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Unconditional Basic Income: Pros & Cons

In my opinion, however, people rely more on equality and indi erence because
everyone should have such a basic income. In addition, you can argue that you are so people
can help those who are looking for a job, because in this way you give them the opportunity to
a longer search for a job with similar quali cation requirements and
nd payment. This also keeps unemployment in Germany to a minimum
limit . You give people a chance who would otherwise be ashamed of the state
to be dependent on help. This allows you to further also enable that weak
paid jobs are exercised with more conscience because people are more motivated and die
go to work because they can actually keep their money. Paqué also leads the
Point out that there are some people who, after the introduction of an unconditional
basic income certainly no longer go to work, but I am convinced that the
Most of the people who don't work today do it because Hartz IV makes it di cult for them. At
In my opinion, if the wages are not o set, it is more likely to lead to one
more employment of people who did not previously work. A problem, however
can occur is that employers can reduce wages, since one is now of course already a
basic income and you can save costs. And lastly, there is the question of
Financing has not yet been clari ed with su cient precision, but the introduction of the
unconditional basic income is still a long political road along which such issues can be addressed
safety to be clari ed.
In conclusion, it can be said that both advantages and disadvantages can be listed. For the
one can be set for justice and social equality, the funding remains
on the other hand, it is still a problem that de nitely needs to be dealt with.
In politics, the question has long been asked as to whether the unconditional basic income
is an opportunity or rather leads to negative consequences. From some experts there are already
Concept models in which every citizen over the age of 16 has a monthly basic income of
Should get 1200-1600 euros.
Reason for the development of these models should be to replace Hartz IV. However, it must be
di erent
than before, no conditions are met, which are previously checked by an o ce. A big
The question that arises, however, is at what age you get this and how big it should be?
In addition, unlike with Hartz IV, the rate is not reduced according to the salary and
instead always remains at the same level. In addition, the problem of
to eliminate stigmatization of Hartz IV recipients and their children with such a solution,
since this bene t is paid to everyone and so no di erence can be made.
Another question that then arises is how this will be nanced
should. Experts predict that it will be nanced by a tax increase.
According to FDP politician Karl-Heinz Paqué, such a system could overload the
conduct state funds. Furthermore, he thinks that the unconditional basic income is not
fair, since the amount is not measured by commitment or e ort, but by all that
same money accrues. Also the possibility that many may no longer work at all if
such a sum is paid, he states.