BOTSWAI.{A EXAM I NATIONS COU NCI !in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBfilDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNIDICATE Botswana General Certificate of Seconclary Edueation CANDIDATE NAME CANDIDATE GENTRE NUMBER NUMBER C:: ry ,.ffi 0:--: ,t,ffi @- &563/04 MATI{EMATICS OcteberlFtroveral her ES08 Paper 2 2 hours u'ffi Candidates answer on the (iuestion Paper. -:& AcjditionalMaterials: s: Geometrical instruments Electronic calculator HEAO THESE INSTHUCTIONS FIHST page' vr/rite your centre number, candidate nunrber and name in the spaces provided at the top o{ this Answer all questions. Write your answers in lhe spaces provided on this question paper. ll working is needed for any question !t must be shown below that question. Cmission of essentialworking will result in loss of rnarks. Do not use staples, paper clips, higtrhlighters, glue or correction fluid. The nurnber of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part questionThe lotal of the marks for this paper is 75. should be lf the degree of accunacy is not specified in the question and if the answer is not exact, the answer given to ihree signilicant figures" Answers in degrees should be given to one decimal place. ln any question where the value of r is required, use the value from your calculator or take n as 3-142' For Exarnimer's Use This documenl consisls ol 15 printed pages and 1 blank page" sP {sLMlcGW)Ts6068/5 o BEC 2008 [Turn over 2 Mathematical fonnulae for papers I and 2 Surface area afld volume of solids Name of solid Total surface area nrZ + nrl \r12h { base arca x height Trigonornetry Sine Rule A _=_ sin B obc sin dbc srn -= Area of a rriangle I 4 sin sin C = ;clr I B sin C sin C 5------t Irrrr 3 I'or Enfltilt{,ri f.rrraiarrri IJse I Use In January 2008, the cost (a) of I litre of petrol lvas P6.16. Horv much did 60 lires of petlol cost? Ailstver (a) (h) P',.......... l2l In August of the same year, Tiro paid P420 for 60 litres of petrol' Calculate the percentage increase in the price of petrol betlveen.lanuary and,{ugust. 2 A salad is made using cabbage, carrots and garden peas in the ratio (a) What percel:tage by mass' of the salad mass ls garden peas? rbrswer (b) 5:3:4 (a)............. l2l A salad of mass l0kg is to be rnade' ti) Calculate the tnass of cabbage tequired for the salad. Ansu'er (ii) (lrxi)........... Cabbage costs i'6.35 Per kg. Calculate the cost of cabbage required for the l0kg salad. .' l2l Far 4 Evnniner':t Ct'e (a) Given the sequence 17, 14, I l, g, 5. .., (i) lvrite dolvn the next tlvo terms of the sequence, Answ,er (ii) find an exprcssion for the ltth term of the sequence. Ansv,er (aXii) (b) Two sequences whose nrh terms are given by 2n55 ancr g0 - (i) Find the value of ru t2t rr have a common lerm. at lvhich the common term occurs. Answer {[t)\i) (ii) tu Write dorvn tlre eommon term. Answ,er (Irxii)........,. lll fin 5 Erominer's Use A friangular plot PQR is such that PR = ?5m, QR = 68m and PRC = 83o. (a) Using a scale (b) Measure (i) (ii) of I cm to represent l0m, construct a scale