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Green IT & Sustainable Software Engineering Research

Assign 2 - AW — ZHANG BOYI
Due the signi cant increase in power consumption from IT-related
infrastructure , more and more people and environmental organisation pay
attention to the GREEN IT that would be a more energy-e cient operation
of computer software and network facilities. Industry and society
development demand higher standard for environmental protection ,but the
sustainable and green software usage is not the rst priority [1] demands for
government and enterprises updating their new products or network
infrastructure. Amazon.com [2] estimates reveals that expense related to the
cost and operation of the server consumption nearly raise to 53% of the
totally budget inclusive the direct power consumption (19%) and the cooling
facilities (23%). Thus this paper, we explored the environmental e ects of
software that is complex between environmental sustainable and software
engineering, as well as we revealed the key challenges [3] of GREEN IT
although based on a recent ‘Data Centre Energy Forecast Report’ [2], the IT
solutions exists a huge potential impact in reducing green house gases(GHG)
in many aspects and also e ectively reduce the cost of company operation.
[1] Toward Sustainable Software Engineering (NIER track. Proceedings - International Conference on
Software Engineering. 976 - 979. 10. 1145/1985793.1985964 ) Nadine Amsel & Zaid Ibrahim & Amir Malik ,
Bill Tomlinson.
[2] Energy-E cient Cloud Computing ( the computer journal .53.10. 1093/comjnl/bxp080) Andreas Berl &
Erol Gelenbe & Marco Di Girolamo & Giovanni Giuliani & Hermann De Meer & Minh Quan Dang and Kostas
[3] Dose Green IT Matter? Analysis of the Relationship between Green IT and Grid Technology from
Resource - Based View Perspective ( Association for information system year 2009) Jen Vykoukal &
Martin Wolf & Roman Beck .