This article was downloaded by: [University of Connecticut] On: 09 October 2014, At: 15:41 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: A case study on the internationalization process of a ‘bornglobal’ fashion retailer a b Vertica Bhardwaj , Megan Eickman & Rodney C. Runyan c a Division of Textiles and Apparel , The University of Texas-Austin, 200 W , 24th Gearing Hall, 1 University Station, A2700, Austin, TX, 78712, USA b Department of Retailing , University of South Carolina , Columbia, SC, 29229, USA c Retail and Consumer Sciences , The University of Tennessee , 245 Jessie Harris Building, 1215 W. Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, TN, 37996-1911, USA Published online: 08 Jul 2011. To cite this article: Vertica Bhardwaj , Megan Eickman & Rodney C. Runyan (2011) A case study on the internationalization process of a ‘born-global’ fashion retailer, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 21:3, 293-307, DOI: 10.1080/09593969.2011.578804 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research Vol. 21, No. 3, July 2011, 293–307 A case study on the internationalization process of a ‘born-global’ fashion retailer Vertica Bhardwaja, Megan Eickmanb and Rodney C. Runyanc* Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 a Division of Textiles and Apparel, The University of Texas-Austin, 200 W, 24th Gearing Hall, 1 University Station, A2700 Austin, TX 78712, USA; bDepartment of Retailing, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29229, USA; cRetail and Consumer Sciences, The University of Tennessee, 245 Jessie Harris Building, 1215 W. Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, TN 37996-1911, USA (Received 8 February 2010; final version received 20 December 2010) This case study on Zara elucidates the expansion strategies used by both bornglobal and gradual global fast-fashion retailers based on theories of internationalization. Aspects related to knowledge sharing, resource-based theory, and psychic distance are overlaid with Zara’s internationalization strategies to advance understanding of the role fashion plays in dynamic internationalization. Zara employs a high-risk, high-reward model of internationalization to defend its unique merchandise and retail position by remaining completely vertical. Zara’s born-global expansion strategy engendered a psychic distance paradox in that it was very successful in distant markets early on. It is proposed that fashion retailers may take note of Zara’s success through the proposed ‘dynamic strategic planning process’ for expansion in international markets. Researchers can test the proposed framework empirically to investigate the theoretical constructs for both gradual- and born-global firms. Keywords: fashion; dynamic strategic planning; internationalization The fashion apparel industry has evolved greatly over the past decades due to the expansion of boundaries across the world (Djelic and Ainamo 1999). Among the various reasons in changing the dynamics of the fashion industry are: fading of mass production, modified structural characteristics in the supply chain, desire for low cost and flexibility in design, quality, delivery, and speed to market (Doyle, Moore, and Morgan 2006). This indicates that fashion retailers can gain a competitive edge in the market by ensuring speed to market with their ability to provide fashion trends rapidly to the consumers, resulting in adoption of ‘quick fashion’ to reduce the time gap between designing and consumption on a seasonal basis (Taplin 1999). Retailers who practice ‘quick fashion’ utilize inventory turns much higher than the average clothing retailer, getting in and out of styles quickly and profitably. Similar to the concept of quick response, fast fashion has been defined as a business strategy that aims to shrink the processes involved in the buying cycle and lead times for getting new fashion product into stores, in order to satisfy consumer demand at its peak (Barnes and Lea-Greenwood 2006). In addition, fast-fashion *Corresponding author. Email: ISSN 0959-3969 print/ISSN 1466-4402 online Ó 2011 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/09593969.2011.578804 Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 294 V. Bhardwaj et al. retailers seek to create significantly higher merchandise turnover than traditional competitors. Traditional retailers achieve high turnover by replenishing best sellers at the time of peak demand. Fast-fashion retailers achieve higher turnover by actually creating the demand. This strategy is realized by the retailer creating many more products in smaller quantities than traditional retailers. When the product is sold, it is replaced by a ‘new’ style, not with more of what was originally sold out, creating a sense of urgency in the customer. The demand for fast fashion is evident from annual reports of retailers. In 2006, after posting sales of $8.15 billion to fellow fast-fashion retailer Hennes & Mauritz’ (H&M) $7.87 billion, Zara became the number one fast-fashion retailer. More than 50% of Zara’s profit is in international retail outlets (Folpe 2000). The retailer opened its first store outside of Spain in 1988, and in 1994, focused their continued expansion on France and Mexico (Ramey 1994). Since this time, the retailer has expanded worldwide and is in more than 64 countries. In 2008, Zara announced plans to open as many as 640 stores, including Zara’s first ventures into South Korea, Egypt, Ukraine, and Montenegro, with 80 new stores to be opened in Russia alone (Murphy 2008). Another important reason for the changing dynamics of the fashion industry is the internationalization