chemical element is the atom. Atoms can combine to form molecules. About 98 percent of the human body is composed of only six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorous. The next level is the cellular level. Atoms and molecules bind to form the building blocks of the body. Each cell consists of specialized cell parts called organelles. The nucleus, which is the control center of the cell, is an organelle. The next level of organization is the tissue level. A tissue is a group of closely related cells specialized to perform a specific function. The four main tissues in the body are muscle tissue, nervous tissue, connective tissue, and epithelial tissue. These tissues are then organized into organs such as the heart or brain. The organs and tissues work together to perform specific functions of the body’s systems. These body systems make up the human body. tissue: A collection of similar cells and their intracellular substances. Figure 2.1 Levels of organization in the human body Figure 2.2 Cellular components CELLS Just as every molecule has building blocks, so do tissues and structures. Cells form the fundamental units of life. Together they somehow organize themselves into the human body. The human body is composed of an estimated 100 trillion cells of various forms and functions. Striated muscle cells can be several inches long and have the unique ability to shorten in length, thereby causing muscle contractions. Fat cells are small and round in shape and function to store fatty acids for energy needs during lean times. Another magnificent characteristic of cells is that they can reproduce themselves. In fact, cells can only arise from preexisting cells. The complex human body originates from the union of two existing cells: the female egg and the male sperm. These sex cells merge to form one larger cell called the zygote, which is the starting point of a multi-trillion-celled human body. The zygote divides and forms two cells. (Sometimes, these two zygote cells become separated and develop independently of each other, forming twins.) The two zygote cells continue to divide and form four cells. This process continues forever. Even when the total number of cells reaches a relatively fixed amount, cells continue to divide to replace old or dead cells. Throughout life, cells are continually dying and reproducing. Each type of cell has its own anatomy and physiology. Specialized subcellular structures, called organelles, perform specific functions. Each cell typically contains the following organelles. Plasma Membrane Picture the cell as an inflated balloon. The outer boundary is called the plasma membrane, or cell membrane. It is a complex structure made up of mostly proteins and a phospholipid bilayer. The phospholipid bilayer (which is made up of glycerol, two fatty acids, and a phosphate group) forms a double-walled balloon-like structure with proteins embedded in these bilayer sheets. The nutritional significance of this structure is that the cell membrane is made up of fatty acids, which are part of the phospholipid bilayer. For this reason, fats are an important part of the diet. And while we need to make sure we do not eat too much of it, we do need an appropriate amount to serve the essential building blocks for all cells. Fats are especially important for athletes who are training to gain muscle mass and for long distance athletes whose metabolisms burn up a tremendous amount of fatty acids. (Fats consist mainly of three fatty acids attached to the three carbon glycerol molecules; thus the name triglycerides.) fatty acid: Any of a large group of monobasic acids, especially those found in animal and vegetable fats and oils. triglycerides: The storage form of fat made up of three fatty acids and a glycerol group. The plasma membrane can selectively allow the transport of molecules through it and also actively transport certain compounds across it through special mechanisms. It is therefore referred to as a semipermeable plasma membrane. This semipermeability gives the cell control over the type and amount of a substance it allows inside. In addition, the cell can rid itself of undesirable compounds while retaining desirable ones. Insulin is an important hormone that is responsible for stimulating the uptake of glucose and amino acids across the plasma membrane. Insulin levels increase in the body after a meal to ensure that these vital nutrients get into the cells. You can maximize the function of insulin through supplementation and timing of meals in relation to training. insulin: A polypeptide hormone functioning in the regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, especially the conversion of glucose to glycogen, which lowers the blood glucose level. glucose: Principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body. Nucleus Commonly called the control center of the cell, the nucleus was first discovered in 1830; discovery is credited to the scientist Robert Brown. Usually, the nucleus is situated in approximately the center of each cell and is slightly darker than the surrounding cytoplasm. The nucleus is essentially a cell within a cell, which has a membrane of its own and houses genetic material. THE NUCLEUS HOUSES THE DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA) OF THE CELL. Strands of DNA form chromosomes. The human cell contains 46 chromosomes— 23 matching pairs. Each parent contributes one set of chromosomes from sex cells; 23 come from the sperm and 23 come from the egg. Chromosomes contain the blueprint for all genetic traits, including eye color, hairline shape, and even predisposition to allergies, among many others. Chromosomes are suspended in a liquid called the nucleoplasm. The liquid between the plasma membrane and nuclear membrane is called cytoplasm, or cytosol. The nucleus typically functions to initiate production of substances needed by the cell. The process is initiated by an intracellular (within the cell) signal, which causes specific genes on certain chromosomes to produce exact copies of the gene sequence being activated. These pieces of material carrying genetic information are called messenger ribonucleic acid (RNA). The information contained on the messenger RNA strands may be the sequence of amino acids needed for a protein molecule, such as insulin. The messenger RNA is then transported from the nucleus, through pores in the nuclear membrane, and on to the cytoplasm. Once in the cytoplasm of the cell, the strand of messenger RNA is used as a template to make molecules in the cytoplasm. For this event to occur, ribosomes must be connected to the messenger RNA strand. Ribosomes are also organelles and they run along the messenger RNA strands while in the cytoplasm. As the ribosomes go along the messenger RNA strand, they function to connect each code point along the RNA to the corresponding transfer RNA which has an amino acid attached to it. The ribosomes roll along the messenger RNA, recruiting amino acids to produce proteins. If certain amino acids are missing, the protein chains cannot be completed; protein synthesis can be reduced or temporarily stopped. This is why adequate and effective protein intake is mandatory for human activity. This concept of the limiting nutrient is important to consider. The diet can be abundant in calories But if an essential nutrient is in short supply, it can limit certain reactions needed for the cell—and therefore the active person— to thrive. The nucleus has another important function: It initiates cell division. During cell division, each chromosome must duplicate itself so that the new cell will contain a full set of 23 pairs of chromosomes. Ribosomes Ribosomes are extremely small, spherical organelles made up of protein and RNA. They are the most numerous of cell organelles. They are found scattered throughout the cell’s cytoplasm and also along the surface of another organelle, the endoplasmic reticulum (discussed next). Ribosomes function in pairs as two subunits; one subunit is smaller than the other. Ribosomes are located in the cytoplasm and make various compounds from messenger RNA for local cellular needs. Ribosomes situated on the endoplasmic reticulum synthesize compounds for use outside the cell and can be channeled out of the cell for export, such as with hormones and digestive enzymes. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) This organelle forms a network of intracellular canals within the cytoplasm. It exists in two forms: rough ER and smooth ER. Rough ER is ER with ribosomes attached. Here is where proteins and other biomolecules can be made and transported through the ER’s canal network to other parts of the cell and outside the cell. Smooth ER is without ribosomes and its function is less clear, although it appears that smooth ER may be the site of steroid synthesis in the testes and adrenal glands. Evidence also indicates that lipid and cholesterol metabolism occur in smooth ER of the liver cells. Golgi Apparatus The Golgi apparatus consists of stacks of tiny oblong sacs embedded in the cytoplasm of the cell near the nucleus. Research has presented convincing evidence that the Golgi sacs are responsible for synthesis of carbohydrate biomolecules (Cooper, 2000). These carbohydrates are then combined with the proteins made in the ER to form glycoproteins. Glycoproteins play an important part in the function of enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and structural proteins, among other things. As the amount of glycoprotein produced within the Golgi sac increases, the sac becomes inflated. At this point, small spheres form along the surface of the Golgi sac and break away. These globules contain the glycoproteins, which are transported to the cell membrane and then out of the cell into the bloodstream to be used by other cells. Lysosomes Lysosomes are other sac-like structures whose size and shape change with the degree of their activity. They start out small, and as they become active, they increase in size. Lysosomes contain a variety of enzymes, which act as catalysts, directing all major biochemical reactions. These enzymes are capable of breaking down all of the main components of the cell, such as protein, fat, and nucleic acid. The broken-down products formed inside the lysosome can be used as raw materials for synthesis of new biomolecules or for energy. In this way, lysosomes serve to contain and isolate these important cellular digestive enzymes and thereby prevent complete digestion of the cell. They also play a limited role in the engulfing and destroying of bacteria that may enter the cell. Mitochondria After the nucleus, mitochondria are probably the most known and talked about organelle in the athletic arena, due to their role in the generation of energy. Referred to as the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria are small, complex organelles that resemble a sausage in shape. They consist of a smooth outer membrane, which surrounds an inner membrane, forming a sac within a sac. The inner membrane is folded like an accordion, and it forms a number of inward extensions called cristae. The enzymes that are essential for making one of the most important biomolecules, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), exist in the mitochondria. It is here in the mitochondria that ATP stores energy which is used to power biological functions. (More will be said about ATP in the units to follow.) Within the inner mitochondria membrane, catabolic enzymes (which are involved in breaking down of biomolecules) catalyze reactions that provide the cells with life-sustaining energy. Nutrients such as glucose and fatty acids are made of carbon atoms linked together with chemical bonds. When these chemical bonds are broken, energy is released. Within the intricate confines of the mitochondria, this energy can be trapped and stored in the ATP molecule, which can then make use of it. In other words, the energy from glucose is transferred to the ATP molecule, and the energy is now in a form that the body can use. These biological structures are the main components of the cell. Some of the other structures include glycogen granules, which store glycogen and enzymes for glycogen breakdown and synthesis. Although not a structure, the cytoplasm is worth mentioning. This liquid portion of the cell is the site of many reactions, including gluconeogenesis (glucose and glycogen formation), fatty acid synthesis, activation of amino acids, and glycolysis (the first phase of breaking down glucose to make ATP molecules for energy). glycogen granule: Structure of the cell that stores glycogen and enzymes for glycogen breakdown and synthesis. gluconeogenesis: Chemical process that converts lactate and pyruvate back into glucose. glycolysis: The metabolic process that creates energy from the splitting of glucose to form pyruvic acid or lactic acid and ATP. TISSUES While the cell is the fundamental unit of life, tissues are the fundamental units of function and structure for the human body. Tissues are defined as the aggregation of cells bound together working to perform a common function. For example, cells of the adrenal cortex form a glandular tissue that produces several hormones, including androgens, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids. Muscle tissue is made up of special muscle fiber cells that collectively have the ability to shorten and form the basis of contractile tissue. This section introduces you to the basic tissues that make up the body. The human body is considerably complex, yet the tissues that form it can be separated into four basic groups: epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissue. Epithelial Tissue Epithelial tissue is found throughout the body: as a continuous external layer over the whole body (skin), on most of the body’s inner cavities, and making up the body’s several glands. On the surface, epithelial tissue functions to protect underlying cells from bacterial invasion, adverse chemicals, and drying. On the inside, it functions as Figure 2.3 Human skin absorbing and secreting tissue, such as in digestive system glands. Epithelial tissue is divided into four groups, which are distinguished according to the shape of the cells that comprise them. They are as follows: 1. Squamous epithelium is composed of one layer of flat cells. It is located in the linings of the mouth, esophagus, and blood and lymphatic vessels. Substances can easily diffuse through this layer of cells. 2. Cuboidal epithelium is made of cube-shaped cells as found in the lining of kidney tubules. 3. Columnar epithelium resembles a column or pillar in shape. These cells are widespread throughout the body, forming linings in the digestive and respiratory tracts. They function as secretory cells or absorptive cells. Some also have small hairs, called cilia, which beat rhythmically and move materials out of a passage, as in the respiratory tract where cilia serve to sweep out foreign matter that may pass into the lungs. 4. Glandular epithelial cells secrete mucus and hormones, such as those of the salivary and thymus glands. Connective Tissue Connective tissue is widespread in the body. It serves to connect structures and provide support. For example, connective tissue joins other tissues to each other, muscles to bone, and bone to bone. Connective tissue is composed of cells embedded in a nonliving matrix. The nature of the matrix, rather than that of the cells themselves, determines the function of a particular type of connective tissue. Connective tissue consists predominantly of intercellular material interspersed among relatively few cells. Blood is also considered a connective tissue because it consists of a fluid matrix with cells suspended within. Some types of connective tissue have the consistency of soft gels, which are firm but flexible; others are hard, tough, and rigid. You may have chewed into a very hard, tough structure while eating meat. This was most likely a piece of connective tissue that the butcher left behind. The important distinguishing characteristic of connective tissue is that the matrix gives a particular connective tissue its identity. Figure 2.4 Connective tissue components Connective tissue is made up of many components. Many types of connective tissue are formed from the same substance, which is made up of a mixture of salts, water, protein, and carbohydrates. Embedded in this substance are cells and fibers. Among the cells and fibers are elastic fibers for elasticity, collagen fibers for strength, reticular fibers for support, microphages and white blood cells to fight infection, fat cells for storage, and plasma cells to produce antibodies. squamous epithelium: Epithelium consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of flat, scale-like or plate-like cells. cuboidal epithelium: Epithelial tissue consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of cube-shaped or somewhat prismatic cells. columnar epithelium: Epithelium consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of elongated and somewhat cylindrical cells projecting toward the surface. glandular epithelial cells: Specialized epithelial cells that secrete bodily products such as mucus and hormones. Connective tissue contains one or more of three fibers—collagen, reticular, and elastic. Their characteristics and main functions are as follows: 1. Collagen fibers are tough, strong fibers that form the major fibrous component of the skin, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and teeth. They are made of the amino acids glycine, proline, lysine, hydroxyproline, and hydroxylysine. Collagen gives connective tissue its versatility because of its ability to interconnect with other molecules and minerals and thereby form an alloy of sorts, with a higher tensile strength than its separate parts. Collagen fibers occur in bundles, which gives it great tensile strength. 2. Reticular fibers are delicate, supportive fibers of connective tissue that occur in networks and support structures such as capillaries and nerve fibers. 3. Elastic fibers are extendible fibers that are designed to maintain elasticity, thus providing resilience in tissues such as skin, arteries, and lungs. Connective tissues that are most familiar to athletes and trainers include cartilage, bone, tendons, and ligaments. The following section discusses them and also includes a summary of other connective tissues. Cartilage forms the foundation of bone tissue. It is found at bone ends, in spinal discs, and makes up the soft bony tissue in the nose. Mature cartilage does not contain blood vessels or nerves. It obtains nutrition through small holes that allow nutrients to seep in. Three types of cartilage exist that are classified by their consistency: elastic, fibrous, and hyaline. The hardness of cartilage depends on the number of collagen fibers: elastic cartilage found in ear and eustachian tubes; tough fibrous cartilage found between bones of the spine (disks); and hard hyaline cartilage found in bone ends, nose, larynx, and trachea. Bones form the skeleton, which functions as support and protection for the body. Bone both resembles and differs from cartilage. Bone is similar to cartilage in that it consists more of intercellular substances (matrix) than cells. However, in bone, the intercellular substance is calcified and hardened as opposed to cartilage, which is a firm gel. Calcium salts impregnate and cement the matrix, a fact that explains the rigidity of bones. Embedded in the calcified matrix are many collagen fibers. Bones are not as lifeless as they seem. Within this hard, nonliving, calcified, intercellular matrix exist many living cells. These cells continually receive food and oxygen and excrete their wastes through the numerous blood vessels that are present in bone tissue and bone marrow. Tendons and ligaments are flexible, yet strong. In fact, they are the strongest connective tissues in the body. Their intercellular matrix consists of a collagen and reticular fiber network, which originates from the cells they surround. Tendons function to connect muscle to bone or other structures. Tendons can be thick, like the Achilles tendon; or they can be thin, like the aponeurosis—a thin layer of connective tissue that covers the skull. Tendons vary based on their location in the body and the demands placed upon them. Ligaments join bone to bone. Ligaments are most commonly found where two bones articulate to form a joint, such as the elbow. tendon: Connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone. ligament: Connective tissue that connects bone to bone or bone to cartilage. Figure 2.5 Tendons and ligaments The functional nature of connective tissue suggests that damage to these structures is a serious occurrence. Connective tissues consist of only a few cells and mostly nonliving matrix, so they have a very limited capacity to regenerate themselves. This is one reason why tendon and ligament injuries often need surgery for repair. Proper nutrition and strength training can help build strong connective tissues that will become more resistant to injury. Some other types of connective tissues are: reticular tissue of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow, which functions as a filtering medium for blood and lymph; areolar tissue, which occurs between organs and other tissues and functions to connect; and adipose tissue, which contains fat and is found under the skin in various spots throughout the body. Adipose tissue functions to protect, insulate, support, and serve as a food reserve. Other types of connective tissue include blood, myeloid (red bone marrow), and lymph. Muscle Tissue Muscle tissue comprises approximately 43 percent of an average man’s bodyweight and 34 percent of an average woman’s bodyweight. Over 600 muscles work together with the support of the skeletal system to create motion. An additional 30 or so muscles are required to insure the passage of food through the digestive system, to circulate blood, and to operate specific internal organs. In exercise physiology, muscles are the main operative tissue, expending energy, generating wastes, and requiring substantial nutrition. Unit 3 explains muscle tissue in more detail. Figure 2.6 Muscle tissue Nervous Tissue Nervous tissue is made up of several types of cells that are responsible for the control of the bodily functions. Nervous tissue is found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, which branch out to all parts of the body. The three types of nervous tissues are neurons, neuroglia, and neurosecretory cells. Their functions are as follows: nervous tissue: The main component of the nervous system; the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS), and the branching peripheral nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which regulates and controls bodily functions and activity. Neurons conduct nerve impulses, register sensory impulses, and conduct motor impulses. The central neuron body contains a nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm, and two projections at either end. The two types of projections are axons—which generally conduct impulses away from the body of the nerve cell—and dendrites, which conduct impulses from adjacent cells inward toward the cell body. Neuroglia consist of a delicate network of branched cells and fibers that supports the tissue of the central nervous system. Neurosecretory cells are large neurons that produce secretions, which travel along neuron axons and are typically released into the bloodstream. They function to translate neural signals into chemical stimuli in the body. Figure 2.7 Nervous tissue, found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves Figure 2.8 Human body systems SYSTEMS OF THE BODY The human body is an incredible biological phenomenon composed of several interdependent systems that are responsible for maintaining life. Groups of body tissues interact to form functional body units called systems. Essentially, the body is one living system made up of many subsystems. However, for academic purposes, anatomists and physiologists refer to these subsystems as systems. The body has 10 principal systems, and they are summarized as follows: (1) Theintegumentary system consists of the skin and the structures derived from it. (2) The skeletal system helps to support and protect the body and consists of bones and cartilage. (3) The muscular system consists of large skeletal muscles for movement, cardiac muscle in the heart, and smooth muscle of the internal organs. (4) The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, sense organs, and nerves, which regulate other systems of the body. (5) The endocrine system consists of the glands and tissues that release hormones and works with the nervous system in regulating metabolic activities. (6) The circulatory system serves as the transportation system of the body and consists of two subsystems: the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system. (6a) The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels and serves as the transportation system. (6b) The lymphatic system protects the body against disease. (7) The respiratory system consists of the lungs and air passageways, which supply oxygen to the body and remove carbon dioxide. (8) Thedigestive system consists of the digestive tract and glands that secrete digestive juices into the digestive tract and is responsible for the breakdown of foods and waste elimination. (9) The urinary system is the main excretory system of the body, which consists of the kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra. (10) The reproductive system consists of male or female gonads and associated structures, which maintain sexual characteristics and are responsible for reproduction. integumentary system: System of the body consisting of the skin and its associated structures, such as the hair, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. skeletal system: System of the body consisting of bone and cartilage that supports and protects the body. muscular system: System of the body consisting of large skeletal muscles that allow us to move, cardiac muscle in the heart, and smooth muscle of the internal organs. nervous system: System comprised of brain, spinal cord, sense organs and nerves. Regulates other systems. endocrine system: System consisting of the glands and tissues that release hormones. It works with the nervous system in regulating metabolic activities. circulatory system: System consisting of the heart and blood vessels that serves as the transportation system. lymphatic system: Subsystem of the circulatory system, which protects the body against disease. respiratory system: System consisting of the lungs and air passageways, which supplies oxygen to the body and removes carbon dioxide. digestive system: System of the body consisting of the digestive tract and glands that secrete digestive juices into the digestive tract. Responsible for breaking down foods and eliminating waste. urinary system: Main excretory system of the body, which consists of the kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra. reproductive system: System consisting of gonads, associated ducts, and external genitals concerned with sexual reproduction. Although each system can be separated out from the rest, without the other systems, its function cannot be carried out to completion. For example, if the muscular system were disconnected from the nervous system, nerve impulses sent down neurons would have no effect on stimulating muscle contraction. Of these 10 principal systems, 6 are most pertinent to health, physical fitness, and personal training: the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the skeletal system, and the muscular system. This unit covers the first 5, and Unit 3 covers the muscular system separately. Respiratory System The respiratory system consists of the lungs and air passageways leading to and from them: mouth, throat, trachea, and bronchi. The respiratory system supplies oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide to tissues in helping to regulate the acid–alkaline (pH) balance of the body. Respiration is the overall exchange of gases between the atmosphere, the blood, and the cells. It all begins with the lungs. This is where the air you breathe is processed; the oxygen is removed and then transferred to the bloodstream for distribution throughout your body. The amount of air that your lungs can process is the first limiting factor on your physical condition. To understand how conditioned lungs can process more air, you need to understand how breathing works. Think of the lungs as a dairy in which bulk milk comes in and the cream is separated from it. The cream is then bottled and sent off for distribution. Empty bottles come back, get flushed out, and receive more cream—and the cycle begins again. Figure 2.9 Pulmonary anatomy Think of oxygen as the “cream” of the air you breathe. When bulk air comes into your lungs, the oxygen is extracted from it, “bottled” in red blood cells (hemoglobin), and then sent off on the bloodstream assembly line for distribution. When they reach the tissue, the “bottles” exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide and water and then carry these wastes back to the lungs, where they are flushed out. The “bottles” are then ready to pick up more oxygen and begin the cycle again. The air you breathe is approximately 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen, with negligible traces of other gasses. This ratio rarely varies. What does vary is the amount of air you can process. If your lungs cannot process enough air, they cannot extract enough oxygen to produce enough energy. Two factors limit the lungs’ ability to process air. First, the lungs have very little muscle of their own. Expansion and contraction of the lungs depends on the muscles of the rib cage and the diaphragm. As you inhale, the muscles surrounding the lungs create a larger area in the lung cavity, thereby creating a partial vacuum. Aided by this differential in atmospheric pressure, air then rushes in. When exhaling, the muscles, aided somewhat by the natural elasticity of the lungs and chest wall, contract to create greater atmospheric pressure inside the lungs than outside your body. Inhaling is the air is being “sucked” in; exhaling is the air being “pushed” out. The process described occurs with the body at rest. Most bodies at rest consume basically the same amount of oxygen, and consequently they inhale and exhale just about the same amounts of air. Now, as you move into physical activity, the amount of air you can inhale and exhale is limited. The first limiting factor is the size of the vacuum your muscles can create for the lungs to expand into; the second is the size of the area they can be squeezed back into. Conditioned athletes have the capability to inhale more air and sustain the process for longer periods. Conditioned athletes are also more capable of exhaling more waste because the muscles surrounding their lungs have been trained and thus are more efficient. The second limiting factor on how much air the lungs can process is the condition inside the lungs. Lungs vary in size; a larger person naturally has proportionately larger lungs than a smaller person. In terms of sports performance, the concern is less about the size (total capacity) of the lungs than with how much of that capacity is usable. This usable portion is called the vital capacity, and it is measured in the laboratory by assessing the amount of air that can be completely exhaled in one deep breath. Research has shown that a conditioned person has a vital capacity equaling approximately 75% of his or her Figure 2.10 Respiration. When the diaphragm and breathing muscles lift the rib cage, the size of the chest cavity increases; as the rib cage lowers, the size of the chest cavity decreases. Fluctuation in cavity volume causes air to move in and out of the lungs. hemoglobin: An oxygen-transporting protein found in blood cells. vital capacity: The usable portion of the lungs. total lung capacity. However, a deconditioned person may match this percentage by virtue of genetics. To differentiate between the two individuals, you must look at the maximum minute volume, the amount of air that a person can process during 1 minute of vigorous exercise. The results of this test generally provide a clear indication of who is the conditioned individual and who is the deconditioned individual. Conditioned athletes may force as much as 20 times their vital capacity through their lungs in 1 minute, whereas deconditioned individuals might be hard-pressed to force even 10 times through. They simply lack the muscle strength and endurance to perform at any higher level. maximum minute volume: The amount of air that a person can process during one minute of vigorous exercise. After usable lung volume has been measured, the remainder of the air in the lungs is called the residual volume. This volume is fixed, and even a conditioned athlete cannot breathe it in or out. However, too much residual volume is unhealthy. If your body deteriorates from inactivity or disease, the unusable portion of the lungs may increase, providing less space for normal breathing, let alone vigorous exercise. Ultimately, shortness of breath results from even light activity, such as climbing a flight of stairs. When you need more oxygen in a hurry, the muscles controlling the lungs will not be in condition to force high volumes of air through them, and the usable space within the lungs may be seriously reduced. residual volume: The remainder of the air in the lungs after the usable lung volume has been measured. In some before-and-after tests with Lackland Air Force Base airmen, it was found that with just 6 weeks of conditioning, the airmen increased maximum minute volume from 10 times to as much as 20 times their vital capacity. The figures are both an indictment and an argument. The airmen were teenagers, yet they could ventilate only 10 times their usable lung volume in one minute. It makes one wonder what they had been doing all their lives to get so deconditioned at such a young age. Then, after just a month and a half of conditioning, they bounced back to peak ability. The training effect can reverse both trends. Exercising the muscles surrounding your lungs increases their strength and efficiency and helps open more usable lung space. It has the net effect of increasing your vital capacity and reducing the residual volume. In each instance, it makes your lungs more efficient organs to process more air and extract more of the essential oxygen. The oxygen supply to the blood at rest is only about 1 cup per minute. Extreme exercise in a trained athlete can step this number up to 1 gallon per minute. At rest, only about 12 percent of the stagnant air in the lungs is renewed during each breath. A good way to test the breathing condition of your lungs is to take a deep breath and see how long you can hold it. Most adults in moderately good physical condition and with healthy lungs should be able to hold their breath for 50 seconds or longer. Most individuals in average condition have a respiration rate of 10 to 16 breaths per minute. Respiration rate is measured at rest with the subject breathing within a normal resting heart rate. The training effect can have beneficial effects on normal breathing, resulting in fewer breaths per minute. Exercising the muscles surrounding the lungs increases their strength and efficiency, which increases usable lung capacity. It has the net effect of increasing the vital capacity and reducing residual volume. The training effect thus transforms the lungs into more efficient organs that are capable of processing more air and extracting more essential oxygen. Circulatory System The circulatory system serves as the body’s transportation system. The heart, arteries, veins and blood vessels are parts of this system. The circulatory system consists of two subsystems: the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system. In the cardiovascular system, the heart pumps blood through a vast network of blood vessels. The lymphatic system helps preserve fluid balance within the body and protects against disease. Figure 2.11 Chambers of the heart. Blood enters the right atrium and is pumped to the longs via the right ventricles. It re-enters the heart at the left atrium and is pumped into the general circulation from the left ventricle. Figure 2.12 Systemic circuit Anatomy of Blood Blood has four main constituents: plasma, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. Plasma, the fluid portion of blood, is composed of numerous chemicals including sugars, minerals, and proteins (albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen). Erythrocytes, containing hemoglobin, carry oxygen, supplying it to all the tissues of the body. Leukocytes, of which several types exist, serve principally to combat infections. Platelets are important in the mechanism of blood clotting. plasma: The fluid portion of blood. erythrocyte: Blood cell that contains hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodily tissues; a biconcave disc that has no nucleus. Also known as red blood cell. leukocyte: Cell whose primary function is to combat infections; also known as white blood cell. platelet: Cytoplasmic body found in the blood plasma that functions to promote blood clotting. The total volume of blood in the body is dependent on the size of the individual and the state of training. The average blood volume range is from 5 to 6 liters in men and 4 to 5 liters in women. The composition of whole blood is 55 percent plasma (of which 90% is water, 7% plasma proteins, and 3% other), and 45 percent formed elements (of which more than 99% is red blood cells and less than 1% white blood cells and platelets). Mature red blood cells (erythrocytes) have no nucleus and therefore cannot reproduce. They must be replaced with new cells every 4 months. This balance is very important because adequate oxygen delivery to body tissues depends on having a sufficient number of carriers: red blood cells. A decrease in the number or function of red blood cells can hinder oxygen delivery and thus affect performance. Figure 2.13 Composition of whole blood. How Respiratory and Circulatory Interaction Works From the lungs, the oxygen goes directly into the bloodstream—the “assembly line” of the body. The lungs contain millions of tiny air sacs, called alveoli, around which the blood flows. These sacs are like tiny balloons filled with air dangling in the liquid of the bloodstream. The air is forced into these sacs by atmospheric pressure. Then, following the law of gaseous diffusion, the oxygen moves from the area of higher pressure in the alveoli to the red blood cells, where the pressure is lower. Going back to the dairy farm analogy, the red blood cells are now in effect “empty bottles,” having delivered their supply of oxygen and disposed of the returning wastes. alveoli: Capillary-rich air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. Limiting factors include the number of red blood cells, the amount of hemoglobin they carry, and total blood volume. Even if your lungs could process more oxygen, your body tissue still would not receive more oxygen unless there were more “bottles” to put it in for delivery. This is another benefit of the training effect. It produces more blood, resulting in: more hemoglobin, which carries the oxygen; more red blood cells, which carry the