diagrarn of the plot. artd rvrite dorvn the size ot g4n. the actual length of PQ. t2t l-$ ftnfieri 5 Use i*!ffi ilfi =xi['.',ffi ,:1o*::E;ffi,,ffi Hl,,oH**JHlbierresambe,orv The height 2mnr and.4B ?ns = 316: =;;= Dz{ = J6p- _ D (a) (b) Caiculate the volurne of the diamond. Answer The mass of the dianrond is 0.0212g. Calculate the dcnsity of diamond in g/mm3. (c) Shorv thar the height, 12t Afisy,er () ,lE/- rtub Tfw 7 Errrrrracri Use A square ABCD is such thnt the coordinates of A and B are (3, -2) and ( l, 2) respectively. (a) Calculate the area of the square. (b) D is the point (7,0). Find the coordinates of the centre of the square. {c) Answer (b) (......,............,....-..............) Ansn'er (c:) l2l Write down the coordinates of the point C' ) tll I For Ltttutitti,r.\ llse The diagram below shows a cylindrical can of base radius 3.35cm and height 2cm. G----- (a) Calculate 3.35- the volume of the cylindrical can, Ansx'er (b) (c)............... ....... cnt3 l2l cans identical to the above can are to be fiiled completely witlr dough. (i) How many cans would be completery fiiled from 4550cm3 of clouglr? Artswer 1ii) (/r(i)........,.. Calculate the volunre of the dough that woulci be left after filling the cans. l2l T=r I fhr tv*riu:r\ Ttre diagrarn belorv shorvs triangle LMN inrvhich LlilN = g5., LM = I l.6cm antl LN = 2l.8cm. Uv Ii/ Calculate thc size af MN L. Attsfi,etr tll The diagrarn below shows part of a parallclogranl pfRS. PJr= 6cnr and P,S = 3.5cm. {a} Locate the point ,t ancl conrplete the parirllelogram. (b) on {c) What is thc geornetrical name of thc locLrs in part (b),? the cliagram, rlrarv the locus of points rvhich are equiclistant frcm pT.ancl ps. Attsn er (t) l2t lzt ttl 7 frrr f-rerrainer's Lt* t0 The table belorv shows the number of units, rr, of electricity consumed and the ccrresponding charges, E, in Pula. Number of units, l Eleclricity charge, E (Pula) (a) On the diagranr 100 200 300 45 80 il5 belorv, plot the points from the tahle and join thern rvith a straight line. 125 E (pula) 0 100 200 3t)0 Number of units, ll (b) Use your graph to fin<.! the electricity charge rvhen 260 units are used. il (c) (i) Frrr' flrarrtirrrri Lirr: Find the gradient, ,,,, of rhe graph. Atswer (ii) (c)(i).........". ll Write down the equation shorving the relationship between the number of urrits used ald form E = nut + c. the electricity charge in the (iii) I What dors the intercept, c, lcplesent? Att.sw,er (cXiii) Ilt lit l2 Etaminer\ Ute ll The cumulative frequency curye below shorvs the ages of 50 ernployees of a company. -: i- i- r-.,]_ 50 jl + - 'il i 45 .t 4G -+-f ii .i-I r_ u I I t_ l-T -L ..{.. Number of 25 enrployces tl ,,,.jI l++! 20 t- i- fl r1- j- !l-r'l ..i I 30 ;l *4 rl '.i.f-:i 1*'i-: f.' 35 -!-+ iiii Use the graph to estinrate (D the rnedian, (iil the lorver quartile, (iii) the upper quartile. tr ii'/ l_L ,fr i.+-1- -l- !-i+ Ii # {il -ilti l-iI H *lr l1-l; i+ itt li /: ++r. iV + i*1.r 'r t_.1. i --i, -i--r'- r---l I, +--r-+ i tl. +*; . .l)--.. rl L.-I--.1: l.l-1. --i l i--L _L-j- r-t 1l itl lir.