process of fashion retailers. Even though internationalization of retail has evolved significantly over the past years, the empirical literature has focused on aspects in relation to stages theory or Uppsala models of development (Johanson and Vahlne 1977a, 1977b). These conceptualize internationalization as gradual and a sequential stage process through a series of commitment decisions based on experience and managerial capacity (Bell, McNaughton, and Young 2001). However, a new paradigm has emerged in firm internationalization in recent years, prompting scholars to rethink the belief that all firms entered foreign markets gradually. This new phenomenon has been referred to as born-global (Knight and Cavusgil 1996). Zara is emblematic of the fast-fashion retailers who have internationalized (Burt, Dawson, and Larke 2006). The huge success of this retailer generates integration of interesting research phenomena: born-global and fast-fashion. It has been argued recently that the born-global phenomenon may/may not require new theories for its further explanation. Based on this argument, the main purpose of this case studybased research is to identify, in an exploratory way, the differences between ‘bornglobal’ and ‘gradual-global’ fashion retailers through the lense of existing theories of internationalization. The methodology used in this study was based on a structured review of literature to evaluate the existing conceptual research on a fast-fashion retailer, Zara. The sources related to the objectives of this study were taken from peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, market research reports, and official statistics by the company. Whilst many case studies on Zara have been published in recent years, there appears to be a scarcity of studies addressing conceptual issues related to Zara, based on theoretical principles. Therefore, a structured review of literature approach was considered as appropriate for this research. In doing so, this study proposes an integrative explanatory framework based on the extent and timing of internationalization of a firm. With this objective, this study will also be helpful in adding to the existing literature, as the main role of theory is to increase understanding through a systemized structure capable of both explaining and predicting phenomena (Hunt 1991). Furthermore, this study will attempt to contribute to the fashion retailers who The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 295 Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 may take note of Zara’s success through the proposed ‘dynamic strategic planning process’ for expansion in international markets. This study also provides future implications to researchers who can test the proposed explanatory framework empirically to investigate differences between gradual and born-global firms based on theoretical constructs. The explanatory framework seeks to acknowledge the differences in the internationalization process, between the two types of retailers discussed above. This study also analyzes whether or not the theories on retail internationalization (e.g., knowledge sharing, resource-based view, and psychic distance) are applicable for bornglobal retailers (e.g. Zara) as they are to gradual-global retailers (e.g., H&M, GAP). Hereafter, differences in key aspects of internationalization are explored based on the extant literature and implications for firms are discussed further. Gradual-global versus born-global phenomenon The traditional and most frequently utilized approach to retail internationalization includes the Stages model, often known as the Uppsala Model proposed by Johanson and Vahlne (1977a, 1977b). Based on this traditional method, firms learn and gain knowledge about a specific market with time and experience in different stages of the process. As the firms gain knowledge, their level of commitment to invest in more resources increases, though it is a gradual and incremental process (Jonsson 2008). This can be termed as a ‘gradual global’ process. Firms that internationalize utilizing this strategy, emphasize having a strong base in the home market before trading internationally (Chetty and Hunt 2004). This implies that the Uppsala model is based on time and experience, which impact the internationalization process. Retail firms that exemplify this model would include Carrefour, Marks & Spencer, and the GAP. There has been some criticism in the literature on this traditional concept of internationalization, as many retailers skip stages in posed in the Uppsala model and directly expand across international markets. These firms are what Knight and Cavusgill (1996) refer to as ‘born-global.’ This new phenomenon emphasizes early and rapid internationalization by highly committed and technology-intensive retailers (Bell, McNaughton, and Young 2001). These scholars also assert that retailers who have the ability to offer niche or specialized products adding value to the market tend to expand their operations in various geographic locations more rapidly to achieve first mover advantage. Rapid internationalization also minimizes the relevance of psychic distance, compared to traditional retail expansion in foreign markets, which is based on the geographic and cultural distance from the home market (Chetty and Hunt 2004). Building upon their discussion of categorization of firms based on extent of internationalization, the current study highlights the theoretical differences between gradual global and ‘bornglobal’ as depicted in Table 1. The differences noted in Table 1 are based on relevant theories of internationalization for both