hemoglobin; more blood plasma, which carries the red blood cells and, consequently, more total blood volume. Laboratory tests have repeatedly shown that people in good physical condition invariably have a larger blood supply than deconditioned people of comparable size. An average-sized person may increase his or her blood volume by nearly a quart in response to aerobic conditioning, and the red blood cell count increases proportionately. Figure 2.14 Alveoli So, now there are not only more “bottles” to deliver the oxygen, but more “empties” to carry away the wastes. The removal of carbon dioxide and other waste products is just as important in reducing fatigue and increasing endurance as is the production of energy. It is like your home. Even if you stock your pantry with good food, you still have to clean out the garbage regularly to maintain a livable space. law of gaseous diffusion: Law stating that a gas will move across a semipermeable membrane (e.g., alveolar, capillary) from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. The process by which the “bottles” get to the tissue level, unload the oxygen, and pick up the wastes from the tissue cells is called osmosis. The oxygen and food particles, now in liquid form, pass through the cell membrane, and waste products exit the cell in the opposite direction. That basic life cycle is represented here: Materials for nourishment and energy go in, and leftover wastes go out. To complete the cycle, when the carbon dioxide and other wastes are carried away in the bloodstream through the veins and they reach the lungs, the law of gaseous diffusion now works in reverse. The pressure of the carbon dioxide in the veins is greater than it is in the alveoli, so it passes freely into the alveoli and is exhaled with the expired air. osmosis: The scientific process of transferring fluid between molecules. The efficiency of this cycle, and its capacity for gas exchange, is a function of the training effect. The more exercise the body does, the stronger the training effect will be; the less exercise the body does, the weaker it will be. In a treadmill test, conditioned adult males would start with a diastolic pressure of 70 and experience only a slight increase during their run. Then, upon stopping, they would return to normal within a few minutes. However, deconditioned people—and especially the overweight types—might start with a diastolic pressure of 90, then shoot up to 105 during exercise, and take 10 minutes or more to recover. diastolic pressure: Pressure exerted on the walls of the blood vessels during the refilling of the heart. All of these processes are occurring with the body at rest and the heart beating at a normal rate. Physical activity and emotional stress raise the heart rate. They also raise the blood pressure because the heart is pumping more blood into the system at a faster rate. Excessive demands on the heart can cause trouble in people with pre-existing medical conditions. Years ago, treatment for high blood pressure was rest and relaxation. However, recent reports, such as the Surgeon General’s Report (1996) suggest that regular exercise can be an effective means of reducing high blood pressure. Most people, especially those with clinical conditions, reduce their blood pressure significantly after adhering to an exercise program for even a few weeks. The blood vessels make compensatory adjustments to handle the increased workload because of the exercise they get regularly. Almost all of the body systems do so in response to increased stress; this adaptive response is the training effect. One of the most famous and amusing tests done in the area of vascularization was reported by a researcher who set a weight on the floor, tied a rope to it, ran the rope over a pulley fastened to the edge of a table, then sat on the other side of the table and looped the rope over the middle finger of his right hand. Then, in time to a metronome, he began lifting the weight. The first time, and for many weeks thereafter, the best he could do was 25 lifts before his finger became fatigued. To expand the experiment, he had a mechanic in the building lift the weight occasionally, and the mechanic always beat him. One day, about 2 months later, the researcher began his usual lifts, but found his finger wasn’t tired at 25. He kept going and ultimately reached 100. He suspected what had happened and brought the experiment to a rather unorthodox conclusion. He invited the mechanic in again and made a small bet that he could beat him. The mechanic accepted and lost. What the researcher suspected, of course, was that his finger muscles had undergone vascularization in response to the adaptive stress of exercise. More blood vessels had opened up, creating new routes for delivering more oxygen. And they apparently did not open up one at a time, but a whole network at a time. Another effect of conditioning on the blood vessels is an augmented blood supply made possible by the creation of new routes (called vascularization) supplying blood to the working muscles. This vascularization is the most essential factor in building endurance and reducing fatigue in the skeletal muscle. Saturating the tissue with oxygen and carrying away more waste is a crucial factor in the health of the heart, the most important muscle of all. Larger blood vessels supplying the heart tissue with energy-producing oxygen considerably reduce the chances of cardiac failure. Even if a heart attack were to occur, the improved blood supply would help to keep surrounding tissue healthy and improve chances for a speedy recovery. One final problem involving the blood vessels is fat metabolism. As discussed in Unit 1, “metabolism” is a big word with a reasonably simple meaning: It means change. You have already been introduced to one type of metabolism: energy metabolism, where foodstuffs are burned by oxygen and converted into energy. Another form of metabolism is tissue metabolism, in which foodstuffs are changed to make new tissue. fat/lipid metabolism: A metabolic process that breaks down ingested fats into fatty acids and glycerol and then into simpler compounds that can be used by cells of the body for general bodily function as well as energy production. Fat is one of the foodstuffs; proteins and carbohydrates are others. Dietary fat is important because it is one of the major factors in the development of arteriosclerosis. It is also important in the development of cholesterol. The crust found on the inner walls of arteries in arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) contains large amounts of cholesterol. The body can tolerate and easily metabolize a moderate amount of fat. But as you will learn later in this text, high-fat diets strain its metabolic capabilities. When this happens, fat circulates in the bloodstream for prolonged periods following fatty meals, and how long it takes to get rid of it depends on the body’s condition. The training effect does three things for blood vessels: 1. It enlarges them and makes them more pliable to pressure. 2. It increases their number for saturation coverage. 3. It helps keep their linings clear of corrosive materials. Tissues are the end of the assembly line, where the oxygen is turned over to the consumer and the waste products are picked up for carting away. Each cell is like a small factory; it has its own receiving and shipping facilities, storeroom, and power plant for creating energy, heat, and new protoplasm—the stuff of which all cells and all living things are made. All the food you eat and all the oxygen you breathe is meant to serve this one tiny little factory. In a study on fat metabolism, a group of volunteers—well-conditioned men, average men and men in poor condition—fasted overnight to eliminate interference from other foods. On the morning of the test, each drank 1 1/2 pints (3/4 qt) of heavy cream and nothing else. Then, still without eating, blood counts were taken every few hours to see how fast the fat was processed out of the bloodstream. The conditioned subjects lowered their total fat to normal within four hours. Some of the deconditioned bodies took up to ten hours—more than twice as long! The fat intake from this study was all from one sitting. Consider all the fat your body takes in during the day and you can understand the body’s job of getting rid of fat. Some bodies can’t do it, and problems become inevitable. Ideally, healthy fat metabolism depends on a combination of a low-fat diet and aerobic exercise. But studies have shown that a high-fat diet and aerobics are preferable to a low-fat diet and no exercise. When donating blood, as thousands of individuals did in a patriotic response to the September 11th attack on the United States, the removal of one unit (nearly 500 ml) represents approximately an 8 to 10 percent reduction in both total blood volume and in the number of circulating red blood cells. Since blood is 55 percent plasma, of which 90 percent is water, donors are advised to drink plenty of fluids to help replace plasma volume to normal within 24 to 48 hours. However, since red blood cells are formed elements, it takes at least six weeks to reconstitute the red blood cells. Resistance training is not detrimentally affected by blood donation because it predominantly relies on the ATP/PCr or glycolytic systems to produce ATP, both of which are anaerobic systems. However, blood loss greatly compromises the performance of endurance athletes by reducing the number of available red blood cells and thus reducing the oxygen-delivery capacity. Blood serves many useful purposes in the regulation of normal body functions. From transportation to temperature regulation and acid-base balance, the importance of blood cannot be overstated and we at ISSA encourage all our students to consider their role in helping others through blood donation. Heart The heart is the magnificent engine that keeps the whole assembly line going. It takes oxygen-laden blood from the lungs and pumps it throughout the body, and it takes carbon dioxide–laden blood back from the body and pumps it into the lungs where it is exchanged for more oxygen. The heart begins working before birth and continues to work until death. Ironically, the heart works faster and less efficiently when you give it little to do than it does when you make more demands on it. It is a remarkable engine. Both anaerobically and aerobically conditioned people who exercise regularly tend to have a resting heart rate of about 60 beats per minute (bpm) or less. A deconditioned person who does not exercise may have a resting rate of about 80 bpm or more. Women tend to have a slightly higher heart rate than men, as do children. Even though you may appear to be in great condition, obesity, stress, and many other factors can speed heart your rate considerably. anaerobic: Occurring without the use of oxygen. aerobic: Occurring with the use of oxygen, or requiring oxygen. resting heart rate: The number of times the heart beats in one minute: 72 beats per minute for the average adult. Suppose that the two people in the previous example were at complete rest for a full 24 hours. A comparison between their two resting heart rates would look like this: Conditioned person 60 bpm, times 60 min =3,600 beats per hour (bph) 3,600 bph × 24 h =86,400 beats per day (bpd) Deconditioned person 80 bpm × 60 min = 4,800 bph 4,800 bph × 24 h =115,200 bpd Even at complete rest, a deconditioned person who does not exercise the heart forces it to beat nearly 30,000 times more during every day of life. But no one is at complete rest 24 hours a day, and for ordinary activity such as getting up from a chair, walking across the room, and climbing a flight of stairs, the deconditioned heart would beat proportionately faster than a conditioned heart for the same activity. What have you done for your heart lately? In considering how healthy your heart is, you must look at two factors: the tissue itself and the number of times it beats during rest or exercise. Figure 2.15a Interior view of the heart Figure 2.15b Vascularization of the heart Vascularization—the development of new capillaries and the enlargement of the existing blood vessels—was best demonstrated by an amazing athlete named Clarence DeMar. During his lifetime, he participated in more than 1,000 long-distance races. He entered the 26 mile Boston Marathon 34 times, winning it seven times and finishing in the top 10 on 15 other occasions. “Mr. Marathon” was a man who enjoyed running. He worked nights as a proofreader for a New England newspaper, operated a small farm and still found time to teach classes at a reformatory for boys, in addition to keeping in condition for his cross-country races. Clarence ran his last race, a simple 10-mile affair, when he was 69. He died of cancer a year later, working up to two weeks before his death. His family allowed an autopsy. His heart was a museum piece, but the most striking discovery was the condition of the coronary arteries, the arteries that supply the heart muscle. They were two to three times their normal size! Some of our sedentary types not only do not have enlarged arteries, but the small ones they do have are clogged with debris which reduces the openings even more. Heart Tissue Heart tissue is mostly muscle. Unlike the lungs, the heart does its own work, which is unquestionably the most important work in the body. The health of heart tissue is determined by its size and how well it is supplied with blood vessels. Hearts come in three sizes. A normal, deconditioned heart is relatively small and weak because, like any muscle that is not exercised properly, it begins to atrophy (waste away). An enlarged unhealthy heart normally grows to compensate for a deficiency in the cardiovascular system, hypertension, or other vascular deformity. Such enlarged hearts are not as efficient as hearts that grow large through training. Despite their exterior size, their interior volume is not as large, so they cannot pump as much blood with each stroke. The conditioned heart is strong and healthy. It is relatively large and highly efficient; each stroke pumps more blood with less effort. It is beautifully resilient and, like any great athlete, it does its job effectively and efficiently. Vascularization plays a prime role in the heart, because more vessels allow for better function. For its own energy, the heart needs the same oxygen it is pumping around the body for the other muscles. A healthy heart is characterized by a conspicuously favorable blood supply. Heart tissue is saturated with oxygen by healthy blood vessels. It is like a lawn with built-in watering jets versus one watered with a small garden hose. The hose might water the entire lawn eventually, but during a hot spell, it might take too long and some of the lawn might burn up. If part of your heart could not get enough sprinkling, it could also “burn up,” leading to a heart attack. A healthy heart depends on the health of the cardiac tissue, and healthy cardiac tissue depends on saturation by way of large healthy blood supply routes. This saturation coverage (vascularization) is one of the most important benefits of the training effect. Nowhere is the training effect more evident or more important than in the heart. Heart Rate The second factor that indicates the health of the heart is the heart rate. As they grow larger and stronger, conditioned hearts can beat more slowly because they are pumping more blood with each stroke. Nearly all of the great distance runners have had low heart rates. In fact, some are reported to have a resting rate of as little as 32 bpm. Even highly conditioned anaerobic athletes—such as football players, sprinters, and weightlifters — have resting heart rates far below the average person. The average young office worker has a resting heart rate of about 75 to 80 bpm. To determine resting heart rate, have your client sit still for 5 minutes, then take his or her pulse and count the beats for a full 60 seconds. If the heart rate is at 80 bpm or above, then your client is not likely in good condition. Treadmill tests show that those with conditioned hearts can literally do twice as much work, run twice as fast or twice as long, and with a lower heart rate than those with deconditioned hearts. Some supremely conditioned athletes, like distance-runner Peter Snell, have been run to exhaustion on treadmills, yet their heart rates never exceeded 165 to 170 beats per minute. The good news is you can help a client change that condition with training. Dr. J.S. Skinner, formerly with the U.S. Public Health Service, enlisted a group of desk-bound executives, 35 to 55 years of age, in an exercise program. After a training program of 6 months, their resting heart rates dropped an average of 10 bpm. (Skinner, 1993) Training also reduces maximum heart rate (HR max), which is just as important. Healthy hearts will peak, without strain, at 190 bpm or less, while poorly conditioned hearts may go as high as 220 bpm or more during exhausting activity, which is dangerously high depending on the age of the subject. You can estimate maximum heart rate (HR max) by subtracting your age from 220. For example, for a 35-year-old individual, it would be 185 because 220 − 35 = 185. maximum heart rate (HR max): The highest rate at which an individual is capable: 220 minus age in years is equivalent to maximum heart rate. Eq. 2.1 What lower heart rates really mean is that when at rest, the heart is conserving energy (saving at least 15,000 beats per day) And that during activity, it has built-in protection against beating too fast and suffering strain or failure. Finally, training can condition the heart to not only reduce its maximum rate, but also strengthen it so that it can hold near-maximum rates for longer periods before fatigue sets in. Some of the Gemini astronauts had heart rates of around 170 during their exhausting extravehicular activity. In addition, Norwegian cross-country skiers have been known to hold heart rates of up to 170 for as long as 2 1/2 hours at a clip. Another type of heart rate has nothing to do with physical exercise. It is called the anticipatory rate or tension rate. You might want to think of it as the emotional heart rate. For example, the telephone rings unexpectedly in the middle of the night, and you can almost hear your heart pound as you rush to answer it. You are due for a promotion that does not come, and you get worked up just thinking about it. These and other little crises of daily life affect the heart. But training can reduce this effect. This response to mental and physical stimuli makes the heart a unique muscle. Two systems in your body prepare you for the fight-or-flight response, which starts the heart pumping and rushes more oxygen around before you even make a move. In periods of acute emotional stress, the sympathetic nervous system, an automatic system that speeds up most activities in the body, combines with the output of the adrenal glands to produce a high level of hormones in the blood. When these hormones reach the heart, they cause it to increase in rate and strength of contraction. sympathetic nervous system: An automatic system that speeds up most activities in the body. adrenal glands: Two glands that release hormones which helps the body cope with stress. However, with deconditioned hearts, the slowing down sometimes does not happen and the heart takes off, beating at an excessively fast rate, possibly leading to a heart attack. With conditioned hearts, there is a better balance, and you can go at an all-out effort but still control it before you go too far. A high, potentially damaging level of hormones is simply never reached. This, too, is part of the training effect. These hormones have less of an effect on a conditioned body, possibly due to more efficient utilization or to decreased production. Add to this the fact that a conditioned person’s heart is already trained to level off at a relatively low maximum rate, and he or she has a built-in protection against uncontrollable emotional crises. A deconditioned person does not have this protection. If the deconditioned person is also someone who gets overly excited even in minor emergencies (a hyper reactor), then he or she has two strikes: too much emotion and too little built-in physical protection. Stroke Volume Stroke volume is the term used to describe how much blood is pushed out of the left ventricle with each beat. One very important element in the overall training effect is the stroke volume of the heart. The more the heart pumps out with each beat, the less frequently it is required to beat. stroke volume: The volume of blood pumped out of the heart into the circulatory system by the left ventricle in one contraction. Another important term to remember is left ventricle ejection fraction. Say, for example, you pump a pint of blood out of the left ventricle with each beat. Is that 50 percent of what is there? Is it 70 percent? 90 percent? A well-trained athlete can push out about 95 percent of the blood in the left ventricle while working at 80% of his or her capacity. That is great! The average (sedentary) person only pushes out about 75 percent while working at 80 percent maximum. Increased stroke volume means that the more blood that is pumped out with each beat, the lower the heart rate is. left ventricle ejection fraction: The percentage of blood inside the left ventricle pushed out into the body after contraction. Once the blood is pumped out of the heart, it goes to the working muscles. How efficiently the oxygen it’s carrying there is taken into the muscle cells and utilized is called maximal oxygen uptake, or O2 max. The training effect benefits the heart in several ways. It develops a strong, healthy muscle that works with less effort during moments of relaxation or moments of peak physical exertion. By doing so, the heart maintains large reserves of power to handle whatever physical or emotional stress is imposed upon it. maximal oxygen uptake ( O2 max): The maximum usable portion of oxygen uptake over a period of time. Digestive System The digestive system starts at the mouth, runs some 25 feet through the trunk of the body, and ends at the anus. It is basically a strong muscular tube lined with thick epithelium with specialized cells, which differ depending on which part of the digestive system you examine. The digestive system is also referred to as the alimentary canal, gastrointestinal system, and the gut. The digestive system is the life support of the body and the connection with the external environment. The body consumes food and then breaks it down into useful biomolecules in order to obtain the energy necessary for life, as well as create the building blocks necessary for growth. digestive system: System of the body consisting of the digestive tract and glands that secrete digestive juices into the digestive tract. Responsible for breaking down foods and eliminating waste. Digestion is a process by which food is broken down through chemical and physical means so that nutrients can be absorbed. Nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal walls, transported by the blood to the liver, and then transported further onto the trillions of cells through the bloodstream. As you will soon discover, the digestive system is quite complex and remarkable. digestion: The process of mechanical or chemical breakdown of food into absorbable molecules. Functions of the digestive system include the following: Receipt, mastication (chewing), and transport of ingested substances and waste products Secretion of acid, mucus, digestive enzymes, bile and other materials needed to break down food Digestion of ingested foodstuffs Absorption of nutrients Storage of waste products Excretion Auxiliary functions Figure 2.16 Digestive track Physical Components The digestive system is made up of several anatomically different structures that make up the gut and several organs attached to the gut that provide essential functions to the entire process of digestion. For example, the pancreas supplies important enzymes to help break apart complex food substances. This section reviews these major structures and discusses their functions. Mouth Food enters the digestive system through the mouth. The mouth has four functions that it exerts on the ingested food. First, the mouth physically breaks apart food by mastication (more commonly referred to as chewing), thus reducing it in size. Chewing your food thoroughly is vital to digestion. Thorough mastication ensures that you physically reduce in size the foodstuffs so that the stomach can perform its digestive functions more easily. Figure 2.16a Mouth Second, it mixes the food with saliva, creating a moist mass, called a bolus, which is then made ready for swallowing. The saliva also contains the digestive enzyme ptyalin, which begins the chemical breakdown of starch (carbohydrates). Saliva also serves to lubricate the food for its journey down the esophagus into the stomach. Mucus proteins in the mouth also help the food particles stick together. The masticated food mass is swallowed and passed through the pharynx and then into the esophagus. Third, the mouth regulates temperature by either cooling or warming the food. Temperature regulation is important as enzymes function at their best within a narrow temperature range. For humans, this range is held closely to normal body temperature. Also, delivery of cold food can hasten the emptying of the stomach and reduce the efficiency of digestion. Although this accelerated digestive process is generally viewed as negative, one exception is when drinking fluid before and during exercise or competition. Emptying fluids from the stomach faster will rehydrate the body more quickly. The fourth major function of the mouth is that it consciously initiates swallowing when the food is ready. Esophagus The esophagus extends between the pharynx and stomach and is the transport conduit for food and water traveling to the stomach. When the bolus enters the esophagus, an involuntary wave of muscle contractions is triggered, propelling the food mass down into the stomach. This muscle contraction action is known as peristalsis. This peristaltic wave travels down the esophagus at the rate of about 3 inches per second. Once at the base of the esophagus, a ring-like muscle (the esophageal sphincter) is reached, which relaxes to allow the food into the stomach. Keep in mind that at the same time food is let into the stomach, the esophageal sphincter is keeping food from spurting out of the stomach, back up the esophagus. If the sphincter weakens or malfunctions, the acidic contents of the stomach may shoot up into the esophagus and produce an unpleasant, bitter sensation in the throat known as heartburn. Heartburn has nothing to do with the heart; the term developed because the pain may develop in the area of the chest associated with the heart. To reduce stress on the esophageal sphincter, it is a good practice to eat sitting upright and avoid overfilling the stomach with huge meals. Figure 2.16b Esophagus Stomach The stomach is a muscular sac about 2 quarts in volume. It is responsible for the storage and gradual release of food into the small intestine, digestion through chemical secretions and the physical activity of churning the digesting food, and transport of ingested food down the gut. The stomach secretes several types of substances to aid in the breakdown of food. Mucus acts as a protective layer to lubricate the stomach wall and a buffer against acidic secretions. Hydrochloric acid is also secreted in the stomach and helps to keep the stomach relatively free of microorganisms (bacteria) while maintaining the low pH inside the stomach. Hydrochloric acid also acts to catalyze the action of pepsins, which begin the digestion of proteins. Intrinsic factor is a secretion that binds with vitamin B12 and allows it to be absorbed in the small intestine. The hormone gastrin is also secreted in the stomach and helps regulate stomach secretions during digestion. The enzymes rennin, pepsin, and lipase are also secreted. They function to breakdown or begin the breakdown process of several nutrients. Rennin works on milk protein (casein) to prepare it for pepsin action. Pepsin breaks down protein in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Lipase is the enzyme that breaks down fat molecules. Figure 2.16c Stomach Macronutrients are nutrients that are needed in relatively large amounts in the diet; they include carbohydrate, fat, and protein. When macronutrients are taken alone, they leave the stomach at different rates of time. Carbohydrates empty from the stomach the quickest. For this reason, pure carbohydrate drinks taken during exercise can get into the bloodstream fast and replenish glucose—the body’s primary energy source. Proteins empty from the stomach next in time sequence, and fats take the longest to empty out. When carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are consumed together, they get mixed up, causing the stomach to take longer to empty. The stomach normally takes 1 to 4 hours to empty, depending on the amount and kinds of foods eaten. macronutrients: A category of nutrients: including—carbohydrates, proteins, and fats — that are present in foods in large amounts. While the intestines are known as the primary location for absorption, the stomach can absorb some nutrients as well. The stomach can absorb water, glucose, alcohol, aspirin, some other drugs, and some vitamins, such as niacin, among other things. The fact that water and glucose can be partially absorbed through the stomach is a benefit for quick replenishment of these nutrients during exercise. Some popular sports drinks take advantage of this fact and contain glucose as an ingredient. Fructose is another common ingredient; however it is absorbed more slowly. Complex carbohydrates may also be added to sports drinks because they release glucose at a slow rate as they are digested. Glucose ingestion can help spare glycogen stores, but it must be ingested within a half hour of exercise or it can cause an influx of insulin, which will upset energy generation during exercise. fructose: Fruit sugar. The stomach only begins the process of breaking down complex molecules. Complete digestion of these substances occurs farther along in the digestive tract. Complex molecules are broken down into their smaller components (e.g., proteins into amino acids). This breakdown process, also called hydrolysis, continues in the intestines when the partially digested material in the stomach enters the small intestine through the pyloric sphincter muscle. At this stage, it is called chyme. lipogenesis: The formation of fat. Small Intestine The small intestine stretches about 12 feet long and is divided into three main regions: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is connected to the stomach and makes up the first part of the small intestine. Some absorption takes place here, but it is primarily a location for the storage and continued breakdown of food. The next regions of the small intestine, the jejunum and ileum, are responsible for the majority of nutrient absorption. To accomplish complete absorption, the inside surface of the small intestine has a unique anatomy. Instead of being a flat surface, like that of the skin, the small intestine is lined with special cells called villi. These villi are very small finger-like projections that line the entire inner surface of the intestine. The surface area of the intestine is greatly increased by the villi. Each villus is served by blood vessels. When nutrients pass through the cells of the villus, they are transported into the blood vessels and then to the liver. Another transport system, the lymphatic system, is also present in the villus. The lymphatic system mainly transports fat. A small projection called a lacteal also extends into the villus and is responsible for about 60 to 70 percent of the ingested fats being transported to the liver. Shorter fats can be taken up through the blood vessels and transported directly to the liver from the intestines. Figure 2.16d Small intestine Large Intestine and Rectum The large intestine is about 3 feet long. The area where the ileum and large intestine join is called the cecum. The vermiform appendix is also located in this area. In the large intestines some final absorption of water, minerals, and vitamins occurs. Bacteria are present in the large intestine, and through their metabolism, they produce vitamins that are absorbed, such as vitamin K. The large intestine (also called colon) stores the waste products of digestion. The further decomposition of fecal matter by bacterial action produces gas, and depending on the nutrient substrate that makes it down to the colon, the amount of gas produced varies. When the proper stimulus occurs, the colon empties its contents into the rectum, triggering defecation. Normally, the rectum remains empty and rectal filling occurs due to peristalsis. The more fiber in the diet, the softer the feces and the easier it is to eventually defecate. Figure 2.16e Large intestine Pancreas The pancreas is situated along the small intestine near the stomach and is an accessory organ of the gut. The pancreas produces several secretions that are important for digestion and absorption of the nutrients that are secreted into the small intestine. The pancreas produces another vital secretion to help control carbohydrate metabolism. These hormonal secretions are insulin and glucagon. Insulin is secreted into the bloodstream by the pancreas during a meal. It functions to mediate the transport of glucose and amino acids across cell membranes. It also fosters lipogenesis, which is the formation of fat. Insulin has an anabolic function in the body. Anabolism refers to all the chemical reactions and changes that build new substances for growth and maintenance. The hormone glucagon is functionally the opposite of insulin. It initiates a series of reactions that causes the breakdown of glycogen to mobilize glucose into the blood for energy. During exercise, glucagon levels in the blood are increased, liberating energy for exercise. Insulin and glucagon work together in a seesaw fashion to maintain appropriate blood glucose levels. Figure 2.16f Pancreas Liver and Gallbladder Digestion is not complete until the nutrients are delivered to the liver and then released into the bloodstream. The intestines are connected directly to the liver by the portal vein. The nutrients taken up from the intestines are delivered directly to the liver. Fats that travel through the lymphatic system enter the bloodstream directly and then are circulated to the liver for processing. In general, nutrients are control-released from the liver into general circulation. The liver cells process the digested nutrients. Some nutrients are used immediately and others are stored for later use. Liver cells can change nutrients into substances that the body will need and store them until they are required. The liver acts as a processing organ that is responsible for maintaining nutrient balance and storing some essential nutrients and glycogen (glucose) for energy. Glucose stored in the liver is used mainly to supply the brain with energy. The gallbladder is a storage sac for a digestive mixture called bile. Bile is a solution of cholesterol, bile salts, and pigments. Bile is secreted into the small intestine in the duodenum. It is essential for the action of lipase, for the digestion and absorption of fats, and for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Figure 2.16g Liver and gallbladder Factors Affecting Digestion The act of eating should not be taken for granted. Developing good eating habits enhance the proper digestion of food. To get the most mileage out of meals, consider the following points: Eat slowly, and chew food thoroughly. Maintain posture in an upright position. Avoid eating while lying down. Eat several meals of moderate size, as opposed to eating a few large meals. Eat while calm. Nervousness can affect the movements of the digestive system and cause gastrointestinal disturbances. Allow some time for digestion to occur. Strenuous physical activities should be avoided directly after eating. Avoid foods that may irritate the stomach, such as hot spices and alcohol. Consult a doctor if you think you have a digestive system disorder. Nervous System The nervous system is the control center of the body and the network for internal communication. A skeletal muscle cannot contract until it is stimulated by anerve impulse. Without the central control of the nervous system, coordinated human movements are impossible. nervous system: System comprised of brain, spinal cord, sense organs and nerves. Regulates other systems. nerve impulse: A brief reversal of the membrane potential that sweeps along the membrane of a neuron. Figure 2.17 The nervous system The two major divisions of the nervous system are the central and peripheral systems. The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system has two subdivisions: the autonomic and somatic systems. The autonomic nervous system acts on blood vessels, glands, and internal organs. It is divided into two parts: the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows body functions thus conserving energy; and the sympathetic nervous system, which speeds body functions and thus increasing energy use. The somatic nervous system primarily innervates the skeletal muscles, so it is most involved with physical activity. Organization of the Nervous System The nervous system is made up of two major parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The central nervous system is comprised of the brain and the spinal column. You should think of the CNS as being one organ and not separate entities. The CNS receives messages and, after interpreting them, it sends instructions back to the body. The peripheral nervous system does two things: It relays messages from the CNS to the body (the efferent system) and it relays messages to the CNS (the afferent system) from the body. central nervous system (CNS): System of the body comprised of the brain and spinal column. peripheral nervous system (PNS): Relays messages from the CNS to the body (the efferent system) and relays messages to the CNS (the afferent system) from the body. efferent system: System designed to cause action; consists of the somatic and autonomic systems. afferent system: The part of the PNS that sends messages to the CNS. The system seems no more complex than turning a light switch on and off, but it does get more complicated. For example, the efferent system—the system designed to cause action—is divided into two distinct and important parts: the somatic system, which is responsible for voluntary action; and the autonomic system, which processes and activates involuntary action. somatic system: System responsible for voluntary action. autonomic system: System that processes and activates involuntary action. The afferent system—the part of the PNS that sends messages to the CNS—receives messages through these three classes of receptors: 1. Proprioceptors are located in joints, muscles, tendons, and the inner ear. They are responsible for picking up messages such as body position and movement (kinesthesia). 2. Exteroceptors are located near the surface of the skin. They receive information from outside the body such as sight, touch, pressure, or temperature. 