+ *+-ff --l- +-r: I ;-+-fi .t -.f- I r r-f- i. I 4445i ii: 50 +i. f --l-l i i. 1 I -ff"' 1- !-1.. r- I r-{--. ..1 lll -T-'--1- I i'tl -r-+,- at 6 {l , - 'I I + I -i L ..|,- I- i-l I TIIT i .i-t*- -+ I +-l- r' 1--1.. -H-i-'j -+-l l1 : :tl JI ,ij_l .lti il:l i : ;-: : -t..1 1 i "i r-f I't t r l' -.-t-rt "-+-+--f i.-+- I :lli l-ill L,il liir -+] i! I ; ..;.. rll, i).1 ilr j-Ft; 'ri! l1 .lt: Ii -!-1--*- trti 1+ .I l! _l"t i #+: +-.1-i ! i i..1 I -r.. i--l- "l .j-i -l;t- lrr! ,..]! ,l l_i, ;-ti 'i_ t1 t-rt .t..! I itT '1' ! . alr _l_..1 j +,-r-i- J! , .i,.-lri _.1 I I l-r,- -r_-:_ ti +-j--r rllil r- .i-;--i-r r.+ i+ ---i i---l ..1.. i +-rr l.-1.-] tr) ilr: tr]-, itt, ,+ t +- i r-L- -t- Age (yea*;) (a) + a r I Ll r, t. :- !r:l i .) +.i...1 .l +-,-I +A i 'l i. jt!, t- i. -t++ | :'_i r !-1.- tt: i:i: iIii- "1.+. ; 1-- z5 .11 I .:j 'I ,i; LJ I t-T-] I ;. -l-ji iill i . lt lr +, ]1- i_i-L-I 2{J -t't' -1. I I lrt li+l j,lr Irt1 ir-+ 0 i I I : iJ-lr f.i i i -I :-i1'i :-, 1-+-... I TTI | lr ll i. l.; I' 5 :.j.r -J-+ i '' J. i--t_ i! l-. i_,1 ,I l-lI i1,L i -l:- .r-l-i .rli rl "ri t0 I -1j rl .l .:li ,i-jj.-l t -+ , "ii::t i . i...I r- 1,- I5 -1-'l' I +1- *r' 'ti.. -rJ- r.1 - 1.....1 ,:l -+- ii. -* +-t t-+ j-+ i.i I .. -1-T- l. I : .. I !-:- ]_t ..--,r-+ t'* f_ -1. i. +*i i _.1_ t_ L_ t1 il l- Ii t- t .l _L_r. i +--l --L rl i 30 :l i i.t, irl; +r+-l ,+i-t lil: :-r--.1- i :ii i.--r -JIL L] l+ r,l- :aij -t+-i1 -,1 :l H 35 l-' + +_r!--i.. I #] lll.. { it +. illi 1" ,i.]- lltl i l--,.. ll ii ijLJ -{i lr : .r- t, iir i ...._ ,+i- +-t i 'i J--r- -+*|- t "' 70 l (b) Calculate the interquartile range. Artsv,er (e) (#),.............. What is the probability that an employee selected at random is aged less than 40 years? Ansv'er (c) (d) .... years The company offers a rctircment package to the oldest lUvo of its employees. State the age of the youngest employee r,r,ho qualifies for this ofi,er. III far t4 flronnaeri Lire t2 The diagram belorv shows the frame of a church rvindorv. It is in the form of an arc pLS of a circle centre O, radius 40cnr joined to a pentagon \ORSO. QR =76.1cm, PQ = SR = 6$cm and POS = ts (a) Wdte down the size of the reflex angle 1440. 76'l fdS. Ans*t'er {a) (b) Calculate the length r:f arc PIS. Answer (c) (lr).............. A strip of ribbon is to be rur once along the outer frame pORSTp. Calculate the length of the ribbon required. l2l |- ltw liranrirrtl Ltrr l5 i 13 seditse bought a total I'tu' flralriilri'l of I9 tickets for children and for Usr aclults. The numbel'of tickets bought for chitdren is .y. (a) Write down an expressiotr, in terms of for the number of rickets bought for adults. .1', Attswer (c) (f,) Tickets cost P20 each firr a child and pj5 write doivn an expressiori, in tenrrs of (i) ._r', each for an adult. for the total cost of tickets for children, A,rtsr+,er (i0 (l,Xi)..... Seditse paid a total (i) lrt adults. Artsy,er (I,lxii) (c) III of F500 for lll atrl the tickers. Form air equation in 1 and solve it. .Aasu,cr (cXi) )'- (ii) l3t How much rnotrey rvas used to buy tickets for adults? Arrsv,cr (r'Xii) P t2l i