traditional (incremental) expansion in foreign markets as well as the emerging concept of being global from inception or within 3–5 years of establishment. Internationalization as a process Based on the literature, internationalization can be explained as a process to increase a firm’s involvement in international operations. More specifically, this process must 296 Table 1. V. Bhardwaj et al. Internationalization theories and Zara. Theory Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 Knowledge-sharing and entry-mode Born-global firm (e.g. Zara) Perceives the world as one marketplace and may/may not have a strong domestic market as support to the internationalization process Risk-taking ability is higher among managers in such firms, which results in adapting and innovation in new environments more quickly Asserts that prior experience and knowledge can be gained early on in life of the firm Resource-based Psychic distance Fully integrated Consider its marketplace as homogenous throughout the world and keep the products standardized Maintain long-term relationships and networks with intermediaries that have experiential knowledge instead of waiting to accumulate the knowledge themselves Emphasize that psychic distance is irrelevant for internationalization Traditional or gradual global firm Perceives domestic market as a strong support for internationalization process as it helps in financial stability Aversion to take risks and lack of knowledge results in slow nature of learning process Asserts commit through incremental steps to gradually build on experience and gain knowledge about foreign markets Partially integrated Considers its marketplace as heterogeneous and may develop customized products based on target location Maintain short-term relationships in early stages of internationalization and accumulate knowledge with time and experience Assume that the firms enter new markets as a function of the psychic distance to the firm’s prior experience Note: Adapted from Chetty and Hunt (2004). include a rational planning perspective that can help the firm make strategic decisions to improve performance (Anderson 2000). This indicates that firms internationalize their operations based on development of strategies that support their predefined long-term goals, and achieve improved performance. In a similar attempt, we propose a framework of strategic planning process for fast-fashion retailers that internationalize across borders based on time taken to operationalize their business. Specifically, the proposed innovative framework (as shown in Figure 1) depicts the internationalization trends for both gradual global and bornglobal fast-fashion retailers based on time factor. The proposed framework delineates and systematizes research focusing on the born-global process of Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research Figure 1. 297 Gradual global versus born-global retail internationalization (I). internationalization and applies it to a fast-fashion retailer. By this means, the framework attempts to classify fashion retailers on the basis of the time taken and hence their strategy process as either incremental or dynamic. Appropriately, it is proposed that gradual global fashion retailers adopt an incremental planning process whereas born-global fashion retailers adopt a dynamic strategic planning process. These processes are discussed in the following section. An incremental planning process allows firms to increase their involvement in international operations in a stepwise manner, after securing their position in the home market. It has been demonstrated that the incremental process of planning for internationalization evolves around learning through commitment over time (Johanson and Vahlne 1977a, 1977b). It further signifies a learning process where actions and commitment of retailers are nurtured in their domestic market until they reach the expected performance levels (Anderson 2000). In this way, retailers develop a strong base in their home markets and it becomes possible for them to be more responsive toward expansion of their operations in other geographic areas. Hence, an incremental planning process can provide retailers with a better understanding of their local market and identify various strategies that can be successful enough to apply to their international operations. A potential drawback of the incremental planning process is that retailers might not be able to apply similar strategies in the international market. To support this, Bell et al. (2003) argue that in practice, retailers usually do not adopt similar strategies whilst internationalizing at different locations. In such cases, the concept of improving through learning does not compliment strategies that facilitate improved performance of the retailers. Apparently, it can be said that growing a stronger base in the home market may not be beneficial for retailers in the long run. To meet this end, another ideology of internationalization follows the dynamic strategic planning process. This process entails rapid internationalization through creation of niche markets, by offering specialized products, advancement of technologies and communication that leads to quicker response, flexibility, and adaptability advantages (Bell, McNaughton, and Young 2001). Often addressed as a nonlocal phenomenon, the born-global concept of internationalization may often ignore the 298 V. Bhardwaj et al. local market or enter both international and domestic markets concurrently (Bell et al. 2003). In this way, retailers gain competitive advantages through greater knowledge intensity from rapid internationalization. In this regard, the proposed framework focuses on the strategic planning process instead of operational process in internationalization. Thus the framework provides a view of differences between born-global and traditional fast-fashion retailers. In doing so, the framework offers pathways or trajectories that clearly show the extent and timeline for both types of retailers to internationalize their operations. Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 Knowledge sharing and entry mode The way that a retailer gathers and diffuses proprietary market information is known as knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is important because it is a major competitive advantage to be able to share and exploit worldwide, locally created knowledge (Kogut and Zander 1992). Within a corporation, there can be forward, reverse, and lateral knowledge flow. Forward knowledge flow goes from headquarters to subsidiaries, reverse flow from subsidiaries to headquarters, and lateral flow occurs between subsidiaries (Jonsson 2008) When a retailer becomes international, it is important to look at all three types of knowledge sharing as each generates foreign market insight. If a retailer is expanding to a foreign market, forward knowledge flow is useful in the sense that managerial expertise and the business model can be passed along from headquarters to newer stores. Lateral knowledge allows stores that open in foreign markets to share experiences and customer interactions in the new location, with stores in other foreign markets. Reverse knowledge occurs when a new store gathers unique information about a new market. The new stores need to successfully share information about the new market with headquarters in order for practices to be effectively adapted. The largest amount of learning about a new culture will occur within that culture. Thus when local employees utilize reverse knowledge flow, the global retailer gains greater insight into its new markets. Jonsson (2008) considered knowledge sharing in four categories to help describe the level and use of knowledge sharing within a company. The four categories are dimensions of international retail experience, degree of learning, locus of learning diffusion, and the outcomes of the lessons learned. Dimensions of international retail experience include factors both outside of the retailer and within (Jonsson 2008). Degree of learning refers to the level to which the retailer acquired and retained information. Locus of learning diffusion is the most applicable to the current study, and refers to how acquired knowledge is processed and organized within the organization (Jonsson 2008). It is locus of learning diffusion that emphasizes the importance of reverse knowledge flow because of the importance of headquarters learning from subsidiaries. Since 1960, there has been an increase in the abandonment of the traditional hierarchal structure from headquarters to subsidiaries (Jonsson 2008). Increasingly, structures that are more responsive to subsidiaries have emerged due to the importance of knowledge sharing in the global market (Jonsson 2008). The ability to share knowledge within the retailer, whilst still shielding information from the competition, is a major competitive advantage in the global market. Knowledge sharing is also crucial to a company’s entry mode choice into a foreign market (Kim and Hwang 1992). There can be a broad selection of entry Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 299 mode for retailers in the international market including licensing, joint venture, wholly owned subsidiaries, to name a few (McGoldrick and Davies, 1995). Each involves a higher level of control and risk when entering a new market (Anderson and Gatignon 1986). The way that knowledge is transmitted within a retailer is crucial to the company’s decision of what kind of control they retain and the risk they will take, and will therefore help to form their ultimate entry mode choice. If a retailer chooses to internationalize with licensing, it lowers investment and risk, but knowledge sharing with the licensee is still required (Kim and Hwang 1992). Wholly owned subsidiaries are the opposite end of the spectrum. Here, a retailer has complete ownership of a new store in a foreign market, which allows them to maintain a high level of control, but also involves a much bigger risk. In order for a retailer to take a larger risk, resource-based advantages that make high-level of control possible are the best policy for expansion (Anderson and Gatignon 1986). Kim and Hwang (1992) have analyzed the entry mode choice for companies, and proposed four variables that affect entry mode choice. The variables most salient to Zara’s internationalization are transaction-specific variables. Knowledge sharing is known as a transaction-specific variable in Kim and Hwang’s analysis of entry mode choice. Transaction-specific variables include the value of retailer specific know how and tacit nature know how. Retailer specific know how is information that can be expressed in physical forms, such as manuals or directories. Tacit nature know how is not embedded in physical knowledge but is instead knowledge gained through doing and communicating. Nonaka’s (1994) study on the dynamic theory of organizational knowledge also emphasizes the synthesis between these two types of knowledge, which helped my understanding of the interaction between the two and its importance to this case. Nonaka’s (1994, 12) dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation holds that ‘organisational knowledge is created through a continuous dialog