3. Interoceptors, are located in blood vessels and viscera, which report inner body sensations such as hunger, thirst, pain, pressure, fatigue, or nausea. The functions of the nervous system as a whole are widely varied, so it is often simpler to remember the three main things that the nervous system does for the human body. 1. It senses changes inside and outside the body. 2. It interprets those changes. 3. It responds to the interpretations by initiating action in the form of muscular contractions or glandular secretions. Many articles and rhetoric exist regarding the crucial link between your mind and your body: That link is your nervous system—the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The following section explores some of the implications of this mind– body link. Neural Adaptations: The Mind–Body Link Can you modify your nervous system to your advantage? That is the big question. What good does it do for you to know all about how the nervous system works unless you can gain some sort of tangible payback? And, if you can expect some sort of physical reward for working hard to understand the mind–body link, will the reward be of sufficient magnitude to warrant giving it the attention and time to extract payment? The answer to that last question is a resounding YES! Not only can you modify certain aspects of nervous system function, but the rewards in terms of athletic success can indeed be significant. Some of the most apparent areas of concern to athletes are improved strength output, better mental concentration, greater training intensity, pain management, and glandular secretions. All of these areas are modifiable to at least a measurable degree and can therefore improve your efforts in the gym. All are inextricably related to and controlled by your nervous system. Figure 2.18 Mind-body link Strength is ultimately controlled by the mind. The strength of your muscle contraction is modified by both internal and external stimuli, which the CNS interprets on the basis of both built-in defense mechanisms (e.g., your muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs) as well as past experience. Strength output then is a voluntary movement. The stimulus for which originates in the various receptors is interpreted by the brain, and is called into action by efferent motor neurons leading from the CNS to the muscles. contraction: The shortening of a muscle or increase in tension. What part of this process can be modified to produce greater strength? It is probably true that the excitation threshold of individual motor units inside contracting muscles can be altered somewhat, as can that of the Golgi tendon organs. Heavy training, explosiveness training, and full amplitude movements appear to modify these elements to a measurable degree, thereby improving strength output. endocrine system: System consisting of the glands and tissues that release hormones. It works with the nervous system in regulating metabolic activities. But the greatest source of modification lies in the mind—the brain. How you perceive the weight, how you approach training, how you view its importance in impacting the rest of your life, and how strongly you cherish your goals all have a degree of influence on how much you can lift. Therefore, understanding neural adaptations can help you motivate your clients to reach success. PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT The mind can benefit as much as the body does from exercise. Research in the area of psychology and physical activity supports a relationship between physical fitness, mental alertness, and emotional stability. An example of this relationship is that improved endurance makes the body less susceptible to fatigue and consequently less likely to commit errors, mental or physical. Your performance, whatever your job, can be sustained longer without the necessity for frequent breaks. People who are physically fit usually have a better outlook, have a little more self-confidence, and often do well in whatever their talents and ambitions prompt them to try. Endocrine System The endocrine system works with the nervous system to maintain the steady state of the body. The endocrine system helps regulate growth, reproduction, use of nutrients by cells, salt and fluid balance, and metabolic rate. The endocrine system is also important in stress regulation. The endocrine system consists of tissues and glands that secrete chemical messengers called hormones. Importance of Hormones Hormones are essential to the function of the human body. Every morsel of food you eat, every supplement you ingest, and every training act you perform in the gym is modified in some way by the hormonal interactions each act instigates. You are virtually captive to your hormones. Types and Functions of Hormones Various glands that comprise the endocrine system secrete hormones. The two types of hormones, steroids and polypeptides, diffuse into the blood and course through your body and eventually act upon a target organ. According to scientists, we have only a minute idea as to what actions each hormone has individually or how they interact. Hormones are made up of amino acids and can be divided into several classes based on their chemical makeup. The classifications are amino acid derivatives, peptides/protein and steroids. It is the chemical structure that influences the way in which the hormone is transported in the blood and the manner that it exerts its effects on the tissue (or muscles). In general terms, the chemical structure of the hormone determines how it will exert its effects on the Figure 2.19 The endocrine system given tissues. For example, while the lipid-like structures of steroid hormones require that they be transported bound to plasma protein (to dissolve in the plasma), that same lipidlike structure allows them to diffuse through cell membranes to exert their effects. These hormones exist in very small quantities in the blood and are measured in micrograms, nanograms, and picograms. Steroidal hormones are produced from cholesterol in the gonads and the cerebral cortex, while polypeptide hormones are manufactured in the many other glands (table 2.1) from various amino acid combinations. Hormones regulate nearly all your bodily functions. They regulate growth and development, help us cope with both physical and mental stress, and they regulate all forms of training responses including protein metabolism, fat mobilization and energy production. In a nutshell, they do it all. It is very important to remember that endocrine function does not function independently of the nervous system. These two systems act together as synergists in hormonal regulatory functions. Therefore, fright, pain, cold, and all other senses of both environmental and bodily happenings will activate hormonal responses in a complex array. Hormones can act in these three ways: 1. Alter the rate of synthesis of cellular protein 2. Change the rate of enzyme activity 3. Change the rate of transport of nutrients through the cell wall Although the effects that hormones exert directly upon various bodily functions are complicated to understand, the resultant and indirect effects, are often of greatest concern to a bodybuilder. It is like a cue ball hitting Table 2.2 Hormonal Response to Exercise CATEGORY HORMONE TRAINING RESPONSE HypothalamusPituitary Hormones Growth hormone (GH) No effect on resting values; trained individuals tend to have less dramatic rise during exercise. Thyrotropin (TSH) No known training effect. Corticotropin (ACTH) Trained individuals have increased exercise values. Prolactin (PRL) Some evidence that training lowers resting values. FSH, LH, & Testosterone Trained females have depressed values. Trained males have depressed testosterone, with probably no change in LH and FSH. Posterior Pituitary Hormones Thyroid Hormones Adrenal Hormones Pancreatic Hormones Kidney Hormones Vasopressin (ADH) Some evidence that training results in slight reductions in ADH at a given workload. Oxytocin No research information available. Thyroxine Reduced concentration of total T3 and an increased free thyroxine at rest. Triiodothyronine Increased turnover of T3 and T3 during exercise. Aldosterone No significant training adaptation. Cortisol Trained individuals exhibit slight elevations during exercise. Epinephrine & Norepinephrine Decrease in secretion at rest and same exercise intensity after training. Insulin Training increases sensitivity to insulin; normal decrease in insulin during exercise is greatly reduced in response to training. Glucagon Smaller increase in glucose levels during exercise at both absolute and relative workloads. Renin, Angiotensin No apparent training effect. another ball, which in turn causes yet a third ball to go into the pocket. The cue ball had a direct effect upon ball number two, but an indirect effect upon ball number three. Hormones and Blood Sugar Regulation The natural regulatory system in the body automatically maintains close control over the level of blood glucose. The body has approximately 10 grams of blood-borne glucose circulating continuously. If blood sugar levels increase, then the pancreas releases insulin. If blood sugar levels are too low, then glucagon is released (see Figure 2.20.) Insulin Insulin is a hormone released from your beta cells in the islets of langerhans in the pancreas. It increases cellular uptake of glucose, which in turn causes increased synthesis of muscle glycogen. This leads to a decrease in blood-borne glucose, which then causes a decrease in insulin production. During prolonged workouts, blood glucose reduction along with decreased insulin production increases the mobilization of stored fat. insulin: A polypeptide hormone functioning in the regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, especially the conversion of glucose to glycogen, which lowers the blood glucose level. Figure 2.20 Maintenance of blood glucose levels under normal conditions. Glucagon Glucagon performs the opposite function of insulin. It plays a role in getting more glucose into the blood when needed by stimulating both glycogenolysisand gluconeogenesis in the liver. The glucose is released into the bloodstream and once again raises the insulin levels. glucagon: A hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates an increase in blood sugar levels, thus opposing the action of insulin. glycogenolysis: Process describing the cleavage of glucose from the glycogen molecule. The process of gluconeogenesis (the production of glycogen from noncarbohydrate sources) activates yet another process. The liver absorbs blood-borne amino acids. This absorption can adversely affect ability to grow because of the reduced availability of the amino acids during protein turnover promoted by exercise. Muscle Growth and Hormonal Regulation Growth Hormone Growth hormone (HGH or hGH) is the most abundant hormone produced by the pituitary gland. HGH is the largest and most complex protein created by the pituitary gland. It is made up of 191 amino acids. Releasing hormones secreted from the hypothalamus control growth hormone secretion. Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) stimulates GH release from the anterior pituitary, while hypothalamic somatostatin inhibits it. growth hormone (HGH or hGH): A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that affects skeletal growth rate and bodily weight gain. rowth hormone secretion reaches its peak in the body during adolescence. This secretion helps to stimulate our bodies to grow as evidenced by rapid growth spurts during adolescence. HGH secretion does not stop after adolescence. Additional influences like exercise, stress, a low plasma-glucose concentration and sleep can affect the secretion of growth hormone as well. Growth hormone stimulates tissue uptake of amino acids, the synthesis of new protein, and long bone growth. Growth hormone also spares plasma glucose by opposing the action of insulin to reduce the use of plasma glucose, increasing the synthesis of new glucose in the liver (gluconeogenesis), and increasing the mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue. Anything that goes on in your body is in some way tied to growth hormone, therefore earning growth hormone the reputation as being the “fountain of youth.” As previously mentioned, natural growth hormone secretion reaches its peak in adolescence. The body must continue to produce growth hormone to function. But every year after turning 20, the body produces less and less growth hormone. At 20 years old, people average 500 micrograms of GH per day. That level drops to 200 micrograms by age 40, and by age 80 the GH levels drop to 25 micrograms per day. One theory to explain this decrease is that somatostatin levels increase and, as mentioned earlier, hypothalamic somatostatin inhibits growth hormone secretion. Inevitably, given the following characteristics, especially protein synthesis, bodybuilders would be drawn to its use and subsequent abuse. In an unfortunate drive to take advantage of the muscle-growth-stimulating effects of growth hormone, many bodybuilders as well as other athletes are injecting the now readily available human growth hormone. As mentioned earlier, evidence exists that GH increases protein synthesis in muscle; however, connective tissue protein (collagen) is increased more than contractile protein. Consistent with these observations is the fact that strength gains do not parallel gains in muscle size. Any time you introduce a foreign hormone into the body, a risk of side effects exists. Chronic use of GH may lead to diabetes, carpal tunnel compression, muscle disease, gynecomastia (overdeveloped breasts in men), and a shortened life span. Thyroid Hormones The anterior pituitary is sometimes referred to as the “master gland,” because of all the important hormones it produces. The anterior pituitary releases a substance called thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Located in the neck, the thyroid gland releases two hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The T4 hormone raises the metabolic rate of all cells by as much as four times, greatly facilitating carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It is believed that over the course of time, careful eating and exercise patterns can increase your metabolic rate by calibrating the body’s “set point.” Adrenal Hormones The adrenal glands are comprised of two parts: the cortex (outer layer) and the medulla (core). These glands produce hormones that enable the body to deal with stress from physical, emotional, or psychological sources. Exercise dramatically increases output of epinephrine, which in turn causes increased blood flow to working muscles, enhanced cardiac output, the mobilization of energy substrate, glycogenolysis, fat mobilization, and other functions that prepare the body to handle stress. epinephrine: A hormone produced by the adrenal gland that causes the flight-or-fight response. The cortex releases a group of hormones called the adrenocortical hormones, also called corticosteroids. This group is made up of mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and androgens. Mineralcorticoids are a group of hormones; the main hormone in this group is aldosterone. Aldosterone regulates the re-absorption of sodium in the distal tubules of the kidneys. High levels of aldosterone cause sodium in the kidneys to be reabsorbed into the blood instead of being excreted with the urine. Low aldosterone, on the other hand, causes sodium to be excreted in large amounts through the urine. Therefore aldosterone is responsible for controlling sodium balance in your body, and it directly impacts on whether you retain water in the interstitial spaces (the spaces in the tissue that are outside the blood vessels). distal tubule of the kidney: A twisted, tube-like structure found inside a part of the kidney known as the nephron. High aldosterone causes a rise in extracellular fluid. This condition causes an increase in blood volume, which in turn causes increased cardiac output and blood pressure. During exercise, there is a constriction of blood vessels to the kidneys, so the kidneys are forced to release an enzyme called renin into the bloodstream. Renin then stimulates the release of yet another kidney enzyme called angiotensin, which stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone. Another corticosteroid, cortisol, is of interest in regard to training efforts. Cortisol is catabolic, which means it causes a breakdown of protein in muscles. Increased cortisol secretion also acts as an insulin antagonist by inhibiting glucose uptake and utilization. cortisol: A corticosteroid that causes a breakdown of protein in muscles. High cortisol levels cause the liver to split the fat molecules that are mobilized by way of cortisol activity into ketoacids. High levels of ketoacids in the extracellular fluid can cause a dangerous situation called ketosis to persist. This occurrence is common among people who have been on a carbohydrate-restricted diet, such as before a bodybuilding contest or to make weight in a particular sport. ketosis: An abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the body; usually the result of a lowcarbohydrate diet, fasting, or starvation. CONCLUSION This unit has described the way the human body is organized, the 10 principal systems of the human body, and how exercise positively affects all of these body systems. You have learned a few of the physiological benefits of exercise from the perspective of anatomy: It increases blood volume, enlarges blood vessels, increases the number of blood vessels, lowers resting heart rate, improves minute volume, and helps keep blood linings clear of corrosive materials. Exercise also reduces peak levels of hyperacidity and its discomforts, such as ulcers. You learned about the three roles of the nervous system: It senses changes inside and outside the body, it interprets those changes, and it responds to the interpretations by initiating action in the form of muscular contractions or glandular secretions. The nervous system is so complex that it is not advised to tamper with its mechanisms. Key Terms adrenal glands aerobic afferent system alveoli anaerobic autonomic system central nervous system (CNS) circulatory system columnar epithelium contraction cortisol cuboidal epithelium diastolic pressure digestion digestive system distal tubule of the kidney efferent system endocrine system epinephrine erythrocyte fat metabolism fatty acid fructose glandular epithelium glucagon gluconeogenesis glucose glycogen granule glycogenolysis glycolysis growth hormone (HGH or hGH) hemoglobin insulin integumentary system ketosis law of gaseous diffusion left ventricle ejection fraction leukocyte ligament lipogenesis lymphatic system macronutrients maximal oxygen uptake ( O2 max) maximum heart rate (HR max) maximum minute volume muscular system nerve impulse nervous system nervous tissue osmosis peripheral nervous system (PNS) plasma platelet reproductive system residual volume respiratory system resting heart rate skeletal system somatic system squamous epithelium stroke volume sympathetic nervous system tendon tissue triglycerides urinary system vital capacity Unit Summary Anatomy is the science of body structure. Physiology is the science behind how our body functions. The biological response is the initial reaction to stress on our body. The training effect is our body’s response to learned and expected stress. The net result is the ability to perform activities more easily with less noticeable biological reaction resulting in increased quality of life. I. The human body consists of levels. Chemicals make up cells, cells associate to form tissues, tissues function together in body systems, and these body systems make up the human body. A. Cells form the fundamental units of life. 1. Cellular components include the plasma membrane, nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, and mitochondria. B. Tissues are the fundamental units of function and structure for the human body. 1. Tissues are defined as the aggregation of cells which are bound and work together to perform a common function and are classified as epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. C. The body can be divided into ten main body systems: integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system (of which the lymphatic system and cardiovascular systems are subsystems), respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system. 1. The respiratory system consists of the lungs and air passageways leading to and from the lungs, mouth, throat, trachea, and bronchi. The respiratory system supplies oxygen, eliminates carbon dioxide, and helps regulate the pH balance of the body. 2. The circulatory system serves as the transportation system of the body. The heart, arteries, and veins are part of this system. The circulatory system consists of two subsystems: the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system. a. In the cardiovascular system, the heart pumps blood through a vast system of blood vessels. Blood has four main constituents: plasma, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. b. The heart tissue is mostly muscle. Unlike the lungs, the heart does its own work. The heart takes oxygen-laden blood from the lungs and pumps it throughout the body. Carbon dioxide-laden blood is taken back from the body and pumped into the lungs where it is exchanged for more oxygen. 3. The digestive system consists of the digestive tract and glands that secrete digestive juices into the digestive tract. It is responsible for the breakdown of foods and waste elimination. a. The components of the digestive system are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. 4. The nervous system is the body’s control center and network for internal communication. A skeletal muscle cannot contract until it is stimulated by a nerve impulse. 5. The endocrine system works with the nervous system to maintain the steady state of the body. The endocrine system helps regulate growth, reproduction, use of nutrients by cells, salt and fluid balance, and metabolic rate. The nervous system is also important in stress regulation. The endocrine system consists of tissues and glands that secrete chemical messengers called hormones. a. Hormones are made up of amino acids and can be divided into several classes based on their chemical makeup. The classifications are: amino acid derivatives, peptides/protein, and steroids. i. Insulin increases cellular uptake of glucose. Glucagon performs the opposite function of insulin. Together, they stimulate blood sugar levels in the body. ii. Growth hormone (HGH or hGH) is the most abundant hormone produced by the pituitary gland. HGH is the largest and most complex protein created by the pituitary gland. b. The thyroid gland, located in the neck, releases two hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). c. Your adrenal glands are comprised of two parts: the cortex (outer layer) and the medulla (inner). UNIT 3 MUSCULOSKELETAL ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Paul O. Davis, PhD, FASCM with portions by Frederick C. Hatfield, PhD TOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNIT Defining the Musculoskeletal System Skeletal System Bones Joints Connective Tissue Muscular System Types of Muscle Tissue Reference Positions Muscle Terminology Structure and Function of Muscle Neuromuscular Concepts Adaptations to Training Aerobic Adaptations Anaerobic System Changes Muscle Hypertrophy Controversial Theories Conclusion Unit Outline I. Defining the Musculoskeletal System II. Skeletal System A. Bones B. Joints C. Connective Tissue 1. Tendons 2. Ligaments 3. Cartilage 4. Connective Tissue Adaptations III. Muscular System A. Types of Muscle Tissue 1. Cardiac Muscle Tissue 2. Smooth Muscle Tissue 3. Skeletal Muscle Tissue B. Reference Positions C. Muscle Terminology D. Structure and Function of Muscle 1. Mechanics of Muscle Contraction 2. Muscle Fiber a. Arrangement of Muscle Fiber b. Types of Muscle Fiber c. Size Principle of Fiber Recruitment E. Neuromuscular Concepts 1. All-or-None Theory 2. Stretch Reflex IV. Adaptations to Training A. Aerobic Adaptations B. Anaerobic System Changes C. Hypertrophy D. Controversial Theories V. Conclusion Learning Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to do the following: Know the basics about bones, joints, and connective tissue and their relationship to exercise. Site the names, locations, and functions of the major muscles of the body. Understand the effects of physical training on the musculoskeletal system and apply this knowledge to training your clients. DEFINING THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM All of the systems of the body contribute to its dynamic, delicately balanced state. Movement of the body is contingent on the interaction of the muscular system and the skeletal system. These two systems are commonly referred to as one musculoskeletal system, which consists of bones, joints, connective tissue, and muscles. musculoskeletal system: Body system that consists of the bones, joints, connective tissue, and muscles. Muscles alone do not move weights. Rather, they move the bones that rotate about connective tissue. Bones provide structural support, and muscles have the ability to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. Joints transmit forces through the bones of the body to the external environment. This unit introduces you to the components of the musculoskeletal system, describes their structure and function, and explains their relationship to physical activity. SKELETAL SYSTEM The average human adult skeleton has 206 bones joined to ligaments and tendons to form a supportive and protective framework for underlying soft tissues and muscles. The skeletal system serves these important functions in the body: skeletal system: System of the body consisting of bone and cartilage that supports and protects the body. 1. 2. 3. 4. Bones serve as levers that transmit muscular forces. The skeletal system protects the body’s organs. The skeletal system serves as a structural framework for other tissues and organs. Bones serve as banks for storage and release of minerals, such as calcium and phosphorous. Figure 3.1 The skeletal system Figure 3.2 The structure of bone The human skeleton consists of the axial and appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton forms the central axis of the body and is mostly concerned with maintaining the structure of the body. It consists of 80 bones, including the skull, spine, ribs, and sternum. The appendicular skeleton supports the body’s appendages and is mostly concerned with creating locomotor and manipulative movement. It consists of 126 bones—60 in the upper extremities, 60 in the lower extremities, 2 in the pelvic girdle, and 4 in the shoulder girdle. axial skeleton: Bones consisting of the skull, spine, ribs, and sternum. appendicular skeleton: Bones consisting of the upper and lower extremities, including the pelvic and shoulder girdles. BONES Each of these 206 bones consists of three layers: bone marrow, compact bone, and periosteum. Bone marrow is located in a central cavity within the long bone. Red bone marrow produces red blood cells (which carry oxygen), white blood cells (which fight infection), and platelets (which help stop bleeding). Yellow bone marrow primarily stores fat cells. Surrounding the marrow is a dense, rigid bone called the compact bone. Cylindrical in shape, the dense layers of the compact bone are honeycombed with thousands of tiny holes and passages. Nerves and blood vessels run through these passages, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the bone. This dense layer of compact bone supports the weight of the body and is comprised mainly of calcium and minerals. Each bone is covered by the periosteum, which is a layer of specialized connective tissue that acts as the “skin” of the bone. The inner layer of the periosteum contains cells that produce bone. These three bone layers work together to handle the aforementioned functions of the skeletal system. The 206 bones that make up the skeleton are divided into two categories: the axial skeleton (trunk and head) and the appendicular skeleton (arms and legs). These bones also vary in shape and size. The five main categories of bones are flat bones, short bones, long bones, sesamoid bones, and irregular bones. 1. Flat bones provide protection and include the ilium, ribs, sternum, clavicle, and scapula. They are usually characterized by a curved surface where it is either thick at the tendon attachment or very thin. 2. Short bones provide some shock absorption and include carpals and tarsals. They are usually characterized as small, cube-shaped, solid bones. 3. Long bones provide structural support and include the tibia, fibula, femur, radius, ulna, and humerus. These bones are usually characterized by a long, cylindrical shaft with relatively wide, protruding ends. 4. Sesamoid bones provide protection as well as improve mechanical advantage of musculotendinous units and are included in the patella and the flexor tendons of the toe and thumb. They are usually characterized as small bones embedded within the tendon of a musculotendinous unit. 5. Irregular bones serve a variety of purposes in the body and include bones throughout the spine as well as the ischium, pubis, and maxilla. musculotendinous: Of, relating to, or affecting muscular and tendinous tissue. Figure 3.3 Bone classification JOINTS A joint (also called an articulation) is formed when two bones connect. There are two major classifications of joints: synarthrodial (with no separation or articular cavity, such as the skull) and diarthrodial (a freely movable joint with an articular cavity). joint: Point where two bones connect. A diarthrodial joint has an articular cavity encased in a ligamentous capsule. Synovial fluid lubricates the smooth cartilage inside the joint capsule. Diarthroidal joints are synovial fluid: A fluid that lubricates the smooth cartilage in joints. classified in six categories: arthrodial (gliding), condyloidal (biaxial ball-and-socket), enarthrodial (multiaxial ball-and-socket), giglymus (uniaxial hinge), sellar (saddle), and trochoidal (pivot). They are defined as follows: 1. Arthrodial (gliding) joints permit limited gliding movement and include bones of the wrist and the tarsometatarsal joints of the foot. They are characterized by two flat, bony surfaces that press up against each other. 2. Condyloidal (ellipsoid) joints permit movement in two planes without rotation. Examples include the wrist between the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones and the second, third, fourth, and fifth metacarpophalangeal joints. 3. Enarthrodial (multiaxial ball-and-socket) joints permit movement in all planes. They include the shoulder and hip joints. 4. Ginglymus (hinge) joints permit a wide range of movement in one plane. Examples of hinge joints are the elbow, ankle, and knee joint. 5. Sellar (saddle) joint permits ball-and-socket movement with the exception of rotation. The thumb is the only saddle joint in the body and is capable of reciprocal reception. 6. Trochoidal (pivot) joints permit rotational movement around a long axis as with the rotation of the radius at the radioulnar joint. Figure 3.4 Types of joints CONNECTIVE TISSUE As its name suggests, the primary function of dense connective tissue is to connect muscle to bone and to connect joints together. Comprised of fiber calledcollagen, mature connective tissue has fewer cells than other tissues. Therefore, it needs (and receives) less blood and the oxygen and other nutrients found in blood. collagen: Fibrous protein that forms tough connective tissue. Each collagen bundle is comprised of several fibers, which, in turn, contain several fibrils. These fibrils contain the actual collagen molecules, which are triple helix in structure. Tendons Tendons are extensions of the muscle fibers that connect muscle to bone. They are tough bands of connective tissue that are slightly more elastic than ligaments, but they cannot shorten as muscles do. tendon: The fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone. Various proprioceptors (the sensory organs found in muscles and tendons) provide information about body movement and position, as well as protect muscle and connective tissue. The Golgi tendon organ is embedded in tendon tissue; you can think of it as a safety valve. Increasing levels of muscular contraction result in feedback to the nervous system from the Golgi tendon organ. When tension becomes too great—greater than the brain can recall—this signal inhibits the contraction stimulus, thereby reducing the likelihood of injury. This protective response is called the feedback loop. feedback loop: Section of a control system that serves as a regulatory mechanism; return input as some of the output. Figure 3.5 Feedback loop Figure 3.6 Cartilage Ligaments Ligaments connect bones to bones at a joint and, along with collagen, contain a somewhat elastic fiber called elastin. While ligaments must have some elasticity to allow for joint movement, it is a limited amount. ligament: The fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to bone, or bone to cartilage, to hold together and support joints. elastin: Elastic fibrous protein found in connective tissue. Cartilage Cartilage is a firm, elastic, flexible, white connective tissue. It is found at the ends of ribs, between vertebrae (discs), at joint surfaces, and in the nose and ears. As a smooth surface between adjacent bones, cartilage provides both shock absorption and structure. Cartilage also lubricates the working parts of a joint. Unlike tendons and ligaments, cartilage has no blood supply of its own. The only way for cartilage to receive oxygen and nutrients is through diffusion (which is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration). Because of this lack of nutrients, damaged cartilage heals very slowly. cartilage: A firm, elastic, flexible, white material found at the ends of ribs, between vertebrae (discs), at joint surfaces, and in the nose and ears. Connective Tissue Adaptations The positive effects of exercise on connective tissue have been well documented. Physical training has been shown to cause an increase in tensile strength, size, resistance to injury, and the ability to repair damaged ligaments and tendons to regular tensile strength. As noted earlier, proper training can alter the Golgi tendon organ and “push back” the “safety valve,” which shuts off muscle contractions. Not just any type of training alters the structure of connective tissue. Surprisingly, much of the research done with the effects of training on connective tissue has been done with endurance training. While endurance training has been shown to produce some adaptations, higher-intensity training is more likely to force these adaptations—in some cases even high-speed ballistic movements. As with all training, ballistic movements that forces adaptations in connective tissues must be used with care. ballistic movements: Muscle contractions that exhibit maximum velocities and accelerations over a very short period of time. They exhibit high firing rates, high force production, and very brief contraction times. MUSCULAR SYSTEM All body movements—walking, running, and even circulating blood, among other things— depend on the actions of muscles. Some 600 muscles work together with the support of the skeletal system to create motion. An additional 30 or so muscles are required in order to insure the passage of food through the digestive system, to circulate blood, and to operate specific internal organs. In exercise physiology, muscles are the main operative tissues; they expend energy, generate wastes, and require substantial nutrition. TYPES OF MUSCLE TISSUE When observed under a microscope, muscles differ in appearance because of their varying cellular structures. Two appearances are recognized: striated muscle tissue and smooth muscle tissue. Based on functional and structural differences, muscle tissue is divided into three types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Cardiac Muscle Tissue Cardiac muscle tissue (striated-involuntary muscle tissue) composes the wall of the heart. It functions to contract the heart and pump blood through body. Cardiac muscle cells are often branched, and their nuclei are more centered than with skeletal muscle cells. They have a tendency to branch and fuse into each other. Fortunately, cardiac muscle tissue does not fatigue easily; the period of rest in between contractions is all it needs. Even during periods of intense exercise, it is the skeletal muscles that fatigue first. Smooth Muscle Tissue Smooth muscle tissue (smooth involuntary muscle tissue) is found in walls of the tubular viscera of digestive, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts; in walls of blood vessels and large lymphatics; in ducts of glands; in intrinsic eye muscles (iris and ciliary body); and in erector muscle of hairs. It functions to move substances along their respective tracts, change diameter of blood vessels, move substances along glandular ducts, change the diameter of pupils and shape of lens, and erect hairs. Like cardiac muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue cells are elongated, but differ in having pointed ends and only one nucleus per cell. They contract more slowly than striated muscle and therefore do not fatigue easily. Skeletal Muscle Tissue Skeletal muscle tissue (striated voluntary muscle tissue) is found attached to bones, in extrinsic eyeball muscles, and in the upper third portion of the esophagus. Skeletal muscle tissue functions to move the bones and eyes. It also moves food during the first part of swallowing. Skeletal muscle tissue is made up of long muscle cells (muscle fibers) that bear the unique characteristic of being multinucleate (containing many nuclei). Characteristically, skeletal muscle tissue cannot sustain prolonged maximal-effort contractions because they easily fatigue. The main focus of this unit is on the skeletal muscles, which are the voluntary muscles attached to bones and therefore the prime movers during training. REFERENCE POSITIONS Trainers need to develop a basic knowledge of the musculoskeletal system, its planes of motion, joint classifications, and joint movement. The anatomical position is the most widely used reference point for analyzing the body. In the anatomical position, the subject is in an upright position, facing straight ahead, with feet parallel and palms facing forward. See the following page for additional anatomical directional terminology. Figure 3.7 Anatomical position Table 3.1 Anatomical Directional Terminology Anterior In front or in the front part Anteroinferior In front and below Anterolateral In front and to the side, especially the outside Anteromedial In front and toward the inner side or midline Anteroposterior Relating to both front and rear Caudal Below in relation to another structure; inferior Cephalic Above in relation to another structure; higher, superior Contralateral Pertaining or relating to the opposite side Deep Beneath or below the surface; used to describe relative depth or location of muscles or tissue Distal Situated away from the center or midline of the body, or away from the point of origin Dorsal Relating to the back; posterior Inferior (infra) Below in relation to another structure; caudal Ipsilateral On the same side Lateral On or to the side; outside, farther from the median or midsagittal plane Medial Relating to the middle or center; nearer to the medial or midsagittal plan Posterior Behind, in back, or in the rear Posteroinferior Behind and below; in back and below Posterolateral Behind and to one side, specifically to the outside Posteromedial Behind and to the inner side Posterosuperior Behind and at the upper part Prone The body lying face downward; stomach lying Proximal Nearest the trunk or the point of origin Superficial Near the surface; used to describe relative depth or location of muscles or tissue Superior (supra) Above in relation to another structure; higher, cephalic Supine Lying on the back; face upward position of the body Ventral Relating to the belly or abdomen Volar Relation to palm of the hand or sole of the foot Figure 3.8 Major muscles of the human body Figure 3.9a Upper arm MUSCLES OF THE UPPER ARM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Humerus (bone) Biceps brachii (long head) Biceps brachii (short head) Triceps brachii (lateral head) Triceps brachii (long head) Triceps brachii (medial head) Brachialis Figure 3.9b Forearm MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Brachioradialis Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Supinator Flexor pollicis longus 8. Flexor digitorum profundus 9. Pronator quadratus 10.Extensor carpi radialis longus 11. Extensor carpi radialis brevis 12. Extensor digitorum Figure 3.9c Shoulder and deltoid MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Humerus (bone) Clavicle (bone) Supraspinatus Subscapularis Infraspinatus Spine of scapula Teres minor Biceps brachii (long head) Biceps brachii (short head) MUSCLES OF THE DELTIOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Humerus (bone) Clavicle (bone) Anterior deltoid Lateral deltoid Posterior deltoid Figure 3.9d Back MUSCLES OF THE BACK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Trapezius Latissimus dorsi External obliques Semispinalis capitis Semispinalis cervicis Quadratus lumborum Rhomboid minor 8. Rhomboid major 9. Multifidus 10.Spianlis (erector spinae group) 11. Longissimus (erector spinae group) 12. Iliocostalis (erector spinae group) Figure 3.9e Midsection MUSCLES OF THE MIDSECTION 1. Pectoralis major 2. Serratus anterior 3. Exernal oblique 4. Internal oblique 5. Rectus abdominis 6. Transverse abdominis 7. Linea alba 8. Linea semilunaris 9. Rectus sheath 10.Quadratus lumborum 11. Psoas 12. Erector spinae Figure 3.9f Chest MUSCLES OF THE CHEST 1. Pectoralis major 2. Subclavius 3. Pectoralis minor Figure 3.9g Upper legs MUSCLES OF THE UPPER LEG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Psoas Iliacus Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Tensor fasciae latae Sartorius 7. Adductor longus 8. Gracilis 9. Rectus femoris 10.Vastus lateralis 11. Vastus medialis 12. Gluteus maximus 13. Biceps femoris 14. Semitendinosus 15. Semimembranosus Figure 3.9h Lower legs MUSCLES OF THE LOWER LEG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tibialis anterior Peroneus longus Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallucis longus Gastrocnemius 6. Soleus 7. Peroneus brevis 8. Tibialis posterior MUSCLE TERMINOLOGY Locating muscles and knowing their relationship to the joints is critical in understanding the effects that they have on joints. When a muscle contracts, it tends to pull both ends toward the belly (middle) of the muscle. If neither of the bones to which a muscle is attached were stabilized, then both bones would move toward one another during contraction. However, in the body, one bone is more stabilized by a variety of factors, which results in the less stabilized bone moving during contraction. The points of attachment are known as the insertion and the origin of the muscle. Origin: The proximal attachment. The origin is generally considered the least movable part or the part that attaches closest to the midline (vertical center in the anatomical position) of the body. Insertion: The distal attachment. The insertion is generally considered the most movable part or the part that attaches farthest from the midline of the body. Action(s): The specific movements that each muscle is capable of and/or responsible for (listed in biomechanical terms). Innervation: The specific distribution or supply of nerves to a particular part of the body. TRAINER FOCUS: INSERTION AND ORIGIN Figure 3.10a Origin and insertion: upper body Figure 3.10b Origin and insertion: rotator cuff Figure 3.10c Origin and insertion: upper arm Figure 3.10d Origin and insertion: quadriceps group Figure 3.10e Origin and insertion: hamstring group Figure 3.10f Origin and insertion: lower leg Figure 3.10g Origin and insertion: midsection STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF MUSCLE Muscles are largely composed of protein, with a hierarchical system of organization from large groups to small fibers. A muscle is a group of motor units that are physically separated by a membrane from other groups of motor units. A muscle is connected to bones through tendons. See Figure 3.11 for a diagram of muscle composition. A motor unit consists of a single neuron and all of the muscle fibers innervated by it. The ratio of nerves to fibers determines the fine motor control available to that muscle. For example, the hand has fewer fibers per motor unit than do the muscles of the calf. The muscle fiber is composed of myofibrils, which are small bundles of myofilaments. Myofilaments are the elements of the muscle that actually shorten upon contraction. Myofilaments are made up mainly of two types of protein, myosin (short, thick filaments) and actin (long, thin filaments). Two other important proteins comprising myofibrils are troponin and tropomyosin, involved in the contractile response. myofilaments: The elements of the muscle that actually shorten upon contraction; made up mainly of two types of protein: actin and myosin. myosin: Short, thick contractile filaments. actin: Long, thin contractile filaments. The main function of muscle tissue is contraction. This contraction of muscle can be brought about by either involuntary or voluntary stimuli. Voluntary muscle tissues receive nerve fibers from the somatic nervous system. Therefore, their contraction can be voluntarily controlled. Skeletal muscles are the major voluntary muscle tissue. Involuntary muscle tissues receive nerve fibers from the autonomic nervous system and cannot be voluntarily controlled, except in a few rare cases. The eternal pump, the heart, is an example of an involuntary muscle tissue. voluntary muscle tissues: Receive nerve fibers from the somatic nervous system that can be voluntarily controlled (e.g., skeletal muscles). involuntary muscle tissues: Receive nerve fibers from the autonomic nervous system and cannot be voluntarily controlled, except in a few rare cases. (e.g., the heart). Figure 3.11 Organization of human skeletal muscle With few exceptions, single muscles never contract by themselves. Rather, specific sets of muscles contract together or in sequence. The production of complex movements responsible for even the simplest of tasks depends on a correspondingly subtle control mechanism. This is the responsibility of the nervous system, which neutralizes the actions of muscles that are not required and causes the contraction of muscles that are required. The spinal cord and brain exercise this control through the motor nerve fibers. Each muscle cell does not have an individual line from the central nervous system (CNS). Impulses travel down the nerve axon from the CNS, branching off to supply a group of muscle cells that contract together. In order to coordinate muscular movement, the CNS must be supplied with information about the length of the muscle and the tension of the tendons, which attach it to the skeleton. This information is provided by special sense organs called muscle spindles, that measure the strain in the muscle and can be used to preset the tension of muscles. muscle spindles: Sensory receptors within the belly of a muscle that primarily detect changes in the length of this muscle. Measures and delivers the quantity of muscle force needed to perform a given action. Skeletal muscles must contract rapidly in response to signals from the CNS, and they must develop adequate tension at the same time in order to produce an effective mechanical force. Examination of skeletal muscle reveals a junction between the nerve fiber and the muscle surface. The surface acts as an amplifier, increasing the effect of the tiny current coming down the nerve fiber to stimulate the larger muscle fiber. The arrival of the nerve impulse triggers the release of a chemical called acetylcholine from the motor nerve ending. This passes across the gap to stimulate the membrane of muscle fiber. This stimulation, in the form of an electric current, passes along the surface of the muscle and causes it to contract. It takes only one thousandth of a second for the current to pass along the surface of the muscle fiber. The fiber releases unless yet another impulse arrives. If this chemical mechanism were blocked, the result would be paralysis. Mechanics of Muscle Contraction To the naked eye, the external skeletal muscles appear grainy because they are made up of small fibers. These fibers are cylinder-like and may be several centimeters long. In length, they are divided into bands (striations), much like coins stacked in a pile. Each individual fiber is surrounded by a thin plasma membrane: the sarcolemma. Some 80 percent of the fiber’s volume is filled with tiny fibrils, known as myofibrils, which may number from several hundred to several thousand per fiber. These fibrils are the structures, which are directly involved in contraction of the muscle fiber. The remainder of the muscle fiber is filled with a jellylike intracellular fluid called sarcoplasm. The sarcoplasm contains many nuclei and other cell constituents, such as mitochondria, within which energy-producing biochemical reactions take place. myofibrils: Tiny fibrils that make up a single muscle fiber. sarcoplasm: Jellylike intracellular fluid found in the muscle fiber. Further examination of the fibrils has revealed that they are made of two types of protein— actin and myosin—which are in the form of long filaments. The thick ones consist of myosin and the thin ones are made of actin. These filaments are able to interlock and slide over each other to accommodate the stretching of the muscle. During shortening (contraction), they slide into one another and it appears that cross-links are made between the actin and myosin filaments. These cross-links are almost instantaneously broken and new links are set up further along the filaments. The process of breaking these cross-links causes the two filaments to move toward one another, causing the muscle to shorten (contraction). This process is known as the sliding filament theory. sliding filament theory: Theory stating that a myofibril contracts by the actin and myosin filaments sliding over each other. Figure 3.12 Muscle cross section Figure 3.13 Structural rearrangement of actin and myosin myofilaments while fully stretched, at rest, and contracted The sliding filament theory states that a myofibril contracts by the actin and myosin filaments sliding over each other. Chemical bonds and receptor sites on the myofilaments attract each other, allowing the contraction to be held until fatigue interferes (see Figure 3.13). The strength of contraction in a gross muscle depends, in large part, upon the number of muscle fibers involved: The more muscle fibers, the stronger the contraction. The term “contraction” does not always refer to the shortening of a muscle. Technically, it refers to the development of tension within a muscle. Mainly two contractions occur in the muscle. A contraction in which the muscle develops tension but does not shorten is called isometric. A contraction in which the muscle shortens but retains constant tension called isotonic. For example, a person trying to curl a heavy barbell strains against the weight. The arm muscles develop tension but do not shorten, because the amount of resistance generated by the heavy barbell is greater than the muscle’s tension. If plates are removed, the load is lightened and the working muscles shorten as they contract. This is an isotonic contraction. When muscles shorten by overcoming resistance to a load (weight), the isotonic contraction is said to be concentric. When the biceps lengthen while the barbell is let down but they maintain a constant tension during the lengthening movement, this type of isotonic contraction is termed eccentric. The muscles lengthen as they act to maintain tension. isometric: A contraction in which the muscle develops tension but does not shorten. isotonic: A contraction in which the muscle shortens but retains constant tension. concentric: A contraction in which a muscle shortens and overcomes a resistance. eccentric: A contraction in which a muscle lengthens and is overcome by a resistance. The energy for contraction is derived from the chemical reaction between the food components consumed and the oxygen breathed. Therefore, blood is needed in order to bring the essential nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and remove waste products. The biochemical process of energy production involves the breakdown of glucose (fatty acids or fructose) to eventually just carbon dioxide and water. This breakdown releases the energy used by muscle proteins to cause contraction. This specific chemical reaction requires an abundant supply of oxygen, which is often unavailable. Even during intense exercise, the blood supply is often insufficient to carry enough oxygen to the muscles. The muscles solve this problem by converting glucose into lactic acid, without oxygen, which still gives an ample release of energy. lactic acid: A byproduct of glucose and glycogen metabolism (glycolysis) in anaerobic muscle energetics. Lactic acid accumulation, however, limits the intensity with which the body can exercise muscles. Ultimately it prevents continuation of the exercise at the same intensity; fatigue prevails. The excess lactic acid eventually enters the bloodstream and is circulated to the liver, where it can be reassembled into glucose and returned into the bloodstream or stored as glycogen. Some of the lactic acid can also be converted back into the molecule pyruvic acid and enter into the mitochondria to be completely broken down for energy. Figure 3.14 Skeletal muscle contraction Muscles (and other tissues) store glucose in a form of complex carbohydrate called glycogen. The body calls upon this storehouse of energy during a high-intensity, lowduration activity such as weightlifting (as opposed to caloric draw during a low-intensity, high-duration activity such as long-distance running, which uses a mixture of glucose from glycogen and fatty acids from fat stores). Muscle Fiber When muscle fibers contract, they have the ability to generate force. Their alignment, general type, and stimulus for recruitment have an effect on this forge-generating ability. Arrangement of Muscle Fiber The alignment of the muscle fibers has a distinct effect on their ability to generate force. Fusiform arrangement occurs when the fibers are parallel to the tendons and therefore can contract at great speeds with a loss in total force output. A unipennate muscle has fiber alignment going from one side to the other in regards to the tendon while a bipennate muscle has alignment of fibers on both sides of the muscle. Muscles with a unipennate, bipennate, or multipennate arrangement are capable of producing higher amounts of force than a fusiform arrangement can, but at the expense of contractile velocity. It is believed that fiber arrangement is determined by genetics; however, it may be altered somewhat with training. pennate: A muscle in which fibers extend obliquely from either side of a central tendon fast-twitch: Muscle fiber type that contracts quickly and is used mostly in intensive, short-duration exercises. Figure 3.15 Muscle fiber arrangements Types of Muscle Fiber Skeletal muscle tissue is composed of two general types of muscle fibers: fasttwitch and slow-twitch. Fast-twitch fibers are selectively recruited when heavy workloads are demanded of the muscles and strength and power are needed. They are recruited for high-intensity, short-duration work. They contract quickly, yielding short bursts of energy, and they are recruited in high numbers during brief, intense exercises such as sprinting, weightlifting, shot putting, or even swinging a golf club. But these fasttwitch muscle fibers exhaust quickly. Pain and cramps settle in rapidly as they become vulnerable to lactic acid buildup, a byproduct of their own metabolism. slow-twitch: A muscle fiber characterized by its slow speed of contraction and a high capacity for aerobic glycolysis. Slow-twitch muscle fibers produce a steadier, low-intensity, repetitive contraction that is characteristic of endurance activities. They are capable of sustaining workloads of low intensity and long duration, such as long-distance running. Athletes of high-intensity sports, such as weightlifting, wrestling, and sprinting, tend to have a greater percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Athletes of low-intensity sports, such as longdistance running, tend to have a higher percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers. Three distinct types of muscle fiber are found in skeletal muscle: Type I are slow-twitch fibers, and Type IIa and Type IIx are fast-twitch fibers (see Table 3.3). The type I: A slow-twitch muscle fiber that generates ATP predominantly through the aerobic system of energy transfer. type IIa: A fast-twitch fiber subdivision characterized by a fast shortening speed and well-developed capacity for energy transfer from aerobic and anaerobic sources. type IIx: A fast-twitch fiber subdivision characterized by the most rapid shortening velocity and greatest anaerobic potential. percentage of each varies from person to person and from one muscle to another in the same person. Type I muscle fibers (slow-twitch, red fiber) are highly resistant to fatigue and injury, but their force output is very low. Activities that are performed in the aerobic pathway call upon these muscle fibers. Type IIa muscle fibers (fast-twitch, intermediate fibers) are larger in size and much stronger than Type I fibers. They have a high capacity for glycolytic activity; they can produce high force output for long periods. Type IIx muscle fibers (fast-twitch muscle fibers) are often referred to as “couch potato fibers” because of their prevalence in people who are sedentary. Research has shown that 16 percentof a sedentary person’s total muscle mass is of this fiber type. It has been hypothesized that Mother Nature gave deconditioned folks these explosive fibers so that they could cope with emergency situations. Type IIx fibers are extremely strong, but they have almost no resistance to fatigue or injury. In fact, they are so strong and susceptible to injury that when they are used, they often are damaged beyond repair. Unless the body can repair the muscle cell, it is broken down and sloughed off into the amino acid pool. In most cases, sedentary people immediately lose their Type IIx fibers when beginning a training program. A fourth type of fiber (Type IIc) is the result of Type IIx fibers fusing with surrounding satellite cells. As noted earlier, Type IIx fibers are destroyed when they are used because of their fast-twitch capacity and poor recovery ability. When muscle fibers are damaged from training stress, a highly catabolic hormone called cortisol is released to facilitate the “cleanup” operation. If cortisol is blocked, however, the Type IIx fibers fuse with surrounding satellite cells (noncontractile muscle cells, which help support or bulwark the tenuous IIb fibers). The result of the fusion is a Type IIc fiber. Insulin-like growth factor1 (IGF-1) stimulates the fusion process. Professional bodybuilders have learned how to facilitate this process in order to achieve greater muscle hypertrophy. The implications of fusion for other individuals are discussed later in this text. type IIc: A fast-twitch fiber that results from the “fusion” of Type IIx with surrounding satellite cells. Fast-twitch fibers are serviced with thicker nerves, giving them a greater contractile impulse (measured in number of twitches per second). Slow-twitch fibers have smaller nerves (thus twitch fewer times per second), but they have a high degree of oxygen-using capacity stemming from the greater number of mitochondria (the cells’ “powerhouses,” where ATP is synthesized) and a higher concentration of myoglobin and other oxygenmetabolizing enzymes. Size Principle of Fiber Recruitment Force output of muscle is related to the stimulus it receives. Recalling from Table 3.3, different muscle fibers have different liability to recruitment; Type I fibers have the highest liability, Type IIa and IIc have a moderate liability, and Type IIx have a low level of liability. The size principle of fiber recruitment (also called the Henneman principle) states that fibers with a high level of liability are recruited first, and those with lower levels of liability are recruited last. According to the size principle, motor units are recruited in order according to their recruitment thresholds and firing rates. Since most muscles contain a range of Type I and Type II fibers, force production can be very low or very high. Therefore, to get to a high-threshold motor unit, all of the motor units below it must be sequentially recruited. Picking up the phone versus curling a 75-pound dumbbell exemplifies this principle. The lower-threshold motor units are recruited to pick up the phone while the higher-threshold motor units are recruited to curl a 75-pound dumbbell. size principle of fiber recruitment: Principle stating that motor units are recruited in order according to their recruitment thresholds and firing rates. NEUROMUSCULAR CONCEPTS All-or-None Theory When a nerve carries an impulse of sufficient magnitude down to the muscle cells that comprise the motor unit, the myofibrils do the only thing they know how to do—contract. Each myofibril does not do this by degrees, but rather it contracts totally. It responds with an all-or-none reaction. In other words, a unit is either completely relaxed or fully contracted; it is never partly contracted. A muscle fiber (including myofibrils) and its corresponding motor unit respond to a nerve stimulus with the all-or-none reaction. all-or-none reaction: Concept stating that a unit is either completely relaxed or fully contracted; it is never partly contracted. However, not all of the motor units comprising a muscle are activated during any given movement. You are able to exercise a gradation of response by increasing or decreasing the amount of chemoelectrical impulse to the muscle. That’s why you can lift a fork to your mouth or curl a heavy dumbbell. Both are similar movements, but curling a fork involves only those motor units with a very low excitation threshold; curling the dumbbell requires many more motor units. Stretch Reflex The stretch reflex is a built-in protective function of the neuromuscular system in the muscle spindle, a proprioceptor found in the belly of a muscle. In contrast to the Golgi tendon organ, which is in series with the force plane of the muscle, the muscle spindle is in parallel with the force plane. The action is similar to that of the Golgi tendon organ in that it protects against overload and injury in what is known as the stretch reflex action (example: the knee-jerk response used by physicians to test your muscle’s response adequacy). stretch reflex: A built-in protective function of the neuromuscular system in the muscle spindle. proprioceptor: Specialized sensory receptors located in tendons and muscles sensitive to stretch, tension, pressure, and position of the body. Proprioceptors include muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs. The stretch reflex serves as a regulatory mechanism that enables the muscle to adjust automatically to differences in load and length without having to receive messages from higher-order centers (your brain) of the nervous system. Other proprioceptors are located in and around all the joints of the body. These sensors provide constant information to the nervous system regarding the special relationship of the joint to the rest of the body in terms of movement, position, and speed, among other factors. Figure 3.16 Knee jerk reaction ADAPTATIONS TO TRAINING Exercise stimulates a series of metabolic responses that affect the body’s anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. The magnitude of changes is driven primarily by whether the exercise is anaerobic or aerobic. The type and duration of exercise physically stimulate muscles to develop more fast- or slow-twitch muscle fibers, and in turn dictate the primary energy mix used. High-intensity exercise simulates fast- twitch muscle fiber development, while low-intensity exercise results in slow-twitch muscle fiber development. In addition, a series of hormonal changes occur on an overall basis during periods of exercise and periods of nonexercise. These changes also are benefited and facilitated with a nutrient profile that matches the type of metabolic flux. anatomy: The science of the structure of the human body. physiology: The science concerned with the normal vital processes of animal and vegetable organisms. biochemistry: the branch of science concerned with the chemical and physicochemical processes that occur within living organisms. AEROBIC ADAPTATIONS Aerobic exercise, whether it is aerobic endurance training or some form of cardiovascular work on a treadmill, stepper, or bike, has numerous benefits, including fat burning, enhancement of cardiovascular health, and improved recovery abilities. Many trainees may stay away from aerobic exercise fearing that it will result in muscle loss. This muscle loss is usually a direct result of an inadequate supply of calories to sustain the aerobic work rather than the aerobic exercise itself. For example, a bodybuilder who loses muscle during a period of aerobic training is not eating enough to compensate for the calories expended. aerobic: Occurring with the use of oxygen, or requiring oxygen. Aerobic exercise forces oxygen through the body, increasing the number and size of the blood vessels. Blood vessels transport oxygen and nutrients to muscles and carry waste products away for muscular growth, repair, and recovery. Without aerobic exercise in the training program, the body cannot create any new supply routes for newly developed muscles. Type I fibers are said to possess an oxidative capacity greater than that of Type II fibers both before and after training. Whereas strength and hypertrophy training produce somewhat similar muscular adaptations, aerobic training adaptations are different. A gradual conversion of Type IIx fibers to Type IIa fibers may occur. This type of adaptation is significant because Type IIa (fast oxidative glycolytic) fibers possess a greater oxidative capacity than Type IIx (fast glycolytic) fibers, as well as being more similar characteristically to Type I fibers. The result is a greater number of muscle fibers that can contribute to endurance performance. Some important metabolic changes take place inside the body through aerobic training. First at the cellular level, aerobic exercise adaptations include an increase in the size and number of mitochondria and greater myoglobin content. Mitochondria (cellular “furnaces” where fat and other nutrients are burned) are the organelles in cells that are responsible for aerobically producing ATP by way of oxidation of glycogen. When the larger and more prevalent mitochondria are combined with an increase in the quantity of oxygen that can be delivered to the mitochondria through higher levels of myoglobin, the aerobic capacity of the muscle tissue is enhanced. Second, aerobic exercise appears to increase levels of myoglobin. Myoglobin is a protein that transports oxygen from the bloodstream into the muscle fibers. Finally, this adaptation increases the level and activity of the enzymes involved in the aerobic metabolism of glucose. Larger mitochondria in greater numbers, increased levels of aerobic enzymes, coupled with increased blood flow all boost the fat burning capabilities of the muscle fibers. ANAEROBIC SYSTEM CHANGES Anaerobic training greatly increases the body’s functional capacity for development of explosive strength and maximization of short-term energy systems. Some of the major changes measured as a result of anaerobic exercise include an increased size and number of fast-twitch muscle fibers. In addition, anaerobic work results in an increased tolerance to higher levels of blood lactate, an increase in enzymes involved in the anaerobic phase of glucose breakdown (glycolysis), and an increase in muscle resting levels of ATP, CP, creatine, and glycogen content. Finally, anaerobic changes include an increase in growth hormone and testosterone levels after short bouts (45–75 min) of highintensity weight training. Growth hormone, testosterone, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor are the four hormones that are directly responsible for muscle hypertrophy, which is discussed next. anaerobic: Occurring without the use of oxygen. adenosine triphosphate (ATP): An organic compound found in muscle which, upon being broken down enzymatically, yields energy for muscle contraction creatine phosphate (CP): A high-energy phosphate molecule that is stored in cells and can be used to immediately resynthesize ATP. creatine: Organic acid generally found in the muscle as phosphocreatine that supplies energy for muscle contraction. MUSCLE HYPERTROPHY Muscle hypertrophy is an important consideration in training for many reasons. The first is that when a person trains, the intensity and duration of training influence the physiology of muscle tissue and development of muscle fibers. The long-distance runner tends to develop slow-twitch muscle fibers, while the powerlifter tends to develop fasttwitch muscle fibers. One reason the fast-twitch muscle fibers increase in size is to increase the storage capacity for more adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate (ATP and CP). ATP and CP are needed for explosive energy that lasts only a few seconds. The second reason is that the physiological conditioning of muscle tissue determines which fuel source is used. Power athletes need more muscle glycogen to fuel their muscles, while endurance athletes need both muscle glycogen and fatty acids. Muscle hypertrophy is simply the increase in the size of muscle fibers. Muscle fibers increase in size in response to adaptive overload stress. Adaptation takes place in several ways. The principal mechanism for muscular hypertrophy is by individual muscle cells increasing the number of their myofibrils. This probably occurs as a result of increased amino acid transport into the cells (caused by tension), which enhances their incorporation into contractile protein. However, muscle hypertrophy also occurs as a result of proliferation (in size and number) of mitochondria, myoglobin (storage protein), extracellular and intracellular fluid, capillarization (tiny blood vessels surrounding cells), and fusion between muscle fibers (principally Type IIx) and surrounding satellite cells. hypertrophy: An increase in the cross-sectional size of a muscle in response to strength training. capillarization: An increase in size and number of tiny blood vessels surrounding cells. In addition to increasing the size of the muscle fibers, increasing the number of muscle fibers also seems to be a logical mechanism of muscle growth. Researchers have reported the possibility of fiber splitting in their research reports (longitudinal division of muscle fibers resulting in new muscle cells). But some researchers have criticized the methodology used in their studies, and the issue remains unresolved, probably until visual evidence of the phenomenon is available. Healthy weight gain programs should promote increases in muscle mass (hypertrophy) and only increase body fat mass to the correct percentage for health and performance. Section 5 includes more detailed discussion on the nutrition aspect of healthy weight gain. CONTROVERSIAL THEORIES One of the more controversial theories of muscle adaptation focuses on changes in fiber type distribution. Whether one muscle fiber type can change to another has been shown in certain studies but not in others. Furthermore, sport scientists have often argued whether changes take place or merely a fiber takes on different characteristics closer to another fiber type. Several studies have suggested that a Type II fiber can change to or take on characteristics of a Type I fiber with increased endurance activity. This seems highly reasonable in that endurance training has been shown not to increase (and may even decrease) the amount and size of heavy-chain myosins as well as increase mitochondrial density. With this training, even the powerful Type II fibers will decrease in maximal power output. It is also widely held that Type I fibers cannot change to Type II fibers. However, studies have shown that in training above the anaerobic threshold, Type I fibers decreased while Type II (especially Type IIc) increased. Rival studies suggest that in such training, an increase in Type II fiber area is possible, as opposed to actual fiber conversion. Type IIx to Type IIa or IIc fiber conversion is also a possibility (as discussed earlier in this unit). Studies have shown that untrained subjects have 16 percent of their total muscle mass in Type IIx fiber type. However, after 1 week of training, this 16 percent disappeared. Other studies have shown that Type IIx fiber distribution decreases with training while Type IIa distribution increases (with little change in Type I or IIc). Not many studies have specifically looked at Type IIx or Type IIc fibers. However, if such Type IIx fiber conversion is possible in any aspect, it must involve keeping the muscle cell from destroying itself (recall that Type IIx fibers produce an extremely high amount of force) and cortisol must be blocked before such conversions are possible. CONCLUSION This unit introduced you to the structure and function of the skeletal system and the muscular system which work together as one system. The body works in harmony; every system and subsystem is vital to growth and development. Tissues of the neuromuscular system (from the brain to the tendons and ligaments) produce movement. The brain uses the central and peripheral nervous systems to deliver messages to the body, the muscles produce force, and the connective tissues (particularly the tendons) regulate that force. Teach the brain to ask for more, and it will. Allow the rest of the nervous system to deliver more, and it will. Demand the muscles to produce more, and they will. Finally, ask the tendons and ligaments to allow more, and they will. Of course, adaptations require an integrated approach to training, so you will have to demand more from recovery abilities in order to optimize training. The respiratory system will have to deliver more oxygen. The digestive system will have to process more nutrients. The cardiovascular system will have to deliver the oxygen and nutrients as well as take away waste products. The endocrine system will have to do a better job at regulating hormonal output in order to allow better utilization of energy and encourage tissue growth. Key Terms actin action adenosine triphosphate (ATP) aerobic all-or-none reaction anaerobic anatomy appendicular skeleton axial skeleton ballistic movements biochemistry capillarization cartilage collagen concentric creatine phosphate (CP) creatine eccentric elastin feedback loop hypertrophy innervation insertion involuntary muscle tissues isometric isotonic lactic acid ligament muscle spindles musculoskeletal system musculotendinous myofibrils myofilaments myosin origin pennate physiology proprioceptor sarcoplasm size principle of fiber recruitment skeletal system sliding filament theory slow-twitch stretch reflex synovial fluid tendon type I type IIa type IIc type IIx voluntary muscle tissues Unit Summary Movement of the body is contingent on the interaction of the muscular system and the skeletal system. These two systems are commonly referred to as the musculoskeletal system and consist of bones, joints, connective tissue, and muscles. I. The skeletal system consists of bones and connective tissue that help support and protect the body. A. The average human adult skeleton has 206 bones; 80 bones in the axial skeleton and126 bones in the appendicular skeleton. 1. There are five main categories of bones: flat bones, short bones, long bones, sesamoid bones, and irregular bones. B. A joint is formed when two bones connect. Joints are classified as either synarthrodial or diarthrodial. 1. Diarthroidal joints are classified in six categories: arthrodial (gliding), condyloidal (ellipsiod), enarthrodial (multiaxial ball-and-socket), ginglymus (uniaxial hinge), sellar (saddle), and trochoidal (pivot) joint. C. Tendons are extensions of the muscle fibers that connect muscle to bone. D. Ligaments connect bone to bone. E. Cartilage is a firm, elastic, flexible, white material. It is found at the ends of ribs, between vertebrae (discs), on joint surfaces, and in the nose and ears. II. The muscular system consists of cardiac muscle in the heart, smooth muscle of the internal organs, and large skeletal muscles that allow the body to move. The average human body has approximately 600 muscles that work together with the support of the skeletal system to create motion. A. The anatomical position is the most widely used reference point for analyzing the body. 1. Anatomical terms include the following: superior (toward the head), inferior (toward the feet), anterior (toward the front), posterior (toward the back), medial (toward the midline), lateral (toward the side), proximal (closest to the center of the body), and distal (furthest from the center of the body). B. A muscle is a group of motor units with the main purpose of contraction. The points of muscle attachment are known as the insertion and the origin of the muscle. 1. Three distinct types of muscle fiber are found in skeletal muscle: Type I (slow-twitch), Type IIa (fast-twitch), and Type IIx (fast-twitch) fibers. In addition, it has been theorized that a Type IIc fiber exists due to satellite cell fiber fusion. 2. The all-or-none theory states that a unit is either completely relaxed or fully contracted. 3. According to the size principle, motor units are recruited in order according to their recruitment thresholds and firing rates. 4. Skeletal muscle contraction occurs when the brain sends out an electrical signal that travels through the spinal cord, to the spinal nerves, to the motor neurons, and sends an electrical current through the muscle fiber. The electrical signal triggers the release of calcium, which binds to actin, permitting actin to interact with myosin. ATP provides the energy that permits the sliding of myosin across the actin. This pulling results in the shortening of the muscle fiber, an action known as muscle contraction. C. Resistance exercise results in contractile protein adaptations while cardiovascular exercise results in mitochondrial and capillary capacity adaptations. 