between tacit and explicit knowledge via four patterns of interactions, socialization, combination, internalisation and externalisation’. Explicit knowledge can be transmitted, such as written rules or guidelines, and tacit knowledge is harder to formalize and is mostly rooted in action, commitment, and involvement (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1996). This furthers the importance of both written and learned knowledge within a company, and helps to elucidate tacit knowledge and the difference to a company. Kim and Hwang (1992) propose that a retailer with high levels of transaction-specific and tacit nature know how would choose a high level of control when they internationalized, because they would not want to lose proprietary knowledge. Resource-based theory Resource-based theory centers on a firm’s ability to achieve and sustain competitive advantages (Wernerfelt 1984). In an internationalization frame, the theory is concerned with asset-exploiting foreign investment (Dunning 2000). Resource-based theory is echoed by Dunning’s (2000) ownership-specific advantages that provide a framework to consider Zara’s resources that are valuable (V), rare (R), imperfectly imitable (I), and not substitutable (N). In order for one firm to hold a sustained advantage over another, it is important that it maintain a distinct advantage in a valuable skill or product that cannot be replicated. Characteristics that can make a resource valuable (V) include a unique strategy or new idea. Whilst creating and selling a new product, many parts of that product could be copied. However, implementing a Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 300 V. Bhardwaj et al. new strategy or an idea that has not been done before can be a valuable resource. Rare (R) and imperfectly imitable (I) imply that resources are both different from other resources, and cannot be easily imitated. Thus new ideas must not only be unique but also must be difficult to copy. But even if a new idea cannot be imitated, it must also be difficult to substitute (N) for. If a resource can be found with equal benefits in the marketplace, the resource is not valuable (or at least loses some value). Tangible resources can be copied or exhausted, so often it is the intangible resource that provides a sustained competitive advantage. ‘Valuable, Rare, Imperfectly imitable, and Not substitutable’ (VRIN) resources are hard to find, thus a retailer possessing VRIN resources must protect and sustain them (Barney 1991). Dunning’s (1981) eclectic theory of the firm has been characterized as resource based in nature for many years. Dunning (1981, 1988, 2000) conceptualized resource advantages, which mostly affected internationalization strategy as ownership-specific advantages. His eclectic paradigm helps explain why firms invest in foreign markets, and how the firm will behave in those markets, with the salient variable to the current study being ownership (O) specific advantages. O-specific advantages include the competitive advantages specific to that firm, and are the most readily seen in research on Zara. There are two basic types of O-specific advantages: asset-based and transaction-based. Asset-based advantages refer to unique products or a company’s reputation. This can be private label clothing or uniquely recognizable products. Transaction-based advantages come about because of the way things are done within the retailer (Sternquist 1997; Runyan 2003). Volume buying, economies of scale, and distribution advantages can be considered transaction-based. Often a company’s resources affect its decision to, and method of internationalizing. Companies tend to internationalize in two fundamental ways: as a multinational retailer or a global retailer (Sternquist 1997). A multinational retailer adapts its internationalization model to the culture to which it expands, and is willing to share and change its business format for an international stage. A global retailer maintains its basic format as it internationalizes. This can be one result of resource-based advantages such as asset- and transaction-based advantages: a global internationalization model when the retailer expands overseas. Global retailers use a standard retail format, internationalizing using firm-specific resource advantages. Often, global retailers have decentralized management to keep greater control over the expanding retailer (Sternquist 1997). Since there are O-specific resource advantages, the retailer needs to keep a high level of control as it internationalizes, preventing format duplication, and protecting secrets. A global retailer is often also backward integrated, allowing all of its subsidiaries to contribute to the preservation and continued growth of the company. A resource-based advantage needs to precede international involvement, and a firm needs to have an understanding of its own resource-based advantages before successful expansion. Psychic distance Psychic distance is the degree to which one culture is comfortable dealing with another culture, and has been defined and operationalized in different ways by different researchers (O’Grady and Lane 1996). For the purposes of this study, we adopt Nordstrom and Vahlne’s (1992) view that it is comprised of differences between countries in culture, structure, and language. These are perceived differences between a home country and a foreign country, where the home country is where the Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 301 retail firm originated. The influence of culture on the management of global operations has been well established in the literature, and can be