1. Muscular hypertrophy is an increase in the size of muscle fibers and is one contractile protein adaptation. 2. Muscle hypertrophy is the commonly accepted cause of increase in muscle size. SECTION TWO Kinesiology and Biomechanics Kinesiology of Exercise Biomechanics of Exercise Musculoskeletal Deviations Muscle Mechanics INTRODUCTION As an ISSA trainer and fitness educator, you should understand not only the various techniques of movement, but also how movement impacts posture, body mechanics, and body musculature. Regardless of student motivation (e.g., improving physique, strength, endurance, and muscle tone), a basic understanding ofkinesiology and biomechanical principles plays an important role in establishing fitness training programs for beginners. kinesiology: The science or study of movement, and the active and passive structures involved. Kinesiology is the study of human motion, and it deals primarily with the muscles and muscle functions. It describes movement, which muscles are involved in the movement, and how they are involved. Kinesiology explores the muscular involvement in strength exercises and sport-specific techniques, whilebiomechanics looks at the physical factors involved in the movement. By applying basic scientific laws, it is possible to come up with accurate descriptions not only of what should take place in the exercise, but also the role that each key joint action and muscle plays. Thus by studying the physical characteristics of the human body and the principles of mechanical physics, you can better guide workouts. You will also have the basis for selecting and using specific exercises to produce desired results. biomechanics: The study of the mechanical aspects of physical movement, such as torque, drag, and posture, that is used to enhance athletic technique. Biomechanics is the study of movement more specifically, the movement involved in a strength exercise or in the execution of a sport skill. It deals mainly with physical factors such as speed, mass, acceleration, levers, and force, and with the physical functions of the movement. So, you can think of biomechanics as the science of movement based on principles derived from physics and anatomy. It explains the why of a movement and how the movement can be improved through science-based modifications. Kinesiology tells you exactly which muscles are involved in the particular actions that take place in an exercise, and biomechanics shows you the way to do exercises most effectively. Thus, a basic understanding of kinesiology and biomechanics helps you to determine what exercises a person should do, how the workouts should be conducted, how effective exercise execution is, and whether the exercises are safe. UNIT 4 KINESIOLOGY OF EXERCISE Frederick Hatfield, PhD, MSS & Michael Yessis, PhD TOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNIT Kinesiology Types of Muscle Contractions Roles of Muscles Types of Movements Unit Outline I. Kinesiology A. Types of Muscle Contractions 1. Concentric Contraction 2. Eccentric Contraction 3. Isometric Contraction B. Roles of Muscles 1. Prime Mover (Agonist) 2. Assistant Mover 3. Antagonist 4. Stabilizer 5. Synergy C. Types of Movements 1. Sustained Force Movement 2. Dynamic Balance Movements 3. Ballistic Movement 4. Guided Movement 5. Planes of Motion 6. Fundamental Movements of Major Body Segments Learning Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to do the following: Define kinesiology and understand the role it plays in creating effective fitness training programs. Understand how the body moves in space and is able to perform complex movements. Distinguish between different types of muscle contractions. Know the various types of muscles and their roles in producing movement. Communicate with clients and fellow health professionals using kinesiology terms. KINESIOLOGY Proper exercise selection plays an important role in the overall process of program development. However, before going into a detailed analysis of exercises and the muscles involved, you should have a good understanding of how muscles function. It is important to have a solid comprehension of the various types of muscular contractions, as well as the different dynamic and static regimes in which the muscles must operate during execution of strength and explosive exercises. This basic understanding will enable you to effectively evaluate exercises and exercise execution. TYPES OF MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS Muscles perform three types of contractions: concentric, eccentric, and isometric. These three types are defined next and depicted in Figure 4.1. When executing a strength exercise, all three of the muscle contractions are involved. As you perform a movement, the main muscles undergo a concentric contraction while the opposite muscles undergo an eccentric contraction. The adjacent parts of the body that are not in use are stabilized via the isometric contraction. Thus, all three operate simultaneously, each with a very important purpose. concentric contraction: A type of muscle activation that increases tension on a muscle as it shortens. eccentric contraction: A type of muscle activation that increases tension on a muscle as it lengthens. isometric contraction: A muscle activation in which the muscle fires but there is no movement at the joint and no change in length of the muscle. stabilization: The act of being stable or balanced. Figure 4.1 Types of muscular contractions Concentric Contraction In a concentric contraction, the muscles shorten to produce movement. It is sometimes known as overcoming strength. In other words, when the muscle contracts, it overcomes the resistance and the cause of the resistance is set into motion. An example is the biceps curl. When you contract the biceps and other elbow flexor muscles, you get movement of the forearm, which raises the weight held in the hand. Concentric strength is usually measured by the maximum amount of weight that can be overcome in one repetition (also called one-repetition maximum, or 1RM). Eccentric Contraction In an eccentric contraction (often known as a yielding contraction), the muscle lengthens (stretches) as it contracts. The more the muscle lengthens or the faster it is stretched, the greater the tension that is developed. The eccentric contraction plays a very important role in controlling and stopping movement and in preparing the muscles for an explosive type contraction. For example, in the biceps curl exercise, when you return to the initial position, the same muscles are involved and they remain under contraction as they lengthen when you lower the weight. Because gravity is the force involved in lowering the weight, the eccentric contraction counteracts the pull of gravity to guide the movement. The intensity of the contraction depends on the resistance being handled. In a ballistic movement, as the muscle lengthens, it increases in the intensity of its contraction. When it is strong enough, it stops the movement. The eccentric contraction can generate up to 50 percent greater tension than the concentric. This is why the eccentric contraction is so powerful not only in controlling and stopping movement, but also in generating sufficient tension in the muscles in order for them to contract explosively. Isometric Contraction In an isometric contraction, the muscle exhibits strength but the limbs do not move. The muscle develops tension and some shortening of the muscle fibers and tendons occurs, but the limbs and body do not move. This type of contraction is seen in the stabilization of a joint or body as when you hold a particular position to execute an exercise. You can generate approximately 20 percent greater strength in an isometric contraction than you can in a concentric contraction. ROLES OF MUSCLES Prime Mover (Agonist) A muscle is called a prime mover or agonist when it is the main muscle involved in a concentric contraction. Thus in the biceps curl, the biceps brachialis and brachioradialis are agonists for elbow flexion. Also, many muscles are prime movers in more than one action. For example, the biceps is also the prime mover in forearm supination. prime mover (agonist): Denoting a muscle in a state of contraction, with reference to its opposing muscle, or antagonist. Assistant Mover An assistant mover usually plays a secondary role to the prime mover muscles involved. However, secondary muscles sometimes play a main role in certain ranges of motion or certain exercises. An example is the pronator teres in elbow flexion. It is a prime mover in pronation and an assistant in elbow flexion. Usually secondary or assistant muscles are not as powerful in the movement as the main agonists (prime movers). assistant mover: Muscle that plays a secondary role to the prime mover involved. Antagonist An antagonist muscle has an action directly opposite to that of the agonist. When an agonist undergoes a concentric contraction, an antagonist undergoes an eccentric contraction to guide the movement and to stabilize the joint. As the movement goes through the full range of motion (ROM), the antagonist muscle develops greater tension and stops the movement before it goes beyond the normal ROM. antagonist: Something opposing or resisting the action of another. Keep in mind that the role of antagonist and agonist can change depending on the action thats taking place. For example, in the biceps curl illustrated in Figure 4-2 the biceps is a prime mover while the triceps is an antagonist. When the triceps is involved in elbow extension, however, it becomes a prime mover and the biceps becomes its antagonist. Figure 4.2 Muscle roles: agonist and antagonist During a muscular contraction, especially when the weights are very heavy, both the agonist and antagonist undergo contraction (known as co-contraction). This simultaneous contraction is needed to stabilize (hold in place) the joint while the action occurs. When the resistance is very light, the agonist and antagonist are not strongly contracted. The antagonist undergoes a strong eccentric contraction mainly to slow down and stop movement injury from occurring. When the weights are very heavy and both agonist and antagonist are under contraction, the antagonist contracts eccentrically, lengthening in order to make the movement possible. co-contraction: When both the agonist and antagonist undergo contraction. Stabilizer Usually a stabilizer muscle holds a body part in place. It anchors the bone so that the prime mover has a firm base against which to contract (i.e., for the muscle to pull against). In order to create precise movements, stabilization of the limb or body part is important in all movements. stabilizer: Muscle that steadies or holds a body part in place. The stabilizer muscle usually undergoes an isometric contraction to hold the bone in place. At times, there may be slight movement of the body part, but it is still considered stabilization. For example, in the knee extension exercise with rubber tubing (in which you hold the thigh at a 45-degree angle and then extend the leg), there may be some natural movement of the thigh. However, the thigh is still considered as stabilized by the muscles around the hip joint. When doing an overhead press, the quadriceps and especially the erector spinae of the lower back contract to hold the trunk erect as you raise the weights overhead. If these muscles did not contract, you would have a loose spine that was very susceptible to injury. You would also lack a firm base against which the muscles could contract. Breath holding at this time also contributes greatly to stabilizing the trunk. Thus the muscles and breathing play an important role in stabilization when doing strength exercises, especially when the weights are heavy. Because the isometric contraction is used in stabilization, the muscles involved can become fairly well developed. However, you should not ignore other exercises and exercise regimes to strengthen the muscles involved. Keep in mind that the isometric contraction is not as effective as the concentric contraction in developing strength, mass, or definition. Synergy Because this term has been used in many different ways, its meaning has become somewhat diffused. Most often it is used in two ways. First is helping synergy, in which two muscles contract simultaneously to produce one movement while their other actions cancel each other out. For example, in the sit-up exercise, when the internal and external oblique muscles contract, they have a tendency to not only perform spinal flexion but to rotate the shoulders. In order to prevent the rotation, the internal and external oblique muscles cancel out their rotational action and the resultant force is used for spinal flexion. helping synergy: When two muscles contract together to create one movement. Second is true synergy, in which a different muscle contracts to stop the secondary action of another muscle. For example, the biceps brachii is both a supinator of the forearm and a flexor of the elbow joint. Thus, in elbow flexion, the pronator quadratus comes into play to cancel the supinating tendency of the biceps so that only flexion occurs. The pronator teres also comes into play, but because it is a flexor of the elbow, it acts as a helping synergist. true synergy: When a muscle contracts to stop the secondary action of another muscle. Synergy can also be used synonymously with the term neutralizer. In other words, a muscle acts as a neutralizer when it contracts to counteract or neutralize an undesirable action of another muscle during its contraction. neutralizer: When a muscle contracts to counteract an undesirable action of another muscle. TYPES OF MOVEMENTS A muscle can contract with different amounts of force and in different ways in order to produce different types of movement. These types of movements, as well as the planes and directions in which they move, are described next. Sustained Force Movement Sustained force movement is movement in which continuous muscle contractions occur in order to keep moving a weight. In other words, its the prime muscles involved throughout the ROM that apply force. It is usually seen in the slow lifting of a heavy weight and usually involves co-contraction of the antagonists. Sustained force can apply to holding a weight with no movement (isometric contraction). Dynamic Balance Movements Dynamic balance movements are movements in which constant agonist-antagonist muscle contractions occur in order to maintain a certain position or posture. For example, if you stand on one leg, you will not be able to stand perfectly still, because the body constantly makes slight correctional movements. For example, as you begin to lose balance in one direction, the antagonists contract to pull you back into position. The pull usually takes you slightly beyond the beginning position, at which time the muscles on the opposite side contract to bring you back in alignment. Thus there are constant low-level contractions to keep you in a posture or in balance. Ballistic Movement Ballistic movement is movement in which inertial movement exists after an explosive or quick, maximum-force contraction. Usually there is pre-tensing of the muscle in the eccentric contraction so that the muscle can contract concentrically with maximum speed and quickness. The weight is put into acceleration and continues movement on the momentum generated. No additional force has to be applied to keep the limb or object in motion. To stop the movement, there is deceleration due to gravity and/or to the eccentric contraction of the antagonist muscles. The tension the antagonists develop as the ROM increases becomes strong enough to stop the moving limb. If the limb does not stop, the weight must be released before you can go into a follow-through phase to dissipate the forces and come to a complete stop. Guided Movement Guided movement is movement that occurs when both the agonist and the antagonist contract to control the movement. Guided movement is seen most often in fine skills such as when you are writing or when you must move a limb through a specific movement pattern. What is very important here is the eccentric contraction of the antagonist muscles because they are responsible for most of the guiding work. The prime movers are responsible for putting and keeping the limb in motion. Figure 4.3 Planes of motion Planes of Motion Human movements are commonly described in terms of the planes that they occupy. A plane is a flat surface. The human body has three imaginary planes that pass through it; each plane is perpendicular to each of the other two. The sagittal (anteroposterior) plane is a vertical plane passing through the body from front to back, dividing the body into left and right portions. The frontal (coronal) plane is a vertical plane passing through the body from left to right, dividing it into front and back portions. The transverse (horizontal) plane passes through the body in a line parallel to the ground, dividing the body into upper and lower portions. sagittal (anteroposterior) plane: Separates the body into right and left sections. frontal (coronal) plane: Separates the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) parts. transverse (horizontal) plane: Separates the body into superior (top) and inferior (bottom) sections. Two examples that may help describe the orientation of movement are given here. The first is a typical biceps curl. Concentric contraction of the biceps occurs in the sagittal plane. Second, abduction of the arm, as in a lateral dumbbell raise, occurs in the frontal plane. The standardized reference position from which movements of the body are described is the anatomical position, in which the body is facing forward, arms at the sides and palms forward. Now that you have a basic understanding of muscles and muscle functions as they relate to human motion, you will now enter the study of movement, more specifically, the movement involved in strength exercises and other exercises. Table 4.1 Fundamental Anatomical Movements PLANE OF MOTION ACTION DEFINITION Frontal Abduction Movement away from the midline of the body Adduction Movement toward the midline of the body Elevation Moving to a superior position at the scapula Depression Moving to an inferior position at the scapula Inversion Lifting the medial border of the foot (insole) Eversion Lifting the lateral border of the foot Sagittal Transverse Multiplanar Flexion Decreasing the angle between two bones Extension Increasing the angle between two bones Dorsiflexion Moving the top of the foot toward the shin at the ankle joint Plantarflexion Moving the top of the foot away from the shin at the ankle Rotation Internal or external turning about the vertical axis of a bone Pronation Rotating the hand and wrist medially from the elbow Supination Rotating the hand and wrist laterally from the elbow Horizontal adduction From a 90° abduction arm position, the humerus is flexed toward the midline of the body in the transverse plane Horizontal abduction From a 90° adduction arm position, the humerus is extended away from the midline of the body in the transverse plane Circumduction Combination of flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction in a sequence Fundamental Movements of Major Body Segments Several movements are possible in many joints. Six primary movements occur at the joints between the body segments: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, and circumduction (defined next). As a trainer, you must become familiar with the terminology of these fundamental anatomical movements. Flexion is a decrease in the angle between two body segments. Flexion occurs at the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee joints. For example, on the arm curl machine, flexion takes place at the elbow. Special flexions occur at the trunk (lateral flexion or bending sideways); the wrist (ulnar flexion or bending toward the pinky side of the hand, and radial flexion or bending toward the thumb side); and the ankle (dorsiflexion, or toes up, and plantarflexion, or toes down). Extension is an increase in the angle between two body segments, or the return from flexion. For example, extension occurs at the knee on the leg extension machine. Hyperextension is the increase in the angle beyond the anatomical point of normal joint movement. Hyperextension occurs during the back swing in bowling (shoulder joint), in a neck bridge in wrestling (neck), and on the standing hip machine when the leg is lifted behind the body (hip joint). Abduction is the movement of a body segment away from the midline. Examples include a dumbbell lateral raise, spreading of the fingers or toes, or the legs moving apart on a hip abductor machine. Adduction is the movement of a body segment toward the midline, or the return from abduction, as on the hip adductor machine when the legs come together. Rotation is the circular movement of a body segment about a long axis. Inward rotation occurs when a body segment moves towards the midline (the upper arm when throwing a screwball), while outward rotation occurs when a body segment moves away from the midline (the upper arm in a backhand tennis stroke). Right and left rotation defines the directional rotation of the head or trunk. Special rotations occur at the forearms and feet. Pronation is the rotation of the forearm to the palms-down position (as in a basketball dribble or on the seated chest press machine). Supination is the rotation of the forearm segment to the palms-up position (as in doing a standard curl on the arm curl machine). Eversion (also called pronation of the foot) is the outward tilting of the sole of the foot, while inversion (also called supination of the foot) is the inward tilting of the sole of the foot—a common cause of ankle injuries. Circumduction is the sequential combination of movements outlining a geometric cone. Examples include circles of the trunk, shoulder, hip, ankle, and thumb. flexion: A decrease in the angle between two body segments. dorsiflexion: Turning upward of the foot or toes or of the hand or fingers. plantarflexion: Extension of the ankle, pointing of the foot and toes. extension: An increase in the angle between two body segments, or the return from flexion. hyperextension: Extension of a limb or part beyond the normal limit. abduction: Movement of a body part away from the midline. midline: An imaginary longitudinal line that travels down the center of the body. adduction: Movement of a body part toward the midline. rotation: Circular movement of a body segment about a long axis. pronation: Assuming a facedown position. Of the hand, turning the palm backward or downward. Of the foot, lowering the inner (medial) side of the foot so as to flatten the arch. The opposite of supination. supination: Assuming a horizontal position facing upward. In the case of the hand, it also means turning the palm to face forward. The opposite of pronation. eversion: Turning outward, as of the sole of the foot. inversion: Turning inward, as of the sole of the foot. circumduction: Movement of a part, e.g., an extremity, in a circular direction. Table 4.1 on the previous page includes these fundamental movements and defines more detailed movements as well. Figures 4.4 through 4.6 illustrate these movements according to their planes of motion. Figure 4.4 Movements occurring in the frontal plane Figure 4.5 Movements occurring in the sagittal plane Figure 4.6 Movements occurring in the transverse plane Key Terms abduction adduction antagonist assistant mover biomechanics circumduction co-contraction concentric contraction dorsiflexion eccentric contraction eversion extension flexion frontal (coronal) plane helping synergy hyperextension inversion isometric contraction kinesiology midline neutralizer plantarflexion prime mover (agonist) pronation rotation sagittal (anteroposterior) plane stabilization stabilizer supination transverse (horizontal) plane true synergy Unit Summary Kinesiology is the study of human motion, dealing mainly with the muscles and muscle functions. I. There are three main types of muscle contractions: concentric, eccentric, and isometric. A. In a concentric contraction, the muscle shortens to produce movement. B. In an eccentric contraction, the muscle lengthens (stretches) as it contracts. C. In an isometric contraction, the muscle exhibits strength, but the limbs do not move. II. As you perform a movement, the agonist muscles undergo a concentric contraction while the antagonist muscles undergo an eccentric contraction. The adjacent parts stabilize the body via the isometric contraction. Thus, all three operate simultaneously, each muscle with a specific muscle role. A. A prime mover (agonist muscle) is the main muscle involved in a concentric contraction, such as the biceps during biceps curl. B. An assistant mover usually plays a secondary role to the prime mover muscles involved. For example, the pronator teres is a prime mover in pronation and an assistant in elbow flexion. C. An antagonist muscle has an action directly opposite that of the agonist. For example, the triceps is antagonist to the biceps. D. A stabilizer muscle is a muscle that holds a body part in place. E. Muscles can exhibit helping synergy or true synergy. 1. Helping synergy occurs when two muscles contract simultaneously to produce one movement while their other actions cancel each other out, such as internal and external obliques during a crunch. 2. True synergy occurs when a different muscle contracts to stop the secondary action of another muscle. For example, the pronator quadratus cancels the supinating tendency of the biceps so that only flexion occurs. III. A muscle can contract with different amounts of force and in different ways to produce different types of movement. A. A sustained movement is one in which there is continuous muscle contraction to keep moving a weight. B. Dynamic balance movements are movements in which there are constant agonistantagonist muscle contractions to maintain a certain position or posture. C. Guided movement is movement that occurs when both the agonist and the antagonist contract to control the movement. D. A ballistic movement is one in which there is inertial movement after an explosive or quick, maximum force contraction. E. Six primary movements occur at the joints between body segments: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, and circumduction. 1. Flexion is a decrease in the angle between two body segments. 2. Extension is an increase in the angle between two body segments. 3. Abduction is movement away from the midline of the body. 4. Adduction is movement toward the midline of the body. 5. Rotation is the circular movement of a body segment around a long axis. Special rotations occurring at the forearms and feet include pronation, supination, inversion, and eversion. 6. Circumduction is the sequential combination of movements outlining a geometric cone. F. Human movements are commonly described in terms of the planes they occupy. There are three imaginary planes that pass through the human body: the sagittal, frontal, and transverse plane. UNIT 5 BIOMECHANICS OF EXERCISE TOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNIT Biomechanics and Personal Training Key Concepts of Biomechanics Stability Force Angle of Muscle Pull Work Power Newton’s Laws of Motion Levers Wheel and Axle Pulley Systems Torque Pushing Pulling Gravity Kinesthesis Vision Conclusion Unit Outline I. Biomechanics and Personal Training II. Key Concepts of Biomechanics A. Stability B. Force C. Angle of Muscle Pull D. Work E. Power F. Newton’s Laws of Motion 1. Newton’s First Law: Inertia 2. Newton’s Second Law: F = MA 3. Newton’s Third Law: Action–Reaction G. Levers 1. First-class Lever 2. Second-class Lever 3. Third-class Lever H. Wheel and Axle I. Pulley Systems J. Torque K. Pushing L. Pulling M. Gravity 1. Center of Gravity 2. Line of Gravity N. Kinesthesis O. Vision III. Conclusion Learning Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to do the following: Understand what occurs during execution of strength and other exercises. Define the mechanical and physical factors involved in exercise and movement. BIOMECHANICS AND PERSONAL TRAINING Now that you understand the basics of kinesiology, you can move on to biomechanics, which is the physical study of movement. Knowledge of joints, muscles, and their possible actions leads to a better understanding of what occurs during the execution of strength and other exercises. As a trainer, you must understand the mechanical and physical factors involved in exercise and movement. These factors determine how effectively and safely an exercise is executed. When you combine your knowledge of anatomy with kinesiology and biomechanics, you have powerful tools for creating personalized programs for your clients and executing them in effective, efficient ways. biomechanics: The study of movement. KEY CONCEPTS OF BIOMECHANICS Your knowledge of biomechanics will help you to create safe, effective, efficient personal training programs for your clients. The following sections provide brief descriptions of key biomechanical concepts. Examples of specific exercises are used where applicable but will be discussed in detail in Unit 8. STABILITY Stability is the ability to maintain a balanced state. In order to ensure safety during exercise execution, stability in the body is necessary. Stability helps produce the desired results when using free weights; you must stabilize yourself in order to isolate the desired movement and perform it correctly. With machine weights, when you assume the necessary position, there is little need to balance your body as you execute the exercise; the machine stabilizes itself along the movement path so that its user can perform the exercise correctly. stability: The ability to maintain a balanced state. For example, when doing an overhead press, the muscles of the legs and trunk must contract in order to hold the body in place. The trunk must be rigid in order to provide a stable base for effective contraction of the shoulder muscles. If not, any change in the balance of the weights overhead may lead to a loss of balance, which in turn could cause injury, especially if you lose control of the weights. The basic principles of stability are simple. One such principle is that the larger the base of support, the greater the body’s stability. This is why you should most often assume a position with the feet at approximately shoulder width or wider. Standing with your feet together results in a narrow base of support, which does not provide the foundation needed for stability when doing heavy lifts, especially overhead lifts. Another basic principle of stability is that the lower the body is, the more stable it becomes. Bending the knees helps to lower the body’s center of gravity (where the bodyweight is concentrated). For example, in order to prevent lower-body movement and keep the spine vertical during shoulder (upper-body) twisting, it is important to bend the knees to stabilize the lower body and hips. This position keeps the spine from falling out of alignment and limiting the movement to the shoulders. The bent-knee position also helps to prevent knee injuries. Foot placement also plays an important role. If the feet are parallel and shoulder-width apart (A), the weight should be close to you or overhead. This is the preferred stance in most exercises because you have good stability in a left to right direction. In a stride position (B), you can better balance the weight in a forward–backward direction. When lying on a bench, always place the feet on the floor (C) in order to increase sideward stability. Keeping the feet on the bench creates an unstable position, especially when using heavy weights or a barbell. It becomes even more important to keep the feet on the floor when doing explosive or throwing actions. FORCE Force is the interaction that creates work, action, or physical change. Muscular force is exhibited in a push or pull type motion. Only the muscles (or, more accurately, muscle strength) can create the force needed in order to put an object into motion. When moving a weight in a strength exercise, you must take four components of force into consideration: magnitude, direction, point of application, and line of action. force: The interaction that creates work, action, or physical change. Magnitude refers to how much force is applied to the dumbbells, barbells, or machine handles. For example, if you wish to lift a barbell weighing 100 pounds, you must apply more than 100 pounds of force to lift it. Keep in mind that additional force is needed in order to overcome the weight of the limbs and body involved and to overcome resting inertia. magnitude: How much force is applied to the dumbbells, barbells, or machine handles. Direction refers to the way in which the force is applied. For example, is it applied horizontally, vertically, or a combination of both? This information is especially important in sports such as running, swimming, and in the throwing events. direction: The way in which the force is applied. Point of application refers to where the force is applied on the body or implement being used. It plays a role in many exercises including the overhead press and the squat. For example, if you hold a barbell in the middle of the bar with your hands close to one another, the force applied is close to the center of mass of the bar and the exercise becomes more effective. But in this situation, greater balance is also needed, especially if the barbell is long (such as an Olympic bar). In this case, you must assume a wider grip, in which you apply force at two points to raise one barbell. This position loses efficiency but enhances safety and enables you to do the exercise. In sports, the point of application of force is where the hand or fingers are in contact with a ball when shooting (basketball) or throwing (baseball). In hitting, it is where the ball and hitting implement make contact; for example, a golf ball on the club head, a baseball on a bat, or a tennis ball on a racquet. point of application: Where the force is applied on the body or implement being used. Line of action (also line of force) refers to an imaginary straight line drawn from the point of application of force through the direction of force. The more directly the force is applied in exactly the same direction as the intended movement, the greater the amount of force that goes in this direction. It is important to understand that you can push in one direction to get motion in another direction, usually a side component. For example, if you have a very wide stance in the squat, as in the sumo style, you have less distance to rise up when doing the squat. However, the force generated by each leg does not go straight upward; it is at an angle to the body. As a result, only a portion of the total force raises you. To raise all of the applied forces that go through the body’s center of gravity, you must keep the feet under the hips. In sports, the legs must drive the hips upward or forward or a combination of both in various jumping and running actions. Thus, it is important that the feet remain directly under the hips when the force is applied in the intended direction. line of action (line of force): An imaginary straight line drawn from the point of application of force through the direction of force. ANGLE OF MUSCLE PULL When you do a strength exercise, the strength exhibited at different points in the range of motion varies because of the angle at which the muscle pulls. For example, if you do a biceps curl beginning with fully extended arms, it is more difficult to generate sufficient force in order to start moving the weight than when you start with the arms bent. When your arm is straight, the biceps muscle inserts at an angle of approximately 10 degrees on the radius bone of the forearm. When the muscle shortens (i.e., when you begin the curl), most of the muscle’s force goes into the joint angle of pull: The angle at which a muscle pulls relative to the long axis of the bone on which it pulls. in order to stabilize the elbow rather than to raise the forearm with the weight. When the angle of insertion approaches 90 degrees, all the force of the muscle is used in raising the weight (all the strength generated is used to rotate the forearm). So, you are much stronger when there is approximately a 90-degree angle in the elbows than when the arms are extended. This is known as having a mechanical advantage, which means that you can do more work at this angle of muscle pull. If you use a weight that is the heaviest you can overcome in the early range of motion, it may appear light when you approach the 90-degree angle in the elbow. To overload the muscle in this range you must use more weight or go through a shorter ROM resulting in your arms not fully straightening in the bottom position. Doing only this over a long period of time, however, results in loss of flexibility. The body is best suited for speed, not force. Thus, even though you are weak at the beginning of a straight-arm elbow flexion movement, you possess the ability to develop great speed in the hand (if the resistance is not too great). Very little shortening of the muscles produces a large movement of the hand. This is known as having a physiological advantage, which is very important in speed and quick movements. WORK In physics, work refers to what happens when a force is applied to an object. The actual amount of work that you do is measured by the formula W = F × D, where W= work, F= force, and D= distance or displacement of the object being moved. The greater the force and the greater the distance over which the force is being applied (the weight is moved), the more work is done. When you hold a weight in the hands with an isometric contraction—even though the muscles are generating great tension and you may use a lot of energy to hold the position, you are not doing any work because you are not moving the weight any distance. For work to be done, there must be movement. If not, you are only expending energy, which is not work. Energy is more physiological, while work is more mechanical. work: Force times distance. Measured in foot-pounds and similar units. Example: Lifting a 200-pound barbell 8 feet and lifting a 400-pound barbell 4 feet each require 1,600 footpounds of work. POWER The term power is often misused in fitness and sports literature. Power is often equated with the amount of force one generates, but this is only partially correct. In physics and in most sports, power is defined as the work done in a unit of time. To calculate it, you must first consider the time involved in executing the movement. For example, if you do a squat with a 300-pound barbell and you move the barbell three feet from the bottom position to the top position, you will have done 900 foot-pounds of work (W = 300 lb × 3 ft = 900 fi•lb). In reality, you actually lifted more. But for simplicity, your body weight and external factors are not taken into consideration. power: The work done in a unit of time. To calculate power, you can use the same example, but consider the amount of time it took to lift the weight 3 feet. For simplicity, assume it took 3 seconds. Therefore, 900 footpounds of work divided by 3 seconds equals 300 foot-pounds of work per second. If you executed the squat in approximately 2 seconds, then the amount of power generated would be 450 foot-pounds per second. Thus you can see how the amount of power