traced to at least Hofstede’s (1980) seminal work on culture. Culture has even been shown to explain more of the variance in consumer behavior at the country-level than income, over time (de Mooij and Hofstede 2001). Cultural barriers are a considerable component of international retailing research (Evans and Mavondo 2002). Subsequently culture has been the focus of many internationalization studies (cf., Evans and Mavondo 2002; Brookes and Smith 2007). When a firm considers international expansion, psychic distance usually plays some part in the decision-making process. Johanson and Vahlne (1977a, 1977b) suggest that firms perform best in a foreign market most similar to the firm’s own market. Typically, firms internationalize in a gradual process of moving into psychically proximate markets and then into more distant ones (Benito and Gripsrud 1992). Recent researchers seem at odds with the Johanson and Vahlne (1977a, 1977b) proposition, and have found what has been characterized as a psychic distance paradox. This occurs when companies tend to be more successful when they enter markets that are at greater psychic distances from the home market (O’Grady and Lane 1996; Evans and Mavondo 2002). This phenomenon implies that retailers who intend to enter a psychically distant market will work harder to gain knowledge of the market, as opposed to the more proximate market (O’Grady and Lane 1996). Thus the retailer may actually acquire a better understanding of the distant market, as it makes an a priori assumption that the proximate market is similar enough as to not require market intelligence. Evans and Mavondo (2002) further argue that the perception of greater differences will lead a firm to extend its research and preparation before market entry, thus increasing the chance of success. Fast-fashion strategy: a case study on Zara The Spanish apparel retailer ‘Zara’ is part of a fully vertically integrated company called Inditex. Zara’s integration of design and manufacturing has set it apart from any other retailer. Zara uses information and technology to decide on new merchandise, and then uses its own resources to execute new ideas in the fastest possible time (Folpe 2000). In 2006, the majority of Zara’s factories were still in Europe, despite much lower labor costs in Asia (of which its competitors take full advantage). The company keeps its operations in Europe to maintain quick product turnover, a key source of competitive advantage (Tiplady 2006). Zara built a global brand based on the retail concept of fast-fashion (Castellano 2005; Barnes and Lea-Greenwood 2006). For example, in a typical year, Zara produces 11,000 new items, almost triple that of its biggest competitors, H&M and GAP, which produce 2000–4000 items (Castellano 2005). From the design conceptualization to its delivery to store, Zara’s whole process takes as little as 2 weeks. In typical chain retail formats, it takes about 4–6 months to move from design phase to distribution center (Tiplady 2006). Excitement is created when Zara introduces new items every week, in a strategic move to keep customers coming back to see the latest arrivals. This lends an air of exclusivity to the products. Yet such perceptions of exclusivity come not from a highprice/limited product strategy, as is the model for designers like Armani. Zara maintains a low-price strategy but combines that with limited stock keeping units in each store (Capell, Kamenev, and Saminather 2006). The company does not restock the same item again in its stores, adding to consumer perception of urgency. This strategy Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 302 V. Bhardwaj et al. provides a cushion against large losses, as if a style is unsuccessful the retailer can easily move resources into new items and styles (Ramey 1994). Every Zara shop uses point-of-sale terminals that report directly back to headquarters in Spain, showing real-time information for buyers (Castellano 2005). Local managers are responsible for making sure that corporate designers have up-to-theminute customer information, so they can accurately decide on the latest fabric, cut, and price point for a new garment (Folpe 2000). Information flows from corporate to store level also, as store managers access a digital assistant on a daily basis. This technology allows local managers to see what new designs are available, and to order new merchandise for their particular store (Castellano 2005). This local influence helps Zara act locally and keep up with local cultural differences. Zara’s corporate strategy is not one of trendsetting (Capell, Kamenev, and Saminather 2006). Rather, Zara is constantly updating its product assortment to reflect current trends and fashion. Thus customers have come to expect that if a style or fashion is new, it will show up first at Zara. Zara’s marketing and advertising are unique. Zara spends just 0.3% of sales on advertising, as opposed to the industry average of about 3–4% of sales (Castellano 2005). The retailer instead focuses on location strategies, seeking key spots in hightraffic malls (Ramey 1994), and upon store atmospherics (Capell, Kamenev, and Saminather 2006). Accordingly, total traffic is generated by the mall location whilst store traffic is driven by merchandise presentation. Advertising therefore is based on word-of-mouth, and repeat business. Theories for internationalization of Zara Knowledge sharing Knowledge sharing and organization are two of the most important facets of Zara’s success. Backward and forward knowledge sharing by the fast-fashion retailer leads to a communication line that is beneficial and crucial to a