generated depends very much on the amount of time it takes to accomplish the work. The faster the work is done, the greater the amount of power; the slower the work is done, the lesser the amount of power. Much confusion has arisen in this area because of powerlifting. In this sport, maximal weights are lifted slowly, so it should be considered a pure strength sport (rather than a power sport). The amount of power is not great in comparison to that of a weightlifter, who lifts maximal weights as quickly as possible. The weightlifter exhibits much greater power than the powerlifter, but the powerlifter exhibits greater strength than the weightlifter. NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion contribute to the key principles of biomechanics by describing inertia; the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration; and the relationship between equal and opposing forces. Understanding these three laws and how they apply to training will help you create thoughtful training sessions. Newton’s First Law: Inertia Newton’s first law states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion; this is the essence ofinertia. There are two types of inertia: resting inertia and moving inertia. Resting inertia means that when an object is at rest, it will stay at rest unless acted upon by some outside force. For example, a loaded barbell or dumbbell lying on the ground has resting inertia. In order to lift it, you must apply a force greater than the weight of the implement itself. inertia: The tendency for an object to remain in its current state (in motion or at rest). resting inertia: An object is at rest, it will stay at rest unless acted upon by some outside force Moving inertia means that when an object is in motion, it will remain in motion unless acted upon by some outside force. Thus, once you put a barbell or dumbbell into motion, it will continue on its own accord without additional application of force to keep it moving. This can easily be seen with lighter weights. For example, when doing lateral arm raises with straight arms and light weights, you will experience the weights “flying” upward without your effort if you apply a vigorous thrust in the bottom position. moving inertia: An object that is in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by some outside force. When you use heavy weights in a strength exercise, the movement is slow so that you must apply force through the entire range of motion (ROM) in order to keep the weights in motion. In this case, although the heavy weights are moving, they will quickly stop because of the constant force of gravity. Gravity pulls down and thus creates the slow speed. However, if the weight moves too fast (like when you “throw” a heavy weight, such as a medicine ball), it may require great force to stop it at the end of the ROM. If your muscles are not capable of generating this stopping force, injuries can occur if you do not release the weight. The role of the eccentric contraction is especially important here. range of motion (ROM): The movement of a joint from full flexion to full extension. Figure 5.1 Newton’s first law of motion The further away the mass of the object is during weightlifting, the greater the inertia, especially on the return. This means that when the weight is moving, it is more difficult to control regardless of whether it is moving up or down, although it is especially difficult on the down return when gravity pulls. Because of this fact, you should always position yourself as close as possible to the weight you are lifting. The closer the weight, the easier it becomes to control; it has less lateral rotational inertia. The further away the mass, as in straight-arm front or lateral arm raises, the more difficult it is to move the weights with control. Note also that with straight arms, you can use a lighter weight and it will feel the same as a heavy weight held at half the distance. Because of this fact, most bodybuilders bend their elbows to bring the weights closer to their bodies. A bent-elbow position also allows them to use more weight. However, it is important to understand that when you bend the elbow, you may be putting the arm in a different position, which will change the muscular involvement. In the front-arm raise when you bend the arms, the elbows may turn out approximately 45 degrees. You will therefore be doing a combination of front and lateral arm-raise exercises. The use of heavy weights is not always best for precise strength development. By using a long lever arm to create greater rotational inertia, you can create great resistance with lighter weights. Also very important to consider is that the stress on the spine is considerably less when lighter weights are used. This consideration is especially important for beginners. Newton’s Second Law: F = MA Newton’s second law of motion deals with force and its relationship to mass and acceleration. In essence, in order to create a force, you must place a mass into motion with acceleration and a change in velocity. Note that mass multiplied by velocity is known as momentum. Thus in the previous weightlifting example, when a weight (mass) is moving (has velocity), it has momentum. mass: A body of coherent matter. acceleration: The rate of change of velocity per unit of time. velocity: The speed of something in a given direction. momentum: The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. Momentum is seen in many exercise machines that use weight stacks attached to a cable. When you do the exercise, you must adjust the speed of your movement to how fast the weights move up and down. If you move the resistance levers at a very fast rate, the weight stack will continue to move when you stop. Thus, at times, the weight may be going up when it should be going down, or vice versa. When this happens, the cables may bind or snap off the pulley. Therefore, to do an exercise quickly, you must use machines that allow for quick movements, or you must use free weights or rubber tubing (resistance bands). Figure 5.2 Newton’s second law of motion A key point to keep in mind while training is that when the muscle generates a force, there must be acceleration of the weight. In other words, the speed of the object must be increasing in order to be a true force. When first starting an exercise, you must generate force. When the weight is stationary and you begin movement, you accelerate the weight. However, once the weight is in motion, it only has velocity. You are no longer creating force unless you are changing the speed of the object. In essence, you must place the weight into acceleration in order to get it moving. Once the weights are in motion, they have momentum. For some reason, acceleration and momentum of weight have become unacceptable to many trainers. They consider acceleration and momentum dangerous—to be avoided at all costs. Rather than avoiding it, though, you should understand what is taking place and thus prepare the body to handle the forces that are encountered. Force, acceleration, and momentum can be your allies rather than your enemies. The key is to learn how to work with them in order to make the best use of them. If a force is maximal or if a weight is accelerated at a maximal speed, then you must release it in a throwing or pushing action because it will be impossible for the muscles of the body to stop the weight or the limb from continuing its movement. The heavier the weight or the greater the acceleration of the weight, the more difficult it is to stop it. It is because of this that most strength exercises are performed at a slow to moderate speed. Note that even lighter weights can generate a lot of force when they are accelerated, as in some aerobic routines. A 5-pound weight with extended arms moving rapidly can generate a tremendous amount of force that must be stopped by the eccentric contraction of the antagonist muscles. If the muscles are not sufficiently strong to stop the movement, an injury may occur. In general, you can increase speed of execution in some exercises (usually at the beginning of the movement) so that momentum will carry the weight through the remaining range before damage is done to the joints. However, a strong eccentric contraction of the antagonist muscles is still needed in order to stop the movement. In addition to creating force to move a weight against the pull of gravity, it is also necessary to create a force to counteract gravity when lowering weights. In this case, gravity is the major force pulling the weight down. The muscles contract eccentrically in order to create the force needed to control the downward movement of the weight. Keep in mind that gravity causes a weight to go into motion at increasingly greater rates of speed. Gravity exhibits an acceleration of approximately 32.2 feet per second squared (32.2 ft/sec2). Thus for every second of downward fall, a weight gains greater speed. Care must be taken when handling weights, especially heavy weights. If they drop from a high height, the amount of force upon landing can be extremely high. Even the height of a few feet can cause a weight to have a force of several times its actual weight. Because of the acceleration produced by gravity, you must always control the weights on the (negative) return with the eccentric contraction. Newton’s Third Law: Action–Reaction Newton’s third law of motion is also known as the equal and opposite reaction principle and it applies to weightlifting and bodybuilding exercises. The law states that objects in contact exert equal and opposite forces on each other. When doing an exercise such as the push-up, you must push against the floor with your hands. The floor, in turn, pushes against you and as a result you raise the trunk. This is known as reactive force. The same concept applies when jumping. When you land on the ground, you apply a force against the ground; in turn, the ground applies an equal and opposite force against you to propel you into the air. Figure 5.3 Newton’s Third Law of Motion LEVERS A lever is a rigid bar that turns about an axis of rotation, called a fulcrum. In the body, bones represent bars, joints represent fulcrums, and muscle contractions represent force. The lever rotates about the fulcrum as a result of the force being applied to it, causing its movement against a resistance (e.g., a weight). The amount of resistance can vary from maximal to minimal. In fact, the bones themselves or the weight of the body segment may be the only resistance applied. All lever systems have each of these three components in one of three possible arrangements. The arrangement of these points and the direction in which the force is being applied will determine the type of lever being used. lever: Rigid bar that turns about an axis of rotation or a fulcrum. fulcrum: The point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots. Figure 5.4 Lever and fulcrum with effort and resistance applied First-class Lever The first-class lever (see Figure 5.5A) is similar to the seesaw, in that it has its fulcrum between the force and the resistance. When you sit on one end, you apply a downward resistance on one side, of the fulcrum and an upward force on the other side. If someone else sits on the opposite side another downward resistance is brought into play. And if the weights are equal and the distance from the fulcrum is equal, you will be in balance with no movement occurring. In order to get movement, you will have to make your body heavier (or lighter) to place it into motion. Nodding the head is an example of a first-class lever. The head is the resistance, and the contraction of the neck muscles lifts the weight around the fulcrum (the joints of the neck). First-class levers do not produce a great amount of force. They do produce a maximum ROM and speed of movement. first-class lever: Fulcrum in the middle, the effort is applied on one side of the fulcrum and the resistance on the other. Second-class Lever In the second-class lever (see Figure 5.5B), the weight (resistance) is distributed between the axis of rotation (fulcrum) and the application of force. This type of lever is most suited for a gain in force. Picture a wheelbarrow: The fulcrum is the wheel, and the weight is in the bucket located in the middle; the action of your arms pulling upward on the handles generates the force. The second-class lever is exemplified when you rise up on your toes. This type of leverage allows you to walk and run, and is effective for overcoming resistance. One weight-training exercise that utilizes the second-class lever is the push-up. In this case, the fulcrum is the balls of the feet in contact with the floor, the weight is the center of gravity of your body mass, and the force is in the arms, pushing you upward. second-class lever: A lever in which the load lies between the fulcrum and the effort. Figure 5.5 (A) First-class lever. An example is nodding your head. This lever works like a teeter-totter. (B) Second-class lever. This lever works like a wheelbarrow. When going up on your toes, this lever system allows you to lift your body weight with very little effort. (C) Third-class lever. This lever works like a piston in an engine. Third-Class Lever In the third-class lever (see Figure 5.5C), the force is applied between the fulcrum and the resistance. This is the most common type of lever found in the body. For example, in the biceps curl, the biceps inserts approximately 1 inch below the elbow joint. The point of attachment is known as the point of application of force. The elbow is the axis of rotation (fulcrum), and the resistance is the forearm and weight held in the hand. Thus the distance from the point of application of force to the fulcrum (called the force arm) is very short and mechanically inefficient. The key reason for this inefficiency is that the resistance arm (the distance from the fulcrum to where the weight is located) is quite long. This configuration places the weight far from the application of force. A short force arm and a long resistance arm is a third-class lever: A lever in which the effort is placed between the fulcrum and the load. most advantageous configuration for speed but not for the production of force. In the case of speed, a short contraction of the muscle can move the end of the limb (hand) a great distance, even though little movement occurs at the actual insertion of the muscle on the bone. This relationship is also advantageous for ROM. The speed advantage of the thirdclass lever system is most important in sports, not when lifting weights. People with short limbs have an advantage in lifting heavier weights because of their shorter resistance arms. However, exceptions do exist. For example, in the deadlift, longer arms allow you to raise the weight a shorter distance. WHEEL AND AXLE Wheel and axle–like arrangements in the body are needed for the transmission of force. A good illustration of this arrangement is shoulder joint medial and lateral rotation. For example, hold the upper arms in line with the shoulders, elbows bent 90 degrees, and the forearms vertical and holding a weight or ball in the hands. Lower the forearm downward behind the head, maintaining the 90-degree angle (or greater) in the elbow in order to execute lateral rotation with the fulcrum along the long shaft of the humerus. When you raise the hand in the opposite action, you execute medial rotation in which the humerus rotates in the opposite direction on its long axis. In this case, a short radius of rotation of the humerus exists. But with the forearm bent at a 90-degree angle, you generate considerable speed or force at the end of the forearm (the hand). Many strength exercises involve some rotation of the arms (or legs). To prevent injury when executing medial and lateral rotation, you should not execute other actions in the same joint at the same time. PULLEY SYSTEMS Another muscular-structural arrangement is the pulley. Pulleys are very common in exercise machines—such as in the lat pull-downs—to create a greater mechanical advantage and to move the limbs freely. In the body, a pulley-type system exists in the knee joint, more specifically, with the patella. The quadriceps tendon (patellar ligament) goes over the patella to insert on the tibia bone in the shin. Because of the patellar protrusion, the quadriceps tendon inserts a greater angle in order to create more of a straight-line force when the knee is in the bent position. As a result, you can generate greater force, which goes around the patella to change the direction of pull. Few such pulley-type arrangements exist in the body. Most pulley (cable) systems in weight machines create the ability to guide and move the resistance handles in various directions. Depending on the configuration of the pulley or pulleys, you can increase or decrease the amount of effective resistance. Some pulley machines even have an extremely strong negative component. After you do the exercise and the weight stack is raised, the amount of force involved in lowering the weights can be extremely high. Thus, care must be taken on different exercise machines. To prevent injury, examine them before using appreciable weight. TORQUE The concept of torque is important in understanding how force is produced in weighttraining exercises. Its definition is simple: It is the magnitude of twist around an axis of rotation (fulcrum). Thus, torque (twist) is rotary (angular) movement in any plane about an axis. Torque is seen in almost all movements of the body as, for example, when you do single-joint actions. In isolated movements, the axis of rotation is fixed so that the bony lever moves in a circular arc. For example, in knee-joint extension, the foot circumscribes an arc of a circle because it is moving on an angular pathway. When you twist the shoulders, they rotate around a stationary vertical axis and make an arc of a circle when viewed from above. torque: The magnitude of twist around an axis of rotation (fulcrum). When torque is produced, the force is applied at some distance away from the axis of rotation. For example, picture yourself driving a car and turning the steering wheel. The hand applies a force on the wheel (rim) with the axis in the center of the steering column. This is known as an off-center force or, more accurately, an eccentric force. But the rotating (turning) force is called torque. Note that the axis of rotation could also be in motion. This is sometimes needed for safety. For example, in the seated leg extension exercise in which the thigh is immobile, the forces generated in the knee joint are extremely high when the leg straightens. Consequently, this exercise has been negatively criticized as being potentially dangerous. Exercises with rubber tubing counter this danger. Assume a standing position and hold the thigh up at approximately 45 degrees. Then straighten the leg against the resistance of rubber tubing. In this action, the thigh moves slightly as the leg is extended and the axis therefore moves. Thus the thigh is a “safety valve,” helping to decrease the negative forces and making the movement more natural, especially for sports such as running. PUSHING In some compound (multi joint) exercises, rather than solely using a rotary component to move the weight, you use a push pattern in which the hands or feet move in a straight line. This pushing action is seen in exercises such as the leg press, overhead press, dips, and triceps pushdown. To move the extremity in a straight line, you must involve more than one joint action. For example, in the leg press, there are simultaneous rotary actions at the knee (extension) and hip (extension) joints to move the feet in a straight line. In the overhead press, the shoulder joints undergo flexion (elbows in front) or abduction (elbows out to the side) as the elbow joints undergo extension. The hands then move in a straight line upward. PULLING Pulling is the opposite of pushing. The hands or feet move in a straight line while two or more joints are in rotary action. For example, in the seated row, your body is stable and your hands move in a straight line as you pull them in toward the body. Extension in the shoulder joint along with flexion in the elbow joint occurs simultaneously in order to allow the hands to move in a straight line. The same occurs when doing a chin-up or pull-up. In this case, the body moves in a straight line upward while the hands remain in place, and there is flexion in the elbow joint together with extension or adduction in the shoulder joint. GRAVITY Gravity is the downward pulling force that creates resistance. For maximum resistance when using free weights, body position should be adjusted so that the weight that you are handling is moving as much as possible against the pull of gravity. For example, in the triceps kickback, only when your arm is almost fully extended does the triceps work fully against gravity in the upward phase of movement. When the forearm is vertical, there is very little resistance to overcome. The resistance increases as the arm straightens because you are now working more against the pull of gravity. gravity: The downward pulling force that creates resistance. To make the triceps kickback most effective, the body should be horizontal so that the ending ROM is against gravity. Since the triceps is also involved in shoulder extension, you should then raise the straight arm upward above the level of the back. This makes the movement much more difficult since you now have a long lever when raising the dumbbell against the pull of gravity. This action goes completely against gravity and you will find that is more difficult than all the preceding movements. Figure 5.6 Center and line of gravity Center of Gravity Center of gravity is referred to as the point in the body around which your weight is equally distributed. It is considered to be the point where all your weight is concentrated (balanced). This point is usually located in the hips, but it can also fall outside the body, as for example, when the body is rotating in space in a pike position. center of gravity: The point in the body around which your weight is equally distributed. Line of Gravity When you drop a vertical line straight down from the center of gravity, it is known as the line of gravity. It should fall within your base of support (formed by an outline around your feet (in order for you to be in balance. If it falls outside the base of support, you will be in motion: The motion of falling. When doing strength exercises, it is critical that the line of gravity falls within your base of support in order for you to remain in balance. line of gravity: A vertical line straight down from the center of gravity. KINESTHESIS Kinesthesis is the ability to perceive your position and movement of the body or body limbs in space. Kinesthesis relies on the use of various receptors in the joints, muscles, and tendons. For example, the muscle spindle, which lies in parallel with the muscle fibers, is activated when the muscle is stretched during an eccentric contraction. (This action is known as the stretch reflex.) kinesthesis: The ability to perceive your position and movement of the body or body limbs in space. The Golgi tendon organs are other receptors located at the junction of the tendon and the muscle. They respond to the amount of stretch taking place in the tendon and the muscle. It is important to understand that when a muscle stretches, the tendon also stretches. It is very elastic tissue and can withstand great tension. When activated, the Golgi tendon organs trigger the antagonist muscle groups to stop the movement and to inhibit the agonist muscle contraction. This response occurs to avoid possible injury to the muscle– tendon relationship. Because of their actions, it is much easier to fully stretch a muscle when the Golgi tendon organs are shut down. Receptors are also located in the joint capsules and ligaments that relay information to the brain, such as a change in position, speed of movement, or the acceleration of the limbs that occur at the joints. These receptors are very sensitive and fire when a small change (up to 2 degrees) occurs in joint position. Many pressure receptors exist that are very active in posture. When any deviation in position occurs, they are fired so that a correction can be made to bring you back into the normal position. VISION Related to kinesthesis is the use of visual reference points or visual cues when doing exercises. For example, focusing on a particular object during an exercise enables you to better balance the body and to keep yourself oriented to your surroundings. Try doing an exercise with your eyes shut and notice how difficult it is to control your movements. visual reference point: A chosen point of focus to aid in stability and balance. The visual cue must be such that it does not change the position of your head, which also relates to the balance mechanisms in your ears. For example, many weight trainees look up at the ceiling when doing a squat in order to maintain an arch in the lower back. In so doing, they have difficulty orienting the body. More effective is to have stronger back muscles to maintain an arched position and to look directly ahead when doing the exercise. You can then maintain the arch more easily and yet have good balance. CONCLUSION Now that you have a solid base of understanding with regard to muscles and muscle functions as they relate to human motion, you can deduct that deviations in normal body mechanics can adversely affect human movement and, more importantly, your clients’ fitness success. Before delving into the specifics of human movement and the relationship between various muscles in the body, we will uncover postural deviations as they relate to sound body movement. Key Terms acceleration angle of pull biomechanics center of gravity direction first-class lever force fulcrum gravity inertia kinesthesis lever line of action (also line of force) line of gravity magnitude mass momentum moving inertia point of application power range of motion (ROM) resting inertia second-class lever stability third-class lever torque velocity visual reference point work Unit Summary I. Biomechanics is the study of movement. More specifically, it is the movement involved in a strength exercise or execution of a sports skill. It deals mainly with physical factors such as speed, mass, acceleration, levers, and force along with the physical functions of the movement. A. Stability is the act of maintaining your body to ensure safety and effectiveness when using free weights. B. Muscular force is broken down into the components of magnitude, direction, application of force, and line of force. It is exhibited in a push- or pull-type motion. C. The angle of pull is the variance of force at different points in the range of motion of an exercise. When you do a strength exercise, the strength exhibited at different points in the range of motion will vary according to the angle at which the muscle pulls. D. Work is defined by the equation W = F × D, where W= work, F= force, and D= distance or displacement of the object being moved. E. Power is defined as the work done in a unit of time. F. Torque (twist) is rotary (angular) movement in any plane around an axis. G. Newton’s first law of motion states that an object remains at rest or continues to move with constant velocity in a straight line unless compelled by forces acting upon it. 1. Resting inertia means that when an object is at rest, it tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by some outside force. 2. Moving inertia means that when an object is in motion, it will remain in motion unless acted upon by some outside force. H. Newton’s second law of motion deals with force and its relationship to mass and acceleration. The greater the force and the greater the distance over which the force is being applied (the weight is moved), the more work will be done. I. Newton’s third law of motion states that objects in contact exert equal and opposite forces on each other. This law can be demonstrated by jumping off a box. When you land on the ground, your body applies a force against the ground and the ground in turn applies an equal and opposite force against you to propel you into the air. J. A lever is a rigid bar that turns around an axis of rotation or fulcrum and can be categorized as first, second, or third class. 1. A first-class lever has its fulcrum or balance point between force and resistance. 2. A second-class lever is one in which the weight (resistance) is distributed between the axis of rotation and application of force. 3. A third-class lever is one in which the force is applied between the axis and resistance. K. Force transmission arrangements in the body include wheel and axle, pulley, pushing, and pulling. L. Gravity is the downward pulling force that creates resistance. 1. The center of gravity is the point in the body around which your weight is equally distributed. 2. The line of gravity is the vertical line that falls from the center of gravity. M. Kinesthesis is the ability to perceive your position and movement of the body or body limbs in space. N. Vision as it relates to kinesthesis is the use of visual reference points or visual cues when doing exercises to better balance your body and to keep yourself oriented to your surroundings. UNIT 6 MUSCULOSKELETAL DEVIATIONS TOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNIT Understanding Good Posture Benefits of Good Posture Postural Self-check Recognizing Postural Deviations Role in Athletic Performance Tonus Spine Feet Pelvis Conclusion Unit Outline I. Understanding Good Posture A. Benefits of Good Posture B. Postural Self-check II. Recognizing Postural Deviations A. Role in Athletic Performance B. Tonus C. Spine 1. Effects of Sitting on Spinal Posture 2. Workplace Ergonomics for Spinal Posture D. Feet E. Pelvis Learning Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to do the following: Know what good posture is, why it is important, and how to look for postural misalignments in your clients. Understand the importance of workplace ergonomics on spinal health. Use your knowledge of posture to effectively design programs for clients with musculoskeletal deviations. UNDERSTANDING GOOD POSTURE Posture is the way the body holds itself when sitting, standing, lying down, or moving. In the past, the analysis of posture and exercises to correct posture were strongly emphasized. In the present, posture appears to be mostly ignored. Proper musculoskeletal alignment creates good posture. When you have good posture, your muscles and bones are basically in balance and your body is symmetrical. When a deviation in posture exists, it is often due to a lack of strength of particular muscles to hold the body in the needed position. For example, weak erector spinae muscles of the lower back are the main culprits in not being able to maintain an erect trunk in standing and walking, or maintain proper back posture when lifting weights. As a trainer, you must learn to recognize good posture and postural deviations in your clients and in yourself. posture: The way the body holds itself when sitting, standing, lying down, or moving. Most people with postural deviations are usually unaware of their posture. More startling is that they show little concern about having good posture. However, for athletes and fitness-minded people, posture should be of great concern. The reason is quite simple: Posture can determine the outcome of performance and well-being. Before relating how this can happen, it is necessary to first examine some of the benefits of good posture. BENEFITS OF GOOD POSTURE Good posture is important to health. It is needed in order to keep the organs in place and to allow them to work efficiently and effectively. For example, if you have swayback, the intestines press against the floor of the abdominal cavity instead of being held in place. This position interferes with their normal work. If you have rounded shoulders and an excessively rounded upper back, constriction occurs in the chest cage. Because of this constriction, it becomes impossible to completely fill the lungs with air, which is vital in athletic performance and fitness activities. Posture affects how you walk, run, jump, lift weights, and execute other skills. For example, if you have rounded shoulders, your arms may be slightly in front of your body instead of hanging alongside your body. As a result, you may find that instead of lifting the arms sideways directly overhead, you are lifting them up and in front of the body. This adaptation changes the muscular movement and the movement pathway. If you cannot hold your trunk erect during running, you will not have an effective push-off or knee drive for a long stride length. Even in walking, if your feet or thighs are excessively rotated outward, greater stress will be placed on the hip and knee joints. If walking in this manner is carried on for a long period of time, injuries to these joints can occur. Posture plays an important role in the prevention and rehabilitation of back problems. For example, tight hip flexors may keep your pelvis tilted forward, causing swayback. If the hip flexors are too weak while the abdominal muscles are strong, it may cause flattening of the curve in the lower spine. If the upper portion of the hamstrings is too tight, they do not allow you to hold the arch in your lower back when doing exercises such as the squat, or when bending over to lift something. When your abdominal muscles are too tight, they may flatten the spine, which places excessive pressure on the anterior aspects of the spinal discs. If they are too weak, they may cause swayback. By strengthening and stretching the necessary muscles to create good posture, you not only prevent injuries but also rehabilitate them. Merely correcting posture is often all that is needed in order to relieve back pain. For example, pulling the head back into proper alignment is often sufficient to produce the normal curvature of the vertebral column. By lifting the head and looking forward, you can activate the low-back muscles to hold the spine in place and alleviate the problem. Good posture makes you feel good. Because of its many benefits, such as ease of movement, good balance of muscle strength and flexibility, proper positioning of the spine, and proper functioning of the internal organs, your body feels good and you feel good. You feel vibrant, confident, and ready to perform. Thus, posture should be of prime focus in all fitness activities. Posture is dynamic. Good posture is relatively easy to attain and maintain. Part of creating good posture is learning new habits of sitting, standing, and walking. However, the major factor is strengthening the key muscles that hold you in the proper posture. Figure 6.1 Postural self-check POSTURAL SELF-CHECK Knowing the status of your own posture will help you to assess the posture of your clients. To assess your posture, perform this self-check (see Figure 6.1): Stand with your back against a wall. Your heels, backs of the calves, buttocks, upper back, and head should comfortably touch the wall. If you must strain to make all points of contact, then you probably have some deviations. Also effective is to secure a string to the ceiling and hang a weight at the end of the string. Stand so that the string is lined up with your nose, and then have a front-view picture taken (or look in a mirror). Notice whether your shoulders are leaning to one side or another or if more of your body is on one side of the line. With good posture, you should be symmetrical on both sides of the string. To get a graphic representation of how your weight is distributed in front of you and behind you, try lining up the string in the middle of your shoulder down to the floor. This method of postural self-check also shows whether you have any major deviations in spinal curvature or positioning of the hips. RECOGNIZING POSTURAL DEVIATIONS The relative strength and flexibility of the spinal muscles play a role in the alignment of the trunk and pelvis. When imbalances exist, three abnormal conditions result: lordosis, scoliosis, and kyphosis. Table 6.1 includes these conditions as well as other muscle misalignments and summarizes the muscles involved in them. Figure 6.2 illustrates these conditions as well as proper posture for comparison. When you learn to recognize these imbalances in your clients and where they come from, you can help them take steps to improve their posture. lordosis: A spinal disorder in which the spine curves significantly inward at the lower back. Also called ‘Swayback.’ scoliosis: A spinal disorder in which there is a sideways curve to the spine. The curve is often S-shaped or C-shaped. kyphosis: A spinal disorder which is characterized by an abnormally rounded upper back (more than 50 degrees of curvature). Table 6.1 Postural Deviations and Associated Muscle Imbalances MALALIGNMENT POSSIBLE TIGHT MUSCLES POSSIBLE WEAK MUSCLES Lordosis Lower back (erectors), hip flexors Abdominals (especially obliques), hip extensors Flatback Upper abdominals, hip extensors Lower back (erectors), hip flexors Swayback Upper abdominals, hip flexors Oblique abdominals, hip extensors Kyphosis Internal oblique, shoulder adductors (pectorals and latissimus), intercostals Erector spinae of the thoracic spine, scapular adductors (mid and lower trapezius) Forward Head Cervical extensors, upper trapezius Neck flexors Figure 6.2 Postural deviations In lordosis, the superior iliac crests of the pelvis move forward and downward from the normal anatomical position. This position is known as anterior tilt of the pelvis. In most cases, the hip flexor muscles are shortened and the abdominal muscles are lengthened or severely relaxed. In posterior pelvic tilt, the hip flexor and low-back muscles stretch while the abdominal and hamstring muscles shorten. Posterior tilt is not as common as anterior tilt and is rarely brought about by lack of muscular strength. Both anterior and posterior pelvic tilt place the lumbar vertebrae in potentially dangerous positions because of increased disc pressure and a change in the line of gravity of the trunk. In scoliosis, excessive lateral curvature of the spinal column exists. If the curvature is relatively minor, you can do exercises to stretch the concave side and strengthen and shorten the convex side of the curve. These exercises usually bring about straightening of the spine. If rotation of the vertebral column also exists, the affected abdominal oblique or erector spinae muscles must be strengthened. Kyphosis is an exaggerated anterior-posterior curvature of the spinal column. It occurs most frequently as excessive forward bending of the thoracic area and is seen most frequently in older adults. It is usually associated with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis and can result in the hunchback position. It also appears to occur more frequently with younger adults as a result of practicing poor posture and performing an excessive number of crunches through a shortened range of motion. The term flatback is used frequently in conjunction with a kyphotic condition because the exaggerated curvature of the thoracic spine creates a reduction in the natural lumbar curvature. The flattening creates a posterior tilt condition of the pelvis. Rounded shoulders are sometimes associated with kyphosis of the thoracic vertebrae, but it is not the same condition. A round shoulder condition is technically abduction or protraction of the scapulae. This position creates a “hollow” chest condition. You can have abducted scapulae without having a kyphotic condition, or you can have both conditions. ROLE IN ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Most people have some alignment deviation. As a result, the body does not work at maximum efficiency. It is analogous to a machine. When a machine is properly aligned, the working parts act efficiently. The machine will last much longer than one that is out of alignment. In a misaligned machine, wear and tear on the bearings increases and stress and strain on the working parts produce general depreciation. As with any machine, when optimal performance is desired in the body, you must pay attention to the alignment of the body parts. The balance of all the muscles acting on any joint or body part affects proper maintenance of alignment. Faulty posture indicates a shift of a body segment in relation to the other segments. In addition, a shift of joint positions (or alignment) occurs in relation to the normal gravitational line. Under optimal conditions, all body segments are lined up properly so that undue stress does not fall on any one particular joint. When misalignment exists, stress is placed on particular joints. For example, if your shoulders drop forward, your head goes back and your pelvis rotates to the rear. If you constantly lean to one side, your pelvis tilts sideways and your spine curves to the opposite side, sloping one shoulder. Therefore, if you assume and maintain an out-of-line position, your body must adjust the controlling ligaments and muscles. In other words, if one body part is out of alignment, another body part must likewise get out of alignment in order to balance it. Keep in mind that approximately 75 to 80 percent of the work of the muscles is involved in merely obtaining and maintaining joint stability. A high development of the agonists–antagonist function is essential to the development of coordinated, skilled movement since antagonists control the speed, range, and force of the action of agonists. This is true of the main muscles involved and of all the stabilizers of the joints that are activated. This includes the stabilizer muscles that hold the joint of the nonmoving part in place to allow for movement at the other end of the muscle. Good balance must exist between the opposing muscles. When you have faulty posture, the normal length of the opposing muscles is changed so that if one is shortened, its opposing muscle must be stretched or lengthened. Therefore, any skill that you execute is affected by the performance of these muscles. When faulty posture exists, movement is abnormal. For example, if you have round shoulders, you may have adaptive shortening of the pectoralis major and the serratus anterior, as well as tight anterior shoulder joint ligaments. The opposing muscles (the mid-lower trapezius and rhomboids) are overstretched. Thus the scapulae will not only swing apart but also rotate, resulting in the lowering of the tips of the shoulders. Consequently, the more muscle mass is developed, the greater the force that is applied to the joint. Because of this relationship, the stress on the joint increases and the imbalance is increased even more. Two factors operate in round shoulders. First, the arm weight and head weight fall forward of the line of gravity. Therefore, an increase in the dorsal curve of the spine must compensate. In turn, this increase must be balanced by a forward position of the pelvis and increased lumbar lordosis (arching). Such a shift of body weight onto the forefoot tends to increase pronation and depression of the foot arch. Second, all arm work (shot put, discus, javelin, baseball pitching, golf swing, or exercise execution such as the bench press or dumbbell fly) will show decreased efficiency, because the weakened rhomboids have become long and the pectorals short. As a result, the arm cannot be moved back to the maximum shoulder joint range, because the contractile length of the pectoralis major will not allow it. Deficiencies can also be seen in the shoulder girdle rotation (e.g., when twisting with a barbell on the shoulders). This is because the spinal column cannot rotate on a “straight” axis, as the spine is now bent. Thus more attention should be given to the antagonist musculature instead of only trying to develop the agonist. You must restore the muscle balance. This is essential to arm and shoulder girdle performance. In the lumbar area, you must strengthen the abdominal muscles, especially the internal and external oblique muscles that are mainly responsible for forward shoulder rotation and flattening the abdominal wall. In addition, you must stretch and strengthen the erector spinae by doing back raises to a position above level. You can also do the reverse sit-up and reverse trunk twist to stretch the erectors even more, and at the same time strengthen the abdominal muscles. Other muscle group pairs should be corrected in a like manner if there is any imbalance. The key to having a well-aligned and balanced body is to proportionally develop the muscles (agonists) on one side of the joint with the muscles on the other side of the joint (antagonists). This way the muscles will keep the joints in their natural state and prevent deviations from occurring, allowing for more efficient and sustainable athletic performance. TONUS Muscular tonus is associated with blood circulation and economy in movement. Improper alignment results in additional muscular effort and strain, especially since it creates rotary movements at the various joints. If excess muscular effort is sufficient to produce fatigue, it can eventually affect your health. In more severe cases, the strain on the joints can be sufficient to alter structure. There is also evidence to indicate that chronic strain contributes to the development of arthritic types of ailments in later life. Such alterations mean limited use of body parts and continued fatigue and strain. muscular tonus: A state of partial contraction present in a muscle in its passive state which, in skeletal muscles, aids in the maintenance of posture and in the return of blood to the heart. SPINE The spine is the keystone of body structure. It must support the weight of the head, trunk, and upper extremities. In addition, it is the solid point of attachment for most of the muscles, anchoring and controlling the pectoral-shoulder girdle as well as the latissimus dorsi and other muscles of the back, which move the arm. These functions require a strong, well-supported spinal unit. In addition, the spine encloses and protects the spinal cord and the nerves, which lead to and from it. To allow for its functions, the spine should be firm, carefully articulated, and not too flexible. You should be able to maintain the four natural curves of the spine at all times. The ROM will vary from person to person but in general, it should be approximately 30 to 40 degrees of spinal flexion forward and 15 to 20 degrees of spinal extension to the rear. Going beyond these limits is usually indicative of excessive flexibility, which leads to additional spinal problems. Effects of Sitting on Spinal Posture Perhaps the most common oversight that bodybuilders and other athletes make is failing to consider the risks of day-to-day, non-training activities. Typically, most trainees will be very careful about their form when exercising (which comprises, at most, 20 percent of all daily activities), yet totally ignore the potential consequences of other activities that make up a much greater portion of our lives. When problems arise, blame is usually assigned to the training activity. Everyone spends a considerable amount of time sitting. Given this fact, it is prudent to study this postural position and, in particular, its effects on the spine. People are usually surprised to learn that pressures on the vertebral discs are higher when sitting than when standing or lying down. In fact, some experts suggest that intradiscal pressure when seated is up to 11 times greater than when lying down. This risk is particularly insidious because sitting is not normally associated with back pain, whereas standing often is. Figure 6.3 The spine Many people who experience back pain while standing for long periods of time will feel better when they sit down. It is difficult for them to understand just how sitting can place undue pressure on the vertebral discs. In order to understand this concept better, consider the following facts: First, the distinction must be made between the back muscles and the vertebral discs. When you stand for long periods, the disc pressure is relatively low, but you nevertheless feel pain. The pain results from fatigued low-back muscles. Second, increased pressure on the discs in and of itself does not necessarily cause immediate pain. Thus, people are often unaware of this pressure, which in the long term can lead to deformative changes in the discs. Now to the real mystery: How can sitting create higher intradiscal pressure than standing? It is because when standing, your body weight is distributed over a wide variety of structures, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Upon sitting down, however, the abdominal “corset” relaxes, which causes a majority of your body weight to load the discs. As mentioned earlier, you probably will not feel any pain at all when this happens. Over the long term, though, the constant, increased load upon the discs can result in a multitude of problems, from impinged nerve roots to degenerative osteoarthritic changes. intradiscal pressure: Pressure present between vertebral disks. Workplace Ergonomics for Spinal Posture Because sitting is inescapable for most people, the best advice is to (1) limit time spent sitting as much as possible, and (2) design your workplace with the following in mind: ergonomics: A science that deals with designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and safely. Chairs with lumbar supports (sufficient to maintain but not exaggerate the normal lordosis, or sway, of the spine) have been shown to lower intradiscal pressures compared to chairs without these supports. Chairs with arm rests also reduce pressure on the discs. Sitting in a reclined position (120 degrees is optimal) lowers disc pressure, so make sure your chair allows you to alternate positions. Since keeping the knees close together makes you more prone to “slumping,” choose a chair that is wide enough to keep your knees apart. Also, if you sit at a desk for long periods of time, make sure that it allows you enough space to open your knees. When selecting a chair, adjustability is crucial. Because people come in different shapes and sizes, they have unique needs for their workstation setup. An adjustable chair will ensure that you can optimize your own workstation for the best possible ergonomic effect. At your workstation, your chair and desk arrangement should be such that your forearms rest on the desk with your elbows at a 90-degree angle close to your sides. This position reduces stress on the trapezius and surrounding muscles of the upper back and neck. Spinal disorders are preventable! Although the dangers of sitting for prolonged periods of time may not seem like a pressing issue at the moment, it has a cumulative effect on the spine over the years. FEET Seemingly small, insignificant deviations can lead to major changes in the entire body. For example, if the feet are not sufficiently strong to keep the body in balance and the shins in line with the feet, the knees can change their position. This change can affect the hips, which in turn will affect the spine, which can then affect head position. Each joint will then be limited in the actions that it is capable of, especially when the deviation is coupled with tight muscles on one side and weak muscles on the other. Even being able to balance your weight has a very profound bearing on the feet. How the legs are used in activities such as running is directly related to the influence of the joints, ligaments, and muscles in the limbs above it. Thus, any problems in the lower body affect the upper body and vice versa. For example, many athletes including bodybuilders have a lateral tilt of the pelvic girdle. This tilt usually occurs to compensate for deviations above or below the pelvis. Studies have shown that up to 50 percent of individuals can have a lateral tilt of the pelvis of 1/4 inch or more. It can be caused by having one arch of the foot lower than the other, greater angulation of the knee on one side, an increase or decrease in the angle on the neck of the femur (the angle that the bone runs from the hip to the knee in a normal standing position), rotation of the femoral shaft (which can have the knee pointed outward or inward), and the size and shape of one ilium (flat bone on either side of the pelvis) as compared with the opposite one. Such asymmetry and tilting of the pelvis will result in asymmetrical muscle lengths and a tilt in both hip axes, which produce an eccentric action between the two joints. The transmission of weight and forces acting on the legs and feet will be different. Consequently, the wear and tear on the ligaments and joints will be different. PELVIS Even more common among bodybuilders and athletes is a forward tilt of the pelvis, which results when the upper pelvis drops forward, resulting in excessive arching of the lower spine. If this is coupled with a slight lateral tilt of the pelvis, there is torsional force from the twisting of the spinal column. When this occurs, one hip socket as well as one side of the hip will be further forward than the other. In this case, the hip-joint flexor muscles will be shortened and the lower back muscles will be tightened. Excessive arch in the lower back can result from low-back problems or from deviations of the pelvic girdle. The pelvis and spine are so interrelated that it is almost impossible to say which is primarily at fault in causing any particular problem. However, note that the vertebral column is flexible and often compensates for any pelvic faults by changing position in corresponding planes. In a well-muscled person these changes can be easily overlooked. An increase in the forward tilt of the pelvis in relation to the adaptive shortening of the hip flexors and the lower trunk extensors upsets the normal antagonism in the forward and backward direction. But this antagonism must be brought into a balanced action for the best performance when lifting weights. In this case, shortening the abdominal muscles in front and the gluteal muscles in back is essential to attaining the best position of the pelvis in relation to the trunk. In addition, the hip lifting action of the quadratus lumborum and latissimus dorsi hold the leg on the same side up during the swing phase in walking and running, while the rotational action of the internal and external obliques brings that side of the hip forward. Not only must the one side be pulled forward, but the alternating action of the opposite oblique must also relax enough to allow the serratus anterior and the shoulder girdle to be rotated backward. The balance of these trunk muscle torque groups is a vital element in all locomotor progression. When there is any structural pelvic asymmetry, there cannot be symmetrical action of the lower trunk muscles because of the torque in the pelvis and the compensatory curvature and torque of the spinal column. The latissimus dorsi, quadratus lumborum, iliopsoas, and abdominal obliques are all affected, and there must be an imbalance in the length and strength of the contralateral muscles. CONCLUSION Deviations in the musculoskeletal system must be assessed and then modified to correct or prevent further deviation from occurring. Now that you can accurately assess some of the more common deviations that you may encounter with your clients, you are ready to learn about the musculoskeletal system, including joint action, joint makeup, muscle involvement, and the associated relationships between various muscle groups in the body. Key Terms ergonomics intradiscal pressure kyphosis lordosis muscular tonus posture scoliosis Unit Summary I. Musculoskeletal deviations can result in poor muscle balance, poor flexibility, and improper spinal alignment, and they can predispose you to injury. A. When you have good posture, your muscles are in balance and your body is symmetrical. 1. Good posture makes you feel good. Because of its many benefits, such as ease of movement, good balance of muscle strength and flexibility, proper positioning of the spine, and proper functioning of the internal organs, your body feels good, therefore you feel good. 2. To evaluate your posture, stand with your back against a wall. Your heels, backs of calves, buttocks, upper back, and head should comfortably touch the wall. If you must strain to make all points of contact, then you probably have some deviations. 3. The relative strength and flexibility of the spinal muscles play a role in the alignment of the trunk and pelvis. When imbalances exist, three abnormal conditions can result: lordosis, scoliosis, and kyphosis. 4. The key to having a well-aligned and balanced body is to proportionally develop the muscles (agonists) on one side of the joint with the muscles on the other side of the joint (antagonists). Only in this way will the muscles keep the joints in the natural state and prevent the occurrence of deviations. 5. Muscular tonus is associated with blood circulation and economy in movement. 6. The spine is the keystone of body structure. It must support the weight of the body. a. Intradiscal pressure when seated is up to 11 times greater than when lying down. b. Sitting is inescapable for most people, so the best advice is to (1) limit time spent sitting as much as possible, and (2) design your workplace according to correct ergonomics. 7. For correct ergonomics, feet must be sufficiently strong to keep the body equally balanced and the shins in line with the feet, head, trunk, and upper extremities. 8. Pelvic asymmetry results in a deviance of symmetrical action in the lower trunk muscles because of the torque in the pelvis and the compensatory curvature and torque of the spinal column. UNIT 7 MUSCLE MECHANICS TOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNIT Introduction Knee Muscles of the Knee Joint Ankle and Foot Muscles of the Ankle Joint Spine Muscles of the Spine (Midsection) Shoulder Muscles of the Shoulder Joint Shoulder Girdle Elbow Relationship Between the Shoulder and the Elbow Forearm Radioulnar Joint Wrist Muscles of the Wrist Joint Conclusion Unit Outline I. Introduction II. Knee A. Muscles of the Knee Joint 1. Relationship Between the Gastrocnemius and the Hamstrings 2. Relationship Between the Quadriceps and the Hamstrings III. Ankle and Foot A. Muscles of the Ankle Joint IV. Spine A. Muscles of the Spine (Midsection) 1. Relationship Between the Abdominal Muscles and the Hip Flexors V. Shoulder A. Muscles of the Shoulder Joint B. Shoulder Girdle 1. Relationship Between the Shoulder Joint and the Shoulder Girdle VI. Elbow A. Relationship Between the Shoulder and the Elbow VII. Forearm A. Radioulnar Joint VIII. Wrist A. Muscles of the Wrist Joint 1. Relationship Between the Wrist Muscles and the Elbow IX. Conclusion Learning Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to do the following: Identify the functions of the musculoskeletal system in the body. Understand how to apply knowledge of muscle mechanics to exercises. INTRODUCTION Exercises are usually described in very general terms in books, magazines, and websites. These generalities lead to misunderstandings, which more often than not lead to injury. However, an exercise analysis answers questions such as these: If the exercise is effective, why is it effective? What is the role of each joint action? Which actions can be changed to make the technique more effective? How can joint body or limb movements be changed to bring in greater involvement of specific muscles? How can specific actions be made more powerful? Should the exercise be modified? If so, how? Most sources of standard instruction fail to address important points such as these. The most accurate way to determine the key actions and muscles involved in a strength exercise is to analyze movement in terms of kinesiology and biomechanics. Only in this way can you, as a future fitness educator, determine which joint actions and muscles play a major role and whether the exercise is effective and safe. This unit discusses muscle mechanics for the major joints and muscle groups that are involved in personal training. It looks at the musculoskeletal system with regard to joint action, joint makeup, muscle involvement, and the associated relationships between various muscle groups in the body. KNEE The knee joint is made up of the end of the femur and tibia bones. The ends of these bones consist of two shallow convex surfaces into which semicircular-shaped femoral condyles fit. Because of the shape, the bony stability of the knee is extremely weak. To improve stability, many ligaments surround the knee joint. For example, the posterior cruciate ligament prevents forward displacement of the femur on the tibia. The anterior cruciate ligament prevents backward displacement of the femur on the tibia. The medial and lateral ligaments provide stability on the medial and lateral sides. The knee joint is stabilized posteriorly by the popliteal ligament and anteriorly by the patellar ligament. The knee joint must allow movement yet be stable enough to absorb and withstand the forces created by the weight of the body and the forces generated while participating in various activities. For example, the knee must counteract the negative landing forces in running and jumping and in weightlifting exercises. Because of the roles the knee must play, ligament and muscular stability assume important roles. For example, when the knee is extended, it remains stable because it is surrounded by fairly taut ligaments from all sides and from within. However, when the knee is flexed, some of the ligaments loosen to allow for greater movement. Because of this response, the muscular arrangement around the knee is extremely important in maintaining the stability needed in order to prevent injury. The knee is stabilized on the anterior side by the quadriceps, on the medial side by the sartorius and gracilis, on the lateral side by the tensor fasciae latae (TFL), and on the posterior side by the hamstring muscle group from above and the gastrocnemius from below. Because of the small angle of attachment of the quadriceps to the tibia, a large stabilizing component is always acting on the knee joint. This is particularly important when the hamstrings are contracting strongly and the knee is flexed beyond 90 degrees, at which point the hamstrings have a backward dislocating component. To counteract this force, there is usually hip flexion, which serves to maintain hamstring length so that tension is maintained. When the leg is bent 80 to 90 degrees or more and the sartorius, gracilis, and gastrocnemius muscles contract, they create a dislocating component at the knee joint. From 180 degrees (straight leg) to 90 degrees of flexion (bent leg), most of the muscles crossing the knee provide a rotary and stabilizing effect. When knee flexion is Figure 7.1 The knee joint, anterior view less than 90 degrees, a dislocating component occurs in some of the muscles. The knee also has weak bony and ligamentous arrangements, increasing its vulnerability. The major movements that are possible in the knee joint are flexion and extension. Medial rotation and lateral rotation take place only when the knee is flexed. This configuration allows the foot to turn when it is free to move, and the trunk to turn when the foot is fixed to the ground, such as when wearing cleats or spikes. If rotation occurs when the leg is straight, it may cause knee injury. MUSCLES OF THE KNEE JOINT The muscles of the knee joint are predominantly two-joint muscles, which also cross and act at the hip joint. They include the hamstrings, rectus femoris of the quadriceps group, gracilis, sartorius, and TFL muscles. The gastrocnemius is another two-joint muscle of the knee, which also crosses the ankle joint. The two-joint muscle arrangement provides efficiency of movement in walking and running. However, a two-joint muscle cannot stretch enough to allow full range of motion at both joints at the same time. Nor can it contract enough to produce complete movement at both joints at the same time. A common example is when you try to flex the hip and extend the knee fully at the same time or to simultaneously extend the hip and flex the knee fully. The hamstrings cannot contract or stretch enough to allow either of these combinations to be performed in total. Although the hamstring muscles are usually considered as one group, important differences exist between them. The biceps femoris (attached on the lateral side) and the semimembranosus and semitendinosus (attached on the medial side of the knee) produce lateral and medial rotation, respectively, when the knee is flexed. If an imbalance in strength exists, such as when the biceps is stronger than the semimembranosus and semitendinosus, lateral rotation at the knee occurs during knee flexion. You can see this relationship when doing leg extension and leg curl exercises. The hamstrings work to Figure 7.2 Muscles of the knee joint flex the knee. But because of the imbalance, the biceps femoris overpowers the semimembranosus and semitendinosus and causes the lower leg to be laterally rotated as the knee is flexed. To correct this condition, you must work the hamstrings while keeping the lower legs medially rotated. If the medial hamstring muscles are weaker than the lateral muscles, the lower leg will be medially rotated, as it swings forward. two-joint-muscles: Muscles that cross two joints rather than just one, such as the hamstrings, which cross both the hip and the knee. A similar situation exists when an imbalance occurs in the strength of the quadriceps muscles, particularly the vastus medialis and lateralis. The vastus muscles must be strong enough to stabilize the patella and keep it in its groove during knee extension, especially in forceful contractions of the quadriceps. If the vastus medialis is weak, the patella becomes laterally displaced because of the pull of the vastus lateralis. In this case or if the reverse imbalance exists and continues over a long period of time, it can cause chondromalacia (degeneration of cartilage). chondromalacia: The degeneration of cartilage. Relationship Between the Gastrocnemius and the Hamstrings The gastrocnemius, the major muscle of the posterior shin, functions to extend the foot (plantar flexion). It ties in with the hamstrings at the knee joint where they are both involved in knee joint flexion. In addition, the insertion of the gastrocnemius on the femur helps to provide greater stability. To be most effective, the gastrocnemius must be taut in order to have a strong contraction at the knee joint. This means you must put the foot into flexion (dorsiflexion) in order to stretch the Achilles tendon and to make the gastrocnemius muscle taut. Thus, when it contracts, it will shorten the upper tendons at the knee immediately. In this case, the muscle shortening will not result in taking up the slack of a relaxed Achilles tendon if the toes are pointed when the knee flexion takes place. The practice of putting one end of a two-jointed muscle on stretch in order to elicit a strong contraction at the other end is very important for maximal development of twojointed muscles. These muscles include the hamstrings, the rectus femoris of the quadriceps group, the biceps, the long head of the triceps, and others. Relationship Between the Quadriceps and the Hamstrings It is not uncommon to hear that the strength of the hamstrings must equal that of the quadriceps. Many personal trainers and strength coaches strive to create an equal balance of strength between these two muscle groups. However, the quadriceps should always be stronger than the hamstrings in almost all instances. The exact ratio should depend on the angle in the knee and the position of the thigh at the hip joint. For example, the quadriceps has four separate muscles, three of which are fairly large. The muscle mass of the quadriceps is much greater than that of the hamstrings, and its workload is also much greater. The quadriceps muscles are antigravity muscles that must contract to not only keep you erect but to move you in walking, running, and jumping activities. The hamstrings (at the knee joint) are hardly involved in these activities. In regard to size, only one of the hamstrings (the biceps femoris) has two heads and a substantial amount of muscle mass. The semitendinosus and semimembranosus have very small muscle bellies; thus, from the sheer size of the quadriceps and its functions, it stands to reason these muscles should be stronger. Figure 7.3 Hamstring group and quadriceps group Note that at the hip joint, the hamstrings are stronger than the one muscle of the quadriceps (rectus femoris). Also, other muscles come into play at the hip joint for both flexion and extension. In the knee joint (leg) extension exercise, all four heads of the quadriceps are involved. Since the rectus femoris is a two-jointed muscle, the hip end must be placed on stretch for the lower end to act strongly at the knee. If not, the main function of the remaining three heads (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius) is knee joint extension. They are not affected by the position of the leg at the hip in order to have an effective or maximal contraction. The rectus femoris (the two-jointed muscle of the quadriceps group) plays a major role in knee joint extension when it is placed on stretch at the hip joint. To do this, the leg must be in line with the body when the knee joint extension takes place. If you are in a seated position (in which most testing and exercise is done), there is slack at the upper end of the rectus femoris. When it contracts in knee joint extension, the initial shortening takes up the slack of the upper muscle tendons and, as a result, its contribution to knee extension is not as great as possible. For a stronger contraction of the hamstrings in the knee (leg) curl exercise, the hip joint end of the hamstrings must be placed on stretch. (This is why the seated knee curl seems easier than the more popular lying variant). However, the hamstring muscles cannot generate the same amount of strength exhibited by the quadriceps (all other training factors being equal). More important than the strength ratio between the quadriceps and the hamstrings is to develop these muscles as needed for bodybuilding or for sports performance. Keep in mind that as you increase the strength of the quadriceps, you are then capable of getting greater strength of the hamstrings and vice versa. Thus, both of these muscles should be fully developed. ANKLE AND FOOT The ankle joint is made up of the tibia and the talus bones. Because the end of the tibia is somewhat concave and the talus below it is convex, the bony stability is fairly strong. Since the ankle must withstand great stress, strong ligaments surround the joint to provide even greater stability. Movements possible at the ankle are flexion (dorsiflexion) and extension (plantar flexion). The axis of rotation for the ankle is not in a true frontal plane. It is oriented slightly backward and downward on the lateral side. The tilt creates a slight disorientation of the foot from true anterior–posterior plane motion during plantar flexion Figure 7.4 Muscles of the ankle and foot and dorsiflexion; in other words, the foot does not remain in the same position during its up-and-down movement. The subtalar joint is located between the talus and calcaneus. This joint is typically involved in ankle sprains or strains. It is an intertarsal joint (involves several bones of the foot), while the ankle joint has only two bony parts: one in the shin and one in the foot. The subtalar joint allows for various positions of the foot and leg in response to weight bearing, particularly when running on uneven or curved paths. It is the main connection between foot mobility and stability of the ankle and leg. In plantar flexion, there are simultaneous movements of the foot around the subtalar and ankle axes (i.e., a combination of eversion at the subtalar joint and extension at the ankle joint). There is a combination of inversion at the subtalar joint and dorsiflexion at the ankle when executing ankle joint flexion. Having muscle strength on both sides of the ankle and foot is important in maintaining joint integrity. Any imbalances in the strength or flexibility of the surrounding musculature result in misalignment. This in turn must be counteracted by muscular contractions or ligament tension. If not, postural imbalances occur. People with shin splints usually have significantly greater plantar flexor (extensor) strength than dorsiflexor (flexor) strength and greater movement of the calcaneus during the support phase of walking and running. Overdevelopment of the ankle extensors tends to also cause a muscular imbalance between the strength of the foot supinator and pronator muscles, which may result in lateral ankle sprains, particularly when landing after being airborne. MUSCLES OF THE ANKLE JOINT The gastrocnemius is the major ankle extensor muscle of the shin. It is located on the upper posterior side of the lower leg and gives the rounded form to the calf. At the upper end are two tendons that attach to the posterior side of the condyles of the femur, while at the lower end, the tendons from the two heads of the muscle run diagonally downward to attach to the Achilles tendon. Lying directly beneath the gastrocnemius is the soleus, which has similar functions to the gastrocnemius. Its upper attachment is on the tibia and fibula and its lower attachment blends into the Achilles tendon on the calcaneus. The soleus is slightly wider than the gastrocnemius, and together they form a functional unit sometimes called the triceps surae. Collectively, these muscles are extremely strong; when combined with the Achilles tendon, they are even stronger. They can exert a force of over 900 pounds in ankle extension. The tibialis anterior is the main muscle on the anterior side of the shin. Its muscle mass is located high on the shin, while its tendon at the lower end crosses the ankle joint and inserts on the inner and under surface of the foot arch. This is one reason why the tibialis anterior not only dorsiflexes the foot but also turns the sole of the foot inward. It plays a major role in maintaining the foot arch. SPINE The most important functional unit of the body is the vertebral (spinal) column. It provides the main framework and foundation for most of the movements of the body and extremities. The spinous and transverse processes serve as attachments of the deep and superficial muscles of the back, which produce forward, backward, and lateral bending, and small amounts of rotation of one vertebra on another. The sizes of the processes and the corresponding muscles increase as you move down the vertebral column, and they are largest in the lumbar area. The movements of the spinal column include movements of one vertebra on another separated by the intervertebral discs. There are also movements between the facets of successive vertebrae, which are freely movable. The intervertebral discs allow slight movement and function in shock absorption. Although the joint between any two adjacent vertebrae does not allow a great deal of motion, multiple vertebral joints produce a great range of motion in flexion, extension,hyperextension, lateral flexion to both sides, and rotation. Note that movement is limited in the thoracic area because of the attachment of the ribs and the longer spinous processes on the thoracic vertebrae. The vertebral column lacks great bony stability and relies to a great extent on the ligaments and muscles for support. If they become stretched or weakened, the integrity of the column is weakened and the vertebrae must absorb the forces. This force absorption sometimes results in vertebral disc damage, especially in high impact activities. The ligaments can hold the vertebral column together, but continued reliance on them as a result of weak muscles or a strength imbalance between antagonist groups of muscles can result in excessive stretching of the ligaments, which becomes permanent. This response often occurs during excessive static or passive stretching and, as a result, damage may occur to the discs and spinous processes. MUSCLES OF THE SPINE (MIDSECTION) The abdominal musculature (rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominis) acts to prevent the vertebral column from continually hyperextending. The rectus abdominis (and, to a limited extent, the internal and external obliques) acts to pull the anterior pelvis toward the sternum or to pull the rib cage down toward the pelvis. Both of these actions result in spinal flexion in which the rectus abdominis has a large Figure 7.5 Muscles of the midsection stabilizing component because its line of action is parallel to the spinal column. The obliques have a rotary component, but they cancel out this action when the muscles on both sides of the abdomen simultaneously contract. hyperextension: Extension of a limb or part beyond the normal limit. From physiology, it is known that when a muscle contracts, the entire muscle undergoes contraction. This is true of the abdominal muscles. However, because the rectus abdominis is relatively long, one end is stabilized when it contracts in order to produce movement in the other end. For example, when doing a sit-up or crunch, the pelvic girdle is held in place firmly through contraction of the hip joint muscles so that the shoulders will rise toward the feet. Because of this, you experience shortening mainly of the upper fibers of the rectus abdominis. The lower fibers do not undergo the same amount of shortening. For the most part, it remains under isometric contraction and, as result, mainly the upper fibers develop. To produce shortening of the rectus abdominis in the lower fibers of the abdomen, it is necessary to do exercises such as the reverse sit-up (reverse crunch) or hanging leg raises. In these exercises, the pelvic girdle is in motion while the chest and shoulders are stabilized. The upper fibers of the abdominal muscles remain isometrically tensed. This principle appears to hold true in all exercises involving relatively long muscles. A distinct difference exists in the amount of shortening or the intensity of the contraction that can be seen in different parts of the muscle. When the muscle is relatively short, it is not noticeable. The biggest difference may be in the shortening of the tendons at the end that is involved in movement. The internal and external obliques are unique in their functions. For example, when the right side of the external oblique muscle contracts, it pulls the shoulders down and to the left. When the left side of the external oblique muscle contracts, it pulls the shoulders down and to the right. The internal obliques on each side have an opposite function. When both the internal and external obliques contract on both sides simultaneously, they cancel out their rotational effects and the movement results in flexion. Because the lower fibers of the internal oblique muscle are relatively horizontal, it does not appear to play a major role in movements. Its main function appears to be to hold in the abdominal viscera together with the transverse abdominis. However, it is still possible to see some contraction in this area when the internal oblique muscles work together with the external oblique muscles to produce full rotation of the shoulders (or hips if they are free to move). For example, if the pelvis is stabilized, contraction of the upper right external oblique and the lower left internal oblique creates a long pull down and to the left. Contraction of the upper left external oblique and the lower portion of the right internal oblique produces strong downward rotation to the right. If the shoulders are stabilized and the hips are in motion, then movement occurs in the opposite direction. For example, the left external and the right internal oblique muscles rotate the right hip up and to the left while the right external and left internal oblique muscles rotate the left hip up and to the right. Because of the overlapping functions of most muscles of the midsection, they provide for more safety and strength of the core area of the body. For example, in lateral movements of the spine, not only are the abdominal muscles involved, but also the erector spinae and the quadratus lumborum located on both sides of the lumbar spine. When the pelvis is in motion the lower latissimus dorsi—which attaches to the upper, outer surface of the pelvis—is also involved. Thus there is some interplay between the muscles of the midsection together with the muscles of the back. There is also some interplay between the pectoralis major and the external obliques. Note that the fibers of the pectoralis major in the very lowest section run downward at an angle. In certain European literature, this is considered the abdominal portion of the pectoralis major. In the United States, trainers usually only distinguish the upper and lower fibers of the pectoralis major and do not divide it into three sections. Examination of the lower fibers of the pectoral muscles shows that the fibers run downward and are almost in line with the external oblique fibers as they come close to one another. Thus, as the lower portions of the pectoralis major contract, they may also tie in with contraction of the external obliques to create movement across the entire anterior trunk. For example, you can see it happen while doing chin-ups and pull-ups as your body rises in front and when doing pull-downs across the body. The deep musculature on the posterior spine is composed of many small pairs of muscles that span one or more vertebrae. All of the muscles are situated so that they have large stabilizing components. The larger muscles are collectively known as the erector spinae. They run from the sacrum of the pelvis to the head and are angled out somewhat to cover both sides of the spine. The erector spinae muscles are biggest and strongest in the lumbar area. They hold the trunk erect and are involved in spinal extension, hyperextension, lateral flexion, and rotation to the rear. Therefore, maintaining strength of the spinal musculature is important throughout life. The pelvis connects the trunk with the lower extremity. During weight-bearing exercises when the legs are fixed, the pelvis changes positions relative to the femur. However, as the pelvis moves on the thigh, the vertebral column must change position since it is connected to the pelvis at the sacrum. When you are airborne or when the lower body is free to move, the pelvis moves with movement in the lumbar spine. The legs may move as a unit with the hips or individually. The extensor muscles of the spine are called antigravity muscles. They apply forces on the skeletal framework to counteract the pull of gravity. As a rule, they are responsible for posture, especially an erect trunk position. antigravity muscles: A hypothetical force by which a body of positive mass would repel a body of negative mass. The muscles of the hip joint also control movement of the pelvis. They are involved in all movements of the pelvis when the axis is in the hip joint. When the axis is in the waist, the midsection muscles are involved. Thus, a multitude of muscles are involved with movement and stabilization of the pelvis and spine; they can be considered the core body areas. By keeping the hip and midsection strong and the body parts in good alignment, you can have a pain-free, mobile, and functional spine for your entire lifetime. Relationship Between the Abdominal Muscles and the Hip Flexors The abdominal and hip flexor muscles work together in a manner similar to the hip extensors and the erector spinae muscles of the lower back. The abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques) and the hip flexors (iliopsoas, pectineus, and rectus femoris) work together in order to create maximum ROM in your ability to raise the legs as high as possible. When you are in good alignment in a standing position and raise one leg (keeping it straight), the hip flexor muscles contract concentrically to raise the leg approximately 30 to 45 degrees (more if you have great hip joint flexibility). As you raise the leg, the erector spinae muscles remain under isometric contraction in order to stabilize the pelvis. When the leg goes higher than the 30 to 45 degree angle, the pelvic girdle then rotates posteriorly (upper hips move backwards) to allow the leg to rise higher. At this time, the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles undergo concentric contraction in order to rotate the hips, and the hip flexor muscles switch to an isometric contraction in order to maintain the hip and leg position as a unit. The erector spinae muscles switch to an eccentric contraction in order to control the rotation of the pelvis. If you begin with the leg well behind the body, then the abdominal muscles will have to first undergo a concentric contraction in order to rotate the pelvis posteriorly and bring the leg in alignment with the body. The hip flexor muscles at this time remain under an isometric contraction to stabilize the hip-leg unit. When the leg is vertical, the muscular contraction switches and the hip flexors undergo a concentric contraction in order to raise the leg while the pelvis remains stable with an isometric contraction of the erectors. In some cases, you may find some residual abdominal muscle contractions and the pelvis may move somewhat. But it will be little in comparison to movement of the leg. SHOULDER The bony arrangement of the shoulder joint consists of a shallow socket (glenoid fossa) into which the spherical head of the humerus fits. Less than half of the humerus is in the socket at any one time, and the bony arrangement is therefore weak. Because it is a balland-socket joint, the shoulder joint is a multi-axial joint (the same as in the hip joint) that allows for the following movements: flexion, extension/hyperextension, transverse (horizontal) adduction and abduction, abduction and adduction, medial (inward) and lateral (outward) rotation, and circumduction. The shoulder joint is designed for mobility and therefore sacrifices bony and ligamentous stability. MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER JOINT The musculature surrounding the shoulder joint is arranged so that it produces large stabilizing components especially by the four rotator cuff muscles (supraspinatus, teres minor, infraspinatus, and subscapularis). Regardless of the position of the arm, the anterior, posterior, and middle deltoids also have large stabilizing components because of their small angle of pull. Further stability is provided by the long heads of the biceps brachii on the anterior shoulder and the triceps on the posterior side. As with the deltoid muscle, the upward pull of these muscles is counteracted by the downward pull of the rotator cuff muscles (except for the supraspinatus). Most of the other muscles surrounding the shoulder joint also exert a stabilizing force, but their main function is to move the arm. In addition, as the arm moves into motion, Figure 7.6 Muscles of the shoulder the muscles involved change their angles of pull considerably. Thus they may not always be major stabilizers or movers of the shoulder joint. The muscles that serve as the primary movers of the arm at the shoulder joint are the deltoid, coracobrachialis, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, the long and short heads of the biceps, and the long head of the triceps on the posterior side. The muscles located on the front of the chest and shoulder are involved mainly in flexion and horizontal adduction, while those on the posterior side are involved mainly in extension and horizontal abduction. The latissimus dorsi and teres major muscles on the posterior side rotate the arm medially at the shoulder joint. In addition, the infraspinatus and the teres minor, also located on the posterior side of the humerus, act in a wheel-and-axle like mechanism to laterally rotate the arm around the longitudinal axis of the humerus. The subscapularis, located on the anterior side of the humeral head, also functions in a wheel-and-axle like mechanism to medially rotate the arm. The supraspinatus is attached to the top of the humeral head and functions as a first class lever to pull the top of the humeral head inward. As a result, the humerus moves into abduction. The latissimus dorsi and teres major are located mostly on the upper sides of the back and insert on the front side of the humerus. When they contract, they pull the front of the arm medially in a wheel-and-axle arrangement, extend the arm, and retract the shoulder beyond the level of the back. In the wheel-and-axle arrangement, the wheel is represented by the forearm and hand if the elbow is extended. The ROM of the hand when the elbow is flexed during shoulder joint medial rotation varies depending on the amount of elbow flexion. It is greatest at 90 degrees of elbow flexion and smallest when the arm is straight. Consider this when doing rotator cuff exercises, especially when you hold a strength bar in the hands. The positioning of the arms is also important. When the arms are all the way to the rear of the body and the scapulae are retracted (i.e., moved close together), the initial contraction of the muscles on the front of the body (pectoralis major and anterior deltoid) move the head of the humerus more to the front in order to produce horizontal flexion in the shoulder joint. The posterior rotator cuff muscles counteract this forward force component. Problems arise in the shoulder joint if the stabilizing forces are not effective in counteracting the dislocating forces of the muscles involved in the movement. The action of arm abduction is complex. The supraspinatus initiates the first few degrees of shoulder abduction. It is a first-class lever arrangement which gives a better angle of pull than does the deltoid muscle. The deltoid does not come into play until the arm is approximately 45 degrees out to the side and up. As shoulder joint abduction takes place, the scapula upwardly rotates in coordination with the arm movement. In general, the scapula rotates about 2 degrees for every 3 degrees of arm movement. In this way, the acromion process of the scapula is moved out of the way as the greater tuberosity of the humerus gets close to it. Shoulder impingement usually occurs in activities that require the arm to be abducted or flexed and medially rotated, such as in baseball pitching. Also susceptible are tennis players and swimmers. In addition, this combination of actions occurs when you do lateral arm raises to shoulder level with the arm medially rotated (thumb down). impingement: Shoulder pain caused by connective tissue (a tendon) rubbing on a shoulder blade. Some people believe that the impingement syndrome is a rotator cuff impingement, but the long head of the biceps can also become impinged. Most authorities agree that inflammation occurs from the squeezing of the supraspinatus tendon, which passes over the head of the humerus. Therefore, beware of doing lateral arm raises only to the level position. It may be a contributing cause to shoulder impingement, especially when done vigorously. It also limits your shoulder joint flexibility. SHOULDER GIRDLE The shoulder girdle is made up of the clavicle and the scapula. However, all movements of the scapula are usually considered movements of the shoulder girdle. They include elevation, depression, upward rotation, downward rotation, protraction (abduction), and retraction (adduction). Because the shoulder is designed for mobility, its stability is reduced. The muscular arrangements of the shoulder girdle and the shoulder joint are such that they provide the stability that is lacking as a result of the weak arrangements of the bones and ligaments. However, the muscles must be strong enough to provide the necessary stability. A lack of upper-body strength accounts for many of the injuries in the shoulder region. Injury to the ligaments and muscles of the shoulder girdle is possible if the stabilizing components of the muscles are not strong enough to hold the joint together. Also, since the shoulder girdle is fairly mobile relative to the trunk, in many instances it must be a stable base against which the muscles of the shoulder joint pull. During forceful overarm motions, the strength of the agonist and antagonist muscles surrounding the shoulder girdle prevents overuse strains on the surrounding tissues. In most activities involving the upper extremity, the shoulder girdle is responsible for the initiation of the movements. For example, elevation of the scapula initiates lifting the arm; depression precedes pulling the arm downward; protraction occurs before reaching, throwing, or pushing forward; retraction initiates pulling backward; upward rotation takes place for increasing the range of overhead reaching; and downward rotation allows for forceful arm adduction at the shoulder joint. Relationship Between the Shoulder Joint and the Shoulder Girdle The shoulder joint muscles are responsible for moving the arm while the shoulder girdle muscles (which work in synchronization with the shoulder joint muscles) are responsible for moving the scapula (and clavicle). The muscles work closely with one another to ensure smooth, full ROM in the shoulder joint. In bodybuilding, the muscles of the back, shoulder, and chest are usually trained separately. However, it is Figure 7.7 Muscles of the shoulder girdle impossible to isolate the muscles of the back, chest or shoulder. For example, execution of the military press involves the clavicular pectoralis major of the chest, anterior deltoid of the shoulder, and the trapezius and serratus anterior muscles of the shoulder girdle. All of these muscles are prime movers for their actions. Thus, the military press strongly involves chest, shoulder, and back muscles. To truly understand the muscle mechanics in a particular exercise, you must learn how all the muscles work together in concert rather than think about individual body parts in isolation. In this way, you not only get a better understanding of how the exercise is executed, which muscles play a major role, and how they can be best developed, you learn how to prevent injury to the shoulder joint. For example, when doing lateral arm raises, it is commonly believed that the arms should only be raised to the level position because if you went above the level position, only the trapezius (or some other muscle) is involved and the deltoid would no longer be active. In reality, it is just the opposite. The deltoid is strongest from the level position to 180° (when the arms are overhead) and the trapezius works through the full ROM of the arm (0 to 180 degrees). Keep in mind that the shoulder girdle muscles can only move the scapulae, and shoulder joint muscles can only move the arm; they work together in all arm movements. Without coordinated movement of the scapula and arm, it would be impossible to move the arm through an appreciable ROM. Also, you will have great difficulty in moving the arm comfortably and safely. Before going into how the muscles are involved in moving the scapula and arm, it is important to understand the functioning of the trapezius muscle of the upper back. This very important muscle has four sections (see Figure 7.8), each of which has a separate action. Yet they work together in most movements. For example, the very uppermost portion of the trapezius (Part I) is involved in scapular elevation, as seen in the shrug exercise. Directly below this section (Part II) some of the trapezius muscle fibers are fairly vertical, some are horizontal, and some are in between. The more vertical fibers are involved in elevation of the scapula, while the more horizontal fibers are involved in upward rotation of the scapula. To produce rotation (around an axis in the middle of the scapula), the horizontal and partially horizontal fibers pull the upper part of the trapezius in toward the spine. Part IV of the trapezius, the very lowermost portion of the muscle where the fibers are almost vertical, works together with Part II to pull down on the inner border of the scapula to rotate the scapula upward. In addition, the serratus anterior, which is located under the armpits and attaches to the outer border of the scapula, pulls the lower outer border to also rotate the scapula upward. These three muscles pulling on different parts of the scapula produce the upward rotation needed whenever you raise the arm upward, either sideways or in front, such as when doing lateral or front arm raises and the overhead press. Figure 7.8 Four parts of the trapezius Part III, the middle part of the trapezius, is involved in adduction of the scapula— movement in which the scapula moves inward toward the spine. Parts II and IV assist in this action, which is also indicative of the importance of this movement. In addition, the rhomboid muscle—which is located directly underneath the trapezius—is also involved in adduction of the scapula. Part IV of the trapezius is also a prime mover for depression in which the scapula moves directly downward. This is the opposite of elevation, which is performed by Part I. Depression of the scapula is very important for initiating all downward movements of the arm from an overhead position. For example, when you are doing the pull-up or chin-up, the scapula must be pulled down before the arm can start coming down. Also involved in depression of the scapula is the pectoralis minor, located on the chest beneath the pectoralis major. The pectoralis minor and rhomboid have another major action, which is opposite that of the trapezius—downward rotation of the scapula. Thus it is possible to see how some of the muscles work together as prime movers, yet they may have another directly opposite action. This relationship is beneficial for controlling movement of the scapula. For example, the serratus anterior is a prime mover for upward rotation and abduction of the scapula. It works together with the trapezius in scapular upward rotation but against it in abduction since the middle trapezius is a powerful adductor. ELBOW The elbow joint is made up of the ends of the humerus and ulna bones. Because the radius also articulates with the humerus, it can also be considered part of the elbow. The annular ligament, which encircles the head of the radius and attaches to the ulna, allows the radius to rotate around the ulna on a longitudinal axis of the forearm to provide for pronation and supination. The only movements possible at the elbow joint are flexion and extension. The anterior muscles are the main elbow joint flexors (biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, and pronator teres), which are arranged mechanically around the elbow joint. Other anterior muscles such as the wrist flexors and extensors pass over the elbow to insert on the humerus. The lines of force of the wrist flexor (and extensor) muscles pass so close to the elbow joint that their function at the elbow is mainly stabilizing. The muscular stability of the elbow is considered strong due to the number of muscles that act as stabilizers on the anterior side. Positions in which the muscles have dislocating components (when they are at greater than 90 degrees of flexion) occur when the muscles are so shortened that the tension is minimal. The main elbow flexors have stabilizing and rotary functions. The biceps is most often considered a two-joint muscle. However, it acts on three joints (shoulder, elbow, radioulnar) and should be strengthened in all of these actions. This includes shoulder joint flexion with the elbow extended, elbow flexion with the shoulder joint held in extension, and supination with the elbow bent at a 90-degree angle. The bony arrangement and muscular stability of the posterior elbow result in a strong posterior elbow. The main muscle on the backside of the elbow is the triceps. From its attachment on the olecranon process of the ulna, it covers the length of the humerus. Because of the structure of the posterior elbow, the triceps helps to stabilize the elbow when it pulls at an angle greater than 90 degrees to the long axis of the ulna. The triceps is a first-class lever when it pulls at a 90-degree angle to the long axis of the ulna. In this position, 100 percent of its effort goes to the rotary function. Because the triceps is a two-jointed muscle, the long head of the triceps lengthens at the shoulder when shoulder flexion takes place and simultaneously shortens at the elbow end (elbow extension) to allow a full ROM at the shoulder. This is good for economy but not maximum strength. To fully strengthen all three heads of the triceps, you should do resistance exercises in which you extend the shoulder joint with the elbow extended and extend the elbow with the shoulder joint flexed. An exercise in which you extend the shoulder joint with the elbow extended is the two-part triceps kickback. The lying 45 degrees elbow extension exercise is an example of elbow extension with the shoulder joint flexed. Figure 7.9 Muscles of the elbow RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SHOULDER AND THE ELBOW The actions of the triceps and biceps muscles at the shoulder joint are secondary to those at the elbow joint. Because of their attachment to the scapula, when doing elbow flexion or extension exercises, the muscles of the shoulder joint must contract in order to stabilize the shoulder and arm. If not, the muscles will have a tendency to perform their actions at both the elbow and shoulder joints. A multitude of muscles come into play both for shoulder stability and to allow for a well-executed movement at the elbow joint. The two heads of the biceps cross the shoulder joint to attach on the scapula. However, their action at the shoulder joint is relatively weak and they come into play only when the resistance is sufficiently great. At this time, they act mainly as secondary movers and help stabilize the shoulder joint. Since only the long head of the triceps crosses the shoulder joint, it plays a role as a stabilizer and, even more importantly, as a prime mover for shoulder joint extension. Thus, it plays a key role not only at the shoulder but also at the elbow. The rotator cuff muscles handle most of the stabilization work on the posterior shoulder. FOREARM RADIOULNAR JOINT The radioulnar joint is a combination of three joints located at the wrist, elbow, and in between the ulna and radius bones. These joints are not very stable and the surrounding ligaments provide the needed support. The interosseous membrane, which is located between the shafts of the radius and ulna along their entire length, makes up the middle joint. This membrane helps to prevent the ulna and radius from sliding past each other. Because the muscles are also attached to the interosseous membrane, it acts to transfer stress from the radius and ulna. The movements of the radioulnar joint consist of pronation and supination. At the elbow, the radius rotates around the annular ligament and does not change positions relative to the ulna. At the wrists, when the forearm is in pronation, the radius crosses over the ulna so that it is then on the inner side of the ulna. When the forearm is in supination, the radius is on the lateral side of the ulna. The muscles of the radioulnar joint act as stabilizers and produce either pronation or supination. These muscles include the biceps, supinator, pronator teres, and pronator Figure 7.10 Muscles that perform supination and pronation Figure 7.11 Muscles of the forearm quadratus. The pronator quadratus and the supinator are situated so that they pull from the ulna on the radius to produce pronation and supination respectively. The pronator teres has a stabilizing component but also pulls across the elbow and is thus involved in elbow flexion when the resistance is great. It also counteracts the pull of the biceps for supination when performing elbow flexion. The attachment of the biceps on the medial side of the radius allows the biceps to produce supination when the forearm is in pronation. When the forearm is pronated, the tendon of the biceps is wrapped around the radius. This positioning causes the biceps to be weak in elbow flexion. This is why a pull-up is easier to perform when the forearm is supinated. A similar situation occurs with the brachioradialis. Its attachments on the inner side of the humerus and outer side of the radius make it a pronator to the neutral position. When the forearm is pronated, the biceps and the brachioradialis work together in supination. The brachialis plays no role in radioulnar movements because it is attached to the ulna. This particular arrangement of the elbow flexors must be taken into account when analyzing elbow flexion exercises such as pull-ups (forearm in pronation), chin-ups (forearm in supination), neutral grip pull-ups, and others. WRIST The wrist joint consists of the ends of the radius and ulna bones of the forearm with the carpal bones of the hand. The movements of the wrist joint include flexion and extension/hyperextension, radial and ulna flexion (abduction), and adduction, respectively. Although the bony stability of the wrist is weak, it has fairly strong ligaments to supply stability. Many muscle tendons cross the wrist on all sides to provide additional stability, especially if they are strong. MUSCLES OF THE WRIST JOINT The major flexors of the wrist are the flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and the palmaris longus. These muscles are located on the front of the forearm (i.e., on the palm side of the hand). The major extensor muscles of the wrist include the extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, and extensor carpi ulnaris. They are located on the back of the forearm (i.e., on the back-of-the-hand side of the forearm). The main muscles involved in wrist abduction (radial flexion) include the flexor carpi radialis and extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis. In ulnar flexion (wrist adduction), the flexor carpi ulnaris and the extensor carpi ulnaris are the major muscles involved. Note how both the flexor and extensor muscles participate in the lateral movements of the hand. The wrist flexors and some of the finger flexors have dual functions. Their muscle mass is located within the forearm and their tendons cross the wrist joint to attach on the bones of the hand. When the muscles contract and shorten, the tendons also shorten, producing an action in the wrist. Relationship Between the Wrist Muscles and the Elbow The elbow and wrist are connected through the wrist flexor and extensor muscles. These muscles cross the wrist and elbow joints (from their attachment on the hand to their attachment on the humerus). Because of this relationship, they have a role at the elbow as well as the wrist, although they are primarily wrist muscles. The reason for this is their major function is at the wrist. At the elbow joint, the muscles are relatively weak and their angle of pull is more into the joint rather than in moving the forearm. Thus, their function is to act more as stabilizers when you execute elbow joint exercises. The forces created by the wrist extensors are also directed into the joint. Therefore, they act similarly to the wrist flexors at the elbow. The elbow joint is used in most all upper-body exercises and movements. A common injury is tendinitis felt on the back of the elbow. While most think it is their elbow hurting, it is in reality the tendons from their hands, due to poor grip. Most people assume that this is their triceps tendon in their elbow. Most likely, it is the tendon from the wrist flexor muscles. This set of muscles originates from the rear side of the elbow (medial epicondyle of the humerus) and inserts onto the fingers in different arrangements. During lying triceps extensions (skull crushers), some trainees will allow the wrist to be bent backward. This wrist extension will cause stress and chronic pain to the backside of the elbow. You can fix it by maintaining a strong grip on the bar and keeping the wrist flexed or stiff. Remember to keep a firm and correct grip on the bar. CONCLUSION When you understand muscle mechanics, you can look at specific exercises and more clearly see exactly how muscles function together and how some biomechanical principles apply during those exercises. A strong comprehension of the proper biomechanics and kinesiology of the major muscles involved in resistance training exercises will help you to successfully select appropriate exercises that will optimize the muscle potential for yourself, your clients, and your loved ones. Key Terms antigravity muscles chondromalacia hyperextension impingement two-joint-muscle Unit Summary I. The most accurate way to determine the key actions and muscles involved in a strength exercise is to biomechanically and kinesiologically analyze the movements. A. The ends of the femur and tibia bones make up the knee joint. 1. The muscles of the knee joint are predominantly two-joint muscles, including the hamstrings, rectus femoris of the quadriceps group, gracilis, sartorius, and the tensor fasciae latae muscles. The gastrocnemius is another two-joint muscle of the knee, which also crosses the ankle joint. a. The gastrocnemius, the major muscle of the posterior shin, functions to extend the foot (plantar flexion). It ties in with the hamstrings at the knee joint where they are both involved in knee joint flexion. In addition, the insertion of the gastrocnemius on the femur helps to provide greater stability. b. The muscle mass of the quadriceps is much greater than that of the hamstrings. The quadriceps should always be stronger than the hamstrings in almost all instances because their workload is much greater. B. The ankle joint is made up of the tibia and talus bones. 1. The gastrocnemius is the major ankle extensor muscle of the shin. The soleus has similar functions to the gastrocnemius. The tibialis anterior is the main muscle on the anterior side of the shin. C. The spine (vertebral column) is the most important functional unit of the body. It provides the main framework and foundation for most of the movements of the body and extremities. 1. The abdominal musculature (rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominis) acts to prevent the vertebral column from being continually hyperextended. a. The abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques) and the hip flexors (iliopsoas, pectineus, and rectus femoris) work together to create maximum ROM in your ability to raise the legs as high as possible. D. The bony arrangement of the shoulder joint consists of a shallow socket (glenoid fossa) into which the spherical head of the humerus fits. 1. The muscles that serve as the primary movers of the arm at the shoulder joint are the deltoid, coracobrachialis, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and teres major, the long and short heads of the biceps, and the long head of the triceps on the posterior side. The muscles located on the front of the chest and shoulder are involved mainly in flexion and horizontal adduction, while those on the posterior side are involved mainly in extension and horizontal abduction. 2. The shoulder girdle is made up of the clavicle and scapula. All movements of the scapula are usually considered movements of the shoulder girdle. These movements include elevation, depression, upward rotation, downward rotation, protraction (abduction), and retraction (adduction). a. The shoulder joint muscles are responsible for moving the arm while the shoulder girdle muscles (which work in synchronization with the shoulder joint muscles) are responsible for moving the scapula (and clavicle). The muscles work closely with one another to ensure smooth, full ROM in the shoulder joint. E. The ends of the humerus and ulna bones make up the elbow joint. 1. The anterior muscles of the elbow joint are the biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, and pronator teres. The posterior muscles on the backside of the elbow are the triceps and anconeus. a. The actions of the triceps and biceps muscles at the shoulder joint are secondary to those at the elbow joint. Because of their attachment to the scapula, when doing elbow flexion or extension exercises, the muscles of the shoulder joint must contract to hold the shoulder and arm in place to be stabilized. F. The radioulnar joint is a combination of three joints located at the wrist, elbow, and in between the ulna and radius bones. 1. The muscles of the radioulnar joint act as stabilizers and produce either pronation or supination. These muscles include the biceps, supinator, pronator teres, and pronator quadratus. G. The ends of the radius and ulna bones of the forearm, with the carpal bones of the hand, make up the wrist joint. 1. The major flexors of the wrist are the flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and palmaris longus, which are involved in wrist flexion, extension/hyperextension, and radial and ulnar flexion (abduction) and adduction, respectively. a. The elbow and wrist are tied in through the wrist flexor and extensor muscles and have a role at the elbow as well as the wrist. Although they are primarily wrist muscles, the muscles at the elbow joint are relatively weak and their angle of pull is more into the joint rather than in moving the forearm. Thus, their function is to act more as stabilizers when you execute elbow joint exercises. SECTION THREE Health and Physical Fitness Strength Cardiovascular Training Flexibility Training Body Composition INTRODUCTION Several studies have explored the relationship between physical activity and the overall quality of life (Sheppard 1996), which includes variables such as social, mental, and psychological well-being. Physical activity plays an essential role in quality of life. It increases energy; it promotes physical, mental, and psychological well-being; and it serves as preventive medicine, reducing the risk of developing premature health problems. These are just some of the compelling reasons to promote health and physical fitness. The Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health (USDDHS 1996) reviews the evidence relating physical activity to reduced risks of a variety of health problems. Evidence shows that physical activity is related to a lower risk of the premature development of many health problems, such as anxiety, atherosclerosis, back pain, cancer, chronic lung disease, coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and osteoporosis. Many of these topics will be covered in Section 6 of the text. Preventing or delaying the premature development of the aforementioned health problems also means improving quality of life. COMPONENTS OF TOTAL FITNESS Total fitness means striving for the highest quality of existence, including mental, psychological, and physical components. Total fitness involves an integrated approach that is dynamic, multidimensional, and also relates to heredity, environmental factors, and other components described here: Heredity: Even though heredity influences physical fitness and health, everyone can lead a healthy or unhealthy life regardless of genetic makeup. It is not possible to establish the relative portion of an individual’s health or fitness that is determined through heredity. Therefore, genetic background neither dooms nor guarantees success in achieving total fitness. Environment: Environment includes physical factors such as climate, altitude, and pollution, as well as social factors such as friends, parental values, and workplace characteristics that affect fitness and health. Past and present environments affect everyone. For example, some children do not have adequate food as part of their surroundings and therefore cannot focus on other components of fitness until basic needs are met. Freedom from Disease or Injury: Years of living in a toxic environment, poor eating habits, inactivity, and the myriad complications that result from these situations can cause or exacerbate otherwise preventable disease and injury. One can certainly not consider himself or herself totally fit if disease or injury is present. Think of the word “disease” as dis-ease, or the absence of ease. Not so coincidentally, clients who are happy and at ease are also generally more healthy and fit. Personal Interest: One of the major components of fitness involves personal choices, such as time spent in the sun, smoking, drinking, arguing, and worrying. Everything from wrinkles to osteoporosis, from arthritis to atherosclerosis, and from dental care to dermatosis, are signs of premature aging. Most are preventable to a far larger extent than thought possible. Over a lifetime, people who cast caution to the wind in regards to health and fitness practices suffer higher levels of disease compared with those who have lived a fitness lifestyle. Freedom from Stress: Many psychologists say that stress should be measured by how well you are able to control outcomes in your life. For example, a busy corporate president with a majority share of ownership is less likely to succumb to the physiological ravages of stress than a much-scrutinized football trainer. Mind–Body–Spirit Link: The YMCA adopted a symbol of a triangle (in which the points of that triangle symbolized mind, body, and spirit) from Native American culture. All religions in one way or another recognize the importance of this link. Will it help you run faster? Fight through a tackle? Concentrate on a free throw? Well, miraculous things have happened! However, any client who does not focus on his or her overall happiness with life will not realize his or her full potential. Because this is true, this component of total fitness is the most important of all! It is difficult to separate health- and performance-related physical fitness. Certainly, they overlap. For simplicity, health-related fitness components include cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, and body composition. Performance-related fitness includes all of the above along with power, agility, speed, and balance. As a future ISSA personal trainer, you should understand each fitness component with special attention given to the components of strength, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and body composition. The following units focus on these four components of physical fitness and training.