global company. Zara probably most benefits from reverse knowledge sharing due to its manager’s and trend spotter’s daily reports to headquarters. This fits the knowledge flow model, as reverse-flow knowledge is more likely to lead to successful globalization. Zara’s reverse-knowledge setup also allows for both explicit and tacit knowledge to be exchanged from the foreign units, back through the home office and then back out to the foreign units. Specific knowledge of product sales, customer reaction to new products and local trends can also be exchanged. This exhibits a clear blend of firm and transaction-specific types of knowledge (Kim and Hwang 1992). Every Zara store is setup using basic formats and operation modes. Operations succeed because of the firm’s unique knowledge sharing capabilities. The study of Zara’s structure and knowledge sharing establishes the presence of exchange of firmspecific and tacit-nature knowledge in its operations. This supports the high-control entry-mode internationalization model used by Zara with wholly owned subsidiaries in foreign markets. In so doing, the retailer maintains competitive advantage by protecting important information, reducing the risk factor associated with new markets (Anderson and Gatignon 1986). Resource-based view Zara’s international success can be explained within both Barney’s (1991) sustained competitive advantage and Dunning’s (2000) O-specific, transaction-based Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 303 advantages. With a vertically integrated company, Zara controls each level of its clothing production, distribution, and sales. It is through vigilant adherence to technological and information strategies that it is able to turn the ‘latest trend’ into a saleable product, delivered to consumers in as little as 2 weeks. Internal production, with its step-by-step process from idea to design to manufacture to distribution to store, is unique. It also is incomparable to any other retailer in the world. Zara has transaction-based advantages from a centralized factory, which still produces the majority of its products. Their corporate structure is not hierarchical, helping to create a pseudo-backward integration to compliment the forward integration of its clothing production. From an asset-based perspective, the Zara brand (or private label) is known for being up-to-the-minute and affordable, a reputation that precedes Zara’s entrance into almost every market today. For example, a majority of European women have been found to have a very positive perception of the Zara brand (Heller 2001). All of these advantages meet both the O-specific criteria proposed by Dunning (1981, 2000) and the VRIN criteria posited by Barney (1991). Because of the company’s strong O-specific advantages, it has internationalized as a global retailer. The format and execution of each Zara worldwide follows the same basic format, and this allows the control and execution mentioned previously. The unique processes and difficulty competitors have in imitating or copying Zara provide resource-based advantages that are difficulty to overcome. The high-control strategy of internationalization allows Zara to protect these resources. Psychic distance The history of Zara’s business would suggest initially, congruence with the classic psychic distance model (Johanson and Vahlne 1977a, 1977b). As previously mentioned, Zara opened its first international store in 1988. By 1994, they had moved into several markets, but were focusing on France and Mexico (Ramey 1994). Psychic distance provides a suitable explanation for this. France is geographically close, its language is related, both are Catholic countries and France has a comparable southern-European culture. The psychic distance model would predict that Zara would internationalize first in France. In Mexico, Zara saw a culture with a common language and religion. It also found consumers seeking affordable ways to adopt the fashions of developed countries (Ramey 1994). Zara’s initial movement into foreign markets was gradual and into those which were proximate, but this lasted a very short time. By the middle of the 1990’s, Zara had begun opening stores in psychically distant markets such as Greece (1993), Sweden (1994), and Cyprus (1996). As Zara gained knowledge through its backwards integration, it expanded quickly (by 2003) to the rest of Europe, South and North America. Thus it appears that Zara’s strategy bridges the divide between the classic psychic distance model of Johanson and Vahlne (1977a, 1977b) and the paradox framework of Evans and Mavondo (2002). Research suggests that as firms gain knowledge in foreign markets, expansion will move to more distant markets (O’Grady and Lane 1996), but in a gradual manner. Zara seems to have been able to accelerate the process and move more quickly to psychically distant markets such as the United States and South Korea. The key to this acceleration seems to be its knowledge gathering and sharing strategies, implemented at the store level in each country it enters. 304 V. Bhardwaj et al. Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 Conclusions and implications This article draws upon existing literature on theories of internationalization and the emerging concept of born-global retailers to develop an exploratory conceptual model that divides retailers’ internationalization processes into two: dynamic and traditional. In the following section, implications of the study are addressed from the perspective of internationalization of a fast-fashion retailer. Zara’s methods of internationalization display characteristics seen in internationalization through a dynamic strategic process. Based on this, several conclusions can be drawn about the insight provided by internationalization theories. Zara is unique in the sense that a commitment to foreign expansion was a priority in the business model at a very early stage in the company’s growth. Thus in its internationalization strategy, it behaved in a dynamic fashion like a born-global rather than a gradual global firm (Moen and Servais 2002). In examining Knight and Cavusgill’s (1996) proposition regarding born-global firms, Moen and Servais found that a focus on resources, which support international competitiveness, is the key issue when considering a firm’s international performance. Thus Zara’s focus on knowledge sharing, unique products and market intelligence in distant marketplaces lends support to Moen and Servais’ (2002) claims. When aggregated, it is clear that these theoretical frameworks fit the strategic orientation of Zara as a born-global fashion retailer, and help explain its explosive growth and success in international markets as further illustrated in Table 1. The first conclusion can be drawn from knowledge sharing theories. Through the use of forward, lateral, and/or reverse knowledge sharing, companies can gain a significant worldwide competitive advantage (Kogut and Zander 1993). Zara uses all three types of knowledge sharing, benefiting the most from reverse knowledge sharing. The company’s rapid international growth made effective communication a necessary component of the company. Zara’s internationalization decisions, such as expanding with wholly owned subsidiaries, are influenced by its communication strategy, which is considered to be a key strategy in the born-global concept. Since the company’s communication is effective from new stores to headquarters, a highrisk method of expansion is an effective choice. The second conclusion drawn is that this high-risk, high-reward model is the best for Zara’s internationalization, due to its unique resource-based advantages. By remaining completely vertical, Zara was able to employ and defend a unique merchandise and retail strategy. Its abilities to quickly design, manufacture, and deliver clothing create intangible, or VRIN resources that helps in providing ‘niche’ fashion products in the markets. This further explains why it is important for Zara to maintain a high level of control when internationalizing. The final conclusion is that Zara’s method of internationalization is congruent with psychic distance theory as the retailer began its internationalization with countries that seemed psychically close and progressively grew to worldwide stores. Yet in its quick, born-global expansion strategy, it engendered the psychic distance paradox (Evans and Mavondo 2002) in that it was very successful in distant markets early on. Using what many would have considered an unsustainable, vertical model of retailing Zara has become a dominant born-global retail force and the global leader in fast fashion through the dynamic strategic planning process (Tiplady 2006). Figure 2 depicts the key drivers for the success of Zara in the international market. Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 15:41 09 October 2014 The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research Figure 2. 305 Internationalization strategy components for a born-global fashion retailer. Future research As mentioned by Burt, Dawson, and Larke (2006), Zara has exemplified the concept of ‘fast fashion’ in regards to retail internationalization by redefining and reconfiguring the traditional approach of demand and supply for fashion clothing. Furthering this rationalization, the proposed explanatory framework presented in this study attempts to provide a connection with the research stream in fashion retailing. The framework explains, though in an exploratory way, that there are differences in the planning process of internationalization for fashion retailers that can be explained through theory; further research should be extended in this area. There is a need for empirical studies that specifically focus on the planning processes (e.g., dynamic strategic and incremental planning processes) to see how they can help retailers achieve successful international operations. Such empirical investigations may help in clarification of the differences between born-global and gradual global fashion retailers. Furthermore, as identified in the conclusion, Zara employs a high-risk, highreward model of internationalization to defend its unique merchandise and retail position by remaining completely vertical. It would be interesting and more practical to understand the dynamics of internationalization process for fashion retailers that are not vertically integrated. Additionally, Zara’s born-global expansion strategy engendered a psychic distance paradox that has been successful in the fashion markets. However, a similar global expansion strategy may not be generalized for other fashion retailers, which may vary based on the size of the business. Conducting empirical studies and testing the proposed framework with small, medium, and large fashion (and nonfashion) retailers may provide reliable and valid results that could be used for future benchmarking of the process of internationalization of fashion retailers. Another possible future research area could be scale development using mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative methods) for the theoretical constructs to measure the internationalization process for born-global retailers. 306 V. Bhardwaj et al. 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